Speed Boost? Yes/No

Adeon Hawkwood



Of the people who don't like Speed Boost . . . how many of you never take Super Speed as a travel power? It seems to me that there are two complaints; (a) casting SB is too much of a pain in the tail, mostly because it only has a 2 minute duration, and (b) receiving Speed Boost makes your character too fast to handle, or if you have a low-end computer, can cause lag.

Probably about 40% of my characters have Super Speed. I have had plenty of practice handling my characters with fast run speed. Especially with Flying characters, I appreciate the opportunity to run fast when my usual travel power is so slow. Plus, I get around in missions much faster. And why would anyone complain about buffs in Recovery or Recharge?

As for whether the buff is needed, a few people have said, "Just use Transference!" . . . Transference is not a good substitue for ranged characters. Staying out of the fray protects me from melee and AoE attacks centered on the melee characters. Getting close enough for Transference will expose my ranged characters to danger when Speed Boost would let them say at range. Kinetics is a great set for buffing melee characters, but characters who prefer to stay at range can only get SB and ID (and maybe Siphon Power if near the caster).

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Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
No, I'm hardly the lrn2ply type, silly Yank. I simply kick useless players, if you don't take Speed Boost, then I count you as useless.
Oh yes, because speed boost is clearly the only useful power in kinetics. Never mind fulcrum shift, transference, increased density, or anything else it has. Only speed boost is useful.

Do me a favor SiGGy, add @Poison Bloom to your global ignore list. Please?

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History




Being from the deep south my whole life, I can't help but grin at the thought of being a 'yank' I'm closer to redneck than yankee. :P

If you feel like a purp'd out Kin with Fulcrum Shift, Transference, Inertial Density and the Siphon's, Recall friend, Aid other, not to mention the heal
As well as properly slotted blasts is useless because of 1. missing power. Well sir, I'm glad you'd kick me.
Wouldn't want to team with someone with such limited imagination anyways.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I expect a Kin to have it, but i dont expect him to use it on every player all the time. If one member is struggling to keep up (stone tank for example) i expect that member to be buffed.

But mostly i expect the Kin to have SB avaliable for tough boss fights, keeping a 8-man team SB'd a whole TF is tedious (but not that hard, i like to keep team perma-SB'd on the rare occasions i play kin) but just having it for when the team actually needs it is a great help (Recluse, States, Hero1, Rom etc.).

I cant come up with any decent excuse for NOT having it if you join any end-game TF. I would rather have a Kin with SO's and SB on my team than a Pimped out Kin full of purples without it.

There are dual builds, if you dont want it solo get a team build with it, even with just SO's it will still be preferable. And if it is to hard to keep it on everyone use it on thoose that really need it and use it in tough fights.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Of the people who don't like Speed Boost . . . how many of you never take Super Speed as a travel power? It seems to me that there are two complaints; (a) casting SB is too much of a pain in the tail, mostly because it only has a 2 minute duration, and (b) receiving Speed Boost makes your character too fast to handle, or if you have a low-end computer, can cause lag.

Probably about 40% of my characters have Super Speed. I have had plenty of practice handling my characters with fast run speed. Especially with Flying characters, I appreciate the opportunity to run fast when my usual travel power is so slow. Plus, I get around in missions much faster. And why would anyone complain about buffs in Recovery or Recharge?

As for whether the buff is needed, a few people have said, "Just use Transference!" . . . Transference is not a good substitue for ranged characters. Staying out of the fray protects me from melee and AoE attacks centered on the melee characters. Getting close enough for Transference will expose my ranged characters to danger when Speed Boost would let them say at range. Kinetics is a great set for buffing melee characters, but characters who prefer to stay at range can only get SB and ID (and maybe Siphon Power if near the caster).
Unslotted super speed is 52 mph or so in run speed. And originally I avoided it because I couldn't control my character with that much speed. Over the years I've learned to control high speed characters. Mostly due to having a hero main with a run speed of 36 mph JUST using slotted passives, and a run speed of 48 mph with sprint turned on. Never being able to slow down teaches you to control such speed. And yet, getting slapped with speed boost when not expecting it will still mess me up. Especially on a char who runs super fast normally.

I do have characters who honestly don't need the other aspects either. Claws/SR for example doesn't really get much from the +recharge part. Especially when you already have 5 different seamless attack chains possible with any given attack used first. People that build for perma hasten without SB, probably don't need it either. They already got their character to have such high recharge bonuses they can have their heavy hitters up pretty much whenever they want them.

And the +recovery isn't always needed either. Why isn't it needed? Well, if you build your character to be able to fight for 3 hours strait without running out of endurance, you don't really need more +recovery. Some power sets can use it, but not everyone needs it.

It's funny, some people like SiGGy will boot a kin for not taking it. Others boot team members who dare not want speed boost. One group that booted Madam Enigma for not wanting it, then were amazed to see me speed off without even turning on sprint... as fast as they were moving with speed boost. I then later teamed with others from that group, and they were amazed to see me fight non-stop without ever having to wait around for something to charge... without speed boost. Actually, they wanted it for themselves just to keep up with me.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Do me a favor SiGGy, add @Poison Bloom to your global ignore list. Please?
I'd honestly love to, but thankfully I'm not on the American servers and useless players aren't too common on the EU.

While SB isn't my favourite buff around, it's certainly damn good enough for every Kinetics character around to grab and if they don't, then they're either not team-players, are in a solo build or are simply just terrible people.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
I'd honestly love to, but thankfully I'm not on the American servers and useless players aren't too common on the EU.

While SB isn't my favourite buff around, it's certainly damn good enough for every Kinetics character around to grab and if they don't, then they're either not team-players, are in a solo build or are simply just terrible people.
OOOR they may just not view speed boost as the 'must have' power others do. Maybe they had to make a build sacrifice, and speed boost is what got cut. Maybe they got tired of all the SB NAO attitude and respeced out of it. You don't know, and if you just yell at them then boot them as 'useless'... you'll never find out. Heck, you may have kicked from your team someone who would have been extremely useful just cause they lack one power.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Thats his point.
If a Kin doesn't have SB then he auto-magically assumes they are

He doesn't want to find out if he's wrong and you know what. He's not.
It's his choice.
Personally, I find it very... limiting, but thats how he chooses to play.
He's not alone, sad to say.

I've never understood this mindset of X AT must have Y power.
Yes some powers are great to have, others are situational at best.

As listed above, my own reasons for dropping SB may not apply to everyone. As an aside. My dual build does still have it. Simply because my duo partner likes having it.

Just didn't feel like playing the 'Crack Dealer' on every single team.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Thats his point.
If a Kin doesn't have SB then he auto-magically assumes they are

He doesn't want to find out if he's wrong and you know what. He's not.
It's his choice.
Personally, I find it very... limiting, but thats how he chooses to play.
He's not alone, sad to say.
Which I say is a foolish attitude. It's the same attitude that says "Trick Arrow can't defend a team, because it doesn't have a heal". Sadly, I see this type of thing a lot hero side. Villains, not so much really. But for heroes, there's the perceived notion that you 'must' have the same powers as everyone else with the powerset, and that all powersets must have the same type of power.

I see sonic defenders getting booted from teams because they can't heal, but the leader doesn't notice the blasters are *not* dying. Just the sonic defender who has the lowest damage resistance on the team.

I see force field defenders getting booted because they can't heal, nevermind the enemy can't actually hit the team.

I see Trick Arrow defenders who get booted for being 'useless'. Heck, in some teams I got told flat out to stop using the following powers due to them being 'useless: Poison Gas Arrow, Flash Arrow (ok this is close to true), Entangle Arrow, and Disruption Arrow.

I see empathy defenders getting booted cause they dare to attack when no one needs healing.

I see dark defenders getting booted sometimes for not using the single target heal to heal them from across the room. You know, the heal that doesn't exist. Or worse, because they use those 'useless' aoe to-hit debuffs instead of just spamming heals. Once I got booted from a team cause I used all my tools to try saving the team in a nasty fight, even howling twilight. They booted me cause I was the sole survivor, and had to wait for the rez to recharge.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
You don't need to buff every 90 seconds. What you can do is every couple attacks, just buff the next character in the list.

SB is only a ONE second animation time.
Thats a good idea...



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post

If you feel like a purp'd out Kin with Fulcrum Shift, Transference, Inertial Density and the Siphon's, Recall friend, Aid other, not to mention the heal
As well as properly slotted blasts is useless because of 1. missing power. Well sir, I'm glad you'd kick me.
Wouldn't want to team with someone with such limited imagination anyways.
Why would you need the medicine pool on a kin? How is that more helpful than SB?

Just curious.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I'm really very sorry that you actually think SB is the defining power of the set.

Honestly, it's one very nice buff. And yes, it does help the team.

But /Kin has MYRIAD buffs including a relatively fast-recharging End-REPLACEMENT power (as opposed to End Recovery).

If ANYTHING defines the /Kin set, it's Fulcrum Shift. A buff that increases damage without requiring the team to attack MORE, that simultaneously damage-debuffs the enemy mobs. Better still, it's an AoE.
Reading comprehension FTL

I said key powers, POWERS, not power. Maybe actually read next time.

And I don't really care what a kins excuse is to not take SB they get kicked for being selfish.

Fulcrum shift doesn't do much for range types so ya SB is way better.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus
On a moderate to large team, if Kin A uses all the powers they want except Speed Boost, while Kin B uses only Speed Boost, team B will be more efficient every time.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Of the people who don't like Speed Boost . . . how many of you never take Super Speed as a travel power? It seems to me that there are two complaints; (a) casting SB is too much of a pain in the tail, mostly because it only has a 2 minute duration, and (b) receiving Speed Boost makes your character too fast to handle, or if you have a low-end computer, can cause lag.
Most of my characters will have either Fly or Jump. Anything with a defense component will have Jump, and the rest are likely to have Fly. Super Speed is taken mostly by characters who benefit from stealth, or who have painful recharge issues; most of these characters do not solo, and those who do solo rely on stealth and avoid defeat-alls.

Turning on Super Speed inside missions is another annoyance to me. I find that running speed buffs do not actually help me to move faster, at least not inside of places like Council caves, blue caves, or Oranbega. I'm always typing /stuck to get out from behind a pipe, or disentangling myself from a torch.

Some folks are nimbler than I am. This is the real reason I hate running speed buffs on indoor missions. They scatter the team to the winds, while I am trying to aggro mobs first and keep them alive. The speed boosted or super speeding character is likely to land in the middle of a spawn before I can. Super Jump is unhelpful in moving around complex maps, and Fly is not much more help. The on again, off again, surprise you're 90 mph nature of Speed Boost is annoying for this reason. You're trying to land right in the middle of the mobs, when poof, your movement keys are doing something completely different now, and you end up far from where you were trying to be. I wish combat suppression worked on it better than it does.

Fly is the best defense, because of combat suppression. But not every character takes Fly and can avoid the ground, and some powers like Foot Stomp don't work with Fly. And of course, fighting with Fly on running negates any recovery benefit from Speed Boost. It does make Air Superiority look a lot better, though.

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"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Which I say is a foolish attitude. It's the same attitude that says "Trick Arrow can't defend a team, because it doesn't have a heal". Sadly, I see this type of thing a lot hero side. Villains, not so much really. But for heroes, there's the perceived notion that you 'must' have the same powers as everyone else with the powerset, and that all powersets must have the same type of power.

I see sonic defenders getting booted from teams because they can't heal, but the leader doesn't notice the blasters are *not* dying. Just the sonic defender who has the lowest damage resistance on the team.

I see force field defenders getting booted because they can't heal, nevermind the enemy can't actually hit the team.

I see Trick Arrow defenders who get booted for being 'useless'. Heck, in some teams I got told flat out to stop using the following powers due to them being 'useless: Poison Gas Arrow, Flash Arrow (ok this is close to true), Entangle Arrow, and Disruption Arrow.

I see empathy defenders getting booted cause they dare to attack when no one needs healing.

I see dark defenders getting booted sometimes for not using the single target heal to heal them from across the room. You know, the heal that doesn't exist. Or worse, because they use those 'useless' aoe to-hit debuffs instead of just spamming heals. Once I got booted from a team cause I used all my tools to try saving the team in a nasty fight, even howling twilight. They booted me cause I was the sole survivor, and had to wait for the rez to recharge.

Defender doesn't mean healer.
You mentioned lots of buff/debuff sets there, would it be okay for a TA Fender to not take Acid/Distruption/Oil Slick, a FF Fender to ignore the single target and group bubbles, or an Empath to ditch fortitude, auras and adrenaline boost?
No. Much the same as it's a stupid idea for a Kinetic to miss out one of their best buffs, Speed Boost.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
Defender doesn't mean healer.
You mentioned lots of buff/debuff sets there, would it be okay for a TA Fender to not take Acid/Distruption/Oil Slick, a FF Fender to ignore the single target and group bubbles, or an Empath to ditch fortitude, auras and adrenaline boost?
No. Much the same as it's a stupid idea for a Kinetic to miss out one of their best buffs, Speed Boost.
But it's not really the best buff a kin has. It's a buff which while good, can be negated in usefulness by a good build. Do you need the recharge from SB? You can build your character to the point where you have recharge oozing out of your ears. Do you have endurance issues? You can build to fix them. And that doesn't even require a ton of IO's. Just slotting an end redux or two in the biggest offenders.

Yes, SB is nice. Being able to use powers like Omega Maneuver more often is always fun. But it's not the best power of a kinetics. What it is, is the most overvalued power in kinetics. People who were doing great without speed boost suddenly think their gimped without it.

Your attitude of "you must have this power or this type of power" is foolish IMO.

And actually, my TA/A defender has been chewed out many a time for USING disruption arrow (they claim it's useless), Acid Arrow (again claimed to be useless), and Oil Slick Arrow (blasters complaining I do more damage then them).

When on my sonic/sonic defender, I actually have been chewed out for putting my res shields on the team and NOT healing them. Even though I don't have a heal. Same on FF/A defender. I got chewed out for bubbling people. They actually wanted me to have the med pool instead of the bubbles. You know, cause that would be "a really useful change in powers" according to the team leader.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
No. Much the same as it's a stupid idea for a Kinetic to miss out one of their best buffs, Speed Boost.
If I were to take a cue from your book of etiquette, I would dismiss anyone who wants Speed Boost on their character as a weakling needing a crutch. I would then kick them from the team because they can't hack it on their own.

Fulcrum Shift is the best Kinetics buff. Transfusion and Transference are more generally useful than Speed Boost (Transference is an excellent offensive power for preventing bosses from attacking you -- no endurance, no attacks). I have nothing against Speed Boost, and it certainly has its uses (especially for characters with long-recharge powers). But for many melee ATs with tight attack chains and good recovery it really offers nothing. When playing such characters I don't need or want Speed Boost (but I won't turn it down, either).

Kicking a Kinetic with Fulcrum Shift but without Speed Boost is just short-sighted, especially if you're replacing them with just another scrapper. FS is a force multiplier for the entire team. If you're going to be completely mercenary about it, the damage buff from FS increases your kill rate more than the +recharge buff. Unless you can find another Kin with Speed Boost on demand, you're just kicking yourself in the head when you kick the SB-less Kin with Fulcrum Shift.

In the end this is just a game that we play to have fun. I don't see why people get so bent out of shape when other players make character choices they disagree with. Unless the player is causing problems or contributing nothing, what difference does it make if the team gets 5% less XP/minute? It's not like this is the Olympics...



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Why would you need the medicine pool on a kin? How is that more helpful than SB?

Just curious.

DOh! It's not, meant to say Stimulant...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I wouldn't presume to tell somebody else how to build their toon. I think that is arrogant in the extreme. Unless you are willing to pay their monthly subs, then keep your build nazi opinions to yourself.

Personally I don't really like being SB'd - I prefer to control when I want to move fast and when I don't. And I'm willing to sacrifice the extra recharge for it. I don't really care if it takes our group a minute or two longer to clear a map.

Originally Posted by SiGGy View Post
I'd honestly love to, but thankfully I'm not on the American servers and useless players aren't too common on the EU.

While SB isn't my favourite buff around, it's certainly damn good enough for every Kinetics character around to grab and if they don't, then they're either not team-players, are in a solo build or are simply just terrible people.
I'd say skipping SB is a small price to pay to not be teamed with you.



Guys I can't control my toon if you SB me, so please don't.

ugh I hate seeing that from someone I SB.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Of the people who don't like Speed Boost . . . how many of you never take Super Speed as a travel power?
If it matters, out of over fifty characters, I have two with Hasten, one of whom also has Superspeed. (The character concept was for a Stalker with a costume that resembles a cheetah, so it seemed necessary.)



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Guys I can't control my toon if you SB me, so please don't.

ugh I hate seeing that from someone I SB.
But a very real problem. Especially if you need fine control for lining up narrow cones such as Shadow Maul. Yes, my dm/da (when teamed) likes speed boost for the +recovery. I like recovery aura or adrenaline boost more cause they don't make lining up my cones hard.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Kinetics has been relegated to the same boat as FF, Thermal, Cold and Sonic. I hate how periodic team buffs work in this game. To me, personally, it is nothing but added tedium to have to constantly recast buffs, especially on 7 other people.

What I would LOVE to see is most buffs get the MM treatment, increase the end cost proportionally to the team size and just cast it once that is applied to everyone.

This has nothing to do with the pros/cons of SB. It just happens to be the worst offender in the duration/recast cycle that people, generally, REALLY want. My hunch is that people who don't want to take SB also don't want to be buffbots. Does that hurt the team? Sure. I abide by Joshua's advice for tick-tack-toe.

"The only winning move is not to play"



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Oh yes, because speed boost is clearly the only useful power in kinetics. Never mind fulcrum shift, transference, increased density, or anything else it has. Only speed boost is useful.

Do me a favor SiGGy, add @Poison Bloom to your global ignore list. Please?
lolz ID, I never understood why it's buff is shorter than CM, Clarity and Thaw when it doesn't protect against all status types. No, I don't think the temporary smash/energy resistance or kb/repel protect is a good trade off.



I've said it before. And I'll say it again. The problem with KINs who don't take it (and if you don't want to, don't) is they'll advertise themself as KINS, knowing full well that people will invite them to the team EXPECTING them to have SB, when they can easily say...

Lvl 40 KIN, no Speed Boost, lft

and in their lft description

AR/KIN no Speed Boost

Instead they'll just say...

Lvl 40 KIN lft OR AR/KIN (in their description).

The same thing goes for toons with Bubble Secondaries (Thermal/Force Fields/Cold Dom/Sonic).

Fine, you don't want to take the powers. At least let them know BEFORE you go lft.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Surely you all know that if you're forced to control a speed run while on Speed Boost (in a cave for example) you simply turn on a jetpack to slow yourself down. And add Ninja Run if you need the extra steerage.