So... Stalkers.




Ok, I've posted my idea in another thread but looks like this thread is more about possible changes to Stalker. My idea could be more dramatic but I think it's better for an "Assassin game play".

The system we have now, Stalker scores one critical in the beginning and that's it, unless you do nothing for 8s or use Placate (which has pros and cons).

After the initial Critical, all the other criticals are "random". Having more teammates around you, is still "random". That's not how I envision an Assassin. When I think of an Assassin, I think of "planned" Critical, not random. Planned critical allows me to eliminate things faster and if I feel lazy, I don't need to switch target. There are plenty of times when I score a critical with Eviscerate on a dying minion.

I am thinking of a killer Instinct timer. When it pops up, your Stalker's next hit is a Critical which follows the current critical formula (aoe/cone). The timer is longer when you solo but with more teammates, the timer recharges faster which allows you to score more critical. If I see the icon is up, I know that my next successful hit is Critical and I can plan it! I don't know how the timer is going to be. It should match the current critical rate. The natural critical chance is like 10% and more with teammates. Maybe it pops up once every 20s and the timer goes down to 12s with full team or something like that.

But I think in the end, we are going to get something like larger critical radius so Stalkers can play more like a Scrapper. Nothing wrong with that, it's just not very Assassin-like.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Smiling Joe,

I think that we can all agree that nobody would like AS to be converted into ranged. I was just suggesting a way that may be easier than actually shifting the stats.

That being said, there are PBAoEs with radii of 20 (Fire Sword Circle, Shield Charge, Lightning Rod, among others) and regular melee attacks with ranges up to 10 (Headsplitter, Golden Dragonfly, etc). They are not in the ranged damage category, it would be difficult to put AS with a range of 12 in said category.

I also like the idea of allowing AS in motion, although this may PO some non-stalker PVPers... having a motion threshold may be workable though. If you move less than say 5 during the cast you should be fine. This will compensate for drift and minions walking into you.



Originally Posted by Gilia View Post
I don't believe the numbers in that table are quite right. If they are, Mid's and the Wiki are wrong. Stalker's melee modifier is 1, and the ratio on those Hitpts modifiers puts stalkers with 76% the HP of a Scrapper, but these other sources put it at 89%. Those are just two I noticed glancing at it, and I'm not sure if there's more.

Perhaps this table predates Stalkers being reworked?
Good catch - The changes to stalkers that affected that table are an increase in their melee damage modifier from the .9 to 1 and increasing the base hitpoint modifier from .95 to 1.125.

I edited the post to reflect this. Thanks!

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Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
Smiling Joe,

I think that we can all agree that nobody would like AS to be converted into ranged. I was just suggesting a way that may be easier than actually shifting the stats.

That being said, there are PBAoEs with radii of 20 (Fire Sword Circle, Shield Charge, Lightning Rod, among others) and regular melee attacks with ranges up to 10 (Headsplitter, Golden Dragonfly, etc). They are not in the ranged damage category, it would be difficult to put AS with a range of 12 in said category.

I also like the idea of allowing AS in motion, although this may PO some non-stalker PVPers... having a motion threshold may be workable though. If you move less than say 5 during the cast you should be fine. This will compensate for drift and minions walking into you.
PBAoE's still have a range of 7 feet, and are thus still melee powers. The radius being 20 feet (for example) means that the power affects everything from 7 feet around the caster out to 20 feet. In other words, the focal point for the power is melee range, but the effects of the power stretch out 20 feet. By contrast, a power with a 20 foot range can place the focal point for the power at any point from 7 feet out to 20 feet, with a radius that begins at the focal point.

Headsplitter and Golden Dragonfly, however, are in the same category as Cleave. All of these powers are also very narrow cones.

My original thought was 10 feet range to be in line with those powers, and it may be that 10 would be a better number. That's something that's hard to quantify on paper.

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I was just looking at examples where range or effective range for melee powers exceeded 7ft.

If 10ft already exists, then having AS as 10-12ft range would not make it a ranged attack.



Back to AS. Since the damage on AS is backloaded add a low duration -RES debuff frontloaded while attacking out of hide.

Would help to give it some more oomph while not breaking things making a portion of it unresisted in pve.

Icrease the range on it as it is prone to latency failures

Also make demoralize less random and allow the debuff to stack from multiple stalkers.

Increase the damage scale on single target attacks and keep the aoe as they are.

Lower the time to get back into hide.



Not going to go into a wall of text here, just tossing in my 2 inf:

-I think Assassin strike is fine the way it is. I never use it on teams, just go into scrapper mode.
-I do believe that their HP cap should be hightened, OR the defense should be hightened with hide suppressed.

Other than that I think stalkers are awesomesauce just the way they are.



I'm inclined to think that Stalkers deserve to be widely regarded as single target melee king in almost all situations, with the possible exception of dedicated blappers, who sacrifice even more survival for their dps, and take significant risks to be in melee range.

I think changes should be made to create that situation

The advantage of a stalkers AS substantially evaporates on teams, but it's still a compelling advantage solo, so I'd suggest that the advantages that stalkers get should focus a little more on team play.

Increasing the damage modifier will do this more strongly than increasing the damage self buff modifier.

Increasing the critical buff range would do the same.

Given how different things are in PvP anyway, I assume that these changes could occur without intruding on the math on that side of the game.

Now: whatever route is chosen, it's still only half the fix

The other half is to refocus [edit] around 30% of game content to single target centred fights...

Large team spawns should have a chance to be able to be one single EB... and maybe a couple of minions

edited for a less unbalanced suggestion, but still, wouldn't it be good to hear a team say:

"Lets get another stalker or a MA scrapper and a psi blaster for more Single target damage"? I'd even settle for "MOAR ST NAU!"

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How would people feel about Build Up being standardized at Spines/Claws levels of 0.73, Assassin's Strike being standardized and Kinetic levels of 2.67 and Placate being standardized at the Dual Blades level of 1.43?

Would this sort of standardization, which would help Stalkers as a whole, be beneficial enough to overlook the cost of individuality from the different sets?

Also, does anyone think there would be an objection to Hidden status being on 3-4s countdown rather than 8s?



Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post
I was just looking at examples where range or effective range for melee powers exceeded 7ft.

If 10ft already exists, then having AS as 10-12ft range would not make it a ranged attack.
Gotcha. I need to stop posting in the middle of the night - I'd misunderstand less.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Spiritchaser View Post
Now: whatever route is chosen, it's still only half the fix

The other half is to refocus [edit] around 30% of game content to single target centred fights...

Large team spawns should have a chance to be able to be one single EB... and maybe a couple of minions

edited for a less unbalanced suggestion, but still, wouldn't it be good to hear a team say:

"Lets get another stalker or a MA scrapper and a psi blaster for more Single target damage"? I'd even settle for "MOAR ST NAU!"
Wait, what? Are you really advocating they change the game mechanics (and the way eleven other archetypes play) just to accommodate stalkers?

While I applaud your chutzpah, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that suggestion.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
See what I said above about my concerns with increasing the range. Hopefully, if there isn't leeway with the range of a melee power (without changing melee range as a whole) then it may solve the issue by turning it into a narrow cone like Cleave.

That may be going a bit too far, pushing the power into the "ranged" criteria and sticking us with a smaller modifier.
I'm not saying make it a ranged power or use the ranged modifyers. I'm saying change what sets it accepts and what aspects of the power accept modifyers. The game engine doesn't think it is a ranged damage power unless the devs tell the game engine to think it is.

Think about it this way, spec ops (the merc tier 2 pet) can take defense debuff sets. But the power is still a pet summon. Same concept.

Wait, what? Are you really advocating they change the game mechanics (and the way eleven other archetypes play) just to accommodate stalkers?
Actually that request is not just for the benefit of stalkers, though stalkers are the biggest beneficiaries of it. Moving the game away from pure AoE to balance would open up a lot more builds in all ATs (except I don't know of any single-target controllers).

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Leo G's suggestion of more damage to our crits. Give us bonus crit damage. Make our critical hits HURT.

I love this idea. This alone makes Stalkers increasingly better on teams and makes Placate a better investment of cast time.

Now, combine this with Placate giving you ~4s of Hide that can't be dropped by damage and voila.

Also, should this happen, could we switch from having 50% chance crit on AoE to critting for half crit damage 100% of the time?

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If you like that suggestion by Leo, you'll love this:

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Not that I think Stalkers are in desperate need of a damage buff, but reading the threads gave me some inspiration.

So a different spin on the "Killer Instinct" inherent idea:
-I always like to think of exactly how an idea would be implemented so it draws not only from Jibi's thoughts of more 'controlled bursts'.
-Also pulls from the tech shown in the new Fiery Embrace change.
-The ability of Mastermind's Smoke Flash power.
-Finally, Castle once suggested a change to Blaster Defiance when it was being looked at, that change being a buff for every foe you defeat.

Assassination Inherent
(what we've got)
-Bonus damage on Assassin's Strike from the 'Hidden' status (PvP and PvE)
-100% critical chance on single target attacks and 50% on AoE attacks from the 'Hidden' status (PvP and PvE)
-Demoralize on a group of enemies if attack does not defeat the target (PvE)
-Scaling Critical rate for each ally within 30ft range (PvE)
-20% chance to critical hit held or slept foes (PvP)

(what this idea would add)
-A 'Killer Instinct' counter for each foe the Stalker defeats with a primary power (PvE)
--You can only obtain 1 kill counter per power used. So a ST attack will get you 1 kill counter if the foe is defeated by the attack. An AoE attack will get you 1 kill counter if one or more foes is defeated by the attack. A successful Assassin's Strike, if the foe is defeated or not, adds 1 kill counter.
-You can stack up to 3 'Killer Instinct' counters that will basically appear in your buff bar as a unique icon, each of which will last approx. 30 seconds.
-Stacking more than 3 kill counts will rewrite the oldest counter's duration.
-Using Build up or Placate will basically expend the 'Killer Instinct' counters and reset them to 0.

Why focus on applying this to Build up and Placate? Because, as is, Assassin's Strike is already a strong tool with alternate uses (an Alpha dampener and burst attack from hide) while BU is pretty Binary and Placate does have some defensive capabilities and limited offense, it *is* a unique power to Stalkers...

Placate- When you use Placate with 0 kill counts, it acts like it does now. But for each kill count you rack up before using Placate, you basically get *another placate*. Think of it like MM's smoke flash that lets their Jounin chain crit for a short duration. Placate will basically be a BuildUp/SmokeFlash mash-up that basically boosts damage by giving you up to 3 extra chain crits *if* you defeated 3 foes within 30sec (or started out with AS and then defeat 2 foes within 30sec).

Build Up- When BU is used with 0 kill counts, it acts like it does now. But for each kill count you rack up before using BU, you basically get a 1-shot 'Fiery Embrace' damage add-on that is enhanceable by the inherent damage buff of BU. Think of it like Fiery Embrace, that adds (i believe) 45% of the base damage of an attack as fire damage. So BU would be a Placate/FieryEmbrace mash-up that gives you a +15% extra added damage to the next attack(the type of damage added would depend on the Claws would add lethal damage and Energy Melee would add Energy damage) for each kill count you have...that's +45% of the base damage of an attack added if you kill 3 foes within 30sec (or started out with non-BU AS and then defeat 2 foes within 30sec).

I could see various approaches to take in a fight, some lending better to certain sets but every set being able to exploit any of the available approach due to the make-up of all Stalker sets.

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Just give all stalkers Vorpal Swords =)

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Wait, what? Are you really advocating they change the game mechanics (and the way eleven other archetypes play) just to accommodate stalkers?

While I applaud your chutzpah, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that suggestion.
I really don't think it would impoverish the playstyle or tactical variety of common builds to have to deal with more hard single targets.

And I really do think there would be a lot of opportunities for marginalized single target builds. As others have mentioned, this isn't just stalkers.

EBs might or might not be the perfect scaling point for a single target, but that's not really my point.

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Originally Posted by Spiritchaser View Post
I really don't think it would impoverish the playstyle or tactical variety of common builds to have to deal with more hard single targets.

And I really do think there would be a lot of opportunities for marginalized single target builds. As others have mentioned, this isn't just stalkers.

EBs might or might not be the perfect scaling point for a single target, but that's not really my point.
Those "common builds" of which you speak are all centered around AoE damage. People choose to create and play many characters based solely on their aoe ability. Regardless of how much they're slotted, AoE powers are less efficient DPE-wise than single target attacks. Think that electric/shield scrapper is going to be happy with smaller spawns and single hard targets? How about that Fire/Kin?

See, if you're going to be spawning hard targets with every spawn then the number of minions and lt's are going to drop, otherwise you're talking about a significant shift in the difficulty of this game. Think that might impact a few playstyles? Powersets that rely on large groups of minions around them - like willpower (rise to the challenge) Ice (chilling embrace) and shield (against all odds) would indeed have their abilities stripped.

Never mind any of that, however. You're talking about changing a completely different code base when you're talking about changing the makeup of spawns verses making changes to stalkers. As such that suggestion would be better made in the suggestions forum and not the stalker forum. Yes, it might impact stalkers, but the changes are so broad that they frankly have no place in a thread dealing solely with stalkers that is in the part of the forums that deals solely with stalkers.

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
If you like that suggestion by Leo, you'll love this:
Mm. I don't know. It's horribly finicky.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Powersets that rely on large groups of minions around them - like willpower (rise to the challenge) Ice (chilling embrace) and shield (against all odds) would indeed have their abilities stripped.
Chilling Embrace is just as effective against lone targets.

Perhaps you mean Energy Absorption?

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Why not have stalker's hide last longer than the inntial break? You can get off strings of criticals for single-target take down, or move from mob to mob quickly to take out problem mobs like Sappers or Longbow Nullifiers?

Assuming it lasts about 5 seconds or so, you can easily get off 1 + 1-2 more attacks, depending on animation time. This will help in solo and team play, due to the damage that the crits will cause, which kinda equalizes out the damage that stalkers do compared to scrappers, without adding in bonus damage.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Those "common builds" of which you speak are all centered around AoE damage. People choose to create and play many characters based solely on their aoe ability. Regardless of how much they're slotted, AoE powers are less efficient DPE-wise than single target attacks. Think that electric/shield scrapper is going to be happy with smaller spawns and single hard targets? How about that Fire/Kin?

See, if you're going to be spawning hard targets with every spawn then the number of minions and lt's are going to drop, otherwise you're talking about a significant shift in the difficulty of this game. Think that might impact a few playstyles? Powersets that rely on large groups of minions around them - like willpower (rise to the challenge) Ice (chilling embrace) and shield (against all odds) would indeed have their abilities stripped.

Never mind any of that, however. You're talking about changing a completely different code base when you're talking about changing the makeup of spawns verses making changes to stalkers. As such that suggestion would be better made in the suggestions forum and not the stalker forum. Yes, it might impact stalkers, but the changes are so broad that they frankly have no place in a thread dealing solely with stalkers that is in the part of the forums that deals solely with stalkers.

1. Lets be clear: I do not, nor have I suggested that hard targets should exist in every spawn. I think what I actually suggested was something along the lines of 30% of the spawns in large teams. A statement that every spawn should contain hard targets is ridiculously bad, but also fairly meaningless in this discussion.

2. Code... I'm pretty sure that the selection of mobs is something that many AI missions abused the existing code to do. If having the odd EB spawn seems technically dificult, imagine how much harder it is to get window reflections to work. Some players may remember tiny a bug from I 5 (or was it I6?) that replaced nearly all minion spawns with LTs...

3. Most importantly: I do not consider it good game design to require players to face each and every spawn in exactly the same manner. Play is different things to different people, but even if it's relatively easy going, adaptation is a good thing.

4. The root cause of selecting against the single target archtype is the lack of relevance of single target damage. I call it like I see it.

I'm not really understanding the root cause of your concerns... If it's that big a deal, imagine more controls on difficulty selection that provide the option of EBs... and adjust rewards such that it would be desireable to use those controls.

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Originally Posted by Spiritchaser View Post
1. Lets be clear: I do not, nor have I suggested that hard targets should exist in every spawn. I think what I actually suggested was something along the lines of 30% of the spawns in large teams. A statement that every spawn should contain hard targets is ridiculously bad, but also fairly meaningless in this discussion.

2. Code... I'm pretty sure that the selection of mobs is something that many AI missions abused the existing code to do. If having the odd EB spawn seems technically dificult, imagine how much harder it is to get window reflections to work. Some players may remember tiny a bug from I 5 (or was it I6?) that replaced nearly all minion spawns with LTs...

3. Most importantly: I do not consider it good game design to require players to face each and every spawn in exactly the same manner. Play is different things to different people, but even if it's relatively easy going, adaptation is a good thing.

4. The root cause of selecting against the single target archtype is the lack of relevance of single target damage. I call it like I see it.

I'm not really understanding the root cause of your concerns... If it's that big a deal, imagine more controls on difficulty selection that provide the option of EBs... and adjust rewards such that it would be desireable to use those controls.
Don't get me wrong, Spirit - I get your concerns. Many people share them. I also agree that there shouldn't be just one way to approach every spawn. They're just posted in the wrong place. A theoretical fix that affects just the stalker archetype can be tested internally and possibly be given a short run on the test server for open testing.

A change to the entire spawning paradigm of the game is going to have major balancing issues that will require internal, alpha, beta and open testing, because it involves everyone, not just stalkers.

In other words, while changes to the entire game like you're suggesting may well benefit stalkers, let's not ask them to change the entire game just to accommodate stalkers. Your concerns with spawning and the problems with this being an AoE game to the exclusion of single target have been hashed over many times by many posters.

Don't use this thread to promote a wider agenda just because you think a developer may be reading it.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Don't get me wrong, Spirit - I get your concerns. Many people share them. I also agree that there shouldn't be just one way to approach every spawn. They're just posted in the wrong place. A theoretical fix that affects just the stalker archetype can be tested internally and possibly be given a short run on the test server for open testing.

A change to the entire spawning paradigm of the game is going to have major balancing issues that will require internal, alpha, beta and open testing, because it involves everyone, not just stalkers.

In other words, while changes to the entire game like you're suggesting may well benefit stalkers, let's not ask them to change the entire game just to accommodate stalkers. Your concerns with spawning and the problems with this being an AoE game to the exclusion of single target have been hashed over many times by many posters.

Don't use this thread to promote a wider agenda just because you think a developer may be reading it.
Very well, we'll just have to agree to dissagree on the semantics and how we percieve the context.

If I couldn't live with that, I have no business posting on a web forum.

The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!



Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post
Just give all stalkers Vorpal Swords =)
I want a vorpal whip...

But seriously, I would like a poisoned dagger primary with lethal/toxic damage. Very stalkeresque, but unfortunately the game doesn't have any dagger primaries although we should have whips by next March or June...



Originally Posted by Beelzy View Post

But seriously, I would like a poisoned dagger primary with lethal/toxic damage. Very stalkeresque, but unfortunately the game doesn't have any dagger primaries although we should have whips by next March or June...
And this is why I suggested in the Alternate Animation Request thread (yet no one backed up the idea) for a 'Knives' option for Spines. Because, principally, Spines *is* a poisoned dagger set that does lethal and toxic even lets you *throw* the daggers!

Hell, if they just gave you the custom option to do away with the body spines, I'd say it was close enough to a 'Poisoned Knives' set to satisfy my current Spines/DA concept which is the wielding and throwing of blades.