SBP V: Mutant




Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Sounds great. Do you want to carry around empty holsters/scabbards and have your pistols/weapon appear out of nowhere, or do you want to carry around a second weapon/set of weapons in a scabbard/holster that stays in the holster when you draw the useable ones? Both of those are very simple to make.
They could make both. Empty scabbard, full scabbard. It's essentially adding a handle to the scabbard.

Honestly it would be really nice to have this. I've heard a few arguments against it but none really work as arguments against having it in game, they all work as arguments why a particular person wouldn't use them.

1.) Backpacks would interfere with capes.
Solution: Make them mutually exclusive in the back details section. Just like you can have wings or a cape but not both, it would be the same with backpacks.

2.) It looks odd since your weapons won't draw from them.
Solution: I don't care if my weapon draws from it or not, I think it would look great, I would use holsters, scabbards, quivers on at least one costume for 90% of my characters even the ones who don't use weapons.

3.) There would be this weapon attached to you that you couldn't use.
Solution: The official belt has a night stick and a gun on it that my characters can't use and yet it's one of my favorite belts. My characters don't need to be able to use the things attached to them, they are for flavor, and I think a lot of people would still like to have it, and it's already been proven to work in game, IE the Official belt piece.

Now I know some people have said their are technical limitations but I really don't know how much I buy that since they've done animated wings and tails attached to the back of the character, it's hard for me to believe stationary pieces like back packs, would really be that tough to do. Plus I don't recall ever hearing the Devs say this is the reason they haven't. I recall them saying it wouldn't work with capes before, but I've already pointed out the solution to that.

I think a pack for these items could be just the ticket, people who want it can pay for it and people who don't never have to have it clutter their costume creator.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Dumpleberry
Can you point out to me where I missed jetpacks in the costume creator? When did they add them? -_-
I think he/she/it meant the jet packs you get as rewards, the jump pack you get as a reward and the other one you get from a special edition of the game, the longbow pack you get during winter events and the one you can buy.

So in total there are five backpack "options".



Yea but we want Jetpacks that are there all the time and even ones that turn OFF so you can just stand there looking cool. I also want the vanguard backpack. (Whats it suppose to be any way? Is it just a backpack or is it a jet pack?)

Also all you people that want quivers should ask for a Belt Quiver you know the ones that sit at your wast. I think that's a bit more doable may even fit the current animations better.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



A thought regarding scabbards/holsters:

The tech to have items that only appear in combat mode already exists - that's how weapons and combat auras work. Couldn't the "weapons" (really just handles) in the holsters have that same logic applied to them, inversely, so they only appear when not in combat? Then, when you entered combat and did the draw animations, the holstered weapons would disappear, and your real ones would appear in your hands. It would take some positioning work to make it look just perfect, but it should be possible.

@Draeth Darkstar
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I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Yea but we want Jetpacks that are there all the time and even ones that turn OFF so you can just stand there looking cool. I also want the vanguard backpack. (Whats it suppose to be any way? Is it just a backpack or is it a jet pack?)
Yes, I know, that's why I put it in quotes, since they aren't really the options we want.



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
A thought regarding scabbards/holsters:

The tech to have items that only appear in combat mode already exists - that's how weapons and combat auras work. Couldn't the "weapons" (really just handles) in the holsters have that same logic applied to them, inversely, so they only appear when not in combat? Then, when you entered combat and did the draw animations, the holstered weapons would disappear, and your real ones would appear in your hands. It would take some positioning work to make it look just perfect, but it should be possible.
True. And we already know that the state of costume pieces can change for certain actions. Wings animate when flying, piston boots animate when jumping, rocket boots animate when flying. So it's not like the costume pieces have to be static by any means.

Though I would really just settle for scabbards, holsters, quivers, etc that were just always full.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Canine wants 'em to get paid:

Stuff jet packs, I want a bleedin' quiver for my Archery Blaster.

And scabbards for my Dual Blade Scrapper.

And Holsters for my Dual Pistol Blaster.

And a scabbard for my Katana Scrapper.

Equipment pack, please.

/end default rant

I want all those things too, but not in a pack. "Free"side should at least get plain versions of those if anyone does and maybe fancy ones in a pay pack.

Dec out.



why can't they make the power set go with manditory costume sets, like with the arachnos, they have a set costume cna't relaly change it that much, so why can't they make the powers that require thoses items liek guns or swords or arrows,, have the asosiated costume part automaticlly?, or atleast have it as a selectible option like with weapons, in the costume creater so a costume can have them as you please

just makes no sence not to have them

but then it never made sence not to have walk all this tiime ether

now if we can just get sprint turned back into a click power not a toggle and the toggles be turned off n buildings

and prompt to buff to stop all the random buffing when we dont' want it (( off teams))



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Future boosters will have more tightly focused themes. Broad, open-ended terms like 'Mutant, Science, Natural,' etc. mean too many different things to different people, so expect something a little different on the next one.
With a narrower focus can we expect boosters released on a quicker schedule or maybe 2-3 at a time and/or at a lower price?



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
With a narrower focus can we expect boosters released on a quicker schedule or maybe 2-3 at a time and/or at a lower price?
Well, a feller can dream anyway.

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Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
With a narrower focus can we expect boosters released on a quicker schedule or maybe 2-3 at a time and/or at a lower price?
If you want two or three at a time, you'll get around two or three items total per pack. I think you'd expect a bit more out of them, even at a lower price. They do have other things to work on besides boosters.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I'd also like to see more costume items released for general use, apart from booster packs. It's been a while since we got anything more elaborate than a tights pattern as a "free" piece, hasn't it? I honestly haven't been keeping track.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I'd also like to see more costume items released for general use, apart from booster packs. It's been a while since we got anything more elaborate than a tights pattern as a "free" piece, hasn't it? I honestly haven't been keeping track.
Anything more elaborate will be tied to some high level content crap.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I'd also like to see more costume items released for general use, apart from booster packs. It's been a while since we got anything more elaborate than a tights pattern as a "free" piece, hasn't it? I honestly haven't been keeping track.
well, this kind of is a nuanced answer. the last set we got was in issue 15 with the ulterior set, as well as a new general use pattern "vines" . that said, while this was babs and not jay's doing, issue 16 introduced power customization and animation customization, which were player controlled aesthetic elements that allowed us to refine our character in much the same way that costumes do, so while they weren't technically outfit pieces, they served largely the same function as costume elements, customization and individual creativity. issue 17 also introduced animated tails, again babs deal, but a significant addition that has been asked for since beta, and also leads to the topic of a discussion iw as having with a fellow coh player, the shift in artistic direction of coh from a bunch of costume pieces that kind of work together to a new heavier emphasis on very intricate and detailed sets that often mix and match poorly with other costume sets.

exproto was one good example since the upper torso had straps continuing past the dividing line to lower body, the costume sometimes looked odd when linked with a smooth set of lower body options. now, the sets look great with each other, and that certainly is not bad thing, but one of the things that attracted a lot of us was the ability to take a number of dissimilar options throw them together and make something uniquely ours, so gettign sets that look amazing together but seem to transition clumsily into others can be problematic, at least when they become the norm, rather than a few really amazing but thematically exclusive bits.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I'd also like to see more costume items released for general use, apart from booster packs. It's been a while since we got anything more elaborate than a tights pattern as a "free" piece, hasn't it? I honestly haven't been keeping track.
Yeah. We are supposed to be getting more for going Rogue. Jay said a while back that he did 6 or 7 new sets iirc. Though you probably have to buy GR for those, or that's my guess.

As for other's. I don't know, I never felt like I was lacking new free stuff in this game. Granted since I15 it's been slow costume wise, but I16 we got power customization so I consider that huge update to costumes even if it's not actual pieces.

And since I16 the focus has been Going Rogue so really release on everything has slowed down. I17 was like something they just sort of put out to bridge the gap in how long it's been taking to get GR going. At one point they were talking about Q1 2010, that obviously didn't happen, but the point is, they've been busy with that so they haven't gotten to more free pieces, but I think they will after GR.

I need to lay down, I'm rambling.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
If they can do this, there will be a boatload of different things they could do with backpacks, from the powerplants seen on powered armor to army rucksacks draped with belted ammo to Hello Kitty bookbags...possibly also draped with belted ammo.
There have been so many "back-oriented" costume item suggestions over the years that it seems that they could easily dedicate the time and effort to an entire Booster Pack for that theme alone.

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Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Now I know some people have said their are technical limitations but I really don't know how much I buy that since they've done animated wings and tails attached to the back of the character, it's hard for me to believe stationary pieces like back packs, would really be that tough to do. Plus I don't recall ever hearing the Devs say this is the reason they haven't. I recall them saying it wouldn't work with capes before, but I've already pointed out the solution to that.
The Tech for these isn't the animation problem, its to do with the costume nodes on the back. They are tied to the skeleton, not the surface. Make a huge character and equip a jetpack. See how the bulk of it's INSIDE the body? Now imagine if your quiver was there too... Could have some cool outcomes, but mostly annoying.

Now make a small character... see how the jetpack is not attached to your body?

THAT is the tech limitation.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
The Tech for these isn't the animation problem, its to do with the costume nodes on the back. They are tied to the skeleton, not the surface. Make a huge character and equip a jetpack. See how the bulk of it's INSIDE the body? Now imagine if your quiver was there too... Could have some cool outcomes, but mostly annoying.

Now make a small character... see how the jetpack is not attached to your body?

THAT is the tech limitation.
That is PART of the tech limitation. Here's more.

Whirling Hands. Spin. Fire and Ice Sword Circle. Focus.

Just some of the powers that cause your character to twist their upper body and back in such a way that a jetpack or backpack mounted at the shoulder and reaching down the back to your waistband will clip so horribly with your body it comes out of your belly, or sticks out from your body at a right-angle to your lower spine.

A Fixed, Flat, structure pressed to your spine limits mobility. They would have to either change dozens of animations to accommodate for the rigid pack (since the engine can't support a flexible backpack and jetpacks should pretty much be fixed in place) or revamp large parts of the engine to allow for an anchored physics option on the player's back.




Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
The Tech for these isn't the animation problem, its to do with the costume nodes on the back. They are tied to the skeleton, not the surface. Make a huge character and equip a jetpack. See how the bulk of it's INSIDE the body? Now imagine if your quiver was there too... Could have some cool outcomes, but mostly annoying.

Now make a small character... see how the jetpack is not attached to your body?

THAT is the tech limitation.
There is a difference between powers and costume pieces. Powers aren't part of the costume creator and aren't going to work the same way.

Also wings and capes already excist, they can already have things attached to the back regardless of size.

Not to mention that there are chest pieces that wrap around the back, and don't disappear into the model when the size changes. These things also work with animations that twist the upper body.

There are already back pieces, back details, and chest pieces that cover the back. It's been done, they just haven't done it for backpacks only yet.

Hell create some chest pieces called backpack that have straps on the chest and wrap around the back like the samurai pieces do and call it a day.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Future boosters will have more tightly focused themes. Broad, open-ended terms like 'Mutant, Science, Natural,' etc. mean too many different things to different people, so expect something a little different on the next one.

I like this. I can already imagine some really interesting Spies, Beasts, Military, Avian, Egyptians, Halloween, etc.....

The possibilities are endless..and its not a bad way to make some extra cash for Paragon Studios. A win-win.

Thanks for this tidbit.

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Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I've bought all of the SBP except the Science one, I'd say that's my least favorite as it had nothing I really wanted.
That's the only pack I have bought. None of the costume pieces are gender-locked (I'm looking at you, Magic Booster with your awesome male-only jackets) and the ability to fix character heights after all this time was very welcome.

Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
Will there be jet packs?
Yes PLEASE. I want an option other than wings and rocket boots. And there better be options for Sky Raider, Goldbricker, Longbow, and Wyvernn jetpack styles.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
I imagine that stems from the whole palava with the Mutant pack, people expecting animal parts (well we got one, the wolf tail, which is the entire reason I bought the pack) and instead got a rather different, but not less correct, intepretation of mutant?
The wolf tail being rolled into that pack instead of being given to everyone pisses me off. I don't like anything else in that pack and am not going to spend $10 on a single costume part. I can live without making wolf characters.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
(I'm looking at you, Magic Booster with your awesome male-only jackets)
You'll get the Baron jacket when guys can wear the Witch hat.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
You'll get the Baron jacket when guys can wear the Witch hat.
Sure, I don't want the witch hat myself. I want the cool hat with the skulls on it.