Ask a Dev: Matt Stults (The Television)




As part of our ongoing "Ask a Dev" article series, we are proud to introduce you to our next developer: Lead Programmer Matt “The Television” Stults!

Self portrait in oil. I’m way prettier in person.

City of Heroes "Ask a Dev" with CoH Tech Lead Matt “The Television” Stults

Matt “The Television” Stults:
Product Facts

H20, deoxyribonucleic acid, glycogen, various proteins, lipids, apatite, glucose, degrees in “science” and “fine arts”, more time spent in formal education than he cares to admit, 20 years under successive Bush and Clinton administrations, equal time spent in Iowa and California with a close minority of time lived in Colorado and Texas, previous employment in the fields of programming, illustration, assorted retail, food service, barista-ism, academic research, etc.

% of day/% of daily value: (actual amounts may vary dramatically)

Sleep:					                          33%/29%
Programming:				                          1%/7%
Communicating in various forms:		                  32%/22%
		(meetings):                                          20%/10%
		(electronic):			                  11%/8%
		(water cooler):			                  2%/4%
Walking:				                                  8%/7%
Driving:					                          2%/0%
Reading:				                                  10%/22%
		(for work):			                          4%/2%
		(for pleasure):			                  6%/20%
Playing CoV:				                          4%/9%
Attempting Wit:				                          10%/5%
		(to the chagrin of those around him):        9%/<1%
		(to the amusement of those around him): <1%/8%
Warning! Contents may explode under pressure. Do not puncture! Do not make contact with eyes. If you do, please call a physician immediately.

What The Television does on the City of Heroes Team:

14 hours in on Thursday, 9:35 PM:
A Tech Lead does not program. Well, sometimes, if he is lucky. But not as much as he would like. And come to think of it, he probably over committed himself this morning when he agreed to fix bug 14386 himself because, frankly, he’s got to find out what is going on with the new L***** requirements and put together a proposal for getting it into the game sometime this year. Lets face it, if the team doesn’t get started yesterday, a 2010 ship date on the L***** is basically as likely as getting out of here before 12:00AM, and yeah, that’s going to happen. Also, what’s up with bug 14382 that K***** is working on? Design has been waiting on that for, like, 12 years now and if K***** isn’t done yet, they’re either going to be late on the M***** task, or have to work all night again. And another all-nighter by the design team is not something the tech lead wants on his head. So it’s follow up on 14382, L*****, 14386 and then (please, please) sleep. But a Tech Lead does not sleep.

Please use this thread to post your questions for The Television!

Questions will be collected on July 24th from the forums and not long after that, we'll post Matt’s answers and introduce our next dev and ask for your questions for them.



Hi there Matt!

Where do you see this game going in the next year?

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Has there ever been an instance where the Devs had a clear scope of what they were doing and a player, through sheer luck, makes a comment or develops an idea that makes the Dev table go "holy crap! WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF THAT?!"



Clarification on K, L and M?

Outside of the Incarnate, Tips and Morale Systems... how many more new systems are being planned for CoX?

New Fall lineup on stations CoH and CoV or more reruns; anything new for Public Access?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Do you ever plan on revamping the enhancement combination system that is a major time waster, as well as the entire respec system that sucks the life out of this game by limiting us to pulling off ten enhancements, instead forcing people to waste time/money on respecs, or for some of us, rolling a completely new toon to avoid the painstaking respec process?

Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG

Join my fan club today!



With the new Organic Armor and Bioluminescent costume sets included as part of the Mutant Booster pack, there's a new degree of weird that can be applied to characters. Is there any thought between the Devs of pushing this further, such as misshapen limbs or other deformed features, or even the choice to have an under or overweight hero or villain? What I mean is that some character concepts don't exactly fit the "buffed up" mold that is currently a default in CoX. No matter how large or skinny you make a character, they're still ripped, and I was wondering if there will ever be the chance to make heroes or villains that are, say, not so healthy?




I have three questions, and although I do not think them particularly complex, due to the fact that I am in marketing myself, and as such have a good idea of what would be allowable information to share, I don't particularly expect all of them to be answered... at least, just yet.

First, as someone who is just getting into the game design industry as a hobby/possible career/possible company to start, I'm curious as to how you got into the industry. What was the first game you worked on?

Second, what would you consider to be the most innovative part of the CoX world?

Lastly, If there was any one feature that you wish was never included in the game, what would it be? Conversely, if there is any one feature that you would like to drop everything to include, what would it be?



I've got so many "why don't you do this" or "why isn't this that way" questions... But I'll skip those and stick with ones more in the spirit of the feature...

So, be honest, how much fun is your job, really? I mean, are you livin the gamer geek's dream, or is it way more work than you ever thought it would be?

Oh, and on a side note... Since you are, like, The Television and all... Can you do something about the annoying glut of reality shows and vampire programming? Just thought I'd ask



1: Please list what you see as the top 3 bugs in the game you are making progress on.

2: How many issues/months ahead are you developing tech for?

3: Please name a tech request that you are all like, "Great idea! Not gonna happen without rewriting the engine."

4: Are you overhauling the CoH engine, and if so, is the process ongoing or something that is intended to happen at some point in the future?

5: What's up with the patch notes (they have gotten better; thank you)?

6: Are you working on a happy friendly developer UI for powers creation/content development? I've heard one would be ...useful.

7: What were you thinking?

And most importantly...
Can you save Happy Town?

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



What is the funniest bug you encountered during in-house testing?



Will we ever get a "hats with hair" option? the default hair that is chosen for us ruins the theme, therefore keeping me away from the hat option in general



Are there any plans on putting characters in the game as enemies that aren't currently in the game? I know we finally got Protean from the last Issue, but theres so many more I would like to see and do battle against. One example is Midas of the Goldbrickers. We always here the Goldbrickers talk about him, but we never see him.



Will SGs be made co-op in GR, considering the markets are now merged. It also wouldn't force the Rogue running a Hero STF from travelling the long way. IP > Talos > PI and back again to continue running the STF. Be easier if SGs were co-op and you could use telepads.



Did any of those bugs you were working on deal with pvp?

If not could you at least give one a stab?

Thanks in advance.



A Tech Lead does not program. Well, sometimes, if he is lucky. But not as much as he would like. And come to think of it, he probably over committed himself this morning when he agreed to fix bug 14386 himself because, frankly, he’s got to find out what is going on with the new L***** requirements and put together a proposal for getting it into the game sometime this year. Lets face it, if the team doesn’t get started yesterday, a 2010 ship date on the L***** is basically as likely as getting out of here before 12:00AM, and yeah, that’s going to happen. Also, what’s up with bug 14382 that K***** is working on? Design has been waiting on that for, like, 12 years now and if K***** isn’t done yet, they’re either going to be late on the M***** task, or have to work all night again. And another all-nighter by the design team is not something the tech lead wants on his head. So it’s follow up on 14382, L*****, 14386 and then (please, please) sleep. But a Tech Lead does not sleep.
too much to hope that L***** = Linux... be nice to see a native client...

anyways, for some real questions that probably CAN be answered, besides wanting to know if you need another person in tech support:

Crossfire / SLI support: is there any kind of update on how close native support is for the game? I don't mean "well if you use this third party application and modify hex values you can enable AFR" : I mean : enable by default and it just works.

Eyefinity / Matrox Triple-Head / Nvidia Surround: Okay. Pet thing I would like to see implemented is proper support for wide-screen resolutions outside of 16:9 / 16:10. From earlier in this year I know it's not going to happen by Going Rogue, or likely in the issue after, but with Nvidia's recent extension of Triple-Screen support across SLI'd GTX 200 cards does this boost the potential install base / usage base of this type of tech.

Now with the stuff I want to know out of the way...

What was your biggest programming error you ever made?

What was the biggest prank you ever played on a user? And no, the ether-killer doesn't count.

Is it true that Dr. Aeon keeps rigging your computer's power supply to turn off... and was responsible for the noodle incident?

Is it also true that Dr. Aeon's source code includes the terms Blowhard, ID=TenT, and... wait... why are all my characters in pink tutus?



I'm curious as to why some form of SuperGroup self invite hasn't been incorporated into the game. Even if it only allows the founder of the SG to auto-invite their toon creations, I'm thinking this would be welcomed with open arms. Guild Wars offers this feature and everyone in that game seems to love it.

"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools" --Ernest Hemmingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls"

Global: @salud



Originally Posted by Salud View Post
I'm curious as to why some form of SuperGroup self invite hasn't been incorporated into the game. Even if it only allows the founder of the SG to auto-invite their toon creations, I'm thinking this would be welcomed with open arms. Guild Wars offers this feature and everyone in that game seems to love it.
Agree 100%

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Can you explain why the Tab targeting system sometimes puts more priority in targeting a foe that's on the far side of a room or even, when outside, so far away that the foe isn't even rendered, rather than the foes in your immediate area?

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Any chance of MM's getting any pet modification ability, even tinting like the controllers have?

Please just a bucket of bot paint!!!!! qq



Since the Cathedral o' Pain is gettin' re-released in GR, what're the odds that Items o' Power will make their return? Perma-buffs aren't really an issue anymore, what with set bonuses and all.

And speakin' o' Rularuu-related content, could it be expected to have the Shadow Shard get finished, or even better, finished AND made co-op?

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



if the EU numbers contiunue to decline after the launch of GR will there be anything in place to stop the end of our servers that will let us keep our toons and or jump over to the american servers?



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Can you explain why the Tab targeting system sometimes puts more priority in targeting a foe that's on the far side of a room or even, when outside, so far away that the foe isn't even rendered, rather than the foes in your immediate area?
I can answer this.

It doesn't.

Check your keybinding options. The tab button is defaulted to next-target option, but there are other settings such as to automatically target the enemy closest to you.



Hello Matt,

My question is this: Are you all planning to increase the level cap? If not why not?





1. Can we at some point get the ability to set up autopay for our SG base rent? Or at least the ability to "mail" it rather than having to pay in person?

2. What's the deal with City Vault these days?

3. What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Originally Posted by Salud View Post
I'm curious as to why some form of SuperGroup self invite hasn't been incorporated into the game. Even if it only allows the founder of the SG to auto-invite their toon creations, I'm thinking this would be welcomed with open arms. Guild Wars offers this feature and everyone in that game seems to love it.
Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
Agree 100%
For the Love of God/FSM/_insert deity here_... Please make this possible!
I have so many ideas for Characters, and I haven't created one in months - precisely due to this issue.

I pre-ordered GR (I had early access to DP & DS) - But I have yet to make a single Dual Pistols or Demon Summing toon...
Specifically due to the fact that, I know I won't be able to invite them into my existing SGs/VGs.
I just can't bring myself to "waste" slots on new toons I'm not gonna play, due to the inconvenience of not having the amenities of a SG base that I'm accustomed to having.

It also pains me greatly to create a bunch of characters like this, and start playing them outside of SG Mode & missing out on Prestige - I have a server full of "Themed Alts" on Protector. Along with the "Main" Character that I used to found an appropriately "Themed VG" and the beginnings of a Base = (translation) a single tiny Workshop just off the Entry Room.

I have an Similar setup on anther server that I managed to get someone with an open slot (or a Character not in any SG) to temporarily join my new SG & help me invite my alts...
But, I can't do that every single time I want to create a new Character - @3am, Noon, or whenever. I won't impose on others play time to due this. And, I can't afford to keep a 2nd account active for whenever I want to indulge my altaholism.

We used to be able to workaround this issue this with trial accounts, they killed that due to RMT'ers. It seems that now either with Gleemail, or some other method you could grant/implement this long requested wish/feature!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.