What Changes are needed to make Stalkers an acceptable addition to a Team?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Freedom and virtue.

So you guys are telling me, that you have never been in Cimeora or Grandville, seen someone call out in Global TF LFM DPS 6 spots, and have a stalker advertise repetatedly while the team fills?
And it also happens with every other archetype and at all levels and zones. People rarely take people who LFT for anything in Global, instead (whether they specifically say so or not) expecting you to whisper them (politely and with AT, level, and primary & secondary power sets) to ask for the invite. The exception tends to be during invasion events and for the nastier GMs.

Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Stalkers can add plenty of damage to a team, I think they get a bad rap because they can't fill either the buff/debuff or aggro hog roles that teams so heavily lean upon.
Nah. It's more an expectation thing. Stalkers are basically like Rogues from WoW and other MMOs that allow that sort of character. They are therefore assumed to attract the same sort of people - the type who, depending on the exact game (not all of which can apply here, of course) love to stealth-gank other players in PvP and then "trash talk"** them, kill-steal, "scout ahead" rather than fight, ninja loot, and generally not have a clue how to cooperate in a team setting (especially in games where you can solo much of the content). This, obviously, leads to pre-judging of any Stalker who you don't actually know from other characters.

** We had another name for that sort of thing in my day, back when good sportsmanship was a virtue instead of being seen as a sign of wussiness. We called it "being a jerk", though with far stronger language.



the change that needs to be done here is...


Seriously... If you only like uberteams youre too much numbercrushing. Have a bot of fun please! Stalkers aren't that bad.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I think the OP is asking the wrong question because stalkers ARE acceptable additions to almost any team.

However, based on past inequities and lingering player perception they would need to be exceptional on teams.



I think part of the problem with stalkers is they don't really do anything special. Yeah, high burst is valuable, and taking out threats is valuable, but there are other ATs that can do that, and more, often. A blaster can take down a tough target pretty quickly, as well as pump out massive AoE. Scrappers can take down a tough target and play as backup tank. Debuffs can neuter an entire spawn, and buffs can make everyone tough enough that the burst isn't needed. A troller or dom (especially with Domination up) can easily take a tough target out of the fight.

Another thing is that stalkers don't absorb buffs as well. With lower HP values, resistance isn't quite as good, neither is regen. Defense doesn't do any more for them as it does for anyone else, and damage buffs aren't super special on them like they are on brutes, since they have the same lower caps as everyone else.

Also, villainside is a different playground than heroside. It's more offensively based, where everyone is capable of good damage, so an AT designed to do only lots of that isn't as valuable. Brutes can deal damage *and* tank. Corruptors can do damage *and* buff/debuff. Dominators can do damage *and* control. VEATs can do damage, and tank, and buff/debuff/control. Masterminds can do all kinds of crazy things. Stalkers just do damage. This does make them less team-friendly than the other villain ATs.

I wouldn't say they need to be fixed, but maybe give them something unique, that can't be done by all the other ATs. Anyone can stealth around, anyone can deal damage. The fear and tohit effect are very nice, but can be duplicated. I don't know what could be done, but right now they don't offer anything that any other AT can offer.



I like stalkers but I don't play them on teams. It feels wrong.



I love stalkers, I started with CoV and my first ever character was a stone/inv brute. He didn't make it out of the tutorial. Didn't like the concept, didn't like the feel. My next attempt was a stalker, and I was hooked. I didn't care about numbers or the fact that It was PvE deficient. It was fun.

I played stalkers more, pre-buff than post-buff, because I had concepts for the characters. To me playing a character who's story you like, while still feeling like the character gameplay-wise is tops. Right now I don't have stalker concepts I can acctually make, so I don't play them.

Numbers wise, I have no issues with stalkers. The immense damage they deal is situational, and the situation that manages that damage is both safer and more controllable than say, fury. Such as when in full teams, being able to provide more damage while scrapping than either brutes or scrappers. Would I say no to boosting Stalker melee mods so their damage is always more than brutes and scrappers? Probably not, Stalkers pay for higher damage with lower health and AoE damage. Do they need the boost? Not at all.

Even with GR I don't believe stalkers will fall by the wayside as they are different than scrappers/brutes not worse. In my oppinion they are better, but that is a playstyle preference.

As to the question asked in the OP, changes need to be made to the mindset of the general playerbase as that is the only area where Stalkers are not acceptable on teams. The more you educate people for there ignorance, the closer you get to your goal.

Point of fact, I've had far more problems getting on a team with a Mastermind than all of my Stalkers put together. Additionally I've heard "lvlx team lfm, sorry no mm's" while i've never heard "sorry no stalkers".

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



I've only played stalkers up to level 18 but what immediately stands out to me is that they suck tons of energy if they get interrupted, and in general if you get interrupted it's because you're trying to attack in a difficult situation and everything is recharging. That probably happens less at higher levels, but the AT could be made far more accessible by removing energy cost for powers that you are not actually using. Shorter interrupt would improve 50 slotting.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
That probably happens less at higher levels, but the AT could be made far more accessible by removing energy cost for powers that you are not actually using.
Hide doesn't have an endurance cost anymore so I'm not sure what other powers you think should have their endurance costs reduced or removed.



What would have to change would be a fairly radical rework of the game's AoE damage and buff/debuff stacking mechanics. (Note that I'm not advocating either at this stage.)

Anyone who really is that unhappy that a Stalker has been invited should probably be similarly unhappy with any single-target-oriented Scrapper, Blaster, or any Brute that's not built to hold aggro. None of these characters bring things to the table for a large team that really especially improve their performance except against large hard targets like AVs, GMs, and the like.

If they are singling out Stalkers, they're probably just reciting some party line they heard in the past about how bad Stalkers are, or are miss-attributing previous bad performance to poor Stalker players, or some combination of the two.

I can't speak for Virtue so much, but Freedom, as the historically largest server, has long been saddled with what seems to be more than its fair share of absolute morons, who do things take hearsay as the written word of God about what's good and bad in terms of powers, powersets, and whole ATs. You're advised to take any behavior you see there with a whole bag of salt, and try to find a sub-community of more reasonable people to play with instead of pure PuGs, especially for TFs.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Hide doesn't have an endurance cost anymore so I'm not sure what other powers you think should have their endurance costs reduced or removed.
Assassin's strike, if it is interrupted.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Anyone who really is that unhappy that a Stalker has been invited should probably be similarly unhappy with any single-target-oriented Scrapper, Blaster, or any Brute that's not built to hold aggro. None of these characters bring things to the table for a large team that really especially improve their performance except against large hard targets like AVs, GMs, and the like.
I sometimes search for specific ATs to invite, and don't often search for stalker. The others are not that useful to a team, but there is no way to filter those by build. Most scrappers, blasters, and brutes can do things other than single target, while non-elec stalkers have essentially 1 thing they can do well, and that 1 thing becomes less useful the bigger the team is.

An exception would be duoing. As a bots/dark, I have a little of everything, except single target power. That makes stalkers complementary.

What stalkers need is another trick, and better performance in teams. So the buff was exactly the right idea - an AoE debuff mez and a buff while in a big team. It might just need a slight increase in reliability.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



I sometimes search for specific ATs to invite, and don't often search for stalker. The others are not that useful to a team, but there is no way to filter those by build. Most scrappers, blasters, and brutes can do things other than single target, while non-elec stalkers have essentially 1 thing they can do well, and that 1 thing becomes less useful the bigger the team is.
um: Spines (3) Claws (1 immensely spammy one) DB (2) have aoes.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
I sometimes search for specific ATs to invite, and don't often search for stalker.
I on the other hand, am pretty sure I've never searched for anything by AT except perhaps at a Hamidon raid. I (and most people I play with) broadcast in channels when we want more people, and if we care, we say what we want, usually specifying the broad categories of buff/debuff, damage, and sometimes control or (rarely) aggro control.

And, as mentioned, there are AoE-enabled Stalker powersets. What you're doing is using AT as a proxy for build searches, and saying that because it's more common for Stalkers to have no or fewer AoEs, you'd just prefer all other melee ATs to them.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post

I have pretty much zero luck getting on Pick up Group TFs (thankfully I am in Repeat Offenders and they accomodate anyone for anything, but this is a discussion outside that.). When the impossible does happen and I do get picked up for TFs, I have had the following experiences:

Had people quit the team because the leader invited a stalker.
Had people threaten to quit the team, until the leader boots me.
In nearly 100% of the time People will say in Team for me to read it: "A stalker?, ugh Stalker. Oh boy Stalker etc"
I have never had any expereince like this with a stalker, or on PUG TFs when a stalker is invited.
People actually left because you had a stalker? More than once? At the start?

I've seen people get upset at stalkers (and illusion controllers) for stealthing maps in 'speed tf mode' but never ever on starting up a TF. for simply being a stalker.

I'd suggest joining global chat channels besides RO which might help avoid how you are picking these as team mates.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Maybe there is some confusion:

This doesn't happen in RO. This happens with Pugs.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




This happens on pugs you have been on.
It doesnt happen on PUGs (TFs or Teams) in my experience.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I've played a Elm/Nin stalker to 50. While I may have a bias view due to having one of the better primaries for teaming, the only thing I would change for stalkers would be to make placate, hide and AS inherent so they don't have to gut good powers out of the sets they get. That ain't gonna change, though.

Barring that, I'd probably make all AoEs auto-crit from hide instead of just 50% of the time.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
What you're doing is using AT as a proxy for build searches, and saying that because it's more common for Stalkers to have no or fewer AoEs, you'd just prefer all other melee ATs to them.
Sort of. But there are also other reasons:

1. Any time I might want a stalker, for TFs, not regular teams, there's no particular reason to target them rather than a VEAT or blaster.

2. In general I would try to get buffs first, a tank if it's the type of TF that needs it, and then other ATs join as random people who ask while I search for buffs.

3. To be honest, when I make a hero team scrappers are usually the last thing I target too, and that is probably the AT with the highest satisfaction rate.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
I have to come to the conclusion that the stalker AT is simply not accepted as a positive addition to any team in City of Villians, and I can only see this growing worse come Going Rogue.
Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Thier survival is on a order of magnitude less than a scrapper.
They do less damage on Average than scrappers by a significant amount, and even when things are most optimal they only outdamage scrappers by an insignificant amount.
I can't even GET a Scrapper on my City of Villains teams. You're LUCKY.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I think there are several factors that all contribute to why Stalkers are generally passed over for other ATs on teams.

  1. Previously held (pre i12 changes) opinions.
  2. Perceived or factual PvP over PvE role. (I’ve had many stalkers join teams only to mention they were PvP builds, this doesn’t help the reputation of the AT).
  3. Overall lack of AoE damage for most primaries.
  4. Very specialized role, in a Hybrid teaming environment. CoV PUGs can be very powerful, but can also be fragile at times. Not taking an AT that performs multiple roles can weaken some teams.
  5. On top of this “boss killer” as part of that specialized role is not often sought for or needed on a full team of ATs that all have damage dealing capabilities + another area of focus.
  6. Lack of overall knowledge in game and on the forums with hard numbers (or even rough estimates) on Stalker DPS capabilities solo or on teams. “Stalkers do more damage than X AT in X situation.” – How much more? Is it enough damage to make them competitive with other ATs to teams?
I’ll just go on record saying I have no problem with stalkers or inviting them to teams as long as they are a PvE build (speaking pure power choices and slotting here, not specific powersets). However I do try to keep the number of stalkers down to 1 or 2 on a team I organize as I try to keep a balanced mix of damage/support on teams.



I play solely on Virtue, and in playing a few stalkers up, I've never really encountered any discrimination since the buff. Hell, the only real comments I've gotten were along the lines of 'Holy <pile of expletives>' after unleashing a wall of AoEs on my Spines/Regen.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I think a lot of the anti-stalker stuff comes from this: melee=tough. The 'squishier' armor sets get some of this. The same people that say "ugh, a stalker" will probably do the same with a /energy brute, fire/ tank, or /dark scrapper. If there's a 'good' melee AT on the team to take point, this will be treated as fine, they may 'permit' the squishy melees as the 'good' invulnerability, stone, or whatever melee guy does what the melee AT's are 'meant' to do...jump out front and get pounded on.

Stalkers don't fit that.

The best stalkers take care of the two roles they have on a team: troublesome target elimination, or when there's no troublesome targets, take out the big hunks of HP hanging around. Timing is key, because if that ring mistress gets her mask of vitiation on your group, your assassination afterwards means a lot less.

As such, the best stalkers save the trouble for the team by trouble prevention, which few notice. This is also why said people don't appreciate control: if that sapper was held/assassinated, they didn't sap said player, so that player has no problem with the sapper.

The other bad side is, yes, bad stalker players. There's no point in finding that last objective ahead if the team has to wade their way to it. Likewise, I've found many stalker players to be soloists...they use their invisibility to go somewhere, start killing things they want to. When you're free to go where you please, some players don't stay with the team. When you can't rely on a stalker to quickly slice and dice that enemy that's killing you because they're off soloing a boss down the hall, that's a problem.

Mechanically, stalker function excellently for what they need to do. Burst kills, target elimination before it can be trouble. Heck, on a team they don't need hide for burst kills, they get critical hits so well.
On teams, people have to just be aware of the thing suddenly dropping dead, or the lack of nasty enemy powers as those mobs hit the floor. Likewise, stalker players need to be team players, and work as a unit with their visible comrades.



The character I've most played lately is a pvp build claws/nin. I still contribute just fine on teams. I may only have 1 AoE but that's ok it feels like 3. I don't do as much AoE as say my Archery/mm blaster but really not many builds can.

Unfortunately as so many people have mentioned it's perception that is largely the issue, and perception is much more difficult to change than fields in a database.


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Personally, I think the controlled burst damage of Stalkers complements the control burst capabilities of doms quite nicely. While playing my doms, you don't appreciate burst damage until you notice you've got 1 less boss to stack holds on which can ultimately save you a press of the domination button.

Also, after the fact of laying down some serious mez, having a guy rip through the tough and annoying stuff alleviates the need to lay down extra control that I can easily save for the start of the next spawn.

You can say a Brute could do this, but more often than not, those Brutes are always pushing forward sometimes even before all the enemies are defeated. So this also presses me to follow to keep the spawn contained.

Not to mention, as a Dom, I want to mez everything *NAO* not when the Brute wants me to. Stalkers certainly don't mind my dominating ways.



One change I think is useful is if people don't share a target with a stalker unless it is of a very high rank. Hitting something that is about to be AS'd is a waste of time, whoever hits that target first has wasted the other persons time. Then also feel free to let stalkers finish up a straggler or two that are split from the main group of enemies as stalkers are pretty much single targetty anyway. I don't understand the way people play with the people playing a stalker some of the time.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
One change I think is useful is if people don't share a target with a stalker unless it is of a very high rank. Hitting something that is about to be AS'd is a waste of time.
I'll just say that from my limited experience playing stalker (nothing above L20), using AS on anything less than a boss is often a waste of time.

The only exception would be trouble mobs like sappers or nullifiers for example.

I think the most useful thing would be for someone on the forums both good with attack chains, DPS calculations as well as an appreciation for the AT to put out some decent numbers on what the various stalker primaries are capable of.