SBP V: Mutant
Potentially the Origins from different angles.
We've got the Magic USER pack (witches and warlocks) but could still use a demon pack, or Chimera, or gargoyle... Any number of inherently magical beings that could have a pack devoted to them (Heck! Maybe with Gargoyles we'll get a decent loincloth!)
We've got a ninja Pack for Naturals. but that leaves out Soldiers and Scientists and people who use both magic -and- tech (Dual Origin enhancements mean Naturals can use Natural/Magic and Natural/Tech)
The Science Pack came with size changing options and costume change emotes along with a few new "Scientist" costume pieces (mostly new goggles!) How about a pack where the costume bits are more "BioOrganic" or "Plant" or "Rock Monster" in the form of Science Experiment creations.
Meanwhile the Tech pack came with a bunch of cyborg pieces for robots. How about Gear costume pieces. not Gears the object, but Gear as in utility belts and backpacks (many technical hurdles to leap but not impossible) New weapon options. How about a Steampunk pack with Nemesis styled dual pistols and the like?
And then you get to the Mutant Pack. There's already a call on the forums for an Animal-mutant pack with bestial heads...
So there's plenty of ways to keep hitting the Origins that already exist from different angles with new costume pieces, emotes, and concepts. there's also Dual-Origin packs to consider as well (Magic/Mutant anyone?) So I wouldn't say "no more origin theme" boosters. Not by a long shot.
This thread has lots of new booster ideas and I expect we'll see something culled from that. My short list of guesses would be Beast/Anthro, Steampunk/Victorian or Modern/Civilian based purely on what's gotten the most chatter.
heh, don't feel bad, most of my characters are Magic or Natural oriented, very very very few tech/science/mutant.
I've bought all of the SBP except the Science one, I'd say that's my least favorite as it had nothing I really wanted.
heh, don't feel bad, most of my characters are Magic or Natural oriented, very very very few tech/science/mutant.
I've bought all of the SBP except the Science one, I'd say that's my least favorite as it had nothing I really wanted. |
Also I can't count how many times I've used the ability to change my chars body scales, height etc, easily very useful.
The emotes were cool too though I haven't really found a use for the costume change emotes, too long IMO, but still cool looking.
I thought I saw a post or interview from Positron not too long ago that after the origin packs they'd be looking at other themes for the Super Boosters. Though I'm too lazy to look it up right now.
Honestly if they kept with Origin themes I think they could do a lot of cool stuff. I'd love to see some holsters or backpacks, scabbards, sheaths, quivers, etc, that'd go great with tech or natural.
Though I kind of want to see what they would do with other themes, but as long as they keep releasing the goodies, I'll be happy. Though I'd like to see them a little more often, ideally like 1 pack every 2 months or so but I'm sure that'd cut into their time developing free issues which obviously are more important.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
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David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Future boosters will have more tightly focused themes. Broad, open-ended terms like 'Mutant, Science, Natural,' etc. mean too many different things to different people, so expect something a little different on the next one.
General naming does come back to bite oneself in the behind.
I started out ambivalent about the mutie pack but picked it up after fiddling around with it on test.
And of course now that I've got it I found more applications than I expected to.
The various bits and pieces are quite a bit more flexible than I initially gave them credit for. I do wish we'd gotten some new monsterous feet & hands and some claws, but aside from some genuinely horrible joins for the heads and tails it's a great pack.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I mean as a permanent costume piece for the back that has some sort of animation/effect when in flight.

(damn no all caps rule some times all caps are there for a reason)
I'd love to see a Glider pack. Some sort of Jetpack\backpack with wings that extend for flight and fold back up when flight is off. Something sleek, aerodynamic and tech looking.
Of course you could also do something in steam punk, or mystical etc. A glider pack could work for a lot of things.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
I don't know I have an idea I posted a few times but I'm trying to think what kinda pack it could fit in
Aracnos base: where it's liek the vanguard base where you have missons, enhancements talor and access to other zones, and you acually exit from the door of the base in thoses zones, the base map I thought of was that one with the shooting range, baracks, equipment depot in it, I say they could add a merchant for enhancements and a talio then toss some new contacts in and maybe then the exit would open to the bases in the area's scatterd arund the rogue isles, .. and withthe GR thing maybe even in the city itself where the dam is heh
Fae portal: ths one is where you toss seds animation to summon a Fae ring then Hop into it you end up in the map of Witches Lair, again add in an enchancment merchant, insperations, a tailor and maybe a contact, thn th exit could take you to the Crossroads of the Midnighters club, that sounds easy enough
see both these are useing the animations and thigns already in game and nothign is really new, just placed in new code so it can be done and it just takes alittle creatiity to do ( somethign our devs have is creativity)
but see I have no idea if that would be a issue addin or a booster pack, becuse seems kinda weak for a issue, but might be kinda cool for a booster
think ofit liek the VIP pass for the D, it could be a Mystical rune for the Fae Portal and a Arachnos ID card for the Arachnos Base
And scabbards for my Dual Blade Scrapper.
And Holsters for my Dual Pistol Blaster.
And a scabbard for my Katana Scrapper.
Equipment pack, please.
/end default rant

The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.

Character index
And a cup for my Willpower Tanker.
Sounds great. Do you want to carry around empty holsters/scabbards and have your pistols/weapon appear out of nowhere, or do you want to carry around a second weapon/set of weapons in a scabbard/holster that stays in the holster when you draw the useable ones? Both of those are very simple to make.
Reason being the same reason we have NO back details as of yet; there is some technical issue with back details bar capes on NPCs. Look at the Vanguard Colonels and their back details. Or any hundreds of other mobs. Players only get wings and capes; no backpacks, very little backarmour (actually chest details that wrap around) stuff like that.
Do we want it? Hell yes.
But it has to be possible first. I'm hoping they are working on a fix for that next, after GR
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
So I gotta say mutant is my least favorite origin. I don't know why but all it ever makes me think of is people turning into animals or turtles or something. I know mutant can mean a lot more than that but it's just what I think of. I have a couple of "mutant" origins but kind of X-men like, just a couple cool powers and that's it.

So I have to say that Mutant was the pack I was least looking forward to and for a long time thought I might skip. Which is a big deal for me since I haven't skipped any so far and have bought pretty much every one of them, from Wedding pack to Valkyrie and all 4 super boosters within a few days of them going live.
Then I took a look at the Mutant costume pieces on the test server not long ago and I will say I was impressed. They were both not at all what I was expecting and both were very cool especially with the glowy-bits, though I honestly couldn't think of any character I wanted to use them on. But I was very impressed with the new Costume Change emotes, the power and the other emotes.
It went live, I bought it more for the costume change emotes and power than the costume pieces but wouldn't you know it, inspiration struck me when I was looking at the new pieces.
Both of my Kheldian's now have costume upgrades. I've been looking for a new look for my warshade. My peacebringer, well she got an impromptu update even though I though I was happy with all her costumes.
So this is all by way of saying, I've been converted, the Mutant Booster is fantastic, great job devs!
So what are the next round of super boosters going to be? No more Origin theme I assume, so any hints on what's coming next?
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker