12 -
It's funny, there are "guild banks" in other MMOs, and they've found ways to make it work... Even if there are private banks available, I'd still like to see a SuperGroup Bank, that can be managed by maybe a few individuals within the SG. Somewhere that higher characters can throw extra inf, saving up for things like hosting costume contests, signing bonuses, converting to prestige, or just giving to new characters to help them get started out enhancing.
And, while we're at it, why not have a recipe area in that bank? The whole "hoarding" argument that has been thrown up against hoarding of recipes is total bunk - the rampant ridiculous market prices for the too-rare drops is proof that the system is already broken. I can't count how many times I heard "the market will stabilize and prices will come down" over the years, and it's gone the exact opposite in most cases. Let us store rare recipes for the members of our SG that can use them, instead of forcing a "sell it for 300 million" mentality that just perpetuates the runaway market and completely leaves out all but the constant players who can afford them. Oh, and only serves to encourage normally honest players to consider using gold farmers. -
Sorry, I have to disagree with how hard you are making this sound... But maybe it's a question of the methodology.
I've been saying for years now (since crafting and base storage was introduced) that we need the ability to sort it out, if we want one. Maybe a craftable computer interface that allows you to view a database of what is available in the entire base storage, allowing you to snag it from the computer (think auto parts stores for an analogy). And, before people get all snippy and scream "we don't WANT people knowing what we have stored" I have a few points to make about this: A) if you don't want people knowing, don't put it in public storage; B) I am talking about an optional craftable item, you don't HAVE to put it in your base.
Now, as for it being difficult... I think it's being overthought in previous posts. There is a database that contains all of the salvage in storage for the base. That database also contains the security level of the rack holding salvage. It's a simple sort, and some of the same methodology that determines if you have access when you click an individual storage rack. The list would show anything that is in your access level or lower only. Anything higher would be hidden on the list. You could also sort by name, origin, etc. We are talking about database manipulation at its most basic, and it is light years easier than what happens on the markets. So, as far as it being doable, I say if they can't, there is something seriously wrong with the programmers... heh.
Now, I can see where that access list might be harder to implement if it popped up whenever you were accessing your own personal storage. There are too many implications in that respect, with possible multiple SG users accessing simultaneously. But, with a single interface component, in the base, it's simplified and overlaps are eliminated. You pick an item, it checks to make sure someone didn't just take it off a rack, then it gives it to you. Simple. Elegant. More importantly, makes crafting less tedious (and aging MMOs usually want to reduce tedium, tends to help keep player numbers higher). -
Quote:Don't want to be too trite here, but... That would be the worst idea ever for the game. There is a huge percentage of players that are in the game for PvE and could care less about PvP. As someone who's played since almost the beginning, I can tell you that the introduction of PvP (and the rampant associated nerfs to level the character balance) almost killed the game for many, and I know several players personally who walked away and never looked back. If you start forcing PvP on all players, you'll lose a ton of loyal paying customers who just don't want the constant griefing.Hi Matt
Hope this is a question you havn't encountered before.... so here goes.
Is there a chance at any point that all zones could be made into pvp zones, there are many games out there that allow characters to roam all available maps and encounter player enemies as they level.
Now, on the other hand, if you could somehow make a system where you had to purposely opt in to PvP mode to even be capable of being attacked, I can see the appeal to that. But it would have to be something you can easily avoid, if you choose.
There would, of course, be huge issues with stories and immersion too, if a villain could just wander around Paragon City unmolested, or a hero could take a leisurely stroll through the Rogue Isles - they'd be meat in a nanosecond if reality was introduced -
I've got so many "why don't you do this" or "why isn't this that way" questions... But I'll skip those and stick with ones more in the spirit of the feature...
So, be honest, how much fun is your job, really? I mean, are you livin the gamer geek's dream, or is it way more work than you ever thought it would be?
Oh, and on a side note... Since you are, like, The Television and all... Can you do something about the annoying glut of reality shows and vampire programming? Just thought I'd ask -
I've got a few things I'd like to see in bases (some of which have already been covered, but I'm keeping my list complete)...
* Bigger storage capacity - make it a function of number of group members or something like that, something that scales. When you have a full base membership, the amount of storage for all those members is ridiculously small. And the whole market argument is a complete crock to me, the market is completely skewed and out of control, the lockdowns on salvage and recipes to prevent hoarding have only made it worse.
* Salvage/enhancement rack naming and filtering - allow the builder to tag a salvage rack with a name (as in "rare" or "common") and be able to set a filter if desired. Be able to lock down what types of items can be dropped in (tech or arcane, commonality, etc).
* Single salvage access terminal - something that can be unlocked and built, to allow base-wide salvage access from a single terminal. Think similar to an auto parts store, you punch up what you need, and you can grab it right there, instead of running from rack to rack. Also lets you see how much you have of each item, so if you have 200 brass taking up your precious room in racks all over the base, you can remedy the situation. Permissions would still apply, so if you put an item in a locked down rack, it would show, but you would need the proper rank to recover it.
* Security doors - seriously, put a door in that you can set rank permissions to enter. Consider it an "officer's lounge" or high rank storage area, etc. The idea is to allow limiting access to parts of the base, if you so choose - You don't have high enough security clearance, you don't get to this room. This could alternatively be an elevator/portal type of door, taking you to an isolated room section on the base map.
* Market interface - covered by many already, it would be a nice unlockable addition that could be built. Seems like it would be a good time to do this, since the markets are being merged?
* Apartments - again, covered by many already, but just a single door in the base to allow members access to their living quarters, which can be decorated/upgraded by them (too much to cover on this thread, it's already been hashed many times over)
* Tailor interface - step in, edit your costume. Still subject to tailor fees, etc.
Ok, that's all I can remember at this juncture. I know there can be some raid issues, but honestly I (and I dare say a vast majority of the player base) could care less about raids. That said, I'm sure that any issues could be resolved for those who DO care about raiding. I would just like to have bases live up to their potential, and become an actually fully useful feature of the game. It would definitely encourage joining good groups and helping to build up the base - right now, most people I encounter only care about storage and teleporters for the bases, which is just sad. It's no wonder that a common comment I have seen throughout my reading on the forums has been "nobody uses bases" -
Didn't see this suggestion when I did a search, so here goes... Why not put in a travel power booster? Something like an Afterburner for flight... Give like 30 seconds of 25-50% speed/range boost on your travel power, and then require it be recharged (time or perhaps combat xp). This would make some of the travel powers feel a little more "super" at times, and make some of those long travel legs (Shard TFs anyone?) less annoying...
Just something to ponder. -
Well, it'd still be nice to get the IOs set up in either IO set order (healing, acc. to-hit debuff, etc.) and regular IOs for specific bins, that'll at least help with knowing what's in specific bins and easier time to rearrange them if need be. I'm always a fan of making organization easier, even if it's on a bin by bin or permission by permission basis. Sure, you're rank 3, it'll tell you what IOs you have access from bottom to 3. I'd just like something that makes it a bit more organized that "You submitted this IO first, so it's on top."
[/ QUOTE ]
So very true... Basic sorting methods would be great, sort by level, origin, enhance type, etc. Even in the salvage racks, this would be nice. Part of the whole reason I started this thread, the base storage in general is just haphazard and sloppy, almost like it was just thrown in without any thought to elegance or utility. -
Ah, thanks for the clarification, I had missed those changes coming in i14... Sounds like an interesting way to sort out the salvage and keep it locked down so that only those you want can get to it... Just seems like, with the storage limitations in place now, that if you lock a few racks down for the upper echelon members, it will get even more frustrating for the regular Joes, trying to find a place to tuck away some of their excess salvage...
And, you know, my list idea didn't need to be summarily shot down... With some clever filtering and such, it could easily be formatted to provide tabs of storage, with individual racks having the new rank assignments, which would give X number of storage slots to specific ranks, and those things in a set rank would only show up in the list for someone of that rank or higher. All without having to resort to creating security zones and extra architecture just to safeguard your precious horde... My whole idea was to eliminate the frustration of everyone having to run around the base, checking every storage rack, just to find somewhere with a slot or 2 open to dump something - or having to run around everywhere to find what you need. It's a rather sloppy method of storage now, and my thought was that a big SG with the means to build a base and maintain it would probably have the means to keep it organized.
So, in a related query, any good news as far as the ridiculously small storage limitations in the base itself? I mean, we have an SG with 50+ members, and only having 18 total storage racks in any size base, with the 30 piece per rack cap put in as of i13, gives like a 10 pieces per member storage capacity... Almost not worth it, when it all gets added up. Are maybe bigger racks or maybe a loosening up of storage component limitations in the bases on the horizon? -
Some SG's don't want you knowing everything that's in storage.
Some SG's have bins set up for personal use with rank permissions locking you out. It's none of your business what they have put aside.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pardon my ignorance, being somewhat new to base design, but how exactly does one change the rank permissions for one salvage rack and not the entire base? Is it even possible? Cause if it's the entire base that is set, that argument makes absolutely no sense - if the rank limits are on, people couldn't grab stuff out of my list idea either.
As far as I'm concerned, base salvage racks are [u]public[u] storage, and when I put things in the racks I'm putting them there to benefit my fellow SG mates as well as possibly myself later. If you're so worried about your own personal horde and greedily hiding that stuff away, maybe you should complain about the ridiculously small personal storage space offered instead. Or suggest some private storage locker options, rather than shooting down ideas for the public storage systems.
And honestly, if you've promoted someone high enough and then had them steal from you, maybe you need to rethink your promotion and member evaluation methods... [u]plah[u] -
Something I am all for is being able to create Titles or Labels for Storage Racks so that people at a glance could know which rack is designated for what type.
IE - Common Magic Salvage, Training Enhancements, Set Enhancements, etc.
Either a predefined list or preferably the ability to label your own would be awesome.
[/ QUOTE ]
That was actually among my first ideas, and I'd be all for it if they would put something like that in... Not only labeling, but maybe actually putting in a filter to only allow specific types of salvage.
But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed 1 easily accessible list for all of the salvage in the base made sense. Think of it as a computerized inventory, like when you go buy auto parts - it's on a shelf somewhere, you look it up, and then it gets brought to you... heh -
A basic suggestion to make base storage much less of a pain to handle and organize: Make all storage accessible from a single list box. Click any one of the storage racks, and the entire salvage list pops up, allowing you to scroll through everything in storage, see how many of any type of item is already in storage, and click to add or remove a piece at will. Methods for sorting by name, filtering by rarity, search (similar to market), would be a bonus. The amount of available storage is determined by the number of racks installed in the base.
This would prevent 20 players from dropping 8 of the same salvage type into different racks, and having to run around the base trying to find where they are. Since the ridiculous salvage limitations were imposed on the racks as of Issue 13, it's more important than ever to keep the storage organized and not clogged up with a massive amount of useless stuff.
While we're at it, opening up those ridiculous storage restrictions a bit might be helpful... Or at the very least, remove the archaic 18 racks total for any base size restriction... Just a thought... -
Could we, just once, have Double XP Wednesday or something like that? Seriously, every single freakin double-XP or other "fun weekend event" that has been put on for the last 4 years, I've missed. See, I have the unfortunate circumstances of having a life and family which I must tend to, and weekends are the time to do it. I get 5-10 times more gaming done during the week than on weekends. As do many that I regularly team with, and most of us are 2+ year veterans.
So, anyhow... Maybe give all of us some fun events, instead of just pandering to those lucky enough to have nothing to do on weekends. Maybe give us a Double XP Week? You can do it! I know you can!
Infinity - Too many heroes to mention
Virtue - So many villains, so little bandwidth