Suggestions forum is a bit further down the page.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
This would be better in the general suggestions forum.
However, I think the Devs are trying to get people to stop holding on to so much money, so making it easier to hold onto it would be counter productive.
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
Wait guys there is some merit to this idea if tweaked. They could create a global bank where you could store your influence, But to do so you would have to pay a recurring fee in Inf. They could even make us pay an inf charge for each alt that has access to the bank.
These fees would be a great way to add a new inf sinks to the game.
Wait guys there is some merit to this idea if tweaked. They could create a global bank where you could store your influence, But to do so you would have to pay a recurring fee in Inf. They could even make us pay an inf charge for each alt that has access to the bank.
These fees would be a great way to add a new inf sinks to the game. |
But, would you run into the issue of not using the bank because you could use a "mule" toon(s) via emails and avoid the sink?
Yeah, I could see it as more convenient QoL not having to log the mule on and transfer, but if the sink is too small, then why have it vs. if too large then avoid it.
And where would the cap be?
Interesting...very interesting...
But, would you run into the issue of not using the bank because you could use a "mule" toon(s) via emails and avoid the sink? Yeah, I could see it as more convenient QoL not having to log the mule on and transfer, but if the sink is too small, then why have it vs. if too large then avoid it. And where would the cap be? |
As t the fees I was thinking a million to buy access per character, and a monthly fee of 10% of the amount being stored.
Also makes sure there is a big warning in game that explains the fee and that it will be taken out each month regardless of whether or not the account is active.
Sure, I think those are reasonable. But that's just me.
Only thought that comes to mind is the monthly access shouldn't go below a certain point (like 50% of the max deposited - just tossing out a number here). This is in case some one goes inactive for a while and comes back with next to nothing.
Maybe just add it to SG vaults and have a pool of inf for anyone to give or take from.
Sure, I think those are reasonable. But that's just me.
Only thought that comes to mind is the monthly access shouldn't go below a certain point (like 50% of the max deposited - just tossing out a number here). This is in case some one goes inactive for a while and comes back with next to nothing. |
Maybe just add it to SG vaults and have a pool of inf for anyone to give or take from.
Then theres also the problem with an SG leader that suddenly decides to lock everyone out. The GMs have already stated that the SG and everything in it belongs to the person with the rank Super Leader. They won't get involved with internal disputes.
I think a private bank is the way to go.
Only problem with that idea is the one that Star Trek Online has with the same issue. Bank Thieves. Every one that chips into an SG bank is going to want access to what they stored and it will be very easy to rip the whole SG off.
Then theres also the problem with an SG leader that suddenly decides to lock everyone out. The GMs have already stated that the SG and everything in it belongs to the person with the rank Super Leader. They won't get involved with internal disputes. I think a private bank is the way to go. |
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
This wouldn't be SG bank but, for ones account. As for a cap i would have to say 500 billion to start but, 1 trillion so the devs wouldn't have to mess with around making the cap bigger.
It's funny, there are "guild banks" in other MMOs, and they've found ways to make it work... Even if there are private banks available, I'd still like to see a SuperGroup Bank, that can be managed by maybe a few individuals within the SG. Somewhere that higher characters can throw extra inf, saving up for things like hosting costume contests, signing bonuses, converting to prestige, or just giving to new characters to help them get started out enhancing.
And, while we're at it, why not have a recipe area in that bank? The whole "hoarding" argument that has been thrown up against hoarding of recipes is total bunk - the rampant ridiculous market prices for the too-rare drops is proof that the system is already broken. I can't count how many times I heard "the market will stabilize and prices will come down" over the years, and it's gone the exact opposite in most cases. Let us store rare recipes for the members of our SG that can use them, instead of forcing a "sell it for 300 million" mentality that just perpetuates the runaway market and completely leaves out all but the constant players who can afford them. Oh, and only serves to encourage normally honest players to consider using gold farmers.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Unless the bank removed funds daily it would have to charge either per transaction or per character using it. Otherwise people would remove inf on the bill day so they didn't have to pay and then put it all back for a month.
Charge based on peak influence held over the month. If there are insufficient funds in the bank on charge day, any further deposits go toward paying back the deficit until there's a positive balance.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

It's funny, there are "guild banks" in other MMOs, and they've found ways to make it work... Even if there are private banks available, I'd still like to see a SuperGroup Bank, that can be managed by maybe a few individuals within the SG. Somewhere that higher characters can throw extra inf, saving up for things like hosting costume contests, signing bonuses, converting to prestige, or just giving to new characters to help them get started out enhancing.
And, while we're at it, why not have a recipe area in that bank? The whole "hoarding" argument that has been thrown up against hoarding of recipes is total bunk - the rampant ridiculous market prices for the too-rare drops is proof that the system is already broken. I can't count how many times I heard "the market will stabilize and prices will come down" over the years, and it's gone the exact opposite in most cases. Let us store rare recipes for the members of our SG that can use them, instead of forcing a "sell it for 300 million" mentality that just perpetuates the runaway market and completely leaves out all but the constant players who can afford them. Oh, and only serves to encourage normally honest players to consider using gold farmers. |
It's gone the exact opposite for reasons. Easier to get to 50, more inf earned at 50, merits added in the place of random recipes at the end of TFs and Trials, etc.
You can store the recipes in email and when someone wants them you could email it to them or for even more ease of use you could craft them and store them in the SG for people.
If this normally honest person is encouraged to break the rules I question their true integrity. And risking getting their account stolen or credit card number misused for stuff in the game seems to be a bit foolish.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
If the casual gamer wants purples or PvP IOs he's going to have to stop being casual.
This would be better in the general suggestions forum.
However, I think the Devs are trying to get people to stop holding on to so much money, so making it easier to hold onto it would be counter productive. |
Right now, one of the reasons I tend to hold on to money is that I want to have $N available no matter which toon I'm logged in on. Because it's a hassle (with the long logout time) to swap inf from one toon to another. If I had a shared pool, I'd probably actually keep less total money around.
I'd still like to see a SuperGroup Bank, that can be managed by maybe a few individuals within the SG |
signing bonuses |
converting to prestige |
just giving to new characters to help them get started out enhancing |
Also at any time players can turn off their exp and just earn inf for as long as they want.
We also have the Email feature which allows players to send inf to their other characters, and when "Going Rogue" goes live we'll be able to send inf, recipes, and salvage to any character regardless of faction. Players will no longer be able to complain that their Villains can't afford to buy things.
the rampant ridiculous market prices for the too-rare drops is proof that the system is already broken. |
Let us store rare recipes for the members of our SG that can use them, instead of forcing a "sell it for 300 million" |

All you have to do is craft the recipe and place the resulting enhancement in storage for another member of the SG to use. No one is being forced to sell anything if they don't want to do it.
Also by crafting the recipes you will be helping the economy by removing influence from the market. Crafting is an inf sink.
only serves to encourage normally honest players to consider using gold farmers |
The market is optional. No one has to use it.
Invention Origin enhancements are optional. No one needs them to play the game.
Hiya, I have a question. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a bank to store our inf. I know when City of Villians was comming out the devs were working on a banking system but, never prevailed. I was hoping if we could have one when Going Rouge comes out. So we could store our Inf. between characters. As I see it we wouldn't have to store Inf. at the Black Market/ Wentworths or the Gleemail system. What do you guys think and I hope the devs take a look at this.