So... Stalkers.




Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
I see little reason to change them, honestly.

I do agree that there should be some kind of team buff that is connected to a successful AS, OR a Stalker in Hide (kind of like a "Scout the Enemy" bonus a la Tactics). Instead of the self-buffs blasters get for successful attacks, the buffs stack on the teammates as the Stalker pops out of the woodwork and administers a beatdown.

But as far as surviveability and damage? It ain't broke, don't try and fix it.
The same argument can be made with regards to Brutes and Scrappers - Brute Fury generation was tweaked regardless. Stalkers lag behind Scrappers in more ways and in more situations than Scrappers lag behind Brutes. If the idea is to finally look at the inter-AT balance issues, then they should be all looked at. Tankers got a slight buff from Bruising and a rarely-noticed tweak to their hp cap. Scrappers were left alone, with only intra-AT balancing changes occurring, and Brutes took a minor hit in damage by changing the Fury gain and decay so that the sustainable level is lower in general but more consistent. There wasn't time to touch Stalkers, so the idea is to get a thread out there to address the issues and offer a means to collectively voice an opinion on what people want to see changed.

While the exact range is up for debate, increasing the radius of the crit range seems like the suggestion with the most consensus and (Standard Code Rant) seems the easiest to implement and the least likely to break things. While increasing the damage modifier seems to make sense, there is a valid chance that it would pull Elec and Spines too far ahead of the rest of the primaries and require further balancing of their damage.
I have two concerns with this - it does nothing for a solo Stalker compared to a solo Scrapper, for one. Once again, a "while teamed only" solution doesn't address the whole of the issue. The other concern is that AoEs critical as well - at the same rate, outside of hidden status. So it may be that having criticals more often is a more disproportionate increase to the AoE sets than a straight damage buff would be - at worst, it would be the same.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
There wasn't time to touch Stalkers, so the idea is to get a thread out there to address the issues and offer a means to collectively voice an opinion on what people want to see changed.
That's my point. Do Stalkers REALLY need fixing? or is it merely a social perception (left over from prior to the previous sets of changes) that painted Stalkers as "Soakers"?

If it's a social perception, team-based buffs that are noticeable would be the way to go. The occasional "Terrify" effect on a not-quite-lethal AS helps, but perhaps we need more than that.

Given my choice, having taken both a Scrapper and a Stalker to 50, I would say I enjoyed the Stalker more. It's true that they're not quite as good as a Scrapper when in prolonged fights. But Scrappers can't sneak in and do surgical takedowns.

A Stalker is a garrote wire; a Scrapper is a chainsaw. I really don't want the two to be blended, lest I lose fingers.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
That's my point. Do Stalkers REALLY need fixing? or is it merely a social perception (left over from prior to the previous sets of changes) that painted Stalkers as "Soakers"?

If it's a social perception, team-based buffs that are noticeable would be the way to go. The occasional "Terrify" effect on a not-quite-lethal AS helps, but perhaps we need more than that.

Given my choice, having taken both a Scrapper and a Stalker to 50, I would say I enjoyed the Stalker more. It's true that they're not quite as good as a Scrapper when in prolonged fights. But Scrappers can't sneak in and do surgical takedowns.

A Stalker is a garrote wire; a Scrapper is a chainsaw. I really don't want the two to be blended, lest I lose fingers.
Its not really just a player perception issue but more so a game desing issue. Having the same setup such that aoe is king has pretty much doomed stalkers from the start. True enough elec really shines there but it hurts badly for the other primaries. So the only way to make up for it is either to add more harder single targets or change stalker damage to the point where its so high it takes targets out just as fast as the aoe does.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Perhaps then the issue isn't with the stalker powersets, but the "AoE is King" issue.

Seems to me that people are falling into a "herd and obliterate" mindset. If you can't contribute to the overall gathering and nuking of entire maps worth of spawns, then you're no good for teams.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
That's my point. Do Stalkers REALLY need fixing?
Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
If the idea is to finally look at the inter-AT balance issues, then they should be all looked at.
I answered you - in the post you quoted. You either didn't read, or completely ignored it. The changes to Brutes were to differentiate them from Scrappers because they were often in situations where they did marginally more damage with marginally more survivability - it wasn't all the time, but it was there more often than not. The exact same situation exists for Stalkers: Scrappers, more often than not, are doing marginally more damage while having much more survivability. So yes, based on the logic of making any changes to the melee ATs for Going Rogue at all, "Stalkers REALLY need fixing". Or else none of the melee ATs do.

Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
But Scrappers can't sneak in and do surgical takedowns.
This statement is false: pretty much everyone can sneak in, and a "surgical takedown" is just another way of saying "kill that thing fast" - something that Scrappers excel at.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I know this is a broad discussion for Stalkers as a whole but I would like to say something about Claws.

-I remember when Eviscerate was changed to single-target and I was really confused. Was the damage too low? I personally wish they would have left it alone for Stalkers.

Okay, specific suggestions done. Now onto Stalkers as a whole.

-Maybe increase the Stalker HP cap to 1800-1900, so that it isn't higher than a Scrapper HP cap but so that it could be noticeable.

-The attack modifier should be increased a little bit.

Survivability to me is fine for stalkers. Whether it is the resistance or defense. I haven't run into an issue with any stalker where I died over and over because the set was not equipped to handle what I was fighting. Usually it's my own stubborness that gets me killed

Anywho, that's just my 2 inf.

Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50



Originally Posted by Mod_Noc View Post
As much as I hate stalkers I can see them having the highest amount of damage since they have the lowest HP and it is the same as tankers having the Highest HP and having the lowest damage out put in PvP (even though some tankers hit like a truck).
I like this idea. I also like the idea of pumping up the ST effects/damage - that gets right to the heart of what Stalkers were meant to be from the get-go. There are a lot of good ideas in this thread. You guys are making me want to make another stalker, as if I need more alts...



I want to caution people against suggesting that Stalkers suddenly develop a damage scale of 9999. Stalkers have the same defence numbers as Scrappers and only marginally lower base hit points, which makes them about as survivable as Scrappers to the exclusion of Dull Pain. Granting them base damage significantly higher than Scrappers at that level of protection would simply turn them into Scrappers++. That's not a solution, that's just flipping a problem around but retaining it in whole.

The original design behind Stalkers is that they would be "pathetic" (later changed to "just about OK") when ignoring their AT mechanic, but would deal great damage when abusing it. Whether that's true or not is debatable, but if Stalkers lack damage, the solution is not to turn them into Scrappers with Hide, but rather to improve how they can make use of their mechanic.

You know what I like to do as a Stalker? Run 20 feet away from a fight and around a corner, then blindside an enemy rounding the corner for massive damage. Problem is, even at the lower 8-second hidden status recovery, that's still VERY bad for dealing damage. Is twice the damage of Soaring Dragon really worth the 8+ seconds in which I could have done several times that? And the answer is... No, not really.

I honestly don't know what can be done about this. I'm not sure if running away to hide can ever be, or indeed SHOULD ever be an efficient way to fight, but suppose a Stalker became hidden as soon as he went out of line of sight of all enemies? No running away for eight seconds. Just dodge behind some crates and you're hidden. They may know roughly where you are, but if they can't see you, you can still sucker-punch them. Or make Placate recharge faster. Or give each attack a set chance to recharge placate?

Know what else I want to see? Make Assassin's Strike uninterruptible. OSNAP! But I'm serious here. Assassin's Strike, even on its own, is a pretty solid attack. The power's description says "moderate damage," but its damage is actually between superior and extreme even without the critical. Want to make running around the corner to hide really worthwhile? Well, instead of dashing out with Soaring Dragon, dash out with Assassin's Blade. That would make it almost worth the time. I don't want to touch PvP with this. Leave PvP alone if you have to, but an uninterruptible Assassin's Strike would help a lot.

I want Stalkers to remain reliant on Hide to achieve their top potential. I don't want to turn them into Scrappers. But at the same time, I don't want hiding to be so very hampered during combat. In fact, I dare say that Hide should not break for being attacked, only for attacking. That way a Stalker can hide in plain sight, as it were, and would not have to rely on the proper situation to do so. Also, a Stalker's hide will not be ruined by things like Hurricane and Caltrops. Therefore, a Stalker will always be able to utilize his assets. Combine this with a shorter hide time and a shorter Placate timer and you have the potential for a LOT of hidden damage if you do it right.

You know what I want to see for Stalkers? Anyone remember the 1994 movie The Shadow? Remember how he fought? He'd be invisible, hit someone and everyone would turn to shoot in that direction. Seconds later, he'd hit someone from the other side, and everyone would turn in that direction, only for him to have moved away by then. Having a character leap into the shadows and constantly blindside his enemies is what I want to see. Not this fickle creature whose core mechanic breaks whenever someone so much as sneezes in his general direction.

And, yeah, buff Build Up to 100%. Obviously. Buff it to 150%, in fact. Why not?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want to caution people against suggesting that Stalkers suddenly develop a damage scale of 9999. Stalkers have the same defence numbers as Scrappers and only marginally lower base hit points, which makes them about as survivable as Scrappers to the exclusion of Dull Pain. Granting them base damage significantly higher than Scrappers at that level of protection would simply turn them into Scrappers++. That's not a solution, that's just flipping a problem around but retaining it in whole.
First, the damage scale wouldn't need to be 9999. Just 9001. >.>

On a more serious note, there are additional things that differentiate Stalkers and Scrappers beyond just base hit points (which, admittedly, are closer by raw numbers to a Scrapper's base than a Scrapper is to a Brute - although the percentages are very close: Stalker base hp is 90.0% of base Scrapper hp, and Scrapper hp is 89.3% of base Brute hp).

With the exception of one primary set, they're giving up an AoE attack - in a game where team-based play is often a matter of AoE burst damage - so that the higher single-target damage would be their way of catching up in "total damage contributed" while on a team, or target kill speed when soloing since it's not all that often that only ONE thing needs to drop.

In addition to an AoE attack, most of the sets give up a utility power in their secondary (Quick Recovery, Death Shroud, Lightning Field, Dampening Field). Super Reflexes gave up some of the scaling resistances the set offers by losing Lucky, although the defense was tacked on to Evasion, Energy Aura didn't lose "Energy Cloak" as much as the defense it provides was rolled into the other toggles, and Ninjitsu was created for Stalkers, so had nothing to lose.

In exchange, they get a higher stealth cap (which means something in PvP, but that's also when the lower hp cap also really starts to come into play) and a melee-range snipe to help their single-target burst damage, but barring certain team composition/playstyles a lower overall single-target sustained damage, lower AoE damage, and lower overall survivability. I don't think it's out of line to state that their solo damage should be at the very least equal to a Scrapper's. Does the damage scale really need to be higher than that? Probably not, but that's when other things start to come into play - like, for instance, a higher hp cap (if you assume the 89/90% of base hp is intentional, a hp cap of 1807 for Stalkers would be the same percentage of the Scrapper max hp cap that it is of the Brute cap), and/or increasing the bonus critical radius.

One of the harder-to-balance but more interesting ways to boost their damage was brought up earlier, where the single-target attacks have a chance to drop you back into hidden status - but this is effectively just giving you yet another random chance to critical and/or possible downtime reduction (if you happen to wait before heading to the next spawn for Hidden status), barring quick hits coming in to knock you out of hidden status (and once again favoring defense sets over everything else available for a Stalker secondary in PvE). It seems to fit with your described idea as well, but the problems become plentiful when trying to decide what can and can't have this effect, what the chance should be, whether or not (as an example) Headsplitter or Golden Dragonfly count as "AoE" attacks despite the narrow cone and thus couldn't do it, and so on. If it had the kinks worked out of it, I actually like the idea - I just forsee a lot of problems trying to make it work.

Since you mentioned it, Assassin's Strike being made uninterruptible would possibly loosen a couple of builds up for people who only ever use it once a fight - since they could use it to fill gaps - but outside of Hide it's fairly low DPA for most of the primaries, finishing as high as 3rd for Dual Blades and Spines but no higher than 5th for any of the others. Also, since that's one of the aspects that can't be made separate for PvE and PvP I don't see it happening.

There are several ideas on "ways to change things" - I think the higher damage modifier that keeps being thrown around is just one of the easiest ways to see the direct effect without extra variables thrown in to mess with things.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I'm actually sort of kind of still opposed to a straight-up base damage increase, and not because I don't want Stalkers to deal more damage than Scrappers. Rightly, they should. I'm more opposed to it because I don't want Stalkers to deal more damage than Scrappers by out-scrapping them. There's the key difference here.

Stalkers, in my opinion, should be allowed to use hiding in the middle of a heated battlefield much more easily, allowing them to gain overall higher damage through proper use of hidden criticals. At the risk of repeating myself from the previous post, here's what I'd like to see, listed neatly:

*Make Hide break/reset only when the Stalker attacks and deals damage, but NOT when the Stalker is attacked.

*Reduce "hide" time down to 6 or possibly even 4 seconds. Drop Placate recharge time down to 30 or 40 seconds.

*If possible, make Assassin's Strike uninterruptible. Keep its animation time, however.

*Up the chance for AoE and Cone attacks to deal Hidden criticals to at least 70-75%, to make it worthwhile to use those powers from Hide. Make powers like Golden Dragonfly and Eviscerate (give it back its cone) 100% chance to crit.

*Make Hide's stealth status not suppress. Ever. It's embarrassing that Brute Energy Cloak is better at keeping the Brute unnoticed than Stalker Hide is. Once the Stalker attacks, EVERYBODY sees it. Once the Brute attacks, only the spawn sees him through chain aggro.

I know these sound... Severe, but their point is to allow Stalkers to make more use of their one gimmick without hurting their performance much, instead of forcing them to be gimped Scrappers. Hide NEEDS to be more meaningful, and it needs to be harder to break.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As Sam, I like the idea that stalkers should be using their defining mechanic to outdamage all other meleers.

How about having non hidden-criticals auto-recharge Placate?

1. Hide
2. Assasin Strike
3. Placate
4. hidden Critical hit
5. scrap a bit till you land a critical
6. Placate
7. hidden Critical hit

Would help more in teams than solo, though. But I'd give stalkers more of that poof "Where did he go!?" feel.



I just had a thought regarding the "chance for dropping back into stealth based on chance after an attack": any time that happens, you KNOW it will be when you already had Placate lined up (you know, how you click on a power while another is activating so it will go off immediately after). That would be annoying.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I just had a thought regarding the "chance for dropping back into stealth based on chance after an attack": any time that happens, you KNOW it will be when you already had Placate lined up (you know, how you click on a power while another is activating so it will go off immediately after). That would be annoying.
Agreed. This "buff" would make me tear my hair out and stop me from playing Stalkers.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



My suggestions for Stalkers are as such:

  • Hide, AS, Placate are inherent powers given at the appropriate level.
  • Damage is boosted to 1.125 (Why they're 1.000 is beyond me, high damage? Not really... They lack the AoE to be high damage.) Build up raised to +100% damage over +80%
  • Throw in some insidious debuff/poison/assassin powers (Throw a gas bomb down. AoE choke, -Res, -def, minimal toxic DoT (3 ticks of 1?) for Katana? Sap the area around oneself of kinetic potential, slowing enemies for KinM?)
  • Maybe remove the 'aim' time for AS and add it to the recharge instead... A skilled assassin who's stabbed someone time and time over... And one with superhuman ability probably doesn't need to line up their shot every time, they have an instinct to go FOR those areas.

I'd rather my Stalker be... A useful implementation on teams. Someone who's fast, efficient. Single Target death machine that can cause havoc with AoE enemy debuffs and minor mez.

At the moment, the stalker plays like a scrapper with invisibility, a single high damage hit (That requires you to stay still/can be interrupted) and no AoE support. Basically a broken, invisible scrapper. Everything can do it's job better... Everyone can kill faster than them, thus they're not much use (Other than to run through a mission, teleport everyone to the end)

Just my suggestions... My personal opinion is that Stalkers shouldn't rule the battlefield, but they should be an excellent invisible debuffer with high ST damage. Sort of like a ninja with poison darts. With my experiance... Survivability is fine ('Back to the shadows I go' kinda strategy roll) but outcome of attacking leaves something to be desired... Sure, the AS is fine for ganking bosses or taking chunks out of EBs/AVs... But that's it. A one note song where the rest is someone humming off tune. It's not very... Assassin like in the least. Ninja use poison. Ghosts from Starcraft had Lockdown (Disabled mechanical units) and others have certain other 'detrimental to target' attacks.



I'm going to go in a different direction with what I would do:

  • Lower the activation time of Assassin's Strike to 1 second;
  • For all Stalker ST abilities add a 20% chance to proc the hidden state for 3 seconds;
  • Hide and Assassin's strike become free inherent powers of the AT;
  • Broadsword gets Whirling Sword back; Claws gets Spin back; Dark Melee gets Dark Consumption; Dual blades gets Typhoon; Electric gets Hand Clap (lol); Energy Melee gets Whirling Hands; Martial Arts gets Dragon Tail; Ninja Blade gets the Lotus Drops; Spines gets Quills; Kinetic Melee gets Repulsing Torrent (rofl)
  • Dark Armor gets Death Shroud; Electric Armor gets Lightning Field; Energy Aura gets Dampening Field; Regeneration and Willpower get QUICK RECOVERY!; Super Reflexes gets Lucky;
  • Ninjitsu gets Illusory Ninjas (Three indestructable ninja illusions pop out and start attacking mobs, the illusions do no damage, but they do taunt on each attack)

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Here's a small idea that just occurred to me...

*Interacting with objects shouldn't break Hide.

Like I said, it's a small thing, but there are many ambush's that are triggered by interacting with an objects; and because of how some maps are set up, those ambushes sometimes appear practically right on top of you. While those ambushes are often aggroed directly to you despite being Hidden, having Hide still activated would still give you the chance to either get off a critical hit or even an AS.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm going to go in a different direction with what I would do:
  • Lower the activation time of Assassin's Strike to 1 second;
  • For all Stalker ST abilities add a 20% chance to proc the hidden state for 3 seconds;
  • Hide and Assassin's strike become free inherent powers of the AT;
  • Broadsword gets Whirling Sword back; Claws gets Spin back; Dark Melee gets Dark Consumption; Dual blades gets Typhoon; Electric gets Hand Clap (lol); Energy Melee gets Whirling Hands; Martial Arts gets Dragon Tail; Ninja Blade gets the Lotus Drops; Spines gets Quills; Kinetic Melee gets Repulsing Torrent (rofl)
  • Dark Armor gets Death Shroud; Electric Armor gets Lightning Field; Energy Aura gets Dampening Field; Regeneration and Willpower get QUICK RECOVERY!; Super Reflexes gets Lucky;
  • Ninjitsu gets Illusory Ninjas (Three indestructable ninja illusions pop out and start attacking mobs, the illusions do no damage, but they do taunt on each attack)
Adding back powers to the stalker sets is not realistic.

Think small, simple things.

Honestly the best I hope for is that the radius on the team crit buff increases to something realistic like 60-100 feet.

I think this is all Castle would be willing to consider.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by gigas View Post
My suggestions for Stalkers are as such:

  • Hide, AS, Placate are inherent powers given at the appropriate level.
  • Damage is boosted to 1.125 (Why they're 1.000 is beyond me, high damage? Not really... They lack the AoE to be high damage.) Build up raised to +100% damage over +80%
  • Throw in some insidious debuff/poison/assassin powers (Throw a gas bomb down. AoE choke, -Res, -def, minimal toxic DoT (3 ticks of 1?) for Katana? Sap the area around oneself of kinetic potential, slowing enemies for KinM?)
  • Maybe remove the 'aim' time for AS and add it to the recharge instead... A skilled assassin who's stabbed someone time and time over... And one with superhuman ability probably doesn't need to line up their shot every time, they have an instinct to go FOR those areas.

I'd rather my Stalker be... A useful implementation on teams. Someone who's fast, efficient. Single Target death machine that can cause havoc with AoE enemy debuffs and minor mez.

At the moment, the stalker plays like a scrapper with invisibility, a single high damage hit (That requires you to stay still/can be interrupted) and no AoE support. Basically a broken, invisible scrapper. Everything can do it's job better... Everyone can kill faster than them, thus they're not much use (Other than to run through a mission, teleport everyone to the end)

Just my suggestions... My personal opinion is that Stalkers shouldn't rule the battlefield, but they should be an excellent invisible debuffer with high ST damage. Sort of like a ninja with poison darts. With my experiance... Survivability is fine ('Back to the shadows I go' kinda strategy roll) but outcome of attacking leaves something to be desired... Sure, the AS is fine for ganking bosses or taking chunks out of EBs/AVs... But that's it. A one note song where the rest is someone humming off tune. It's not very... Assassin like in the least. Ninja use poison. Ghosts from Starcraft had Lockdown (Disabled mechanical units) and others have certain other 'detrimental to target' attacks.
Best idea.

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



Originally Posted by gigas View Post
Just my suggestions... My personal opinion is that Stalkers shouldn't rule the battlefield, but they should be an excellent invisible debuffer with high ST damage. Sort of like a ninja with poison darts.
I disagree with this completely, and if that's what Stalkers end up, I can safely say I would never make another one. And that's not a "threat." This is simply not the AT I want to play, nor indeed the AT I signed up for when I made my Stalkers. I picked Stalkers because they're damage dealers, and whether they're better than Scrappers or not, that's what their primary focus is, and in my opinion should be.

In my opinion, Stalkers should rely less on "support" and more on being melee damage dealers. If that takes a better damage mod, I can live with it. If that takes better stealthing tools, all the better. But I don't want to see Stalkers hang back and debuff like they're a melee Defender. There's a reason I've never supported the Melee/Support AT ideas - because I despise the concept in general.

What I want to see out of Stalkers is what you saw John Rambo do in Rambo 2, where he takes out an entire platoon of soldiers by himself. What I want to see out of Stalkers is what the Shadow does to goons routinely.

In essence, I don't want a Stalker that's always hiding. I want a Stalker that's constantly attacking out of hiding.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I disagree with this completely, and if that's what Stalkers end up, I can safely say I would never make another one. And that's not a "threat." This is simply not the AT I want to play, nor indeed the AT I signed up for when I made my Stalkers. I picked Stalkers because they're damage dealers, and whether they're better than Scrappers or not, that's what their primary focus is, and in my opinion should be.

In my opinion, Stalkers should rely less on "support" and more on being melee damage dealers. If that takes a better damage mod, I can live with it. If that takes better stealthing tools, all the better. But I don't want to see Stalkers hang back and debuff like they're a melee Defender. There's a reason I've never supported the Melee/Support AT ideas - because I despise the concept in general.

What I want to see out of Stalkers is what you saw John Rambo do in Rambo 2, where he takes out an entire platoon of soldiers by himself. What I want to see out of Stalkers is what the Shadow does to goons routinely.

In essence, I don't want a Stalker that's always hiding. I want a Stalker that's constantly attacking out of hiding.

These radical redesigns aren't going to happen, so you don't need to worry.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Aumakua View Post
My opinion

* Keep the HP cap at 1606 (Lowest of all melee AT's)
* Raise the damage modifier to 1.25 (highest of all melee AT's)
* Increase the allowed radius for team-size-based criticals from 30 to 60 feet. (Agreed 100%)
* Increase the damage buff modifier from 0.8 to 1.0 (same as Scrappers). (Agreed 100%)

There has to be a trade off for having the lowest HP and that is having the highest damage output. I think the max damage should be raised from 500% to 675% to exceed the new brute max damage.
I like it



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm going to go in a different direction with what I would do:
  • Lower the activation time of Assassin's Strike to 1 second;
  • For all Stalker ST abilities add a 20% chance to proc the hidden state for 3 seconds;
  • Hide and Assassin's strike become free inherent powers of the AT;
  • Broadsword gets Whirling Sword back; Claws gets Spin back; Dark Melee gets Dark Consumption; Dual blades gets Typhoon; Electric gets Hand Clap (lol); Energy Melee gets Whirling Hands; Martial Arts gets Dragon Tail; Ninja Blade gets the Lotus Drops; Spines gets Quills; Kinetic Melee gets Repulsing Torrent (rofl)
  • Dark Armor gets Death Shroud; Electric Armor gets Lightning Field; Energy Aura gets Dampening Field; Regeneration and Willpower get QUICK RECOVERY!; Super Reflexes gets Lucky;
  • Ninjitsu gets Illusory Ninjas (Three indestructable ninja illusions pop out and start attacking mobs, the illusions do no damage, but they do taunt on each attack)
If spines got quills, how would you hide? Or would you plan on activating it in the middle of a crowd?

The illusory ninjas is a bit out there I gotta say. As a Naruto fan, I can see that as being cool "KAGE BUSHIN NO JUSTSU!!!" but pets on a stalker just seems wrong, imo (no I've never taken a PPP pet for a stalker)

And point # 2 and 3 just won't happen, as it would eliminate the need for placate. Hide and AS are already given, I don't quite get it....



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
If spines got quills, how would you hide? Or would you plan on activating it in the middle of a crowd?

The illusory ninjas is a bit out there I gotta say. As a Naruto fan, I can see that as being cool "KAGE BUSHIN NO JUSTSU!!!" but pets on a stalker just seems wrong, imo (no I've never taken a PPP pet for a stalker)

And point # 2 and 3 just won't happen, as it would eliminate the need for placate. Hide and AS are already given, I don't quite get it....
While I don't see that set of changes happening, a few points: Quills (and, for that matter, the damage auras) could presumably be triggered to work like Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom, where the effect is suppressed while hidden so it wouldn't constantly break the status; as for Hide and AS being "given"... well, they're in the powersets, but you paid something to get them - the powers that they replaced. You can also skip AS entirely if you so choose (Hide has to be taken, since it's the first power in each secondary). What I believe EvilGeko was getting at was that they would be inherent powers, like the Kheld travel powers are, that you may choose to put slots into but don't cost you a power pick at all.

As for insta-recharge on Placate... meh. Typically it's already up a lot more often than I use it, because once you tack on its animation time to the attack you'd critical with, you don't work out much better on DPA (if you even do - it depends on the specific powerset here, though) than just not using it and saving it for when you actually need something to leave you alone.

As for Hide not suppressing when clicking glowies - it's before my time (I started a bit after i7 went live) so I'm going off of hearsay, but isn't that how it worked initially and was changed due to completely no-risk mission completes prior to issue 7 (as opposed to now, where you're usually not bothered and can often Placate the single mob that happens to be looking at the glowie anyway)? I don't see that change being rolled back.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I disagree with this completely, and if that's what Stalkers end up, I can safely say I would never make another one. And that's not a "threat."
It depends entirely upon implementation. Considering how much buffs/debuffs rule this game it IS a serious threat. I mean debuffs even generate aggro while healing does not. Something to keep in mind for Stalkers is that the cottage rule will prevent any changes that are too drastic.

There's a reason I've never supported the Melee/Support AT ideas - because I despise the concept in general.
As stated, cottage rule will prevent this. Plus, it seems like spiting others for something you dislike though it could be feasible.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Adding back powers to the stalker sets is not realistic.

Think small, simple things.
A small list of things I was told would never happen:

A way to earn additional respecs;
MoG getting buffed;

I could go on, but I think big and argue for big.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.