So... Stalkers.




Originally Posted by macskull View Post

* Flag the critical portion of Assassin's Strike as unresisted, to aid Stalkers in their primary goal of quickly eliminating single hard targets.
I didn´t see any good argument for this being OP.



Originally Posted by Ghostwind_EU View Post
In order to make Stalkers more balanced to Scrappers and more specialized in order not to be mini-Scrappers I would like:

* Faster animation time on AS, BU and Placate.
* Faster recharge on AS, BU and Placate.
* Base damage comparable to Scrappers.
* Rework Hide to make it easier to use. For example not allow the enemy's queued attack break Hidden after a Placate. Ability to enter Hide faster if not in line of sight of the enemies.
Been thinking for a while and these may be the better fixes. I'm actually slightly against getting a base damage buff now. Not because I wouldn't enjoy it (I would if it didn't come with a nerf attached) but because it would lean towards having them less like Stalkers and more like Scrappers. I think a 4 second return to Hide, Build Up being a hefty 120% buff, faster animating AS, making AS's debuffs activate whether an opponent lives or dies, and altering Placate so that incoming damage for 4 seconds won't break Hide are really the fixes needed. Adding -regen, -resist, and/or partially unresistable damage to AS would also be a nice buff but it would be gravy on top of the other fixes.

As far as PvP, I think a faster AS may not be that big of a deal with I18. It's still interruptable and blueside VEATs can spot Stalkers from a distance so setting it up will be harder.



This is my humble suggestion:

Direct survivability (HP buff, defense buff, etc) does not seem to fit the personality of the Stalker class. Let's not make them into Scrappers, Tankers, or Blasters for that matter. My suggestion is to capitalize on the phrase "skill can divert clumsy raw power" in the class description. Suggestions:

--Placate should make you untargetable by up to 10 enemies within a certain radius. This gives you the opportunity to do all sorts of sneaky things (Another reliable AS, back out of the fight, wait for a heal, toss out a CC, etc.)

--Hide needs to be inherent. Give us a unique, secondary, stalker-ish power. Perhaps one that clears up to 3 movement impairing effects/CC's?

--Give us another option as an opener besides AS.



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
I didn´t see any good argument for this being OP.
To my knowledge, the devs don't want to use unresisted damage in PvE as there are certain targets that aren't made to be defeated (civvies in mayhem missions for example). Since an unresisted damage portion would defeat that NPC, and the game isn't made to know what to do with one of them being defeated, they are uncertain how it could affect things.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



It would also do some weird things with certain pets.
Oil Slick Arrow for example, if AS dealt unresisted damage it would be possible to light the slick with spines.

I think this would also bypass phasing.

Essentially having unresisted damage in the hands of players can break too many things.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
It would also do some weird things with certain pets.
Oil Slick Arrow for example, if AS dealt unresisted damage it would be possible to light the slick with spines.

....aaaaaand that wouldn't be awesome because?

...I keed! I keed!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



While I agree it would be awesome and funny (my main is a NB/SR) it also shows how unresistable damage canbreak how things are supposed to work.



You all dream big, but for a low popularity AT big things won't happen.

The best I hope for is the 30Ft leash to be doubled to 60.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Out of curiosity, I believe the critical part of AS is indeed unresistable in PVP, or at least once was. How did that work there? Was it possible to AS and ignite an Oil Slick there?
As far as I understand that flag was set for against players only.
I honestly don't know though as I don't PvP.

to Test Rat

Popularity has no bearing on what changes will get made, only on when they get made. If popularity mattered in regards to the type of changes that got made Domiantors wouldn't have seen the buff they got.



Expect the worst, and get the best, Joy.

Expect the best, and get the worst, grief.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
You all dream big, but for a low popularity AT big things won't happen.
You mean like Dominators right?

*pats Test Rat on the head*



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Expect the worst, and get the best, Joy.

Expect the best, and get the worst, grief.
Fair enough.

Considering the changes that were made for Brutes and Tankers, I'm very curious about what form the future changes to Stalkers will take.

I also hope Castle gets time to really look into it sooner rather than later.



And I'm actually kind of worried. If memory serves, the exact quote was "I'm extremely aware of where stalkers are, there just isn't time before Going Rogue to address it."

Or something to that effect. That, to me, isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for a buff, but I've got my fingers crossed....

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
You mean like Dominators right?

*pats Test Rat on the head*
How's that placate fix coming along then?

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




In my opinion it sounds exactly like an endorsement for knowing about the need for a buff. The problem is "how soon?" Castle also knows Gravity Control is in need of a buff but it didn't get one in I18. The issue is, can he pull something out of his hat like the Dominator revamp? Same general feel to the AT with a mix of nerfs and buffs that helped the ATs performance overall and made lower level gameplay much smoother. The most interesting thing is that we almost didn't get it due to other work that was going on and got fast tracked as an addition to I15.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
How's that placate fix coming along then?
While the Placate glitch is a longstanding issue, it's also a glitch as opposed to a "weakness" like most of this discussion has been. Oil Slick Arrow just recently got fixed and that was by one of the newer hires plus I think it existed even longer (vets correct me on this). The map glitch midway through Seer Marino's arc has been around forever too.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
You all dream big, but for a low popularity AT big things won't happen.

The best I hope for is the 30Ft leash to be doubled to 60.
...ummm you seem Hell bent on either trolling stalkers or you really really hate the class. Either way what do you get out of these posts if you dont mind me asking?



Originally Posted by FelSworn View Post
...ummm you seem Hell bent on either trolling stalkers or you really really hate the class. Either way what do you get out of these posts if you dont mind me asking?
My money's on the first option.



Nah, he at one time loved the class and then got burnt...and burnt hard. Most people eventually bounce back from that but he didn't. I know myself I am still hesistant to play Khelds and stormies b/c I've been harassed and kicked off teams due to my KB....

Still though, I'm not stirring up trouble.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Nah, he at one time loved the class and then got burnt...and burnt hard. Most people eventually bounce back from that but he didn't. I know myself I am still hesistant to play Khelds and stormies b/c I've been harassed and kicked off teams due to my KB....

Still though, I'm not stirring up trouble.
I used to love my stalkers, I still love ninjitsu.

But the repeated rejection from taskforce teams simply because an at that does less damage than a.Scrapper and is less survival has soured me.

The best hope I see is the simple change of increasing buff radius.,so at least I can make a convincing argument that my stalkers slightly damage scrappers on teams.

I have billions tied up in my two Ninjitsu Stalkers, and i have to beg to get sfr invites, just not right.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
To my knowledge, the devs don't want to use unresisted damage in PvE as there are certain targets that aren't made to be defeated (civvies in mayhem missions for example). Since an unresisted damage portion would defeat that NPC, and the game isn't made to know what to do with one of them being defeated, they are uncertain how it could affect things.
Thanks but apart from civilians in mayhems what else would be affected? fires?



RWZ dummies as well. Basically, just a lot of little odds and ends that have potentially very bad outcomes.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
RWZ dummies as well. Basically, just a lot of little odds and ends that have potentially very bad outcomes.
Speaking of that who's The Ninja Mastermind that keeps killing the RWZ dummies on virtue late at night?! It's driving me crazy lol.



1) I'd be all for an uninterrupted AS, since we are missing one (typically AoE) attack already.

2) Perhaps Placate could have a 2-second PvE "no-attack" effect. Maybe dropping the range to 0 for that period of time so it cannot actually do anything to anyone else.