Ask a Dev: Matt Stults (The Television)




What kind of issues do you have with the copy tool?
Is there any chance that the copy tool will be available soon?




First, awesome self portrait.

I remember seeing posts pre-GR beta about how CoH doesn't handle field of view of widescreen monitors correctly (note CoH directly called out as a "vert-" game). Has that been addressed, and if not will it be?

What is the longstanding bug that has been the most elusive tracking down? One candidate must be the one where teammates enter an instanced mission and you see their location as "ArenaMap" or in their SG base.

Any hope that we're going to see "Team Looking For More" implemented this year?

If you could get one feature on the development schedule that currently isn't on there, what would it be?

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



1. Since the pvp code changes which introduced travel supresion, heal decay and dimished returns were such a success in pvp, when will they be implemented in PVE code to smooth the experience across zones?

2. Is there any possibility of getting arena settings that would allow PVP players to use the game mechanics from pre i13?

3. Will anyone ever look at base raiding as it has been disabled for several issues now?



Originally Posted by IonMatrix View Post
Listen please and listen carefully. Tanks should by ALL RIGHTS be the hardest dudes to kill in PvP. It should be so intense that it takes at least 3 non brute like vill to bring him down. Now of course this better be a bad *** Tank and yes same for Butes. A Brute fighting a tank should actually DRAW a crowd. As it stands now Tanks and brutes are made fun of and mostly ignored. And I am SURE u have seen that NO ONE playes Tanks in PvP. Guess what? Theres a damn good reason. Thnk long and hard on this and tell me what you think you guys can do to improve on what roles Tanks and Brutes play in this game thank you.
So you think that only tanks and brutes should be able to PvP? I seem to remember that basically being the case before the PvP changes in Issue 13 and PvP was just as boring back then for the average player as it seems to be now. I'll be honest, I don't know what the fix is, but going back to only tanks/brutes being worth anything in PvP is not it.



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
1. Since the pvp code changes which introduced travel supresion, heal decay and dimished returns were such a success in pvp, when will they be implemented in PVE code to smooth the experience across zones?

2. Is there any possibility of getting arena settings that would allow PVP players to use the game mechanics from pre i13?

3. Will anyone ever look at base raiding as it has been disabled for several issues now?

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Salud View Post
I'm curious as to why some form of SuperGroup self invite hasn't been incorporated into the game. Even if it only allows the founder of the SG to auto-invite their toon creations, I'm thinking this would be welcomed with open arms. Guild Wars offers this feature and everyone in that game seems to love it.
100000% agree with this. Please implement asap.


The Trust



Is there ever gonna be costume packs as part of updates ie do not cost extra to get. As well as Carnies and Knives outfit any plans impliment those or do I have fly across country to get this I hope not. I understand is a buisness but some free content now and then would increase longevity as well as increasing populations at least I think this.



Can you please add the safeguard and mayhem missions to the Ouroboros mission lists? Or if this would be problematic could old out-leveled brokers automatically offer the safeguard/mayhem missions?

Since the villains need the mayhem explore badges for an accolade, missing one of the 9 through their leveling career can be quite painful. With Going Rogue released, any new villain who started in Praetoria automatically misses the first 2 of these. Begging or bribing others to join their mayhem missions can get annoying for everybody involved. With all of the quality of life changes coming down the pipe, this change would be a very welcome one indeed.




Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
% of day/% of daily value: (actual amounts may vary dramatically)
Sleep:					                          33%/29%
Programming:				                          1%/7%
Communicating in various forms:		                  32%/22%
		(meetings):                                          20%/10%
		(electronic):			                  11%/8%
		(water cooler):			                  2%/4%
Walking:				                                  8%/7%
Driving:					                          2%/0%
Reading:				                                  10%/22%
		(for work):			                          4%/2%
		(for pleasure):			                  6%/20%
Playing CoV:				                          4%/9%
Attempting Wit:				                          10%/5%
		(to the chagrin of those around him):        9%/<1%
		(to the amusement of those around him): <1%/8%
Checking. Checking. Checking.
Err. Bathroom + eating + bathing = 0%?
That explanes the conspicuous absence of those thing from the game.
Wait, please tell be you're not some type of otaku programmer that dose all that from in front of you're computer!!!

Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Hello Telly a few things I would like to know...

  1. Any chance of Monstrous legs option to include things like the image below? From my perspective it seams like you could mash the Vangurad Tanks that run around the RWZ and the Tarantulas and get something like this but I suspect the real problem with making this work would be that it will take up too much resources for one player. I any case is this kind of thing possible with the current game engen?
Wasn't this discussed in another thread. I think I said something about it making certain powers, specifically anything that uses kicking, impossible. Though I have since changed my opinion. What do you thing about kicking via a hand stand like skateboarders do.

Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
Hi Matt

Hope this is a question you havn't encountered before.... so here goes.

Is there a chance at any point that all zones could be made into pvp zones, there are many games out there that allow characters to roam all available maps and encounter player enemies as they level.

My brother used to play a game were if you attacked another player, your name went red for "x" period of time. You could only attack players within certain level ranges of yourself, and attacking other players and getting defeated means that you dropped items and influence to the person that killed you.
While your name was red the players that attacked you had no penalty or chance of loosing anything.

I dunno what the game was called and he only explained it to me once, but it sounded fun.
Is there any chance that CoX could incorperate a similair system??

Getting attacked by random idiots when you're just minding you're own business? That sounds like lodes of fun. Especially when you're on a timed mission. Even more so when it would make the game all but unplayable to anyone who hasn't super slotted the heck out of there toon.
Ultimately regardless of my opinion I think the fact that you almost never hear about systems like that anymore is a certain indication on just how popular that idea would be.

Originally Posted by Roleplayer606 View Post
Is there ever gonna be costume packs as part of updates ie do not cost extra to get. As well as Carnies and Knives outfit any plans impliment those or do I have fly across country to get this I hope not. I understand is a buisness but some free content now and then would increase longevity as well as increasing populations at least I think this.
I think they mentioned in another thread that they intended to release as much of the NPC costume peaces as possible. With the sheer number of peaces available there's no reasonable way they could plan on releasing all them as pay parts. WAY to expensive.

Originally Posted by Salud View Post
I'm curious as to why some form of SuperGroup self invite hasn't been incorporated into the game. Even if it only allows the founder of the SG to auto-invite their toon creations, I'm thinking this would be welcomed with open arms. Guild Wars offers this feature and everyone in that game seems to love it.
Being able to Mail invitations would be a good way to do it. I know that there are some who play at odd times compared to there SG leader which can limit there ability to get there alts invited. This could easily fix that. Though some limitations would have to be added to prevent invitation spamming.

Originally Posted by Windwalker View Post
Hello Matt,

My question is this: Are you all planning to increase the level cap? If not why not?


There not. Not now not ever. It's bin disused before. They don't want to turn this game into a total grind fest. Where ever few months you have to re up every one of your toons.

Originally Posted by KemLi View Post
Hi there!

Is it a goal to allow heroes,villains, vigilantes and rogues to, at some point, co-exist in Ouroborous or another non-pvp zone ? Not counting RWZ.
Just all of praytora. Read about an upcoming or already implemented update that lets you back in via Pocket D.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
This is really a design question for Posi or War Witch, rather than the tech lead. The tech is already in the game to flag players for Enemy Target in any zone. E.G., if Tele wanted to, he could flag me as an enemy target on the steps of City Hall, and then beat the stuffings out of my avatar.
Snicker me and her got into a quarrel on War Witch's forum about that. I'm tempted to comment further but since it was like talking to a brick wall I just stop trying to be reasonable and swore off that particular thread. :/

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Is any progress being made on the tech to allow for Backpacks and more back items for players?
Given that, accordding to some accounts, this was actually already working well with the VG back items in I9, before they got redacted.
Wouldn't that interfere with the flight jump packs and clip with the ground at every fall. Of coarse they could fix that I guess. I'd kind of like seeing toons trying to get up from the legendary upturned turtle position. :P

Originally Posted by shawndavis2002 View Post
4. Elastic powerset.
They already nixed this idea something about a limit to the number of bones a toon can have.

Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Hi Matt!
There is any chance more metallic costume pats get the UM enviroment reflection effect soon? That way will be better to match and mix.
Thank you!
There supposed to be converting all metallic costume peaces to the UME standard eventually. There's also bin frequent infatic requests for both reflective and non reflective versions.

Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
will we ever see revamped travel powers/ new travel powers???? say a perma jet pack for toons with a tech concept that dont want tech wings???? or super speed animations like synapse has in the LRSF?
I just want a version of super speed that lets you run on the water instead of super swimming through it. :P

Originally Posted by Sardan View Post

First, awesome self portrait.

I remember seeing posts pre-GR beta about how CoH doesn't handle field of view of widescreen monitors correctly (note CoH directly called out as a "vert-" game). Has that been addressed, and if not will it be?

What is the longstanding bug that has been the most elusive tracking down? One candidate must be the one where teammates enter an instanced mission and you see their location as "ArenaMap" or in their SG base.

Any hope that we're going to see "Team Looking For More" implemented this year?

If you could get one feature on the development schedule that currently isn't on there, what would it be?
Can we get a merge teams option to.

Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
2. Is there any possibility of getting arena settings that would allow PVP players to use the game mechanics from pre i13?
Ya know that would remove the use of IOs right?



Is there any possibility of us ever getting a stand alone, off line, free costume editor. Preferably with a picture taking feature. Really it needs a rather heavy over hall with the contently increasing number of peaces it's quite hard to look through them all. It needs some type of peace preview function. Little thumbnails of the peaces instead of merely a name.



Hello Television lovers!

Dr. Aeon here. It seems to me that it's been a long time coming for Television to answer your questions. I decided to take it upon myself to answer some questions for the Television. My answers are fairly close to what he would say. So, without delay, here are four questions of yours and four of my, er, Television's, answers!

1) What is the Television's favorite television program?

Television, in reality, hates itself. It only watches programs created on DAETV, which is Dr. Aeon Television. This contains programs made by Dr. Aeon's crack science team. It's a real blast to watch. Two shows that Television really enjoys are, "All My Aeons" and "As the Aeons Turn"

2) So, be honest, how much fun is your job, really? I mean, are you living the geek's dream, or is it way more work than you ever thought it would be?

It’s definitely a lot more fun whenever I work with that brilliant designer of a man called Dr. Aeon. I’m always amazed at everything he comes up with, even when it’s just proposing where to go out for lunch. You would think something as simple as choosing where to go to lunch wouldn’t amaze you, but Dr. Aeon manages to do it every single time. So, with that in mind, I would say my job is incredibly fun, as long as I get to do everything possible to support Dr. Aeon in whatever he wants to do.

3) As someone who is just getting into the game design industry as a hobby/possible career/possible company to start, I'm curious as to how you got into the industry. What was the first game you worked on?

The first game I worked on was called The Incredibly Amazingly Incredible Super Happy Adventures of the Amazingly Super Dr. Aeon. It was a very niche title that sold well in certain areas. It would be the first time I was exposed to Dr. Aeon, and little would I know that he would continue to have such a tremendous impact on the rest of my life. I knew when working on the game that this man known as Dr. Aeon was someone astounding, but I wouldn’t know just how amazing he was until I began to work here at Paragon Studios.

4) What techniques do you use to make meetings shorter?

Any meeting with Dr. Aeon doesn’t need to be made shorter. In fact, I think they need to be made longer. I love when he shows us all his science experiments, but there’s usually not enough time to go through them all, especially the last one where he showed us his theory on interdimensional time travel and going back and forth through temporal space. As you can see, this makes any meeting with Dr. Aeon fascinating. I would never want them to go any shorter than they already are, and I hope one day he perfects his temporal time machine to allow meetings with him to go on forever.

Follow me on my blog or on twitter:
Dr. Aeon's Blog

Dr. Aeon's Twitter



Wise words, I'm sure.



Works for me!

Oh hey, kicked off the boards again, woo.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



You know Dr. Aeon, sometimes I'm sorry for all those times I busted into your lab and roughed you up.

But then I get over it, because the rants you give while I'm doing it are just so darn entertaining!



*sits back and patiently waits for The Television's response*


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
*sits back and patiently waits for The Television's response*


Oh yes If its anything like their last post war, this will be good

They must be really good mates to be fair!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Is this a post war? I hope Matt Stults is still working for Paragon Studios.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Is there any possibility of us ever getting a stand alone, off line, free costume editor. Preferably with a picture taking feature. Really it needs a rather heavy over hall with the contently increasing number of peaces it's quite hard to look through them all. It needs some type of peace preview function. Little thumbnails of the peaces instead of merely a name.
Actually, there used to be one that was available around the time when City of Hero briefly launched overseas. It was quickly removed and hasn't been seen since.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Good for you! Season two of your favorite shows are finally on the air. It feels like it's been Aions of tortured 3rd class, checkout-lane celebrity biography. You feel the need to sit down and watch some television.

1. Fuzzy Questions:
a. So, be honest, how much fun is your job, really? I mean, are you livin the gamer geek's dream, or is it way more work than you ever thought it would be?
I don’t know. I love my job, and I love CoV, but I’m not sure that there is much intersection between what I enjoy about either one. A big part of what I love about CoV is the amazing community of players we have. My job is about developing for that community and playing the game is about participating in it. There is some overlap in required knowledge, but not much overlap in the activity or thought process involved.
Example: The most powerful moments in my experience with CoV have been as much about the silly or serious conversations I’m having in-game as they are the content I’m playing. The content is necessary in order for those conversations to happen, but think how far abstracted programming is from the impromptu communication that comes out of it. Posting on the forums is the closest I’ve come to bringing the two experiences together, but with all the great stuff coming for Paragon and the prestige demands of my SG, I don’t always have the time I’d like to post.
b. What is The Television's favorite television program??
The Television is not so vain that it watches itself, though it does Netflix and Amazon Unbox some television shows, especially as research for its forum posts. Arrested Development and 30 Rock are pretty fantastic.
If we’re just talking relevant stories, not television, my favorite story about super-powered heroes is Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie.
c. As someone who is just getting into the game design industry as a hobby/possible career/possible company to start, I'm curious as to how you got into the industry. What was the first game you worked on?
This is the first real “game industry” game I’ve worked on, though I’ve done a tiny bit of programming for much smaller “games” or game-like software in the research and advertising. Some of that work turned out to be more applicable than other parts. If we’re talking about the first game that I’ve worked on regardless of size or distribution, that would be the town simulator game my brother and I created when I was nine. I did the world design with wooden blocks and action figures, he wrote the simulation part in Advanced Basic. The “city simulation” part was mostly a banking and gambling system for the city’s inhabitants. Typical of all my interactions with my brother, the simulation was written so that all of the city’s money eventually went to him, the banker, leaving my citizens homeless and destitute. Watching the last of my moneyed characters squander his wealth at my brother’s casino was pretty much when I decided I needed to learn to program.
d. What techniques do you use to make meetings shorter?
I try to identify when something is not directly applicable or relevant to the purpose of a meeting or some of its members and request that we continue that part of the discussion outside of the meeting. I’ll keep the rest of my tricks to myself to preserve their abbreviating power.
2. Technical questions
a. What kind of database does CoH use? (aka, relational, custom, open source like postgres etc, object oriented, flat files, some mix?) Is there a dev in charge of the data access layer of the code and if so, who is it? (I am particularly interested because in the early months of CoH, they did several data mining tasks that took ... exceedingly long times to run, and it made me curious to a degree that still has not much abated) When you joined the team and saw how they managed the data, what was your reaction?
b. What programming language is used for character management?

These questions are going to require some technical specificity, so please bear with me. Please also understand that I don’t really know why data mining tasks used to take so long, but the following is better than accurate/true, so I’m going with it.
How we used to do it:
Before what we now know as Mapservers, CoH used a set of machines called Minkowski Cartographs to store data and model characters’ interactions with the world.
What is a Minkowski Cartograph?
The Minkowski Cartographs—or MCs—were built in the early 1970s by a team of Nobel laureates in Mathematics and Cartography. The team’s goal was to build a functional map or “road atlas” of Minkowski Space—a pseudo-Riemannian manifold identified around 1907. Each MC is a room sized device constructed of thousands of independently sliding looms and millions of strings running between them. The strings are made of several tightly braided filaments composed of a patent blend of Polyolefin and Kevlar, inter-loom segments ranging in length anywhere between 10^-32 mm and 1 mm. Approximately half of the strings run between pernambuco-wood looms. The rest are incorporated into a vast conveyor mechanism that drags against the loom strings, causing them to vibrate at specific resonant frequencies, effectively “playing” them like millions of the worlds’ tiniest violins. When played, each string produces a unique four-space wave signature which resonates through its particular loom until it is converted by transducer into an electronic analog signal. Part of this signal is then recorded in a wax disk in much the same way as conventional sound is recorded by the displacement of the spiral groove in a LP record. The other part was filtered and sent through the network for real time exploration of the model by mathematical cartographers. When first created, this was the Network Control Program of the early ARPANET.
Outcome of the MC experimentation of the 1970s:
Though the MCs proved fairly unsuccessful in providing a functioning map of Minkowski space, the MC experiments resulted in two emergent and unpredicted consequences. First, they were very clearly the inspiration for String Theory. Second, as part of their efforts to map Minkowski space through the MCs, scientists began to uncover and chart what appeared to be various sections of a modern city complete with pedestrians and airship implied by the mathematical definition of Minkowski space as portrayed in the MC. Due to the use of hyperbolic quaternions in Minkowski space, physics as modeled by the MCs was significantly more flexible than what we experience.
MC Use by early CoH:
Intending to capitalize on the pre-existing city simulations provided by the MCs, City of Heroes purchased and reused the now renamed “Mapservers” to provide the persistent world of Paragon City. This created a number of problems. First: game engineers and even game administrators on the project required doctorates in math or physics as well as extensive textile industry experience just to maintain the Mapservers, let alone add new features. Second: due to the wear of continuous vibration in four-space, critical strings often broke or became “snagged” resulting in bugs and “Lost Connection to Mapserver” messages that were almost impossible to track down. Third: as you note, data collection was extremely time consuming as the entire mapservers had to be shut down and the wax recording disks carefully removed from each loom on every mapserver.
What happened to the MC devices?
Due to the above and many other problems, the CoH team eventually realized that the Minkowski Cartographs were un-maintainable. Sadly, once dropped by the game, these great loomed-machines were inexplicably destroyed by a group of self-proclaimed neo-luddites. The same group of history-deniers has virtually erased all record of the machines by continuously deleting Wikipedia articles written about them.
What we use now:
Now our mapservers are written in C and use everything from SQL databases to various in-house flat file systems to represent our data. Characters are pretty much created and maintained by SQL queries, but the specifics of the queries are generated by C.

Please let me know if the above raises any more questions.



Originally Posted by The Television View Post
Please let me know if the above raises any more questions.
Just one:

First: game engineers and even game administrators on the project required doctorates in math or physics as well as extensive textile industry experience just to maintain the Mapservers, let alone add new features.
That does raise the question of how the equipotential eigenstates of the various ranks resolved to intra-archetypal admittance Hamiltonian metrics hyperbolically related under Lorentzian normalization.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



... ah.

So I see that all those hours of All My Aeon's got to you...



That post really needs to win some sort of award for poker-faced tongue in cheekitude. This despite the fact that poker faces are impossible to apply to text-based interactions - that post nonetheless practically projected a straight face into my home office.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




Dr. Aeon has just been seriously owned.

That was the greatest Dev response ever!

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.