Base Improvements
This has been asked for time and time again. The devs keep /jrangering it because it seems no one really uses bases.
This has been asked for time and time again. The devs keep /jrangering it because it seems no one really uses bases.
And "no one really uses bases?" You sure you're looking at City of Heroes?
This has been asked for time and time again. The devs keep /jrangering it because it seems no one really uses bases.
Ship was so cash!
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Sorry robby, but the reason we haven't had base love isn't "no one uses them". It's more complicated than just trying to get Raiding back in the game, and more than just the Going Rogue and other additions are in the way.
Myself I really do hope that there is a full Issue dedicated to Base Love. I think they should call it that. Or All Your Base.
I'd love to have items that actually have surfaces on their bottom sides, so you can't see through them so much...
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I agree, bases need some serious love. I have all 12 alts on Infinity in a sorority SG, but stopped work on the base because:
A) Not enough prestige to buy hundreds, if not thousands, of items to build and manipulate into what I want stuff to end up looking like.
B) Worried about going over the magic "You've put too many things in here, I'm gonna crash on you now." number.
I know that about a year ago, I saw a post from someone asking if we could have floor and wall/doorway units in various sizes and shapes, so that we didn't have to use multiple desks and bookcases. For instance, if using desks for upper floors - needed if you don't want anyone being able to see up from a lower floor, like you can with the tile floor - it works out to a maximum of 32 desks per 'base square' per level.
Also, I agree with having a simple fridge or stove instead of having to manipulate 3-4 (or more) items in order to create such. Or a nice bed without having to use 3-4 counters and 2 short bookcases.
Yes, it might come across as somewhat 'The Sims' in terms of building, but I for one would appreciate something like this. (And besides, the girls are screaming at the thought of having to pay 33,000 just for the screen for the theater in the sorority house. )
Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.
Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind
Everyone currently has the option to build an sg the way they want; when they want. This is fantastic. Who else wants the ability to select a standardized, functional supergroup base from smallest to largest right away, up-front that automatically auto-builds features as the right amount of items and prestige are earned without having to do this manually each and every step of the way?
Be happy!
I know that about a year ago, I saw a post from someone asking if we could have floor and wall/doorway units in various sizes and shapes, so that we didn't have to use multiple desks and bookcases. For instance, if using desks for upper floors - needed if you don't want anyone being able to see up from a lower floor, like you can with the tile floor - it works out to a maximum of 32 desks per 'base square' per level.
Who else wants the ability to select a standardized, functional supergroup base from smallest to largest right away, up-front that automatically auto-builds features as the right amount of items and prestige are earned without having to do this manually each and every step of the way? This option would allow both new and long time players to have the choice to either build their sg the traditional way; or select from pre-built configurations upfront that are auto-built when required items and prestige are earned. I know I do!
That's some great ideas there OP. Doubt it'll happen any time soon, but its certainly something worth crossing your fingers for!
Forbin_Project didn't see: Exactly what is this "traditional" way you speak of? |
Dec out.
This is kind of a variation of something that I've seen requested several times before. I know others have asked for Npc's in the bases. I would like them to be customizable just like the ones in AE. It would also be awesome if you could give them emotes and something to say when a player approaches them. It could be given out as a vet reward. I'm not suggesting this because I would be one of the chosen few. I'm only a 42 month vet, so I would have to wait awhile for any new vet rewards. I just think that the demands on the servers might make it unfeasible to do it any other way. You could also limit the amount that a player can use (i.e. only one per account, per player in selected SG, etc...).
If you are not basebuilder you can still use base items and you can enjoy in beautiful base. My SG members likes changes what I'm done in our base. Just building is not only use.
Yeah thumbs up to all new stuff.
And my own suggestion. More uses to supercomputer or terminals or perhaps a new console. I think it would be helpful if you can pay rents in base especially in red side.
Oh... and direct teleports to pvp maps.
Prunejuice is warriors drink.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Forbin_Project sees funny: The impression I got from reading that was that he was implying that there was a predetermined floor plan that told base builders where each room is supposed to go. |
Dec out.
I've got a few things I'd like to see in bases (some of which have already been covered, but I'm keeping my list complete)...
* Bigger storage capacity - make it a function of number of group members or something like that, something that scales. When you have a full base membership, the amount of storage for all those members is ridiculously small. And the whole market argument is a complete crock to me, the market is completely skewed and out of control, the lockdowns on salvage and recipes to prevent hoarding have only made it worse.
* Salvage/enhancement rack naming and filtering - allow the builder to tag a salvage rack with a name (as in "rare" or "common") and be able to set a filter if desired. Be able to lock down what types of items can be dropped in (tech or arcane, commonality, etc).
* Single salvage access terminal - something that can be unlocked and built, to allow base-wide salvage access from a single terminal. Think similar to an auto parts store, you punch up what you need, and you can grab it right there, instead of running from rack to rack. Also lets you see how much you have of each item, so if you have 200 brass taking up your precious room in racks all over the base, you can remedy the situation. Permissions would still apply, so if you put an item in a locked down rack, it would show, but you would need the proper rank to recover it.
* Security doors - seriously, put a door in that you can set rank permissions to enter. Consider it an "officer's lounge" or high rank storage area, etc. The idea is to allow limiting access to parts of the base, if you so choose - You don't have high enough security clearance, you don't get to this room. This could alternatively be an elevator/portal type of door, taking you to an isolated room section on the base map.
* Market interface - covered by many already, it would be a nice unlockable addition that could be built. Seems like it would be a good time to do this, since the markets are being merged?
* Apartments - again, covered by many already, but just a single door in the base to allow members access to their living quarters, which can be decorated/upgraded by them (too much to cover on this thread, it's already been hashed many times over)
* Tailor interface - step in, edit your costume. Still subject to tailor fees, etc.
Ok, that's all I can remember at this juncture. I know there can be some raid issues, but honestly I (and I dare say a vast majority of the player base) could care less about raids. That said, I'm sure that any issues could be resolved for those who DO care about raiding. I would just like to have bases live up to their potential, and become an actually fully useful feature of the game. It would definitely encourage joining good groups and helping to build up the base - right now, most people I encounter only care about storage and teleporters for the bases, which is just sad. It's no wonder that a common comment I have seen throughout my reading on the forums has been "nobody uses bases"
I agree the bases need some love.. I like all the ideas. My contribution would be Raids that are not entirely dependent on another SG/VG participation but rather an AE type of concept. Create your own Raiders or use the standard groups and the number of waves attacking the base. Last but not least possibly the last wave will have your AV in it? I don't know just a thought.
Hello all,
I've been base editing for 5 years now on CoH. I do it in Beta testing also.
In the last 5 + years of game I have seen many objects that could easily be added to the SG base list of decorative items. I the list below and thing I have seen and other I wish to see.
New Tab= new list
Entertainment Tab--------------------------
Pool table
Pin ball machine
Card / Game tables
Dart board
Soda vending machine
Candy vending machine
Household Tab----------------------
Pots and pans
Washer and Dryer
Dinning room table with and without food
kitchen counters with sinks
Workout Room /Gymnasium Tab-------------------
Bar Bells
Weight Machine
Trend mill
Boxing/wrestling ring
Boxing Bag
Target practice dummies
Target/ gun range
Archery target / range
Gymnasium equipment
Hospital Tab---------
Bedside equipment
Wall cabinets with medical supplies visible
Medical Books/ Shelves
Operating Room lights, tables and equipment
X-ray's on Light board lite up
Art Works Tab----------
all pictures and sculptures seen on many missions and city maps- more more more Please
Transportation Tab - ----------------
Storage containers-----------------------
As seen on many missions and city maps
Misc -( A.D.A like ) -----------------------
Hand rails for stairs ( wall and freestanding )
Exit sign
Emergency Exit sign
Directional Arrow signs ( wall and freestanding )
Medical Bay / Hospital Sign
Workshop Sign
Teleport Room Sign( including raid Teleport sign)
----GREEN DOT on base map that show base door-------
Oh yea..almost forgot
Ability to test the base design with weapons/defenses and so on in AE- Supergroup leaders should be able to copy base to AE map and then test in AE mission.
There is NO way to test your base tactics or defending the item of power in a real raid.
Player on Protector Server only! Leader of 4 supergroups The Silvermoon family SG-Hero - rank 29 - The Redmoon Domion SG - Villain - rank 38 The Pirates of the Silver Moon- The Pirates of the Blood Moon,, 19 Characters at lvl 50

Nice of you to necro this...
Please see the links in my sig.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Because it could be entertaining?
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Some items I'd like to see added to bases...
Beds that don't have straps on them (when I'm sleeping, I don't need to be lashed down)
Televisions (not just those diagnostic screens)
More "Active" items...
Practice Dummies
Combat Practice Dummies (click on it, it activates, it fights you as you fight it... probably not likely, but a man can dream)
AE terminal in the base
Just some things I had rattling in my head.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.