What Changes are needed to make Stalkers an acceptable addition to a Team?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Remote_Control View Post
but when your're taking on AVs and heroes burst damage has no place in the group.
Other than carving large chunks out of the enemy's HP.

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Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
The modus operandi of many stalkers is "scout out the entire map, then go stand by the final boss waiting for everyone else to get there".
Portion Removed -Mod08

Then there's the better, but still pretty poor ones who'll get involved in every fight, but only by ASing a boss, before stealthing onto the next group of foes and waiting there.
These are about on par with "I will stand here and h3@l U!" defenders and petless masterminds.

A good stalker will AS the most dangerous target, then stay around and help kill the rest of the group.
Stick it in, scrap it out.

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OP - What server do you play on? I've got four full years under my belt, and not once has this happened to me.

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Statistically, I think there are relatively few Stalkers in game. Or they're all in the PvP zones. It's hard to form an opinion about the AT, let alone a favorable one, when you don't get exposed to them as much. Though I don't play villain side these days anymore so I haven't even had the opportunity (other than an ITF/RWZ) to team up with one. That also just might be my bias to generally play with my friends and less often on PUGs.

I did run into several of the "scout out the map and click glowie" Stalkers back in the day. It didn't help their rep in my eyes. I am looking forward to Going Rogue and getting more mixed Hero/Villain teams. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



What's needed - a decent player.

Stalkers already open with a good, solid hit - and a chance for an AOE fear to mitigate a return strike, which was added in part because of "wanting to give something more to a team."

I haven't had the OP's experiences... well, ever.


Had people quit the team because the leader invited a stalker.
Had people threaten to quit the team, until the leader boots me.
In nearly 100% of the time People will say in Team for me to read it: "A stalker?, ugh Stalker. Oh boy Stalker etc"
But I think I see your problem:



Freedom and virtue.

So you guys are telling me, that you have never been in Cimeora or Grandville, seen someone call out in Global TF LFM DPS 6 spots, and have a stalker advertise repetatedly while the team fills?

I was just on a TF last night where I had to Beg my way on, and once I joined the team the Leader says "I usually don't take stalkers."

This stuff happens and it is not isolated.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I've been on many teams, had a stalker quit, and then someone on the team says "No big deal; it was ony the Stalker". Other times it's "invite anyone....but a stalker". Stalkers suffer from being the little brother to the big brother brute. Unlike the scrapper/tank relationship where scrappers do more damage than tanks, the stalker usually does less damage and is much more squishy than a brute.
Plus, virtually everyone has been on the team where the stalker races ahead on the map and leaves the team behind, exposing the map and making it difficult for the rest of the team to know where they have been, while contributing nothing to the team execept for an AS every once in awhile, where he usually dies immediatly afterwards and then lays on the floor begging for an awake or somethign while everyone is tryign to fight the huge mob that he has aggroed. I think that stalkers have a ****** magnet or something.
I think that's why most people think that they can do much better by picking another AT for their team or TF.

I recently made and elec/elec stalker and I think that he contributes greatly to the teams, as do the other players on the team. But the thing is, i don't AS and then jump out. I stealth strike with an AoE and Crit hit most of the mob, and then Placiate and AS a Boss or Lt. then just start going through the normal melee rotation. This has been my first positive experience with a stalker. The rest of the sets that I've tried have met with similar responses from players as the original poster and my own experiences with stalkers on the teams.
I'm looking forward to taking my new electric Stalker to Paragon City to see what he can do after GR hits.




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Freedom and virtue.

So you guys are telling me, that you have never been in Cimeora or Grandville, seen someone call out in Global TF LFM DPS 6 spots, and have a stalker advertise repetatedly while the team fills?

I was just on a TF last night where I had to Beg my way on, and once I joined the team the Leader says "I usually don't take stalkers."

This stuff happens and it is not isolated.
I can honestly say I have never seen this happen on any team or TF/SF I've been on, nor have I witnessed it happen in zone as you describe above. I think about the only time I've seen something said about a Stalker being on a team is when a Master of Recluse or Master of Baracuda was forming and even then it was someone being asked to bring something else that the leader knew they had (i.e. "Hey, Mack, could you bring your Corr for this instead, I think we need it.") rather than shutting out the Stalker entirely. As mentioned upthread, while the Stalker isn't a bad choice, there are often preferable alternatives especially if the task ahead is very difficult. But ultimately that's not all that different from wanting someone to change from a Blaster or third Tanker to a Defender/Controller in a similar situation.

However, I make it a point to avoid Freedom and play very little on Virtue, so perhaps this is a phenomenon limited to those servers.

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I have played many, many Stalkers, and have never seen anyone quit because I joined a team, threaten to quit because I joined a team, or express any sort of disgust when I joined a team that wasn't immediately followed by "jk".

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Originally Posted by Remote_Control View Post
Of course anyone can get a pick up group, the OP seemed focused on TFs. Burst damage is great for knocking out bosses while everyone else cuts down LTs and minions, but when your're taking on AVs and heroes burst damage has no place in the group.

Are stalkers useless on TFs, no, but the group is better served by nearly any other archetype or powerset.
You got it backwards, burst damage is great on AV's, especially those with god modes if you can get them before they use them. Stalkers actually excel at tougher targets. They have sustained and burst damage, so I go in AS the AV, then scrap it out with our extra crits. Then when AS is ready, placate and AS again.




Nothing Needs changing.
The only thing I would say that I would like to change is the HP cap. But it is not needed. I do fine with lower HP.

I have never gotten the 'Oh great, a stalker' when I join a team. The only thing I can think of is you are playing on Freedumb, and thus get dumb people. Most of the time when I join a team on my stalker, the sentiment is 'Sweet, Pine is here'. Just one of the benefits of being on a smaller server I guess.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



While I've never been kicked from the team for using a Stalker, I have heard negative comments about them though it's mostly from the same guy on our server. Stalkers DO have a bad rep but it varies on how much that actually affects team recruitment.



From my experience, stalkers are ok. I think stalkers are not priority in a team. I believe most of the time, if there are other choices, stalkers will be left behind. Stalkers maybe problematic for master runs, as they are melee but needs some buffs (for example resistance and hp buffs, defense buffs may not be that helpful if their defense are already soft-capped) to be more tough. I think missions and tfs in this game need more objectives that are strategic in nature. The contents in this game are mostly about dps, massive quick killing, or one big mob that needs nothing but massive debuffs, and I don't see why a stalker is essential in most cases, although it doesn't hurt to have a stalker.

I duo-ed with stalkers a few times with my squishy corruptor. It's quite problematic at lower levels when both players are not that tough. The stalker placates and the mobs go after me. I'd rather duo with other AT such that the aggro can be at least shared.



Only problem I've ever had with Stalkers on my teams have nothing to do with the AT and everything to do with the person playing the character. Much like every other AT.



It's probably been said already, but i didn't bother reading the answers.

I'll gladdly accept stalkers in my team, as long as they arent the "AS-hide-AS-hide-AS-hide" types.

A spines/ that do massive aoe damage? I'd love that, since i'm always more ST focused personnaly.

Survivability not welcome in CoV? That's probably true on the "perfectly balanced" damage-tank-heal teams out there. But for me, someone who don't need babysitting is definitively a big bonus. And the coallition i go to for speed SF aggrees.

Seems you just had bad luck and kept getting in crappy teams or team with bad players.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



I agree with the OP. I haven't had that much trouble on my Stalker, but I can see where the OP's coming from. Sure, most of us on the board may not mind having Stalkers on the team. However, reality is that there are probably about 10% of the entire player population that even posts on the board. Most people in game just don't care for Stalkers on the team, it's not because of the players, it's the AT.

Why would you want a Stalker on the team? Yes, they are the king of single-target burst damage, but:
> a Brute can provide more average dps in the course of a mission. Not only that, a Brute can tank and can pull aggro off other teammates.

> MM's have high dps as well, due to their buff/debuff secondary and MM's can also "tank."

> Corruptors provide decent dps as well as buff/debuff secondary.

> Dominators provide control along with some dps.

Do you see where Stalkers are lagging yet? All of the aforementioned Archetypes can provide support for a team in one way or another. A Brute pulls/holds aggro. MM's and Corruptors can buff/debuff. Dominators can control. What can a Stalker do besides being able to kill a certain target faster?



Q: What Changes are needed to make Stalkers an acceptable addition to a Team?
A: Someone other than an idiot, both on the team (because there are still idiots who think that Stalkers aren't good for anything) and playing the Stalker (because there are still idiots playing Stalkers who think that "scouting" or "AS and run" is the best way to play).

If you meet that criteria - that is, you're not an idiot and you're not teamed with idiots - then you'll never have trouble with your Stalker on a team.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Stalkers are still getting hate because SOMETIMES placate isn't that great of a team power. If a stalker placates a boss and then starts his AS windup and if the time it takes for AS animate that boss turns around and kills the fire corrupter the stalker should apologize to that corrupter for dumping all that aggro on him.

This is an example of something that only happens SOMETIMES, but I have to wonder how many stalkers realize that SOMETIMES you'd be a better teammate if instead of placate then AS they went placate then Soaring Dragon.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
Stalkers fill no needs in the game that arent covered in spades by other Ats
This can be said about pretty much ANY AT.

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Well...a 20 second duration on Build Up would make them more team friendly.

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Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Stalkers are still getting hate because SOMETIMES placate isn't that great of a team power. If a stalker placates a boss and then starts his AS windup and if the time it takes for AS animate that boss turns around and kills the fire corrupter the stalker should apologize to that corrupter for dumping all that aggro on him.

This is an example of something that only happens SOMETIMES, but I have to wonder how many stalkers realize that SOMETIMES you'd be a better teammate if instead of placate then AS they went placate then Soaring Dragon.
I'd say the solution to this is, placate something that isn't attacking you. And if must placate something that is attacking you to preserve your own life, well thems the breaks. That mob would go attacking the corruptor after the stalker was dead anyway.



No changes to the AT are needed really. Some playstyle advice is really all thats needed.

Shameless plug for a mini guide I wrote a year or two ago. Things I learned as a stalker.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

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Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Freedom and virtue.

So you guys are telling me, that you have never been in Cimeora or Grandville, seen someone call out in Global TF LFM DPS 6 spots, and have a stalker advertise repetatedly while the team fills?

I was just on a TF last night where I had to Beg my way on, and once I joined the team the Leader says "I usually don't take stalkers."

This stuff happens and it is not isolated.
I've seen that attitude a lot on Freedom. Heck, I had my fully IO'd out Fortunata turned down for a Master of STF because she didn't perma Mind Link. Freedom seems to have a fair share of players like that.

Stalkers can add plenty of damage to a team, I think they get a bad rap because they can't fill either the buff/debuff or aggro hog roles that teams so heavily lean upon.

The buffs they got made them single target DPS powerhouses (and even AoE in some powersets) with burst damage for dangerous targets on teams. I think a lot of the anti-Stalker attitude is leftover from previous experiences before their buffs.

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Well tonight on Virtue, I had led a team with my Crab Spider Arbiter Jim. I went from 48 to 50. We even had two stalkers at times. When we were done one of the team members said that it was the best group they had in months. Everyone agreed.

Silly lolstalkers.... Just kidding.