Live Patch Notes - 6/8/10




Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
Truth is, those that didn't want the buff AT ALL (waaah!) were louder (not more numerous) than those who didn't want the annoying pop-up in their face.
Blah blah blah... Yes, one side's complaint is crying and the other is srs business!!

Now, at least, that is settled.

Thanks again!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Emo_Bitter View Post
By the way, I was referring to why my custom mobs gave 99%+ XP Monday, and now after the patch with the same powers and settings were at like 80-82%. I had to basically make them take all powers ( Extreme Settings basically ), to get the 100% again. Slightly furious about that is what I was remarking on.

Anyone else notice their custom mobs getting lower xp compared to pre-patch?
So you lost maybe 20 or 30 xp per mob, if that. Not sure that rates a "slightly furious" reaction. That's like complaining about having to drive 80 when you used to drive 90. You still get where you're going plenty fast enough. Isn't the point of AE to customize a mob for customization's sake and reward-be-damned?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
[list][*]Fixed a bug that allowed players to get mission completion awards multiple times.
This hardly seems like a bug. It's been this way forever.

I always assumed it was because the story award does not scale.



I doubt the prompt was put back due to vocal complaints. Much more likley it was put back becasue it was meant to be there (insert dev reasoning) and was only removed as a short gap measure while they fixed the issue.



I suppose my main question is "why was the Mystic Fortune prompt created in the first place?", because disregarding the occasional comment from a neurotic RPer, I honestly can't think of a reason it was thought to be deserving of special treatment.

Also wanted to say that I and the overwhelming majority of Justice global channel users seem to either dislike the prompt, or don't care enough about it either way to comment. I don't recall ever reading a single person mourning its loss at i17 launch, or celebrating its return today.

All that being said, I very much appreciate the rest of the QoL and bugfixes from this patch.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
I suppose my main question is "why was the Mystic Fortune prompt created in the first place?", because disregarding the occasional comment from a neurotic RPer, I honestly can't think of a reason it was thought to be deserving of special treatment.
One of the buffs includes a penalty to defence.

Because it is possible to roll the dice on the fortune and come out behind in an area that is important to you, it is important to make sure that the player has an option to avoid it.

Me, I don't like the solution? I'd just ditch the penalty, tone down the benefit, and so on. But the choices have been made.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Not yet, back to annoyance for now.

Either way is going to annoy some players, so I believe they put it back to 'the way it was' until a superior fix could be put in place. Arguements hold weight on both sides. I prefer the 'no prompt', but alas, I suspect, we will get a prompt option sometime...just, as always, requires patience.
Nah, prompt is annoying and people who don't want b00fs are whiney n00bz

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
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Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
And now an update... within a few hours of the new patch. The GM ExFarm has been replaced with a new AV ExFarm.

It's final solution time... remove EXPs from AE
Yeah, that "AE is an alternate leveling path" thing advertised all over the place really needs to go.

*rolls eyes*

Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
One of the buffs includes a penalty to defence.

Because it is possible to roll the dice on the fortune and come out behind in an area that is important to you, it is important to make sure that the player has an option to avoid it.

Me, I don't like the solution? I'd just ditch the penalty, tone down the benefit, and so on. But the choices have been made.
Nah, only [The Fool] has any debuff at all associated with it, and even then it's a -3% tohit debuff, which pales compared to even the weakest NPC tohit debuffs and is entirely negligible when thrown into the equation with accuracy slotting and tohit/accuracy buffs. Until I start fighting characters several levels above me, I don't see a decrease in my hit rolls. Even if you do pretend the tohit debuff is significant, the damage and recharge bonuses granted by the power more than even it out in the long run.

Believe it or not I saw a few posters complaining about the fortune buffs on religious grounds, so $deity only knows why the prompt was added back in.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
One of the buffs includes a penalty to defence.

Because it is possible to roll the dice on the fortune and come out behind in an area that is important to you, it is important to make sure that the player has an option to avoid it.

Me, I don't like the solution? I'd just ditch the penalty, tone down the benefit, and so on. But the choices have been made.
Yeah, I considered that as a possibility, but there are other ally buffs which have negative aspects (two examples off the top of my head are Group Fly and Increase Density) yet you can never opt out of those powers.

The best I could come up with as a legitimate and consistent reason was the damage that the target can take when The Tower is rolled, but I'm not even sure if that's capable of KOing someone or if it's just a percentage of their current HP.

Even then, it seems like a bit of a hassle to put in a prompt that is going to be at best a pointless hoop to jump through 99% of the time, just to cover a 1% worst possible contingency.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
So much this. I got it on "hard mode" but it required 4 controllers on the team. I had to turn people down from my MoLGTF because of what AT they played, and that goes against everything I stand for.
Same, we had to do it with 3 trollers though. First team in europe to get the badge, but I did feel quite dissapointed on how "restrictive" the selection process was. Atleast this now allows others to attempt it, and most hopefully succeed them.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Umm. My characters on the char select screen are ghosts now.

EDIT: Still no relief for invisible mouse or blank contact/costumes. Or the INTENSE FPS drop since i17 hit even with my settings lower than they used to be (no UM).
I put something in the tech/bugs boards about the Black-Ghost Character screen. Nothing yet, but I did wiggle with graphics settings and got them back.

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As of this patch, rescues no longer have "BOSS_DISPLAYNAME" guarding the hostage :-P



The Shadow controls have been completely redone. This is not documented at all.

When customized settings are off, you have a slider control that ranges several levels of degree. I did not check them all.

When set to customized controls, you now have the option of setting Level of Detail (Low, Med., High, same as before). You now also choose the range and size of the rendered maps. Apparently, this cuts down on the times on outdoor maps where your framerate drops while trying to calculate and render shadows from the far size of the visible zone.

It is bugged, in that every time you close the options window, the control reverts back to the basic slider. If you have changed the customized settings, they revert to whatever the basic slider was last set to.

Also, the help text next to the range and size settings are spectacularly less than descriptive. Doesn't really help me to understand what the settings are doing.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
[list][*]Broadsword and Shield Defense – the Head Splitter power will no longer play the Air Superiority attack animation when flying with a shield readied.
Not sure if this was brought up, but the same problem happens with Martial Arts and Shields. When flying, Eagle's Claw performs the Crippling Axe Kick animation.

And with the talk of the prompt for Mystic Fortune, wouldn't it just be easy to put an option in Options/General to Enable/Disable an "Auto-Decline"..? I don't see how that wouldn't put an end to the problem. They wouldn't get the buff if they didn't want it, and there wouldn't be an annoying prompt. And they can Disable it whenever they want in case they do want the buff again.

Virtue, Protector




Thank god they fixed the damn cimerora stuck in the mud bug - that's all I really care about in this update. I found this so annoying I basically stopped going to cim.



Jet_Boy wants a final nail:

And now an update... within a few hours of the new patch. The GM ExFarm has been replaced with a new AV ExFarm.

It's final solution time... remove EXPs from AE
I'd rather they didn't. I have a character I'm leveling up there the regular way. I have no problems with them nerfing the XP as long as it's still possible to reach 50 there, even if it takes longer.

Dec out.



Talen Lee notes:

One of the buffs includes a penalty to defence.

Because it is possible to roll the dice on the fortune and come out behind in an area that is important to you, it is important to make sure that the player has an option to avoid it.

Me, I don't like the solution? I'd just ditch the penalty, tone down the benefit, and so on. But the choices have been made.
macskull focuses on significance:

Nah, only [The Fool] has any debuff at all associated with it, and even then it's a -3% tohit debuff, which pales compared to even the weakest NPC tohit debuffs and is entirely negligible when thrown into the equation with accuracy slotting and tohit/accuracy buffs. Until I start fighting characters several levels above me, I don't see a decrease in my hit rolls. Even if you do pretend the tohit debuff is significant, the damage and recharge bonuses granted by the power more than even it out in the long run.
Not that it particularly bothered me, but The Tower actively damages you when cast. Just sayin'.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Not that it particularly bothered me, but The Tower actively damages you when cast. Just sayin'.
Only if you are at 25% health or more, and it only does like 10 pts of damage or something like that.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



The annoying part of that damage is that it breaks Hide on Stalkers (not other forms of stealth, which is odd).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



is glad I never bought the magic DE-buff pack

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Katana – Weapon draw animations now work correctly again.
Not if you have ninja run toggled. If you "draw" your katana while in inja run mode, your sword simply "pops" into your hand, with no draw.

I also bugged this in-game.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Not if you have ninja run toggled. If you "draw" your katana while in inja run mode, your sword simply "pops" into your hand, with no draw.

I also bugged this in-game.
Funny, I played my katana stalker earlier and while having ninja run on I did a strike while hidden. My toon stood up and drew the katana before returning to the ninja crouch and attacking. Now granted, I did not watch every time, but it seemed to work pretty good for me.



Ninja Blade does not equal Katana. Different draw animations entirely, just saying.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Not if you have ninja run toggled. If you "draw" your katana while in inja run mode, your sword simply "pops" into your hand, with no draw.

I also bugged this in-game.
This is pretty common for all weapon sets. Not saying rather or not it's 'working as intended', I'm simply stating that if you are standing just out of range of a target, and draw your weapon(s) while in the ninja run stance. The weapon(s) will just suddenly appear. Doing the same thing when near an enemy will play the draw animations as it should.

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Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Not that it particularly bothered me, but The Tower actively damages you when cast. Just sayin'.
So does Enforce Morale from Pain Domination. You don't see anyone moan about that.

Really the few 'debuff' effects that are in the power are SO very minor, and they are all offset by some decent buffs. I really don't get people upset by this.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by DarknessEternal View Post
This hardly seems like a bug. It's been this way forever.

I always assumed it was because the story award does not scale.
Yeah, that was a surprise. I'd guess that the of awarding double end-of-mission xp/inf in flashbacks wasn't as bothersome as the potential doubling of Chronologist drops, large inspirations, salvage, and other end-of-mission rewards if people chose to set themselves up with a ton of day jobs and run fast flashback missions.

Even with all of that, it wasn't worth the time to exploit, even with the fastest badge missions. Too much set-up for too little pay-off.

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