Do you post your build?

Adeon Hawkwood



You'd be surprised at how many badly built "billion inf" builds there are out there. Maybe the guy doesn't want to get laughed at....



I'll share my builds. The advantage of sharing builds is you can see how other people do things and learn from it.

If I share my builds some people can look at them and maybe find them useful. If I share my builds someone can say "hey, I see you did x but it would be better if you did y" and through feedback I can improve my builds. All builds can be improved so why not put it out there so you can get feedback on it?

Seems win/win to me.

Besides, player success is only part build, I'd say its mostly skill.

Edit: re: multi billion builds: I love people who brag about how much their build cost as an indicator of how good it is. It's like bragging that you fail at the market.

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If asked, I'll share my build in 99% of the cases. If the request is along the lines of "lol giev ur pwnz0r build plz" I probably wouldn't even respond, much less give my build.

That being said, though, most of the time I won't bother posting a build in a request thread if the poster hasn't made any effort towards their own build. However, if I happen to have a build for those particular powersets that fits the criteria of the poster saved in Mid's, I'll post it.

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I dont have a problem posting my builld since it would be helping someone, but I usually tend to go kinda expensive and people get discouraged. At that point I will post a similar build with cheaper IO set. I always tell them to never copy someone build completely because everyone has a different playing style. There should be some difference whether it be the number of slot you choose per power, IO's selected, or even power choices. Take someones idea or help and make it your own. I have used other peoples powers they picked, but everything else was me.

My biggest problem is trying to figure out to place my powers in my tray after a



No need to keep your build a secret. All the info is already out there, the only thing left is if you have enough Influence/Infamy to make it happen.



I usually won't post my builds, not out of secrecy, but out of the fact that I tend to build my characters to fit my particular playstyle and that often would not be overly fitting or even usefull to someone else.

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Originally Posted by Theron View Post
I had a discussion recently with a player about builds. The person has not and would not (ever) give out their build, which got me thinking: are builds meant to be a closely guarded secret?
Publicly? Not usually. My builds are not "uber", they just cater to my personal playstyle. If someone asks me to put together a build for them I'll do it if I know how they play and what they're looking to get out of the build.



Sure, why not. I guess someone could try and not reveal their secret, but just about anyone could fool around with Mids to reproduce a build, given enough time and patience.

*Shrug* If someone wants to copy some uber-build I created, I say, please go ahead!

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Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I have posted builds multiple times either when I was looking for feedback or as an example build for someone using the same/similar powerset combo. I have no reason to believe that my builds harbor some secret knowledge known to few (in fact I'd go the other way, I'm idiosyncratic in my builds and they often sacrifice some power for "what I want"). I've gotten ideas from builds other people have posted and I in turn hope people get ideas from my builds (or at the very least a good laugh).
Same here. My builds are decent but probably not optimal (typically no purples), and I'll occasionally do some quirky things. If I can give someone a fresh angle on a combo, that's great. I don't PvP, so I have no interest in keeping any secrets.

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I would give my build out to whoever wanted my advice.

The people who guard their builds are pathetic and take their builds and this game way too seriously.

If I offended you...I don't care...because guarding your build is ridiculous.



I don't generally post my builds as I don't see any reason to.
I read the forums, I study the math, I play around in Mids. Good enough for me.



An interesting question. I've never understood the need for secrecy personally. Anyone willing to theory craft is perfectly capable of coming up with a similar build that is performing above the norm. The whole idea of being 'unique' is purely selfish in nature, and more often than not, is also unattainable.



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
An interesting question. I've never understood the need for secrecy personally. Anyone willing to theory craft is perfectly capable of coming up with a similar build that is performing above the norm. The whole idea of being 'unique' is purely selfish in nature, and more often than not, is also unattainable.
Yeah, if I had such a great build...and I PvPed...I would want to share my build. I would want to fight others with the same exact build because I would want to be the best player behind that build...not the best player because I have such a highly secret build.



Interesting topic.

In regards to PvP I could understand players guarding their secrets. For PvE I don't see much of a point.

On a few occasions I have been asked for builds on various characters in-game. I don't mind sharing this information at all.



Yeah, not sharing builds is simply ridiculous, and anyone who doesn't share them deserves to forever burn in the 9th circle of hell (Cocytos)



I don't post my builds simply because they're not worth sharing. I never specifically follow (or ask for) posted builds, either, though I may become interested in heretofore unseen possibilities of power combinations. And I rarely even get to a point where I can mess with IO sets in any way that's not theoretical due to their exorbitant costs and/or lack of availability.

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Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Yeah, not sharing builds is simply ridiculous, and anyone who doesn't share them deserves to forever burn in the 9th circle of hell (Cocytos)

Thats the plan.

I could take your build, rebuild it, repeat everything you've ever done and not know diddly about how its done. Its a shortcut, on a plate freebie, and every time you care to mention what you've done I could be like "Oh yeah I did that a week ago." Then I could from being clueless about Mids go ask for help on making something simple

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Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Thats the plan.

I could take your build, rebuild it, repeat everything you've ever done and not know diddly about how its done. Its a shortcut, on a plate freebie, and every time you care to mention what you've done I could be like "Oh yeah I did that a week ago." Then I could from being clueless about Mids go ask for help on making something simple
I enjoy sharing builds and having my builds and playstyle ripped apart with the help of other players feedback and criticisms. It's the only way you get better.

Now if only I could care enough to PvP competitively...



Originally Posted by saltyhero13 View Post
Interesting topic.

In regards to PvP I could understand players guarding their secrets. For PvE I don't see much of a point.

On a few occasions I have been asked for builds on various characters in-game. I don't mind sharing this information at all.
If you are unwilling to share your PvP build in order to keep it "secret" it usually means:

You are not confident in your own skills and abbilities.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
If you are unwilling to share your PvP build in order to keep it "secret" it usually means:

You are not confident in your own skills and abbilities.
I don't know I only PvP in RL.

Looking at it from another point of view, if a player believes their build gives them a competitive advantage I could understand them not parting with it. I don't necessarily agree, but in a game setting I definitely could understand it.



The wheel has already been invented. There is nothing that someone with understanding of the game mechanics and Mids cannot create.

Even when you post something you get players that disagree about your build including the OP that was asking for help in the first place.

As mentioned already even PvP builds can be figured out if you have the patience.

I posted a build I thought was decent and someone else improved upon it and reposted his build. I was then able to rework the build once again and improve it. It's a 2 way street.

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