Live Patch Notes - 6/8/10





Lady Grey is doable again!

Just a quick Q: So now that the AE 'Fab' map has been changed, will we see the Regular content 'Fab' map be changed to stop pets jumping around and other weird stuff happening?

I will try the mission again and send a bug report if necessary.



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post

Lady Grey is doable again!
It was doable before... now it's just not insanely hard.

I did find a trick to help out. If you take out the yellows, then the blues, and then the weakened Hamidon, it's easier to take out just the greens because you don't have the goo or the heavy damage to deal with anymore.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
It was doable before... now it's just not insanely hard.

I did find a trick to help out. If you take out the yellows, then the blues, and then the weakened Hamidon, it's easier to take out just the greens because you don't have the goo or the heavy damage to deal with anymore.
Heavy damage? From the Greens?

And don't the greens heal the Hamidon if you try it like that?

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Heavy damage? From the Greens?

And don't the greens heal the Hamidon if you try it like that?
If your party is strong enough you can out pace the heals from the greens.

The massive damage that Dechs refers to is likely the Hamidon damage itself. Pop EOE and let the tank/brutes take the aggro while everyone pounds hami down. Hami goes down and takes the goo with it leaving only the greens.



Yup, on Union there were lots of people working for and getting Master of Lady Grey, even with all this tough difficulty.

Union - Balls of Steel!



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
If your party is strong enough you can out pace the heals from the greens.

The massive damage that Dechs refers to is likely the Hamidon damage itself. Pop EOE and let the tank/brutes take the aggro while everyone pounds hami down. Hami goes down and takes the goo with it leaving only the greens.
Personally, if you get hami agro while killing greens you're doing it wrong.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Electra Carmine View Post
Yup, on Union there were lots of people working for and getting Master of Lady Grey, even with all this tough difficulty.

Union - Balls of Steel!
Balls of Steel my ***! Liberty did the MOLGTF in 34 minutes before it was fixed.

And we do have pics so it happened.



Not a bad looking patch, some decent bug fixes. I hate the pop up for the fortune though, so to save others from the annoyance I've just stopped using the power all together in the hopes that others will respond in kind and not bother me with it.

Hopefully a fix for sleet/freezing rain arrives soon.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The massive damage that Dechs refers to is likely the Hamidon damage itself. Pop EOE and let the tank/brutes take the aggro while everyone pounds hami down. Hami goes down and takes the goo with it leaving only the greens.
Correct. And weakened hamidon only has about 5k hit points, very easy to outpace the greens.

The greens are hard to kill because until they are held they have high regen and resist. Without Hami to watch their backs, it's a lot easier to make sure squishy characters don't die.

Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Personally, if you get hami agro while killing greens you're doing it wrong.
Huh. Then my MoLGTF was done wrong.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Posting to see if anyone else can confirm this.

After patch yesterday I did a safeguard mission I had up (Independence Port). Whenever I left buildings the screen loaded really slow. After exiting the bank (slow load), and one side mission (slow load), I entered the second side mission. Upon exit second side mission I saw slow load then everything went black and the game would not come back so I had to use Windows to crash it.

Today, to get the badge I missed, I reran the five missions to get the safeguard without a problem. Went into Independence Port and decided to stop the robbery to give more time to get badge. Upon exiting again saw slow load then black screen crash.

The problem seems to be limited to safeguard mission and everything else seems to work fine for me.

Can anyone else confirm if this is bugged or just something with my machine?



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Some players using the “chat hidden” setting were getting chat banned without knowing it when auto-replies to other players were sent out too rapidly. Players with the “chat hidden” setting turned on will no longer auto-reply to other players.
What exactly is this setting? I apparently have this enabled, because I was auto-replying to tells.. but I don't know what this setting is, why it is enabled, or how to disable it. When the bug first started happening I tried what I usually try when people can't invite me to a team or send me a tell - I brought up my global hide list, selected everything, saved it, brought it up again, unselected everything, and saved it again. But that didn't work for the chat reply bug. I have never seen this setting in options and don't even know what it does, so I don't know why it's enabled on my account.



QUOTE:People, who are doing more than required by mission objectives, are durty XP/Inf/Prestige/Drops farmurs and exploiters.

So if one follows the mission objectives, BUT does a mission over and over, thats not farming? So if one does papers and banks at 4 and 8 over and over, thats not farming? So if one does every SF in a day for merits to get recipes, thats not farming? If I go to Nerva at level 30 and fight those red and purple COT and Arachnos till they are all grey to me.. this isnt farming? Or slags and Hellfrost in Sharkhead for exp.. over and over this isnt farming?
Leave AE alone...please or get rid the dang thing. THis past year should be called "The year of AE nerfs. Not one of my original ae's even exist in their original story form. The story was good, and never gave good /excellent experience, who wanted to play it? Friends. Peoples wanted the goodies.
My main does things over and over and over AND over.. cause there is nothing else to do but build up the toons, place those nice sets on so I have to do the same.. over and over and over to get the money needed to buy a recipe.. and then do it over and over again.. for the drops needed to make it.. or buy the 2nd piece to even get the first set bonus.
And the only way to build my toons is to do missions over and over and over again. AND OVER.
The only way to get money infamy influence is to do things over and over and over. Have you even visted the Market lately... its NOT free.. so requires me to do it over and over and over and OVER again. So isn't doing it over and over again considered farming? And if I find one good mission my build can manage to defeat well... and do over and over again ... is this an exploit I found with one my builds?
To get the damnable family or skulls defeat.. I have to fight them over and over and over again.. which.. gives me drops money and exp.
Seems to me the exploit is to have to PAY over and over and over again for my main toon to play this game, which I love.. but just cant stand the brown nosing whiners agreeing with every damn nerf out there. DO you whiners even play the dang game, or spend your game time bashing game play style. I say.. leave the game alone.. and let ALL people play as they desire and then add some content that lasts longer than a day to complete.
"Farming as its called has a reason.. to get to 50.. and when one gets to 50 what do they do... play some more, play harder to get that certain bulild to do what THEY want in the game. How does any of this interfer in anyones game time.. but some virgin 50s once in a blue moon asking the same questions.. thats just an answerable question. Sure you can shake your head.. he/she should know this by now... but damn who rightly cares how fast, how hard someone plays this game... 2 years in this game and still asking questions. STILL learning better builds.. and still doing the same thing over and over.
I am so damn tired signing on my days and few hours to play to maintain AGAIN.. over and over again..more than one time a week.
I am curious the percent of people so called farming and exploiting things in this game that are veterans of the game vs new people? I personally have 10+ level 50s, not a lot for my veteran time on this game, my son has an account 18 months, maybe 5 50s, we have PLAYED the power new arch new anything comes out.. WHY do we have to start over again to do the same thing over and over and over again. Why do some of you feel it wrong to play as we intend to see a new toon made, its powers at max before slotting and not have to take months and months and months to do it... months and months and months eqates to money and money and money...If the percent of these farmers are VETS,,, then the word VET should prove they intend to stay in the game.
I will stop the wall of words.... getting annoyed saying the same thing over and over.

SIGNATURE LINE:Always wonder, "is there a whiner, brown nose or exploit finder badge? I haven't done that yet... so maybe I can do that over and over again... well.. guess I get the WHINER badge today!



I think you missed the point of that line you quoted.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Believe it or not I saw a few posters complaining about the fortune buffs on religious grounds, so $deity only knows why the prompt was added back in.
...and I remember a few numb-skulls complaining about the gender-switching costume ability of one of the booster packs a few months ago, also on religious grounds.

Zube thinks that if your religion is soooooo sensitive to utterly trivial things like this, then you have NO BUSINESS playing an MMO.

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Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
What exactly is this setting? I apparently have this enabled, because I was auto-replying to tells.. but I don't know what this setting is, why it is enabled, or how to disable it.
The "chat hidden" setting is automatic. If your chat window is minimized, turned off, or behind a full-screen something else (such as training), anyone who sends you a PM will receive a note back saying your chat window is hidden. This is simply to let them know you haven't seen their comment and probably won't be making a response anytime soon.

There is no way to turn this off. However, it only happens when your chat window is hidden in some way - so if you don't want it to happen, size your chat to very small and leave it up.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
The "chat hidden" setting is automatic. If your chat window is minimized, turned off, or behind a full-screen something else (such as training), anyone who sends you a PM will receive a note back saying your chat window is hidden. This is simply to let them know you haven't seen their comment and probably won't be making a response anytime soon.

There is no way to turn this off. However, it only happens when your chat window is hidden in some way - so if you don't want it to happen, size your chat to very small and leave it up.
Someone said this to me once in-game as well. Except it doesn't only happen to me when the chat window is hidden. It happens all the time. Any time anyone sends me a tell at all. Ever. Even if I'm staring at my chat window. The really fun thing is, if they send me a tell and then enter a window where *their* chat window is hidden (level up, costume, etc) ... then the auto replies start bouncing back and forth. I send them one, they send me one, I send them one, they send me one... until they exit the screen. About two a second.

Though it makes me wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that my chat windows are in tab 2 instead of tab 1.


... Never mind. It has apparently already been fixed on live. YYAAAAAYYYY!



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Where's the damn fix for Shield Patterns..
This! :{



/chan_timeout now works on the Live servers

Set the channel's time out duration
Syntax: chan_desc <CHANNEL NAME> < TIME IN DAYS>

Setting a time out value immediately kicks channel members that have been offline for at least <time in days> days.

Once a time out value has been set, channel members that remain offline long enough to put them above the time out value will be kicked from the channel.

Doing /chan_timeout <channel name> 0
should reset the time out value, and channel members would no longer be kicked for remaining offline.

If you'd set a timeout value while the command did not work, you'll have to set it again to make it work.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

  • Fixed a bug that caused many critters with ranged attacks to change behavior and prefer melee range, including Rikti Drones and most Mastermind pets. Critters should behave as they used to again.
I don't know about critters, but my Robotics pets are still charging into melee on a regular basis. I had my Assault Bot charge a boss last night, just to stand at point blank and unload a Plasma Blast into it, Battle Drones are constantly edging towards mobs, and don't get me started on what happened when I set my pets to Goto/Aggressive with their target location at my current position.

I was constantly (virtually) yelling 'Get the hell back here!' to my pets. It's making life thoroughly annoying for a Bots/Traps MM that's played relying on keeping targets the hell away from me and my pets for the last 4 and a bit years.

Yes, I've /bug'd it, just felt the need to vent a little, as I've regularly had this toon made too annoying to play by various glitches/bugs over the years. You'd have thought I'd be used to it by now, really...


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
They do post notes when that patch goes to the live servers. Or they are supposed to.
Not so. Exploit fixes are NEVER posted in the patch notes.

I know of at least 2 IO duplicating exploits that have been fixed over the years and no mention was made of it...and really, there was no need.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Funny how in a previous thread you had stated you would "NEVER" turn "any" player away based on their AT. Welcome to the wonderful world of hypocrisy.

i'd thank the devs but given this would have never happened if the mitos weren't "fixed" in the first place... it's good to have a more sensible mag applied to the mitos for an 8 person TF.

As an aside, I would have been fine with the mag 53 if the lgtf were given a much higher merit reward (maybe 35 to 40 merits?). What ever happened to risk VS Reward?
I wouldn't call it "hypocrisy" when it was forced.



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
This would assume that changes they make to prevent exploiting in AE to be some sort of underhanded activity... which it isn't.

Let's all keep in mind that Devs don't have to discuss these changes with us at all, nor do they need to detail them for us. They do it because they care about the player base, as a whole, as more than just revenue generators, an uncommon practice with most MMORPGs and certainly rare for one walking towards it's 7-year mark.
In all fairness, when it comes to AE, I think ALL changes should be announced.


Because in the process of nerfing exploits, they usually "break" other arcs and the designers have no idea.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
So you lost maybe 20 or 30 xp per mob, if that. Not sure that rates a "slightly furious" reaction. That's like complaining about having to drive 80 when you used to drive 90. You still get where you're going plenty fast enough. Isn't the point of AE to customize a mob for customization's sake and reward-be-damned?
Now that is disfunctional math.

FYI, 20% of 10,000 experience (for tough mobs) is more like 2,000 experience lost.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
One of the buffs includes a penalty to defence.

Because it is possible to roll the dice on the fortune and come out behind in an area that is important to you, it is important to make sure that the player has an option to avoid it.

Me, I don't like the solution? I'd just ditch the penalty, tone down the benefit, and so on. But the choices have been made.
Personally, I think the bonus and penalties are so low that they don't even matter.

Sort of like the "Buff" pet given through vet rewards.