City of tumbleweeds
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
I got on Virtue last night. Announced in 2 global channels I was starting a STF (which is the WST). And in 3 minutes we were starting it.
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Interest in the game generally spikes whenever something new is introduced, then tapers off a bit until the next new shiney. But there are still plenty of people on and we'll have another spike this coming week.
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There are tons of people everywhere. You're obviously looking in the wrong places. Join any major channel and there will be hundreds on that one channel at once. Pocket D in Freedom has dozens of players at once most nights. Yeah, they're there. Depending on server, you may not see them running around in the zones, but as has been said before, they're in missions, so you won't see them.
Last night around midnight eastern time on Pinnacle, there were 2 full BAF groups running, and a full LRSF. And those are just the groups that come immediately to mind, and were formed from one channel (PinnBadges).
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
But still this isn't the heyday when you step off the tram and there are always players visible, flittering to and fro, street sweeping on the way to their next mission. I miss the days of looking up and seeing players flying/leaping by.
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I had a new player asking me questions last night. On Infinity.
(Ok, one player doesn't prove much, but I did see plenty of people.)
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AP is packed right now on Freedom. Server list also shows 3 red dots, which hasn't happened for weeks at this specific hour on weekends.
I'm not seeing much difference between now and one month ago, positive or negative. People who felt I20 was a grind already left by then ; for the rest of the playerbase, it's business as usual.
On another note, I find the instanced excuse pretty crappy. The game has been instanced right from the beginning, and a mere few issues after it became the most prevalent path. There's no change in the last years that should have prompted players to spend more time on mission maps ; if anything, there have been changes that have significantly increased the time players spend outdoors. First the market, and just recently the focus on speed group play with TFs and now trials being the fastest path to incarnate rewards (leading people to complete faster *and* spend time outside recruiting / waiting to get in a team).
Doesn't this guy bring this up how CoX is empty and dead every couple months?
Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster
I'm ready to burn it all.
Lets Fight!
ParadigmX City help the city.
I love you guys really i do. But I think you constantly dont face the facts
I just did a search NOW. 4:52 pm 6/26/2011 on freedom server blue side 50 showed up on red side 31 showed up.
Yes i know many are hidden
but what you all dont admit is that 6 months ago there was
500 blue side and 310 red side that is why i went to freedom in the first place.(and still many were hidden)
this is serious. its a non workday. Its a rainy weekend in much of the country.
Im not making this up. The game is hurting its going Free to play and you still are gonna say its all ok.
You have no clothes on gentlemen. You are naked and so is your leader.
face facts and ill still play anyways as long as i can.
But wake up people
search is totally broke.
I just did a search of every letter. and I came up with over 50 for most letter in alphabet.
Where it used to tell me there are 900 ojnline and this list was trunticated
it now says 50 thats it
so if you dont really search well its totally missing 95% of the players on your server(freedom)
I just havent searched in a while so i didnt know things changed.
Guardian server is Life!
Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.

I love you guys really i do. But I think you constantly dont face the facts
I just did a search NOW. 4:52 pm 6/26/2011 on freedom server blue side 50 showed up on red side 31 showed up. Yes i know many are hidden but what you all dont admit is that 6 months ago there was 500 blue side and 310 red side that is why i went to freedom in the first place.(and still many were hidden) this is serious. its a non workday. Its a rainy weekend in much of the country. Im not making this up. The game is hurting its going Free to play and you still are gonna say its all ok. You have no clothes on gentlemen. You are naked and so is your leader. face facts and ill still play anyways as long as i can. But wake up people |
I will grant the going F2P comment, as that has been acknowledged even by the devs, but, as for the numbers you quote.. Show me. In comparison to the same weekend last year.... Then tell me that not only is Freedom down #s wise, but so are all the servers, on average.... Because if you show me people just leaving Freedom to go to another server, we'll I state that this just balances. And many players would say that's a healthy sign of players getting wiser..
I'm just endlessly happy that I don't hear a thing from you while I'm putting together my usually full (at 5ish in the morn local time) tips teams..... OH!! I got it!! Perhaps your problem is that you log in to the FORUMS and not the game.... I'll agree, the forums can be deadish at 4:30AM.
the search function will only show 50 results at a time, to get the next amount of results if more than 50 you have to hist search button again without changing criteria

I got on Virtue last night. Announced in 2 global channels I was starting a STF (which is the WST). And in 3 minutes we were starting it.
yeah..... and one of us had to sit around and wait a whole 6 or 8 minutes till the next one started, cuz a certain undead male failed to send an invite when i pm'd (or i may have been in a mish at the time, but still not MY fault, i think)

virtue is jumping, 3 red dots every night, TF's shoot by so fast i can't keep up. my only issue with the server pop is having too much to do, and not logging off and getting a decent amount of sleep!
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
I just did a search NOW. 4:52 pm 6/26/2011 on freedom server blue side 50 showed up on red side 31 showed up.
1-40: 40
41-50: 50+
1-40: 43
41-50: 50+
1-40: 30
41-50: 34
1-40: 32
41-50: 48
1-40: 33
41-50: 50+
Remember, that's just blue side ATs on blue side. How do my stats taste?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
I see everyone forgot that it's summer right now.
I know my *** wasn't inside on a nice day playing CoX.
I laughed when i heard this one.
But its true
where is everyone these days.
new games?
Summer vaca?