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After trying many times to NOT crash through a trial, I finally got enough points to get one of the new aura. I clicked on the rainbow aura, and I got the electric one instead. I've tried to contact support, but I have gotten no answers. Has anyone else had this problem?
o0o ok...well at least its better than i thought.
Would it have been so awful for them to be activated for all your toons if you bought one of the new auras or costume pieces?
I love new costume pieces, and that's why I own every single booster pack, but I find it pretty offensive that I have to use points just to get a pair of pants or a toon that glows the way I like.
They could have at least posted pictures or video of what this stuff looks like. We're buying blind here.
/rant -
What does the prompt say when you crash?
Well I just DLed windows7 64bit, and it giving me the extra half a GB. It lasted me through a trial. I did an ITF after the trial, and I crashed at the computer part.
So far the only way I found to fix it is do what the prompt tells you too -- get more memory. The thing is, I have a feeling I'll be shoving more RAM into my computer for as long as I play CoH. -
You should utilize player created channels more.
If you have a few decent channels under your belt, you'll always find PuGs. -
Quote:I have this problem also. Turning down the graphics helped a little bit. What helped most was changing the Audio to Compatability Mode, even though Audio was never a problem in the past. I still crash to desktop after entering the Lambda Facility and fighting the first Warwalker, but that was the only CTD yesterday.
Same. Turning the gfx all the way down stopped the crashes. but I didn't pay for an expensive computer and game that I bought every single booster pack for to play on the lowest gfx... -
Quote:Well I thought i would get a 64bit OS and then get more ram, so I could at least hold off the leakage for a few issues.If upgrading to Windows 7 doesn't fix your problem, and you have an ATI card, you can try rolling back the video drivers. Go back one version at a time until about 11.2 or so. It has improved many players crashing problems. But the "magic number" is different for most people so it takes some trial and error.
I'll try the driver thing too -
I have the same exact problem as the OP, but I am running absolutely NOTHING (not even a virus protection program because the computer I'm on is purely for gaming) when I'm playing CoH. After a good thirty minutes to an hour of game play, the game will crash and the prompt will come up and say that it's because I ran out of memory.
I have a 3 gig system as well; I'm running windows xp. When the game crashes the systems manager says I was running at 2.12GB from just CoH running. That's crazy! I'm upgrading to Windows 7 64 bit right now. We'll see if that was a huge mistake or not.
Oh -- and when CoH isn't running, the virtual memory is at 0% and CPU memory is at 0-1%, so definitely something is wrong when the game is running. -
Quote:I am excited about resepcing my tank because not having to take the fitness pool means I will be able to take my travel power earlier. Due to slotting issues, I was forced to spec into taking my travel power at 49. Because of this, I don't like doing the lower level TFs on him.I'm still a little unclear on why this would cause me to respec anyway - inherent or not, it was never the number of power picks that causes cramping, it's the number of slots.
On most of my toons, I run health & stam with three a pop; if these become inherent, I'll gain one power pick (passing over swift/hurdle) but still need to throw them three each...which means I'll have at least one more pick that I can't give as many slots to as I did before.
*shrug* Guess I'm just sort of ambivalent about its inherent status. I likely won't bother changing a thing. -
I've been waiting since I started playing for male toons to have shortshorts, just like the females do.
That's better than me. When I dusted off my regen scrapper - I forgot he had heals...
Oh here's another good one - After ignoring my fire.kin for almost 4 months, I confused Char with Cinders on my power bar. It took me at least 3 radio missions to figure out why my pbAOE kept missing all but one target. -
Quote:I believe the incarnate system is supposed to give extra slots.I'm still a little unclear on why this would cause me to respec anyway - inherent or not, it was never the number of power picks that causes cramping, it's the number of slots.
On most of my toons, I run health & stam with three a pop; if these become inherent, I'll gain one power pick (passing over swift/hurdle) but still need to throw them three each...which means I'll have at least one more pick that I can't give as many slots to as I did before.
*shrug* Guess I'm just sort of ambivalent about its inherent status. I likely won't bother changing a thing. -
I'm guessing they'll give us one free respec like they always do with issues that change the way toons are built, but will they give two respecs to people with dual builds? I don't mean to sound greedy, but my tank (who I've had a long time) has eaten through all his respecs in game. He has a team and solo build - I'll have to shell out the $10 to buy a token, or wait till my next vet one pops up to alter his solo build to the new fitness pool inherit.
Quote:well i do have 3GB of memory, so I don't think the issue is on my end. i have 3 and theyre 1GB each. i forget the brandPop your CoH Helper and Hijack This reports up. Or if you'd dropped them on another thread, gimme a link.
Outside of random crashes, the only time I've seen CoH bomb out on a regular, dependable basis is due to running out of memory or becoming unstable after passing the 1.5GB threshold (32-bit apps have a maximum memory allocation per-process of 2GB, but many of the high-memory-usage 32-bit apps I've encountered start becoming flaky at or above 1.5).
That or driver issues. -
The only good time I've had decent SG invites are at the end of beautifully run TFs.
I don't run ITFs like I used to - so I don't know. I'm serious about the crashing. It's annoying.
I normally almost never lag except for the areas on the ITF, but I have been crashing a whole lot since the newest issue came out. It's rather annoying. I was playing tonight and I crashed about 3 times within the hour. I just logged, and that was that.
Funny you say that because on ITFs as long as they stick by me for my heal aura - they don't die, and I don't have to spend every 3 mobs chasing players around.
Quote:I'm not quite sure how plasma shield is the best power when I see teams constantly survive w.o it - but okay...I've hardly seen anything get a chance to run away when using spectral terror because they were too busy getting their butts kicked by my other pets. As you saw on my original build, my PA was maybe 10orso seconds from being perma, and they still managed to do most of the mitigation. I can't imagine their power when they actually are. All flash ever did for me was take aggro away from the tank and on me. Not very useful. You gave me some really good ideas of how to slot some powers, but I don't think anything is going to sell me on plasma shield.Plasma Shield is one of the best powers in Thermal. I recommend not skipping it. I would actually prefer to skip Cauterize than Plasma Shield.
Flash is up to you, but in this case it's an easy way to slot an extra 10% Recharge. It's a huge radius (30ft) and up every 60 seconds. It's also the only strong AoE control you bring to teams. Spectral Terror is ok-ish but enemies get to take a swing (or run) every time a teammate takes a swing, or once every 10 seconds if the enemies are caught in a "rain" power. It's nothing to sneeze at but is not remotely competitive with other AoE controls. Flash helps you even that out some when you're the long Controller on a big team.
Next issue. I would wait to respec til then.
i19 wont be out for a while I'm sure. It will probably come with a free respec, anyway. -
Quote:I'm not new to controllers - I'm just having a hard time throwing away so many sets I already have on the build. I guess I just have to bite the bullet and toss the money out the window. Thanks for actually being helpful. I forgot that we had new masteries. That's a good idea.From the look of your build, it looks like you're fairly new to slotting Controllers. What Mental and Local were pointing out is that you've taken a number of set bonuses, but it's unclear what your goals for the build are. In general, on an Illusion character, the key thing to build for is Recharge, because you're able to hide behind your army easily that way.
The reason why I didn't take plasma shield is because it's virtually useless. S&L resistance does most of the work, and if someone gets punched in the face a little too hard - I just throw them a heal. Not taking the useless second shield saves me loads of time to use my other, more useful, powers. I didn't really care for flash because the play style I have for this toon doesn't call for me to occasionally run into melee. I didn't want to have to keep running back and forth because doing this all the time adds up and wastes a lot of time. Spectral Terror and PA aggro management suited me just fine as far as mitigation goes.
I haven't heard anything about the fitness pool being free before. When will this start? That's exciting.
You didn't give any tips at all and you're calling me snarky for pointing that out. How adorable. -
Quote:Why are you so obsessed with small amounts of single target damage attacks? Ill/therm powers are AOEcentric - why waste the time on doing at most 200hp STattacks?The one thing that jumps out is the lack of Spectral Wounds . . . I would never, ever build an Illusion Controller without my main source of damage. I take Blind at 1, SW at 2 and Deceive at 4. You are missing out on one of the main strengths of an Illusion Controller without Spectral Wounds.