Speed Boost? Yes/No

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
I am interested in seeing data to support this conclusion. I am interested in running herostats on various Fire/Kins you have or know.
There's a thread called "What can other Secondaries do better than Shield Defense" in the Scrapper forum, where Castle and many others mention that SC is over performing, and Castle deducts that this is because of a broken modifier in the AT value or some such. At any rate, it is going to be nerfed.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
There's a thread called "What can other Secondaries do better than Shield Defense" in the Scrapper forum, where Castle and many others mention that SC is over performing, and Castle deducts that this is because of a broken modifier in the AT value or some such. At any rate, it is going to be nerfed.
So your answer is "no, I don't have anything to support my statement...

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
...and Fire/Kin totally pwnz it, yo.
You were merely remarking that Shield Charge is currently overpowered and added in that second part without considering its basis in reality, fact, or truth. When you said "...and Fire/Kin totally pwnz it, yo" you were making some kind of joke, speaking in hyperbole, or simply talking out of your booty. Do I understand that correctly?



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I think SB is one of the most powerful buffs in the game. So simple and rewarding, yet so very frustrating.

I admit, I am sometimes short fused. So if I am on a team and liberally applying SB to my team and it happens to drop for a moment, and one member finds the time to complain about not getting SB, I will probably snap back.

Even more effective is just discontinuing SB altogether for that person. There are a number of powers that a kin has that are fun and powerful, so if you just happen to spend some time using your other powers, I don't think you should be held to the fire for questioning.

Teammates that I will continually SB without them asking- buffers or stone armor users. Buffers get it because buffs up more often is helpful for the whole team. Stone armor users get it because most haven't overcome the runspeed curse they inherit, and it is just pitiful watching them try to get around without it.

All others get it when I am in the mood and area. I do my best to build all of my toons to be efficient with endurance, so don't get angry at me because your toon has ED (endurance dysfunction). If I see you low on gas, I will probably try to shoot you a boost or even fill you up with a transference. But just because you are having endurance problems doesn't mean you are entitled to a SB. SB is optional, not mandatory. Get over it.
This boost is largely well...ill-informed (I wasnted to use a different word but decided this sounded nicer).

Now, I'm not saying, every KIN should take SB. I have never kicked a KIN for not having SB. And never told the KIN with SB to keep everyone SBed 24/7.

In fact, I've told KINs that if they didnt want to SB so many they could skip over my toon for the most part. Why? Because I usually have the END REC to not need it, in my build, and the +RCH isn't helping my DPS anyways.

It would allow my RAD to AM everyone more often, or my Dark Miasma to use Howling Twilight & Tar Patch more often. But usually my attack strings are pretty solid (though not always) without it.

Now after all that is said. If you have no END Problems, on any of your toons in a long drawn out fight, you're either IOed out or so OVER SLOTTED in ENDRED, your damage is crippled or your accuracy.

Unless you just mean your KIN has no end issues, which then...DUH! Or you only make characters with EXTRA +END powers. And then again, DUH! Not all combos have that ability.

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
As it is, SB ranges from "not bad" at lower levels and then continues to be more detrimental as you move on.
I disagree and the following is true. FS is actually the overrated Kin power, not SB.

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
On a moderate to large team, if Kin A uses all the powers they want except Speed Boost, while Kin B uses only Speed Boost, team B will be more efficient every time.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



herp derp, what you really want to skip is Fulcrum Shift.

You've got to be in melee range for the buff, that's dangerous!

Plus its only a damage buff, who cares? If people slotted damage in their powers they wouldn't need it!

Haha, no. You don't want to take or use SB, fine, but pretending that your team is not missing out on an awesome buff is farcical.

I wish SB and ID had a 4 minute duration like most ally buffs. That is all. Applying SB to a whole team requires very little time or effort and has great returns.

Hell, it's even still fine with just the base slot.

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I don't get it. On my kins I have to practically beg people to get into range for transference to be useful. People tend to be FAR more self-sufficient with endurance than they are on recharge.

If you don't like SB don't take it, but don't pretend transference is broadly useful unless you've got an elec secondary.



Originally Posted by StabBot View Post
I don't get it. On my kins I have to practically beg people to get into range for transference to be useful. People tend to be FAR more self-sufficient with endurance than they are on recharge.

If you don't like SB don't take it, but don't pretend transference is broadly useful unless you've got an elec secondary.
There's nothing to get really, it's a self created justification for not taking an extremely powerful, highly sought after buff.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Ok ? I doubt we'll ever team ingame because with your attitude, I'd leave or kick you (nothing to do with SB/not SB).
Any attitude you are perceiving is your own. Perhaps if you could stop foaming at the mouth for a second you'd realize I'm not in the same fiery discussion you are. I do enjoy how you can't apparently discuss this without advocates of SB getting all emotional.

I wouldn't party with you because you want me to SB, and I do not want to SB. We have a conflict of interest. I don't see a reason why we should be forced to play together when you expect something I do not think is important.

*Edit* - That said, I do get rather mean towards you as we go on. I guess your 'charm' got to me. I don't, however, feel badly for it.

Much like taking any power beyond Brawl is mere icing, afterall you can perfectly level to 50 by punching -1/x1 missions. Again, I don't find it that fun. YMMV.
You seem to be inferring that not having SB is akin to only having Brawl. It is not. It is not even a matter that SB is drastically reducing performance somehow. I don't even know where to begin arguing at this with because it seems to be such a random comment to be making. Perhaps I'm having difficulty understanding you through all the you that you present, but I'm afraid I'm going to need elaboration on what idea you are trying to put forth with this comment.

No, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything. I'm also pretty sure you perfectly understood me as your wording just screams "troll" with anyone with working brain cells, but I can pretend I believe you. This was in reply to the question "is SB needed ?". No it isn't, but why would you skip it and go slower for the sake of going slower ?
Yet, I have to insist that you did. Do you call everyone who disagrees with you a troll? I'm sure that must make it much easier on you. Heaven forbid you have to exercise thought outside of what you perceive to be truth.

There are plenty of points as to why I wouldn't pick SB, and I don't care to list them *again*. If you don't agree with them that's one thing, but don't pretend they just aren't there.

Teams where everyone have competent attack chains by level 26 would fall into my definition of "theorical perfect teams". I've never seen such a team ingame, but then again that might be because I'm not up to your über standards.
Perfect is your own adjective. I've never argued for having a perfect team. I'm actually okay with a sucky team, which I've said already.

I doubt I'd even include myself on a perfect team, as I don't really enjoy playing AT combination's I have to constantly fear will be nerfed.

1/ If it doesn't miss. Which will happen, the maximum tohit chance is 95%.
2/ If it doesn't hit a dead enemy. Again, probably not a factor for your über self, but for the rest of us commoners it happens pretty often especially on fast-moving teams.
3/ To people in a 20 feet radius of your target. Even "theorical perfect team" wouldn't do justice to such a team.
I don't think people enjoy it when you keep calling them "commoners", or insinuating that people who are not of royal descent are somehow lesser beings.

If you don't know how to use FS that is your own failing, but don't assume everyone is is bad at this game as you are. Also, stop assuming that I will only play with "perfect" people as well, as it is never something I have stated. I prefer to play with people who have the ability to make a logical build and are at least somewhat competent at what they are doing. Call me crazy, but when we aren't all dying every other step my enjoyability seems to rise much more quickly.

Furthermore, I have to question the hypocrisy of calling me an elitist when so many others flat out refuse to team with someone who doesn't have SB.

As for the debuff part I'm just going to assume you had a brain fart, as surely someone as knowledgeable as you would know even defender Transference isn't a full drain on anything +2 and above (and even a full drain needs -recov to be actually efficient for more than a split second), making it basically meaningless as a debuff unless stacked with other end drains (we won't consider a team moving slow enough for the kin to use Transf twice on the same target as someone as skilled as you wouldn't play with scrubs like that).
I don't believe I said it would fully drain an enemy. However, yes, it can and commonly will bottom out the endurance on many enemies without any sort of resistance to it after some slotting. Most powers need slotting to be effective, though I'm sure you knew that, given the intelligence you've displayed thus far.


FS is a damage buff. Recharge =! damage. Both can be complimentary to each other, but are two completely different mechanics.
How in the hell are you reading what I said in that way? Transference will solve END problems, therefore arguing that SB is for endurance is irrelevant. The 50% recharge is not necessary because Fulcrum Shift buffs things to a value so high as to make it redundant. That is the whole ****ing premise of my argument, how the hell did you **** up comprehending that? I've only said it like, five times now.

That would be great. Here's a few builds I can't manage to make and need your input on :

DB/invul, 45%+ S/L, 33%+ F/C/E/N, Hurdle/CJ, 300%+ regen, infinitely sustainable endurance (or 10+ minutes) while running a gapless AS/BF/AS/SS chain.
DM/SD, softcapped to all three positions, maximum acc/dam/heal/end% on SL, 300%+ regen, 90%+ DDR, slotted up OwtS and resistances, Hurdle/CJ perma-Hasten, infinitely sustainable endurance (or 10+ minutes) while running a gapless SM/SL/SM/MG.
Kat/FA, 45%+ S/L, Hurdle/CJ, infinitely sustainable endurance (or 10+ minutes) while running a gapless GC/GD/GC/SD chain.

(I'd also want the standard secondary powers slotted up on all builds as well as BU/SD, of course.)

My issue in all of these builds is I don't have enough recharge to use these chains and have to resort to weaker attack chains. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, and I'm looking forward to be enlightened. If you could post the results in the scrapper forum it'd be great as I'm sure other people could use the help.
So it's okay when you want perfection, but not okay when you think I do. Got it.

That two line jump wasn't to make my post look cool.
Why are you jumping two lines? Was I jumping two lines? I don't think you jumped any lines, but you might have been jumping when I wasn't looking, so I don't know.

You seem to be confused here, I'm lumping myself in with all the dirty commoners. You're the one elite skilled dude who should teach us.
You're the only one that keeps giving us titles. If you think I'm awesome, that's fine, I'm not about to stop you from spreading that word around, but I never claimed as such. You're the one who thinks your a commoner as well; I simply think you're annoying and probably don't need to to display such a retarded level of anger about this discussion. But alas, I've already been insulting you back for awhile now, so I suppose I don't really have a right to be calling you childish.

Further confusion it seems as I can't help but wonder if you somehow thought we were talking about Night Widows ? Unlike FU/BU, SB and FS aren't mutually exclusive so this isn't an "either or" situation, but rather a choice between 2 and 2 + 1. Given the choice, I'll always pick 2 + 1 ; I'm crazy like that.
I ditched it so that I could improve my build with a power I found more useful. I have a habit of not taking powers I don't feel necessary in favor of powers that will help improve my character; I'm crazy like that.

Not sure why did we go back to the "need" thing after we established SB wasn't needed. Not sure if there was a need for the leet "heal0rz" meme to further establish yourself apart from the unwashed masses.
When did we establish that? Or did you just establish than and then assumed I had to agree with your establishment?

What is with you and dirty people? Don't read more than is there, I don't like playing with people who demand I SB them because they do not think they can function without it. I don't like playing with people who need the h43l0rz either. If you enjoy that sort of thing, good or you, but don't assume I have too.

Thank you. I'm sure it'll make an entertaining anecdote while you're sipping tea with your buddies and laughing about these people who "do not have the necessary intelligence" to be honored with your presence.
Your admiration for me is flattering.

I dont' really like tea though. I so totally get together with my friends and make fun of stupid people though, you are right on about that.

I would think you might have, you know, heard of that little thing called "travel suppression".
I wasn't aware Travel Suppression was in effect for the entirety of the mission until it's completion. I've always been able to use my travel power shortly after finishing combat, but apparently I've been working outside some common rule. My mistake.

That you are going to recast every minute, with our theorical perfect team being in the 25' radius every single time. Okay.
Nope. That was a lie. I'm not going to do that either, I'm probably just going to leave them there and laugh heartily while I call up my friends and having a rousing game of telephone grab *** while I check over my stock market.

Sarcasm is hard to do when presented with something so blatantly stupid. Most granites pick TP and are the ones least affected by movement suppression.
So I guess Granites have finally moved up in class and away from the dirty commoner status oppressive overlord like myself have kept them in for so long. Well, we're not about to have this! ASSEMBLE THE KINGDOM!

Face, meets palm, again.

Use Siphon Speed. Run. Jump. SB. Animation plays and stops you from controling your movement, but the momentum keeps you going. Repeat as needed.

This is Kinetics 101, dude.

I hope the SB'd people never run faster than you jump, or you have to go around a corner or something, less your narrow example be disproved. Oh wait.

Ok, I think we've officially moved from theorical perfect team to theorical crappy team. I doubt you could find 7 players who couldn't deal decent damage while SBed without FS.
Of course, but why wouldn't I be giving them Fulcrum Shift? It's very easy to make permanent.

Thirty seconds, right. So our theorical crappy team consists not only of ridiculously weak characters, but the poor players also run this game on a netbook.
Maybe that wasn't so obvious for you, but I was exaggerating. Something similiar to this does happen, however. Especially in caves.

Back to theorical perfect team who always stick together in a 20' radius at all time !

I'm starting to see a trend there, but that might be just me.
I fail to see where I stated that. In fact, I purposefully used words like "almost" and "usually" to account for some human margin of error.

I'm starting to see a trend with you too, but I'm afraid I'm not an adlib. You can't just pretend I said something and then argue against it.

Sure, if you say you do.

(FS doesn't boost recharge.)
I've never said it did.

That would be true if you killed one spawn, then stopped there and logged out. That's not really super efficient though, most people like to take on spawns after spawns and occasionally finish missions too.

Of course... If you're going so slowly you're not even aware of travel suppression... You might have everything recharged for every spawn, and I guess endurance wouldn't be a concern either. Suddenly, it all starts to make sense.
*scratches forehead*

Are you implying that you can only use FS once per mission? Or Transference? Fulcrum Shift, at a 99% recharge value comes back to us in 30.1s and has a duration of 45s. Barring the occasional miss when people do not know to stay grouped together the effect will be permanent.

Why do I get the feeling the only power you HAVE on your Kin is SB?

An useful rule of thumb when doing maths to support your point : don't be wrong.

(Another even better rule of thumb is to do maths to understand how stuff works, rather than make up your opinion about how stuff works and then try to manipulate maths to support your view.)

Everything in there completely forgets animation time. Fortitude animates in 2.27s before server ticks, which means it actually animates in 2.508s. Let's say 2.5s.

Three even-level recharge SOs give you 94.93% enhancement (let's say 95%).

So, in that example Fortitude can be used every 2.5 + (60 / 1 + 0.95) = 33.27 seconds.

With a duration of 120 seconds, we can see it can be kept on 120 / 33.27 = 3.6 players. We can't have 3/5 of a player, even if he doesn't have SB and takes a nap between each spawn, so that's only 3 players.

Add SB into the mix.

2.5 + (60 / 1 + 0.95 + 0.5) = 26.99 seconds.

We can now see it can be kept on 120 / 26.99 = 4.44 players. Well, 4 players.

Now I'm pretty sure 4 is more than 3, so SB allows our theorical Empath to keep one more person under Fort.
I was using IO values. You'll notice my value is .99 as opposed to .95. The math is not incorrect. I shouldn't have rounded off the .1s and I should have mentioned I wasn't taking into consideration animation times. You're right though, Fortitude sucks even more than my example could have illustrated, and the benefit it generates from speed boost can be replicated rather easily with a much lower amount of recharge. It's still not going to 'effect everyone once SB is applied', as I think The Coming Storm was stating.

Not going to bother adding the animation time to that, AB not recharging as fast as Fort the difference isn't as meaningful.
Well I'm glad it's okay when you do it.

Instead let's use the numbers given and look at something else.

AB lasts 90 seconds. Without SB, it recharges in 150s. With SB, it recharges in 120s.

150 - 90 = 60
120 - 90 = 30
60 / 30 = 2.

That's right, in this situation SB just singlehandedly slashed the downtime on this buff by half.
To begin with, you are already assuming a 99% enhancement value (meaning you've suddenly adopted IO's, which you apparently had a problem with when I did it, but never mind that, I'm getting kind of used to this level of hypocrisy), the actual power takes 300s to recharge and is reduced to 150s after the application. So, no, SB didn't "singhandedly" do anything.

Furthermore, you didn't say anything I didn't either. I too mention that we now only have 30s of downtime. I even mentioned that I enjoyed that aspect. I'm not sure why you're acting like I omitted this data or something.

Going from 180 - 90 = 90s downtime to 144 - 90 = 54s downtime on the buff portion, again quite the improvement.
Again, you aren't pointing out anything new to me or anyone else. Once again, I've already mentioned that I think that's a good improvement. I purposefully made a distinction between long recharge powers vs short, stating that SB has very little effect on short recharge abilities, and a moderate effect upon long.

I then go on to mention that, in light of this, I still do not think SB is necessary because Fulcrum Shift is so stupidly powerful what with it's massive five billion percent recharge reduction rate and all.

Suddenly we're all level 50s. It's nice, the goalposts keep moving - sometimes it's "when the kin gets transference", sometimes it's "with FS and transference", sometimes it's "at level 50". Randomness !
I'm sorry, is moving onto another example scattering your widdle brain? I'll try to ease you in next time.

To balance that out, we're seemingly back into the "people need SB" thingy, after it has been disproved, what, one page ago ? Another familiar theme is confusing Fulcrum Shift for +recharge, or +recharge for +damage. I'm starting to think Warkupo read "+recharge translates to damage" somewhere and understood "+recharge = +damage" instead.
Dis-proven by who, exactly? As far as I know, SB isn't necessary outside your own perception of necessary was my argument. That I continue to support that argument shouldn't really come as a shock to you. I'm not sure what you're stating, yet again.

Also "+recharge translates to damage" is, in fact, an identical statement towards "recharge = damage". You would need to add onto the first statement "but can also help make utility powers more effective as well" to get anything slightly differing from the first.

Not that I ever said or implied that I thought recharge = damage. In fact, my argument could be more accurately summarized as "200-250% damage > 50% recharge + a head ache"

Well, the gist of it anyway, not the 19 second max figure which doesn't seem to come from anywhere that I can see. SB animates in a second (1.188s with server ticks), x7 that's 8.316, add a little bit of time for selecting your teammates and that's about 10-12 seconds and... Oh now I get it. You're the kind of guy who would actually use SB by casting it, waiting for it to recharge, casting it on another person, waiting for it to recharge, and so on.
The amount of people who don't seem to understand the basic function of time is astounding. Let's review, once a ****-gain. The MAXIMUM amount of time it takes to SB an entire team, not including yourself obviously and not factoring in arcanatime is, and will always be 19 seconds. Unless you add recharge to yourself, you will not escape this inevitable truth.

No where have I ever stated that you cannot be doing SOMETHING ELSE with the 2 second (less with arcanatime) window you have between SB recycling. You WILL however, have to stop doing SOMETHING in order to use SB.

An insult doesn't work if you have to PRETEND I said something so that you can insult it. That the only other person who doesn't seem to get that concept is THE COMING STORM should indicate some kind of major failing on your part. It's THE COMING STORM, for heaven's sake.

Right. The "lower levels" without animation times using level 50 invention enhancements in their powers. Right, right.
Dont' forget they only have brawl *thumbs up*.

I'm done talking to you specifically, much as I am no longer addressing TCS. If there is anyone else who would like to discuss the complexities of Speed Boost without resorting to becoming an angry, frothing idiot to do so, I would be grateful to have an actual discussion with them.



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post

Let's break it down for you.
50% Recharge is the equivalent of 5 purple sets in someone's build.
Or the equivalent of 5 LoTG 7.5s AND an additional 5% from somewhere.
That's a titanic amount of recharge. It remains useful through all content, even to many top end IO builds.


A competent attack chain and an unreal attack chain is the difference that SB can make.
Having SB, means not needing to watch your endurance bar and spamming all of your highest endurance cost, longest recharge powers.


You can discount it, downplay it, pretend it's not important - but SB is huge.
+Recovery as a buff, +Movement speed, +50% Recharge - it's huge.

This is quoted for emphasis.
Both Strato_Nexus and Deus_Otiosus have made their points very eloquently. There is not much to add myself other than saying a "Good" Kin can use Fulcrum, Transference AND Speed Boost on an 8-man team and still have time to throw out some Damage attacks.

So, my question is this; If you are playing a "support" role and you have the choice of making everyone around you "better in many ways" OR.... "better in even more ways", why would you choose to be less capable?

Seriously, I hate casting SB 7 times every 2 minutes. I wish it was a 4 min buff like Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield. But, do I cast it on all my team-mates anyway ? Of Course I do. It makes them better at what they do. Thats the choice I made when I created a "buffing" character. To deliberately choose to spend my time on a team watching over my allies, both proactively and reactively, and keeping them standing even against the most outrageous odds.

I think its important as a player to understand which role on a team you really "fit". In the last 10 years I have been in a dozen MMO style games and learned a long, long, time ago that I prefer the person standing in the back; buffing, healing, controlling etc...
The OP needs to learn which role is the best for them, and perhaps Kinetics is not the right choice. But thats just my opinion.





Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
So your answer is "no, I don't have anything to support my statement...

You were merely remarking that Shield Charge is currently overpowered and added in that second part without considering its basis in reality, fact, or truth. When you said "...and Fire/Kin totally pwnz it, yo" you were making some kind of joke, speaking in hyperbole, or simply talking out of your booty. Do I understand that correctly?

First comment; My statement is "There's information, go find it."

You want me to reproduce the entire thread into this one for you? 'Cause I'm not going to do that. I will give you a link though.


It's 32 pages long, and gets rather dramatic, but there you go.

"Fire/Kin totally pwnz yo" is meant as a joke. Perhaps I'm not very good at humor, but I get the feeling it's lost to this thread anyway. I don't even have a Fire/Kin, or at least not the one you're thinking of.

*Edit* - All the loving anger in this thread is obviously starting to make me grumpy. As such, I'm going to be ignoring it. I've more or less stated everything I care too anyway, and whoever reading is welcome to agree, disagree, or disagree while quoting every other paragraph I put forth. Perhaps the next time this subject comes up we can talk about it without hurling fire at each other, but until then I'm going to go do something relaxing.

In short; /ragequit



Speed boost? Don't care one way or another usually. Some characters love it (and I am use to high speed 24/7). Others, speed boost honestly provides no real benefit to the character. But if in a CoT cave mission, I will say this... Leave the speed boosts at home

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



This topic is still alive?

Makes me wish Create Epic Undead was a spell that could be used in forum. I'd raise this poor dead horse and tell him to eat all your post counts.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
So the question is, how many people would it piss off?
A great deal.
More than half.
A bunch.



I always take SB. I love it on my support toons but hate it on my melee toons, as I frequently run past my targets. I just bind it to a key and ask any1 want SB when we start a mish. Otherwise I will hit the support toons with it and wait till a melee toon yelps for it so I dont mess them up.

Cap or no cap I took the power cuz I liked it, as you should do with any power. There's always someone who will want it on them.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
herp derp, what you really want to skip is Fulcrum Shift.

You've got to be in melee range for the buff, that's dangerous!

Plus its only a damage buff, who cares? If people slotted damage in their powers they wouldn't need it!

Haha, no. You don't want to take or use SB, fine, but pretending that your team is not missing out on an awesome buff is farcical.

I wish SB and ID had a 4 minute duration like most ally buffs. That is all. Applying SB to a whole team requires very little time or effort and has great returns.

Hell, it's even still fine with just the base slot.
SB lasts shorter than other buffs because it animates much quicker.



My Kin/Elec defender had it all the way up to level 38. Then I promptly dropped it like it was cursed.

I've never had as much issues with any other AT, any other combo.
Not even my Forcefielder felt as 'shoehorned'

Around the mid 30's I just couldn't take it anymore.
I wanted to scream "I'm more than 1 power guys!!"
In every. single. team.

I'd get blessed out for not keeping it up 100% of the time on one team.
Then the very next team I'd get cussed at for even daring to cast it on
the scrapper.
It got to the point I couldn't stand it.
I started advertising that I would only be using it sparingly, when most needed. Or if we had specific goals that would benefit.

This only led to more frustration, as the growing whines of SB NAO!!
just got to be too much.
After one final team kicked me because I accidentally SB'd the tank when I meant to click the blaster, even after apologizing (the tank was adamant at the start not to be SB'd) I immediately went and vetspeced it out.

I've encountered a few blank stares when they realize I don't have it.
Shockingly though I haven't been kicked. Even when the leader thought I'd been SBing through a few missions, only to find out I didn't even have it.

For me it reached a point where I had 2 choices.
Delete the toon out of frustration
Delete the 1 power that caused said frustration.

Kinetic Flux hasn't regretted it once.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



SB or not SB, does not matter to me. SB helps me melt through the mobs faster. Good players who know what they are doing help me melt through the mobs faster. End result is the same, just not the method.

The other night I was in a team of 8 and the Kin did not have SB and even asked if it was going to be a problem. Nope. Good player who knew how to play his toon. Two thumbs up.



If you do team at all, do take Speed Boost.



Doesnt bother me at all if on a team with a kin without SB, no different to joining a team that didnt have that powerset. Still going to have fun, and kins have a lot of powers. Fun and carnage is more important

It is my favourite buff mind you, and kin is close to my favourite powerset.

I've got 2 x 50's with kinetics and never found it hard to keep on a team of 8. I have the numpad set to apply, and really isnt that much difference clicking to buff than clicking to attack in terms of work imo.

I do hate those "SB MEH" demanders but I hate anyone who nags me about power use during play.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Wow, the speed boost debate continues. I built a kinetic controller without speedboost. Nobody had a problem with it. I only teamed with a couple of pick up groups, so, I wasn't too worried about hurting their feelings.

However, if I were frequently teaming with the same folks, I would get it and spam it on them, and maybe try and clobber a bad guy in between spams. I am not sure how well I would slot it - because if I solo, what good will speed boost do me? None.

So, are you going to team or solo? If you're going to do both, get it, just don't slot it heavy. And no one says you must get it as soon as possible. You could wait until level 20 or so.

And of course, I'd never boost anyone unless they asked me to do so, or use a bind suggesting they tell me not to boost them if they have lag issues or whatever.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese





Take it, or dont. You're still beneficial either way. Quit whining when people offer their opinion.

Also: Lolz to the guy with the Troll Spray.

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Wow, the speed boost debate continues. I built a kinetic controller without speedboost. Nobody had a problem with it. I only teamed with a couple of pick up groups, so, I wasn't too worried about hurting their feelings.

However, if I were frequently teaming with the same folks, I would get it and spam it on them, and maybe try and clobber a bad guy in between spams. I am not sure how well I would slot it - because if I solo, what good will speed boost do me? None.

So, are you going to team or solo? If you're going to do both, get it, just don't slot it heavy. And no one says you must get it as soon as possible. You could wait until level 20 or so.

And of course, I'd never boost anyone unless they asked me to do so, or use a bind suggesting they tell me not to boost them if they have lag issues or whatever.
I'd say SB is really at it's most helpful if the following conditions are met:

1.) Team mate has extremely long cool down powers which help the team a lot
2.) Team mate is constantly running out of endurance
3.) Team mate is having trouble keeping up with everyone else

I'd be one thing if the +speed part wasn't so huge. But it is. The +speed can easily mess someone up. Especially if they didn't expect it. I got use to having a run speed of 36 mph or so without any toggles on, so I can handle it anymore. It's the +recharge and +recovery that make it useful. But not everyone will need those. Especially someone who's already IO'ed out their build to the point where they have insane amounts of +recharge, and managed to perma hasten. Nor does everyone need +recovery.

So really, while it's a useful buff... It's by no means as vital as some make it out to be.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



I shout at any Kinetics I get on my teams who don't take/use Speed Boost. Then I kick them.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



How heroic of you...

At least you yell at them 1st and then kick.
Nothings worse than getting kicked without explaination...

Except maybe teaming with closeminded lrn2ply types.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



No, I'm hardly the lrn2ply type, silly Yank. I simply kick useless players, if you don't take Speed Boost, then I count you as useless.

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."