Speed Boost? Yes/No

Adeon Hawkwood



It's like talking to a brick wall.

Yup this thread just became pointless



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
This same type of question has come up in numerous threads and basically it's your build so if all you plan to do is solo drop SB and enjoy..............snip...... So IO out your solo build and just use SOs on the team one and you should be fine. Oh... Um those Devs were, of course, assuming people play at +0 X1 not +4 X8 so if your one one of those teams you MAY have some trouble. LOL

This is the exact way my kin is set up. We have 2 builds why not use them? This isn't an either/or situation. You can have a soloing build and a team build. Why not do both?

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
It is 50% recharge. Perhaps you feel a stronger adjective is needed, but I do not.
Then you're not paying attention to just how much 50% recharge is.

Let's break it down for you.

50% Recharge is the equivalent of 5 purple sets in someone's build.

Or the equivalent of 5 LoTG 7.5s AND an additional 5% from somewhere.

That's a titanic amount of recharge. It remains useful through all content, even to many top end IO builds.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Which is great at low levels, but by the time you have transference everyone should have a competent attack chain that does not require SB to be utilized.
A competent attack chain and an unreal attack chain is the difference that SB can make.

Having SB, means not needing to watch your endurance bar and spamming all of your highest endurance cost, longest recharge powers.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Well of course they do. But is that extra benefit really *needed*? Again, it is only "not bad" in light of everything else a Kin can do. That other players live without speed boost all of the time should be some kind of testament to why they do not need alien recharge added to them.
Now you're just being purposefully obtuse. Nothing is needed in this game, but buffs improve team performance - this is why kins and all support ATs are so sought after.

If you think anything differently, than you are fooling yourself.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I don't broadcast my Corr/Defender as anything other than "Lv??? Corr/Defender LFT" so as to purposefully avoid teams that think they need SB and expect me to keep it on them at all times. I don't broadcast my Empath defender as such for much of the same reason.
Well at least you have that in your favor.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Someone of my equal skill wouldn't have taken SB as they recognize that it is mostly a time sink and only useful in a limited number of situations that usually involve poorly designed characters.
You're deceiving yourself.

I play with well played kins, people who never seem to complain about how hard it is to keep the team SB'd. No one expects perma SB, they just appreciate it when they get it.

The team is usually fully of fully IOd, well played characters and the times we have kins with SB vs. the times we don't on something like the ITF, or LGTF demonstrate a clear difference in completion time.

You can discount it, downplay it, pretend it's not important - but SB is huge.

+Recovery as a buff, +Movement speed, +50% Recharge - it's huge.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Other than that, one should take into account that a Kin who isn't SB the entire party every two minutes isn't either caught last to the next spawn or isn't busy throwing SB all over the place during combat. Which is not to say that such a thing happens to Speed Boosters every fresh spawn, but at the same time, you'd be a liar to pretend it didn't. Instead, my kin is always at the battle, ready to throw out Fulcrum Shift and drain the endurance of key targets. My Kin is throwing out AOE's and contributing to killing the spawn even faster so that we can truly know what it is to steamroll.

Then I guess the players I play with are simply better skilled then you.

They never seem to be busy "throwing SB all over the place during combat" and they are always tossing out Fulcrum Shift and draining key targets.

I can tell when they fuclrum shift, because it means my Brute has 750% damage in bright sky blue in his combat monitor window.

It appears they are capable of filling the role you seem to be capable of, with the added addition of keeping the party SBd as well.

In which case, they add more value to the team than you do and I'd rather have them every single time over someone who feels it's a hassle to keep team mates buffed when playing an AT powerset that has buffs.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
But, honestly, I probably wouldn't join your party in the first place, and I don't mean that to sound rude, we simply have conflicting goals. You want SB, and I don't want to give it. I don't see why we should make a big deal out of not wanting to play with another, other than we both think each others desires are idiotic.
No, I agree completely. I don't think I would someone to a group if they weren't prepared to follow through on their role on a team.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
For the proponents of SB, I have to ask, have you tried *not* having Speed Boost before?

Yes, it's slower. It means less nukes, less shield charge, less footstomp, less FSC, less Rain of Fire, etc.



I got kicked from a team for not SBing on my sonic/storm corr...

Dont think I really wanted part of that team anyhow.

No character is ever at the recharge cap on their own accord, so SB is never useless. It being the largest outside source of +rech available in the game, you are fooling yourself saying its not a big deal.

I agree, when I think kin I think FS first, but I definately think sb second.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
(just so they know they're missing on the most desired power from kins)
Correction. They're missing the most desirable buff from the standpoint of their teammates.

As someone who solos on a Grav/Kin, I haven't taken SB on my primary build, and haven't built out a secondary teaming build.

I always inform my team leader and teammates that the build is solo-oriented. I tend to compensate by keeping Transference and Transfusion going as much as possible.

Yes, this makes fights take a bit longer, but teammates rarely have to worry about health and end issues.

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Originally Posted by Novella View Post
A /Kin without Speed Boost is ridiculous, but then again it is your character. I don't think anyone expects to be boosted every second of every mission, but it is nice to have it when its needed.
Considering the fact that my teaming on my Grav/Kin has been limited to EXACTLY four instances (a respec a ship raid, and two TFs), I guess you could call me ridiculous then.

But hey! Why not burn a power and six slots on something that's useless to me for 99% of the time I play!

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Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Why? its one power, only one power in the set. A tank w/o mez resistance is ridiculous IMO. A kin still brings a lot to the table even w/o SB.
Exactly. If I never let their health and end bars go below half and keep them hopped up on Fulcrum Shift all the time, honestly who CARES if I could shave 2 minutes off a 2 hour taskforce?

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Now for my question: Schrodinger's Cat? Alive/Dead


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If you want to monetize the amount, look at how much the LotG 7.5% goes for on the markets. Check out all the +recharge set bonus IOs on the auction houses.

Recharge and permahasten are right behind def capping for high end builds. Speed boost can grant more recharge than 5-slotting LotG +7.5%. That in itself is a huge incentive to keep your team speed boosted.

Even on high end toons the recharge rates benefit from speed boosting. Powers that recharge in 20 minutes, 30 minutes and one hour cooldowns can be used twice or much more in the span of a single TF.

Some of the powers are Eye of the Magus, Team teleport vet power, Vanguard, etc. Of course this also means any AT's standard powers including tier9 powers. This means the entire team can modify their attack chain to rely on more powerful attacks that they may not normally cycle as quickly through because of recharge and endurance issues.

A good kinetic will keep everyone speed boosted. A smart kinetic will keep a rad perma boosted for perma AM. A great kinetic will stack speed boost outside missions, transfuse, fulcrum shift and hit transference right after someone nukes so their toggles don't even drop.

The safest enemy is a defeated one, so having everyone on your team blowing everything up 50% faster is pretty good for a single power. On a full team, that means 7 people doing things 1.5x faster. The downside is that you have to manage a very busy set.



Originally Posted by Bocus_King View Post
Ya I'd kick a kin with no SB, just like I'd kick a mastermind with no pets. I don't get why people play certain sets when they don't take they key powers that define said set.
I'm really very sorry that you actually think SB is the defining power of the set.

Honestly, it's one very nice buff. And yes, it does help the team.

But /Kin has MYRIAD buffs including a relatively fast-recharging End-REPLACEMENT power (as opposed to End Recovery).

If ANYTHING defines the /Kin set, it's Fulcrum Shift. A buff that increases damage without requiring the team to attack MORE, that simultaneously damage-debuffs the enemy mobs. Better still, it's an AoE.

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I don't play this game to be someone's personal buff-bot. That's what having SB makes you into.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I don't play this game to be someone's personal buff-bot. That's what having SB makes you into.
If I have a power, I don't mind using it. I don't even normally mind taking a power I don't use often.

On my kin, I'll EVENTUALLY build a team-oriented build.

But sitting there and playing "*DING!* The timer went off! Time to make the rounds!" every couple minutes gets to be a drag after a while.

If I have a Stoner on team, I definitely will be diligent about SB for them.

Other than that, I will be judge of the best use of my own powers.

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I love having SB cast on me but I never hold it against a kin if they aren't using it. Part of the reason is that I suck at remembering single target buffs myself so it's hard for me to resent other people not using them. The second reason is that I consider speed boost and the other similar buffs (basically any single target buff with a short recharge) to be very poorly designed. Recasting this buffs every 90seconds/4minutes in not going to be considered fun gameplay for the vast majority of people, there are much better options for implementing this that increase the fun factor without affecting balance. Finally Kinetics offers plenty of good powers besides Speed Boost, it's a nice power but not the defining power of the set. Contrast with a set like Force Fields where the personal bubbles and idspersion field are basically the defining powers; the other powers are nice but soft capping defense is what the set is really about.



Well again with the IMOs and firecrackers. The short of it is Speed Boost is a poorly designed power.

Amazing Buff + Instant Recharge + Short Duration = Player stuck buff-botting continuously to achieve what you could have gotten by just increasing the base duration of the power. There is absolutely no reason for Speed Boost to have a 2 minute duration except to test your ability with wind up kitchen timers.

I'm a huge fan of the power design in City of Heroes but Speed Boost stands out to me as the one power I hope is never, ever used as a template for new powers to be based on.

Within the Kinetics set as it exists, tho, it's a power teams will expect. And why I will never play my Kinetics character longer than about 10 minutes at a time before remembering how much I hate this freaking power for being awesome at the cost of ruining your life. ;p



I'm always highly amused by these threads. It never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly bent in a twist so many players get over that one power. I would much rather a Kinetics character have Fulcrum Shift and Transference than Speed Boost any day of the week.



Speed Boost has a 1 second animation. So SBing a team of 7 people shouldn't take more than 10 seconds out of 120. There's no cause for alarm to chase down people who run far away from you. If you haven't brought your time SBing down to 10 seconds you simply aren't pressing the buttons fast enough.

*EDIT* Of course, some people may not want to, or may not be able to, get SB down quite that fast and spend 10 of 120 seconds working fast fingers.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
Speed Boost has a 1 second animation. So SBing a team of 7 people shouldn't take more than 10 seconds out of 120. There's no cause for alarm to chase down people who run far away from you. If you haven't brought your time SBing down to 10 seconds you simply aren't pressing the buttons fast enough.

SB has a recharge time of 2 seconds. If you are hitting 7 people in fewer than 10 seconds you've slotted the power with recharge, have global recharge IOs or an external buff source.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
SB has a recharge time of 2 seconds. If you are hitting 7 people in fewer than 10 seconds you've slotted the power with recharge, have global recharge IOs or an external buff source.
Or you can use a power in between SBing other people. Ten seconds of animation time on SBing, 110 to do whatever, no time wasted.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
Or you can use a power in between SBing other people. Ten seconds of animation time on SBing, 110 to do whatever, no time wasted.
EXACTLY what I said many times earlier.



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I'm always highly amused by these threads. It never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly bent in a twist so many players get over that one power. I would much rather a Kinetics character have Fulcrum Shift and Transference than Speed Boost any day of the week.
People have different opinions of what players should and shouldn't do, and what powers they should and shouldn't take. If someone's playing a kin and chooses not to take Speed Boost, that's their choice, it's their character. Keep in mind though that other people aren't required to accept your choices, and you take the chance of possibly being kicked from a team for not having a certain power like Speed Boost.



Oh, to make it clear. If by level 28 you do not have SB, you get kicked from my teams. You waste so much potential.



Well luckily for you, I don't cast it at all, so you can always enjoy your relative level of speed.
Ok ? I doubt we'll ever team ingame because with your attitude, I'd leave or kick you (nothing to do with SB/not SB).

Also Shield Charge is broken, and is stated as 'being looked into.' That and Fire/Kin totally pwnz it, yo.
Heh. And heh.

Ah, but see, you've taken me out of context and side tracked into a different discussion entirely. The point of the question is that in light of everything else a /Kin can do, SB is mere icing.
Much like taking any power beyond Brawl is mere icing, afterall you can perfectly level to 50 by punching -1/x1 missions. Again, I don't find it that fun. YMMV.

My apologies, you seem to have missed any of the arguments in the post you are quoting or the one before it.
No, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything. I'm also pretty sure you perfectly understood me as your wording just screams "troll" with anyone with working brain cells, but I can pretend I believe you. This was in reply to the question "is SB needed ?". No it isn't, but why would you skip it and go slower for the sake of going slower ?

We aren't speaking about theorical perfect teams, we're speaking about Kin with some mysterious group A who we have not confirmed the identity of
Which is great at low levels, but by the time you have transference everyone should have a competent attack chain that does not require SB to be utilized.
Teams where everyone have competent attack chains by level 26 would fall into my definition of "theorical perfect teams". I've never seen such a team ingame, but then again that might be because I'm not up to your über standards.

Transference will eliminate any endurance issues your team might have while simultaneously debuffing a key target.
1/ If it doesn't miss. Which will happen, the maximum tohit chance is 95%.
2/ If it doesn't hit a dead enemy. Again, probably not a factor for your über self, but for the rest of us commoners it happens pretty often especially on fast-moving teams.
3/ To people in a 20 feet radius of your target. Even "theorical perfect team" wouldn't do justice to such a team.

As for the debuff part I'm just going to assume you had a brain fart, as surely someone as knowledgeable as you would know even defender Transference isn't a full drain on anything +2 and above (and even a full drain needs -recov to be actually efficient for more than a split second), making it basically meaningless as a debuff unless stacked with other end drains (we won't consider a team moving slow enough for the kin to use Transf twice on the same target as someone as skilled as you wouldn't play with scrubs like that).

So all we're left with is 50% recharge, and that is unnecessary after Fulcrum Shift.

FS is a damage buff. Recharge =! damage. Both can be complimentary to each other, but are two completely different mechanics.

It's really not, and I'm sorry you don't know how to make a well designed character. I could help you, if you'd like.
That would be great. Here's a few builds I can't manage to make and need your input on :

DB/invul, 45%+ S/L, 33%+ F/C/E/N, Hurdle/CJ, 300%+ regen, infinitely sustainable endurance (or 10+ minutes) while running a gapless AS/BF/AS/SS chain.
DM/SD, softcapped to all three positions, maximum acc/dam/heal/end% on SL, 300%+ regen, 90%+ DDR, slotted up OwtS and resistances, Hurdle/CJ perma-Hasten, infinitely sustainable endurance (or 10+ minutes) while running a gapless SM/SL/SM/MG.
Kat/FA, 45%+ S/L, Hurdle/CJ, infinitely sustainable endurance (or 10+ minutes) while running a gapless GC/GD/GC/SD chain.

(I'd also want the standard secondary powers slotted up on all builds as well as BU/SD, of course.)

My issue in all of these builds is I don't have enough recharge to use these chains and have to resort to weaker attack chains. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, and I'm looking forward to be enlightened. If you could post the results in the scrapper forum it'd be great as I'm sure other people could use the help.

Aaand time. I never said SB was useless, I said it wasn't necessary. Since you're quoting me specifically I'm going to assume you think that is my position, and I wish to assure you that it is not. If we are talking about some hypothetical, then never mind.
That two line jump wasn't to make my post look cool.

People are going to do all of this regardless of whether or not I have SB. Since they've now apparently risen up from the commoner status you gave them only moments before, I have to further question why I need to SB them when I can provide them with benefits that greatly overshadow it with the rest of my powers while simultaneously increasing my personal enjoyment and effectiveness.
You seem to be confused here, I'm lumping myself in with all the dirty commoners. You're the one elite skilled dude who should teach us.

Further confusion it seems as I can't help but wonder if you somehow thought we were talking about Night Widows ? Unlike FU/BU, SB and FS aren't mutually exclusive so this isn't an "either or" situation, but rather a choice between 2 and 2 + 1. Given the choice, I'll always pick 2 + 1 ; I'm crazy like that.

And for the record, I've already stated, quite clearly, that I do not wish to be on teams that need SB to fix their builds any more than I wish to be on teams than think they need a Heal0rz. If it's not clear, I do not think people of these mentalities have the necessary intelligence that I would deem enjoyable to be around.
Not sure why did we go back to the "need" thing after we established SB wasn't needed. Not sure if there was a need for the leet "heal0rz" meme to further establish yourself apart from the unwashed masses.

Though I do admire your rather direct and nonsensical need to insult people you just entered into discussion with. Bravo, your lack of tact shall be remembered for the ages.
Thank you. I'm sure it'll make an entertaining anecdote while you're sipping tea with your buddies and laughing about these people who "do not have the necessary intelligence" to be honored with your presence.

I would think they could, you know, turn on a travel power.
I would think you might have, you know, heard of that little thing called "travel suppression".

Else I have Inertial Reduction as well, if they really can't move faster than a snails pace.
That you are going to recast every minute, with our theorical perfect team being in the 25' radius every single time. Okay.

a Granite Tank/Brute is really the only character I see having problems in the movement department.
Sarcasm is hard to do when presented with something so blatantly stupid. Most granites pick TP and are the ones least affected by movement suppression.

On that note, the /Kin SBing everyone is almost assured to come in last, with the party arriving at different intervals if you buff after the fight, or the Kin will be doing drastically less damage if you do it during.
Face, meets palm, again.

Use Siphon Speed. Run. Jump. SB. Animation plays and stops you from controling your movement, but the momentum keeps you going. Repeat as needed.

This is Kinetics 101, dude.

Assuming argument 1, the party will arrive at the spawn at very different intervals and have to wait for the Kin to arrive, or just go in without him and do drastically reduced damage in comparison as they wait for him to arrive so he can use FS and move the team along.
Ok, I think we've officially moved from theorical perfect team to theorical crappy team. I doubt you could find 7 players who couldn't deal decent damage while SBed without FS.

Furthermore, SBing people seems to have the adverse effect of what you are implying based on my own interaction with the power; I usually notice most of my team run into a wall shortly after application and then defiantly challenge the wall to it's perception of self for a good 30 seconds before backing up... and running into a DIFFERENT wall.
Thirty seconds, right. So our theorical crappy team consists not only of ridiculously weak characters, but the poor players also run this game on a netbook.

In contrast, the Kin who just doesn't need to worry about SB is usually at the spawn first or at the same time as everyone else. He is now able to immediately utilize FS, and then immediately move on. The team stays together almost the entire time.
Back to theorical perfect team who always stick together in a 20' radius at all time !

I'm starting to see a trend there, but that might be just me.

I'll mention it again, just so I can stop getting this explanation, I'm well aware of what recharge does.
Sure, if you say you do.

(FS doesn't boost recharge.)

The point is that with Transference and Fulcrum Shift your team is buffed to such a high degree that you do not need your powers going any faster. You will be wiping spawns before everyone has cycled through their attack chain. Fulcrum Shift is that stupidly powerful.
That would be true if you killed one spawn, then stopped there and logged out. That's not really super efficient though, most people like to take on spawns after spawns and occasionally finish missions too.

Of course... If you're going so slowly you're not even aware of travel suppression... You might have everything recharged for every spawn, and I guess endurance wouldn't be a concern either. Suddenly, it all starts to make sense.

The formula for recharge is:

Recharge Time= Base Recharge / (100% + buffs - debuffs)

Fortitude, when 3 slotted for recharge come back at 30s. With a duration of 120 seconds, that means it can be kept up constantly on 4 people. That's not bad.

Math: 30.1s = 60s / (1 + .99)

The .99 being the enhancement value we get from 3 slotting with recharge. Now then, let's get some Speed Boost going on that character and watch that Fortitude really take off!

Math: 24.09s = 60s / (1 + .99 + .5)

Er... 24 seconds? That's it? Okay, so we can still only buff four people. We certainly aren't keeping the entire team fortified. SB Hasn't really helped us at all. But sixty seconds is still a fairly short amount of time, let's take a look at what it does to a long recharge power like Adrenaline Boost.
An useful rule of thumb when doing maths to support your point : don't be wrong.

(Another even better rule of thumb is to do maths to understand how stuff works, rather than make up your opinion about how stuff works and then try to manipulate maths to support your view.)

Everything in there completely forgets animation time. Fortitude animates in 2.27s before server ticks, which means it actually animates in 2.508s. Let's say 2.5s.

Three even-level recharge SOs give you 94.93% enhancement (let's say 95%).

So, in that example Fortitude can be used every 2.5 + (60 / 1 + 0.95) = 33.27 seconds.

With a duration of 120 seconds, we can see it can be kept on 120 / 33.27 = 3.6 players. We can't have 3/5 of a player, even if he doesn't have SB and takes a nap between each spawn, so that's only 3 players.

Add SB into the mix.

2.5 + (60 / 1 + 0.95 + 0.5) = 26.99 seconds.

We can now see it can be kept on 120 / 26.99 = 4.44 players. Well, 4 players.

Now I'm pretty sure 4 is more than 3, so SB allows our theorical Empath to keep one more person under Fort.

Adrenaline Boost has a 300s recharge, which can be brought down to 150.7s with a recharge reduction value of 99%, or 3 rechredux enhancements. Let's add SB!

Math: 120.48 = 300s / (1 + .99 + .5)

Alright, we shaved off a good 30 seconds this time. Unfortunately the buff doesn't last long enough for it to matter a whole ton, we'll still only be able to put it on a single character. However, that means the character being Boosted in this manner will only have 30 seconds of downtime where the buff isn't being applied to them. That is "not bad".
Not going to bother adding the animation time to that, AB not recharging as fast as Fort the difference isn't as meaningful.

Instead let's use the numbers given and look at something else.

AB lasts 90 seconds. Without SB, it recharges in 150s. With SB, it recharges in 120s.

150 - 90 = 60
120 - 90 = 30
60 / 30 = 2.

That's right, in this situation SB just singlehandedly slashed the downtime on this buff by half.

Heat Loss, (3 rechredux enhancements) will go from 180s to 144s.
Going from 180 - 90 = 90s downtime to 144 - 90 = 54s downtime on the buff portion, again quite the improvement.

Also, 90s (the common recharge for Build Up/Aim and others) will be reduced too 36s from a recharge value of 45s (3 slots blah blah blah)

Why is it that we do not see a massive performance increase unless we go beyond 60-90s? Recharge has what is called ~diminishing returns~ in that the more of it you add, the less response you get for it. So adding 50% recharge on top of powers that already have it really isn't going to do as much for us as we'd like to believe. While we do see some marked benefit on very long recharge powers, it is still by no means suddenly allowing them to be spammed all over the place. The enhancement they gain from SB is "not bad", which is definitely a far cry from "the best buff ever". For low recharge powers SB isn't really doing enough to warrant its' use, and while you might argue that not everyone has rechredux slotted into their powers, I might also argue that I shouldn't have to conform my build to players who don't know how to build theirs.
How can you deduct that from math showing otherwise, math that you posted yourself will remain a wonder to me.

As your character engages in being level 50 the amount of characters that have enough recharge to fit their needs is always going to continue increasing, making SB continuously less useful. A "Good" team, or even just a competent or sucky one, isn't going to need SB for the large majority of their powers as Fulcrum Shift will provide all the necessary omgwut that you will need. That the Kin can *also* solve your endurance issues while simultaneously neutering a key target should be some kind of criminal. Fortitude, Adrenaline Boost, and Heat Loss simply can't compare in the sustained potential Fulcrum Shift alone can offer.
Suddenly we're all level 50s. It's nice, the goalposts keep moving - sometimes it's "when the kin gets transference", sometimes it's "with FS and transference", sometimes it's "at level 50". Randomness !

To balance that out, we're seemingly back into the "people need SB" thingy, after it has been disproved, what, one page ago ? Another familiar theme is confusing Fulcrum Shift for +recharge, or +recharge for +damage. I'm starting to think Warkupo read "+recharge translates to damage" somewhere and understood "+recharge = +damage" instead.

People not playing Kins because they don't want to SB everyone for 19 seconds (still max) every 2 minutes is a terrible shame when the answer to their problems is obvious and still so incredibly viable.
Hey, here's something I can actually genuinely agree with.

Well, the gist of it anyway, not the 19 second max figure which doesn't seem to come from anywhere that I can see. SB animates in a second (1.188s with server ticks), x7 that's 8.316, add a little bit of time for selecting your teammates and that's about 10-12 seconds and... Oh now I get it. You're the kind of guy who would actually use SB by casting it, waiting for it to recharge, casting it on another person, waiting for it to recharge, and so on.

Heh... And now I take a look at the posts made since I'm typing this, and I notice Smurphy made the exact same remark.

As it is, SB ranges from "not bad" at lower levels and then continues to be more detrimental as you move on.
Right. The "lower levels" without animation times using level 50 invention enhancements in their powers. Right, right.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Also Shield Charge is broken, and is stated as 'being looked into.' That and Fire/Kin totally pwnz it, yo.
I am interested in seeing data to support this conclusion. I am interested in running herostats on various Fire/Kins you have or know.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
Or you can use a power in between SBing other people. Ten seconds of animation time on SBing, 110 to do whatever, no time wasted.
My normal rotation is SB on Auto, then ID. As ID is casting, i select the second character, who then gets hit by auto'd SB. I click ID, move to next target.

Assuming optimal placement, the whole team is buffed in 8.5 seconds.

It should be noted that i have like +75% global recharge on my kin, which helps the timing of this sort of thing.

Here's my perspective on whether or not you should "HAVE" to take SB. If you're a Defender, then yes, take and use powers that help your team... the ones in your PRIMARY. However, if you're a Controller or Corr, then I think more leeway should be given. After all, buffs aren't your primary focus, control/damage are.

What does kill me though is Kins who don't take or use I.D. IMO it's a better power than Clear Mind and yet you won't find an Empath without THAT power. Especially if you're on a tough mission with lots of mezzers. But mweh.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I'm always highly amused by these threads. It never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly bent in a twist so many players get over that one power. I would much rather a Kinetics character have Fulcrum Shift and Transference than Speed Boost any day of the week.
Noone is advocating skipping FS or Transference, though.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff