What Changes are needed to make Stalkers an acceptable addition to a Team?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
If you are trying to argue about the comparative effectiveness of ATs, you have to use an objective quantifiable basis for comparison or you the argument might as well be "my daddy can beat up your daddy" in preschool.

If you are balancing ATs and power sets you have to use the hard numbers. Any other basis is nonsense.
Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
There are few enough places where the stalker raison d'etre is enough reason to be. Those places can generally be accomplished almost as easily by someone else. The game just doesn't work in a fashion such that the well placed assassin is key to success.
I think a lot of the problem actually is that Stalkers buff the team in a way that is hard to quantify and admittedly is not common enough. Sapper = dead helps a team but there's not enough situations where there's an individual problem enemy that needs to die immediately. Don't get me wrong, they could stand to be buffed but it seems like they'd be harder to pinpoint the exact hard numbers needed.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Learn to read. I mean really, just learn to read. I've said in pretty much every post that the stalkers don't lag that much in damage, and are certainly not a worthless AT. They are not gimped. They are not useless.

I'll repeat it a few hundred extra times if that is necessary to sink in.

If the only way you can argue is by setting up straw men to fight against, I'd recommended you find a better way to spend your time.

Look, stalkers lag the other melee damage ATs a bit. They don't match the sustained DPS, and they are slightly less survivable. This is just how it is.

It doesn't make them useless, it makes them unbalanced. They have one strength, and that's burst DPS. However the game doesn't have much use for burst DPS out side of PVP and very rare instances in the PVE game.

I know you want to get huffy and put words in my mouth, but what is, is. I play stalkers because I like the AT. I don't let my like for the AT get in the way of recognizing their limitations.
If I misremembered something someone else said as something you said, sorry about that. I disagree with you, and I don't think you and I are going to be able to reach any sort of consensus.

You dismissed my entire point of view as irrelevant just because it was different and were more than a little mocking about it, so yeah I'm gonna get a little irritated. You really shouldn't be surprised at the reaction. If you openly mock someone it's likely to provoke them. And then following up with "learn to read"? Wow.

I have found this entire thread irritating from start to finish. That probably means I should bow out now and just stop reading it before I really do fly off the handle.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I think a lot of the problem actually is that Stalkers buff the team in a way that is hard to quantify and admittedly is not common enough. Sapper = dead helps a team but there's not enough situations where there's an individual problem enemy that needs to die immediately. Don't get me wrong, they could stand to be buffed but it seems like they'd be harder to pinpoint the exact hard numbers needed.
Yes, this is my point. The stalker has a neat trick, but the way the game works doesn't make enough use of it. Sure, ganking the sapper is handy, but you don't see that many sappers. While most factions have someone worthy of a quick gank, a mez will generally do the job just as well.

I don't think stalkers need any sort of huge boost to be fixed. I think they are quite close as is, to be honest. The big buffs a few issues back really put them back into the running pretty well. However, I still think that because they give up stuff in the way of AOEs and defense, they ought to gain something on offense.

I would suggest a couple minor tweaks:
60' range on the team crit buff.
100% build up instead of 80% build up.

I personally think that would be about enough to make it. Arguably a slightly better damage scalar might be a good idea (1.05 or 1.1 maybe).

Beyond that, you don't want to do too much since it would drastically change the feel of the AT, and I happen to like how they play now.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Yes, this is my point. The stalker has a neat trick, but the way the game works doesn't make enough use of it. Sure, ganking the sapper is handy, but you don't see that many sappers. While most factions have someone worthy of a quick gank, a mez will generally do the job just as well.

I don't think stalkers need any sort of huge boost to be fixed. I think they are quite close as is, to be honest. The big buffs a few issues back really put them back into the running pretty well. However, I still think that because they give up stuff in the way of AOEs and defense, they ought to gain something on offense.

I would suggest a couple minor tweaks:
60' range on the team crit buff.
100% build up instead of 80% build up.

I personally think that would be about enough to make it. Arguably a slightly better damage scalar might be a good idea (1.05 or 1.1 maybe).

Beyond that, you don't want to do too much since it would drastically change the feel of the AT, and I happen to like how they play now.
It's not too different from what I would say Energy Melee needs. If you want to have it be focused on ST damage, great. Then justify that with have it being the best at it. I would definitely agree with upping the range on the crit boost. It was a great idea for improving Stalkers to include that, so making it more easy to leverage (30 feet is not all that much when taking on just one spawn) would be a good idea.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
It's not too different from what I would say Energy Melee needs. If you want to have it be focused on ST damage, great. Then justify that with have it being the best at it. I would definitely agree with upping the range on the crit boost. It was a great idea for improving Stalkers to include that, so making it more easy to leverage (30 feet is not all that much when taking on just one spawn) would be a good idea.
As an aside, I do still find it odd what they did to EM. I mean honestly, sure ET was a kick butt power at its height. But let's be honest, it didn't really matter. Sure, it would help you take down a single target fast. BFD. It's like the stalker thing. Sure, ganking one target can be handy once in a while, but there's few enough instances in the game where it really matters.

It doesn't get you more XP. It doesn't get you more drops. Yes, it allows faster killing of AVs, but that's not time effective anyway, so again BFD. It was a nerf in search of a reason IMO.

But back to stalkers, yes that 30 range limitation seems too damned tight. Unless you are on an all melee team, it's not likely to hack it. I mean squishies would be out of their minds to get within 30 feet on an AV with any PBAOE potential, and most of them have a lot of that.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
*sighs* Well, all of this has already been covered in this thread. But we'll go back and forth some more, I guess.

If you really want to get down to numbers, all melee ATs are screwed. Ranged ATs have larger cones and more AOEs (along with potential buffs and debuffs to handle aggro), so who needs melee? Drop 'em.
And melee ATs have better defenses, resistances, Hit Points, Mez Protection.

You're not really making a point here, because no one ever suggests to not take Melees onto a team on any regular basis.

Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
If you gave Stalkers the same AOEs as Scrappers and Brutes wouldn't that just make the Stalker functionally better in nearly every circumstances with their guarenteed crits and higher crit percentages?

They would still be less survivable, hold no aggro and overall be a relatively niche use AT.

In my opinion, it's not just Brutes and Scrappers that cause problems for Stalkers but VEATs like Night Widows and Bane's as well.

Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
The issue is that if we compare them to scrappers the scrapper can put out roughly the same st dps, less st burst, and lots more aoe burst/dps. Scrappers also tend to help keep heat off of teammates via their agro generation.

Stalkers doing more st burst probably doesn't offset their loss of aoe damage and they tend to shed agro onto teammates rather than attract it.

There usually isn't a compelling reason to pick a stalker over a scrapper unless your team is already strong enough that it can make do with someone deflecting agro onto the other people AND you have less use for aoe damage.
The entire issue neatly summarized.



I agree. what was the range on the old sidekick setup? Maybe half of that?



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I think a lot of the problem actually is that Stalkers buff the team in a way that is hard to quantify and admittedly is not common enough. Sapper = dead helps a team but there's not enough situations where there's an individual problem enemy that needs to die immediately. Don't get me wrong, they could stand to be buffed but it seems like they'd be harder to pinpoint the exact hard numbers needed.
The problem with that is that a lot of other characters can have basically the same impact by hitting the problem enemy with a single target mez (or if it's a boss two people mez it).



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I'm left wondering if you are deliberately trying not to make sense, or do you really lack comprehension to that degree?
I'd say reread what I said again but then I'd just be blamed for 'lack of comprehension' or some crap.

What I meant said was:
"The point was, you bring up the melee ATs and DPS...acknowledge the advantage of stalker's burst and ST dmg and yet...DPS calculations are done with only one target in mind."

To clarify:
"The point was, you bring up melee ATs and DPS...acknowledge the advantage of stalker's burst damage AND single target damage..."

i.e. Stalkers have the advantage of burst (you can complain about needing to set it up but it's only a minor inconvenience since you're given absolute stealth at level one and a 'stop fighting me' auto-hit mez) and they are competitive in ST DPS.

So to sum up, you don't have the actual numbers, and don't feel like calculating them yourself. The fact that others have run the numbers, and discarded stalkers as out of the running doesn't seem to impinge upon your awareness.
I'm not a number cruncher so no, I don't. Much of the numbers came up when the devs were implementing the scaling crits. From those threads, without factoring in crits from hide/placate, a stalker *outpaced* a scrapper in ST DPS on large teams/with max crit rate bonus...only marginally but there you go.

Yes, of course. The people who are calculating maximum DPS chains are out to get the poor little put upon stalkers. They are subjectively biased against the stalkers, and unwilling to even consider them.

Look, I hate to break it to you, but there is no anti-stalker conspiracy. The fact is they simply lag in performance. It's not by a huge margin offensively (except in AOEs generally), but it is the case.
Who said anything about conspiracies or even bias against stalkers? I simply said, people that want to SMASH don't want to hide. They'd rather press buttons and get their reward. If anything, I'm biased against stupidly simple playstyles and simple minded tactics. You won't hear me bad mouthing Dominators...and even though I don't like Masterminds, there's a since of respect for their complicated playstyle.

Stalkers give up things for their burst damage capability. In most cases (electric melee being the lone exception) this is AOE damage from the primary. Also stalkers have lower HP, and generally inferior defenses overall.
True, Stalkers give up things for burst, but your inferiority complex stems from comparing apples and oranges.

Elec melee is the lone exception? Okay, so it's the only primary that didn't loose damage. Great.

Now what about Dark Melee? What did it give up? A long recharging AoE that might as well not even be an attack at all? DM, compared across the melee ATs, it's tops when on Stalkers. It basically bolsters the set's burst damage (something the set naturally lags on) in exchange for decreasing its already abysmal AoE damage.

How about Dual Blades? It even drops a whole PBAoE attack! Well, the set still maintains *enough* AoE. You get 2 cones and a PBAoE dmg combo as well as focused DPS DoT combo and more burst (again, something said set falls behind on).

However since burst damage really doesn't gain one a heck of a lot outside of PVP, it's not a really good trade for the stalker. In truth stalkers ought to be the kings of single target damage. They sacrifice other things, and as such should be tops somewhere.
Really, it's like admitting there's something wrong with the game, rather than Stalkers. Because Stalkers aren't the only AT that uses ST or Burst damage. To say it gains little in comparison to other similar attributes is tells us "The AI needs to be fixed or something".


Eh, I'll leave it at that. I'm tired of quoting. Anyway, there's nothing *wrong* with Stalkers, inherently. They have powersets that focus on ST and powersets that expand into AoE just like every other melee AT. Just because they tend to narrow their focus a bit compared doesn't make it good or bad. It's up to the player to decide if that's a direction in which they want to go.

Their survivability is fine, as on teams, they're like Scrappers with anti-aggro auras. A Scrapper that isn't tanking doesn't need 100% of the mitigation they get anyway and solo, if using the proper settings, most of the enemies will simply fall over dead before they can scratch at you.

Could the AT use some tweeking? Yeah, sure. Lots of stuff could. But I don't think they need to give them *more* damage...because it's a never ending cycle. Then Scrappers will complain or the buff won't be enough 'cause my claws brute can still do blahblahblah DPS which is blah% blah than blah'.

Give stalkers more debuffs. Won't make them 133t but it'd be cool!



I think its generally agreed that rolling a combo on a stalker, That is available on Scrappers and Brutes is not a smart move after Going-Rogue.

Additionally, single target only primaries are also bad moves.

So the only somewhat viable stalker combos of you like to team are:


I am looking forward to ninjitsu being proliferated to Scrappers!

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I'd say reread what I said again but then I'd just be blamed for 'lack of comprehension' or some crap.

What I meant said was:
"The point was, you bring up the melee ATs and DPS...acknowledge the advantage of stalker's burst and ST dmg and yet...DPS calculations are done with only one target in mind."

To clarify:
"The point was, you bring up melee ATs and DPS...acknowledge the advantage of stalker's burst damage AND single target damage..."

i.e. Stalkers have the advantage of burst (you can complain about needing to set it up but it's only a minor inconvenience since you're given absolute stealth at level one and a 'stop fighting me' auto-hit mez) and they are competitive in ST DPS.
The problem you have trouble comprehending is that burst damage is meaningless. They don't win the DPS race on single targets, and as a rule lack in AOEs. Overall they don't keep up in damage or survivability. The damage is close, of course, but for the trade off in survivability, they should be the melee damage kings.

I'm not a number cruncher so no, I don't. Much of the numbers came up when the devs were implementing the scaling crits. From those threads, without factoring in crits from hide/placate, a stalker *outpaced* a scrapper in ST DPS on large teams/with max crit rate bonus...only marginally but there you go.
I doubt that it took into account all options. Things like saturated soul drain is pretty important.

Who said anything about conspiracies or even bias against stalkers? I simply said, people that want to SMASH don't want to hide. They'd rather press buttons and get their reward. If anything, I'm biased against stupidly simple playstyles and simple minded tactics. You won't hear me bad mouthing Dominators...and even though I don't like Masterminds, there's a since of respect for their complicated playstyle.
Ahh, so all people who like brutes or scrappers are simplistic button mashers. I'll be sure to pass that along to the number crunchers for you (odd that you don't like to do math, and they the people who do are simplistic, hmm).

True, Stalkers give up things for burst, but your inferiority complex stems from comparing apples and oranges.
Inferiority complex?!? What are you babbling about. I'm talking about AT balance. Your inability to grasp the issues at hand are pretty clear.

Elec melee is the lone exception? Okay, so it's the only primary that didn't loose damage. Great.

Now what about Dark Melee? What did it give up? A long recharging AoE that might as well not even be an attack at all? DM, compared across the melee ATs, it's tops when on Stalkers. It basically bolsters the set's burst damage (something the set naturally lags on) in exchange for decreasing its already abysmal AoE damage.
Have you ever even played DM on a scrapper or brute? I've got 50s in each, so I'd like to think I know the set pretty well (oh, and a stalker at 34). Your casual dismissal of Soul Drain indicated to me that you don't have the vaguest clue about DM. Then not grasping that an endurance recovery tool is also a nice thing to have really shows a level of ignorance that is appalling. Please don't argue with me if you are this clueless.

How about Dual Blades? It even drops a whole PBAoE attack! Well, the set still maintains *enough* AoE. You get 2 cones and a PBAoE dmg combo as well as focused DPS DoT combo and more burst (again, something said set falls behind on).
You lose the nice PBAOE full circle attack. That's an obvious loss no matter how you dismiss it.

Really, it's like admitting there's something wrong with the game, rather than Stalkers. Because Stalkers aren't the only AT that uses ST or Burst damage. To say it gains little in comparison to other similar attributes is tells us "The AI needs to be fixed or something".
I'm starting to feel like I'm arguing with a wall. The game plays in a certain way, and stalkers aren't terribly well suited to that way. You might not grasp it, but reality will not change to suit your perceptions.


Eh, I'll leave it at that. I'm tired of quoting. Anyway, there's nothing *wrong* with Stalkers, inherently. They have powersets that focus on ST and powersets that expand into AoE just like every other melee AT. Just because they tend to narrow their focus a bit compared doesn't make it good or bad. It's up to the player to decide if that's a direction in which they want to go.
Stalkers give up things to be strong at single target burst damage. That is an ability which doesn't help much. End of story. For what they give up, they should be single target damage kings in melee.

Their survivability is fine, as on teams, they're like Scrappers with anti-aggro auras. A Scrapper that isn't tanking doesn't need 100% of the mitigation they get anyway and solo, if using the proper settings, most of the enemies will simply fall over dead before they can scratch at you.
So because everyone else is overpowered, stalkers don't have to be balanced to them?

Could the AT use some tweeking? Yeah, sure. Lots of stuff could. But I don't think they need to give them *more* damage...because it's a never ending cycle. Then Scrappers will complain or the buff won't be enough 'cause my claws brute can still do blahblahblah DPS which is blah% blah than blah'.
You would have a hard time finding a serious student of this game who doesn't recognize an imbalance across the melee ATs. Stalkers are the bottom rung right now.

Give stalkers more debuffs. Won't make them 133t but it'd be cool!
Buffs and debuffs are the most powerful thing in this game.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
It's a game, it's not calculus.
It's a pretty basic video game - so it's arithmetic, not calculus.



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
And melee ATs have better defenses, resistances, Hit Points, Mez Protection.

You're not really making a point here, because no one ever suggests to not take Melees onto a team on any regular basis.
Seen teams do it and also seen plenty brag about it on the forums. I see it to no end in anti-Tanker and anti-melee threads too, where people laud how their team completed this and that task force without one. It can be done and is done. Which is great, in my opinion. The game allows a lot of team combinations to work.

And if you're still worried about it, grab one melee person to take the alpha, and let the rest be all ranged. The buffs, debuffs, control, and damage will be more than the poor saps in melee can do, anyway.

Discussing it is missing the point, anyway. You can make any combo of ATs work in the game, so pretending that any AT is somehow below an arbitrary bar some players want to throw in there is silly. Which is why threads like this always mystify me: it's from certain players perceptions, rather than the reality of the game itself.

Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I think its generally agreed that rolling a combo on a stalker, That is available on Scrappers and Brutes is not a smart move after Going-Rogue.

Additionally, single target only primaries are also bad moves.
To you, clearly. It's hilarious how you repeat posting this no matter how much people quibble the point. Go ahead and have fun playing Scrappers and Brutes (because that's fine, we should all play what we want), but don't put your head in the sand and pretend that Stalkers aren't worth playing or inviting. Then you're moving beyond your own preferences and demanding other people follow those preferences.

No thanks on that.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Discussing it is missing the point, anyway. You can make any combo of ATs work in the game, so pretending that any AT is somehow below an arbitrary bar some players want to throw in there is silly. Which is why threads like this always mystify me: it's from certain players perceptions, rather than the reality of the game itself.
You know, even though I've seen people who've said they've done it I'm still somewhat dubious about the concept of all-blaster TFs. Every time I think about it I just imagine lots of faceplants.

Now, add in something like one FF or other support character and it seems more doable to me. Actually, a TF with one FF, one kin and the rest blasters sounds absurdly fun to me come to think of it.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Out of curiosity I decided to do a paper Stalker/Scrapper comparison for AV bashing.


-Martial Arts (available to both and attack chains are going to be similar)
-110% Global Recharge so that all powers recharge soon enough to have a smooth chain
-All powers effectively in queue so that the only gap in powers is activation time adjusted for Arcanatime
-Placate and Focus Chi (Build Up) are slotted with 3 level 50 Recharge IOs
-Attack Powers are slotted with a full set of Crushing Impact (optimal enhancement slotting for enhancements)
-No damage procs
-Stalker attack chain is FC->AB->EC->CK->Plac->AB->then repeat EC->CK->CAK->SK until 30 secs are up from when Focus Chi is first pressed
-Scrapper attack chain is FC->then repeat EC->CK->CAK->SK until 30 secs are up from when Focus Chi is first pressed
-Attack Chain Damage is averaged to include crits: 31% for Stalkers (7 teammates in range) and 10% for Scrappers (non-minions)
-Eagle's Claw for Scrappers has an extra 5% crit chance (if I'm reading City of Data right the extra crit chance for Stalker EC was removed without changing the description? City of Data also seems to say that Scrapper Storm Kick has an extra 5% crit chance too, but I'm considering that a typo for now)
-It takes 13.2 sec to finish animating the second AS
-At the end of 30 s Placate and BU are up again and the cycle repeats except that Stalkers have to wait 20 s for another AS instead of 10 s as in the first cycle and Scrappers don't have to Placate


Stalkers are clearly better for the 1st ~5 sec and pretty close up through 15 sec depending on how the crits fall.

Stalkers are a little weak at the 10 s mark because Placate eats up the last of BU without contributing direct damage.

Global damage buffs (sets, buffs, or red inspirations) favor Stalkers a little more, but not much. Lots of damage buffs would favor Scrappers since they have a larger cap.

0% Damage Buffs
                  5 s         10 s     13.2 s     15 s        20 s       25 s       30 s
Stalker      1520.44  1911.39  2634.48  2943.14  3608.91  4404.78  5157.28
Scrapper   1015.92  2301.12  2850.29  3079.00  4008.14  4915.78  5774.66

25% Damage Buffs
                  5 s         10 s     13.2 s     15 s        20 s       25 s       30 s
Stalker      1673.16  2103.37  2933.50  3287.84  4052.15  4965.82  5829.71
Scrapper   1100.17  2491.95  3109.26  3366.35  4410.78  5431.05  6396.51
At 30 s and 0% Global Damage Buffs Stalker damage is 89% of Scrapper damage. With 25% Global Damage Buffs Stalker Damage is 91% of Scrapper damage.

A different attack chain (i.e., buzz saw) and a different set might give slightly different results as well, but I'm not willing to spend the time to check right now. A quick glance at the numbers suggests that Stalkers might be better avoiding the second AS since it lacks BU, but I'm not sure.

Edited to add:

These are level 50 comparisons.
Not sure what the effective HP (including regen) a level 50ish AV has. This will of course depend on the debuffs it has on it.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
The problem you have trouble comprehending is that burst damage is meaningless.
*discards the rest because it's just insulting drivel*

Who honestly believes that? Especially when considering some steamroller teams where a mob is dropped in seconds. How important is sustained DPS vs burst when you've got a blaster hopped up on buffs flying at your heels or a SD Brute ready to drop SC at the drop of a hat?

If you're only counting 'burst damage' as AS and discarding the whole 'giving yourself 100%ST/50%AOE crits on command that you can combine with BU at will' part, then maybe. But Stalkers get AoEs. Stalkers can crit a lot of enemies with those AoEs and they can make sure those crits are backed by BU. That's something scrappers can't do and they have better burst damage than brutes.

You're lobbying for changes across the entire AT while discarding attributes the devs obviously considered advantages of the AT...when your real issue isn't even the AT but individual aspects of powersets. Taking a note from Angry_Citizen when he was here (one of the main guys that spoke out for the buffs Stalkers have now), the problem you want fixed is some kind of inferiority issue with the inherent concept of the AT compared to others yet you want to solve it with minor changes that will do little to nothing to solve anything...it'll just make you feel better. It's asking for change just because.

And no, Stalkers shouldn't be the 'kings of melee damage'. Merely competitive. You shouldn't have to pick a stealth assassin/ninja style if you want to do great melee damage.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
*discards the rest because it's just insulting drivel*

Who honestly believes that? Especially when considering some steamroller teams where a mob is dropped in seconds. How important is sustained DPS vs burst when you've got a blaster hopped up on buffs flying at your heels or a SD Brute ready to drop SC at the drop of a hat?

If you're only counting 'burst damage' as AS and discarding the whole 'giving yourself 100%ST/50%AOE crits on command that you can combine with BU at will' part, then maybe. But Stalkers get AoEs. Stalkers can crit a lot of enemies with those AoEs and they can make sure those crits are backed by BU. That's something scrappers can't do and they have better burst damage than brutes.

You're lobbying for changes across the entire AT while discarding attributes the devs obviously considered advantages of the AT...when your real issue isn't even the AT but individual aspects of powersets. Taking a note from Angry_Citizen when he was here (one of the main guys that spoke out for the buffs Stalkers have now), the problem you want fixed is some kind of inferiority issue with the inherent concept of the AT compared to others yet you want to solve it with minor changes that will do little to nothing to solve anything...it'll just make you feel better. It's asking for change just because.

And no, Stalkers shouldn't be the 'kings of melee damage'. Merely competitive. You shouldn't have to pick a stealth assassin/ninja style if you want to do great melee damage.

LEO: Due to scrappers having superior self buffing they have nearly all of stalker ability for burst damage, while having higher DPS, Better AOE and Better survivability.


Stalker Negatives outweigh Stalker Strengths. ITS JUST THAT SIMPLE.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
To you, clearly. It's hilarious how you repeat posting this no matter how much people quibble the point. Go ahead and have fun playing Scrappers and Brutes (because that's fine, we should all play what we want), but don't put your head in the sand and pretend that Stalkers aren't worth playing or inviting. Then you're moving beyond your own preferences and demanding other people follow those preferences.

No thanks on that.
Actually I play stalkers since I can't get Ninjitsu anywhere else.

And you can stick you fingers in your ears and imagine that teams just pick up anyone and run, but in reality stalkers very often are excluded from consideration because there is no compelling reason to take one over a scrapper, brute, tank.

Tank is a meat shield, Brutes and scrapper provide more or less better DPS than a stalker while providing most of the burst.

I have seen it time and again where a SF leader recruits and passes up Maxed out stalker builds to wait for a brute or scrapper.

It does happen, and it happens often.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
You know, even though I've seen people who've said they've done it I'm still somewhat dubious about the concept of all-blaster TFs. Every time I think about it I just imagine lots of faceplants.

Now, add in something like one FF or other support character and it seems more doable to me. Actually, a TF with one FF, one kin and the rest blasters sounds absurdly fun to me come to think of it.
That's why I said all-ranged. With a few Defenders and Controllers backing up some Blasters, you can get it done. I know all Defender teams can have an even easier time of it depending on their makeup.

But like I said, it's not really worth worrying about. People can do most anything in this game with any combo. I merely bring up the point to show how silly the min/max talk can get.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
And no, Stalkers shouldn't be the 'kings of melee damage'. Merely competitive. You shouldn't have to pick a stealth assassin/ninja style if you want to do great melee damage.
My point exactly. If everything is the same, why have different ATs? Same thing for different powersets. MA is technically a weaker powerset for Scrappers, but you can still do good damage solo and teaming with it. You don't have to be the most powerful set to play the game well and have fun.

Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Actually I play stalkers since I can't get Ninjitsu anywhere else.

And you can stick you fingers in your ears and imagine that teams just pick up anyone and run, but in reality stalkers very often are excluded from consideration because there is no compelling reason to take one over a scrapper, brute, tank.

Tank is a meat shield, Brutes and scrapper provide more or less better DPS than a stalker while providing most of the burst.

I have seen it time and again where a SF leader recruits and passes up Maxed out stalker builds to wait for a brute or scrapper.

It does happen, and it happens often.
And as people have continually pointed out to you, the only people doing that are those like you that pretend that they need to hold out for some other imaginary level of performance they've put in their head.

I don't know anyone that excludes anyone like that on Victory or Champion, and I play with a lot of people. Thank goodness for that. I lead a team most nights I play, and I never worry about what team combination I have: they all have a way of working somehow. Not sure how given some of the supposed "truths" tossed around in this thread.

But if you want to continue saying that Stalkers are weak and should not be chosen, way to keep exacerbating the problem. That's a great plan. Ugh.

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Test Rat what happened to you? At first you were defending stalkers and now've changed sides .



Read Docbuzzard's posts.

There is nothing to defend.

Only reason to play a stalker is if you want to play Ninjitsu.
I want to play ninjitsu so I will continue playing my stalkers.
(till they proliferate Ninjitsu to Scrappers, then I will reroll).

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Sorry to burst your bubble (with a pair of scuffed steel toe boots...) but I can't see Ninjitsu being proliferated. Scrappers won't get Hide and the epics already have Caltrops. Scrappers aren't designed to shed aggro on purpose so Smoke Flash and Blinding Powder are unlikely.

*shrug* Guess you're stuck with us.



Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
I know that pets also count towards the damge buff. What if there is 1 stalker and 7 other MMs? Would the buff be, theoretically, higher than 31%?

Also, just being curious: what is the best/ideal/optimal/... way or strategy to play a stalker in a team?
I'm betting they put a hard cap on it at 30%

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Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Had people quit the team because the leader invited a stalker.
Had people threaten to quit the team, until the leader boots me.
In nearly 100% of the time People will say in Team for me to read it: "A stalker?, ugh Stalker. Oh boy Stalker etc"
Seriously, those reactions are enough to make me feel like puking! Have people seriously reacted like that when you log on as your stalker?!

IMO, stalkers should be very wanted on TFs indeed, as they all have the potential to be strong alpha strikers, and in your case, a mentionable AoE'er.

I think what makes some people despise the stalker is bad experiences; people do fear and dislike what they don't feel good about!

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