And *this* is why I hate the Incarnate Trials.




Not being forced to team, not having to argue with people over dumb stuff, not having to suffer through lag or cutscenes or constant death.

No, it's the dreaded crash prompt that appears in nearly EVERY RAID I have participated in.

After trying to enjoy Keyes Reactor (but ultimately feeling largely worthless thanks to Stone Armor being a terrible, terrible powerset), our team got 2/3 of the way through only for that wonderful little box to pop up in the center of my screen.

I log back in and try to rejoin the event: Could not find instance. Either the entire raid just failed on a technical level, which is the return of a lovely, lovely crash from I20 launch, or I singularly just failed to rejoin for no clear reason.

Either way, I hate this. I can stubbornly suffer through the grind, but every single time my game crashes I find myself asking why I bother.

Edit: So apparently, upon catching the raid leader, the entire raid did not crash out, just me. And on top of that, despite being an open raid, they cannot reinvite me.

That makes TWO trial-breaking bugs, on top of whatever causes me to crash 99% of the time.

I think this is the first time, ever, that CoH has made me want to put my fist through the screen.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I understand your pain. I have the same issue as well. It seems the error that pops up for me when I crash is always different too, so I can't pinpoint the problem. Lambda trials are the worse for me. I crashed 3 for 3 on the last 3 Lambdas I ran. BAFs are much less frequent, but they do happen. And yeah, there's a post on the bugs board stating that the 'Rejoin Last Event' button is broken. So no trials for me til they fix that. I'll never manage to get an empyrean merit as long as that bug is there.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



I have to ask what have you done to your system so far in an effort to correct the crashes? I believe that in all the trials I've run, I crashed once.

Drivers up to date? Defragged regulary? When was the last time your wiped your rig and rebuilt it from scratch? Verified that all components are staying cool?

I do realize that the rejoin from crash thing was broken with today's patch but if you're crashing every trial, when others aren't, shouldn't you be looking to your own rig for a resolution?

Be well, people of CoH.



Hi there IantheM1,

We haven't been receiving large amounts of reports of the issues you're experiencing. We'll definitely keep an eye out, however I would most certainly recommend checking into the above referenced solutions if you haven't already. If you've got any specific details or other information which might be helpful, feel free to PM me with it and I can forward it along to dev.



Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I have to ask what have you done to your system so far in an effort to correct the crashes? I believe that in all the trials I've run, I crashed once.

Drivers up to date? Defragged regulary? When was the last time your wiped your rig and rebuilt it from scratch? Verified that all components are staying cool?

I do realize that the rejoin from crash thing was broken with today's patch but if you're crashing every trial, when others aren't, shouldn't you be looking to your own rig for a resolution?
I just updated my drivers to see if that would help as I tried to earn some merits for my second account, and nope, crashed out and I'm not even going to bother trying to get back in. And yeah, I defrag regularly.

I can't actually make it through the trials without crashing, and now if I crash I'm gone for good. Issue 20.5 is over for me already.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I used to crash during mothership raids a lot, until I lowered my graphics settings. Drop them to performance, or minimum if necessary.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Not being forced to team, not having to argue with people over dumb stuff, not having to suffer through lag or cutscenes or constant death.

No, it's the dreaded crash prompt that appears in nearly EVERY RAID I have participated in.

After trying to enjoy Keyes Reactor (but ultimately feeling largely worthless thanks to Stone Armor being a terrible, terrible powerset), our team got 2/3 of the way through only for that wonderful little box to pop up in the center of my screen.

I log back in and try to rejoin the event: Could not find instance. Either the entire raid just failed on a technical level, which is the return of a lovely, lovely crash from I20 launch, or I singularly just failed to rejoin for no clear reason.

Either way, I hate this. I can stubbornly suffer through the grind, but every single time my game crashes I find myself asking why I bother.

Edit: So apparently, upon catching the raid leader, the entire raid did not crash out, just me. And on top of that, despite being an open raid, they cannot reinvite me.

That makes TWO trial-breaking bugs, on top of whatever causes me to crash 99% of the time.

I think this is the first time, ever, that CoH has made me want to put my fist through the screen.
I haven't had crashes, but I already have lag issues on the praetorian warehouse maps (the ones with the green walls) that big room with huge shelves of bright, bright, bright objects is the worst, sometimes that drops me to slide show even if I'm solo, I have to fight with my back to the center of the room so the computer doesn't have to process the graphics and I can have a chance

on lambda, I just am useless in that segment where your sabotaging, I went from my troller to my scrapper and hoped it would be better, but, no, it's the same

and sitting outside because your computers lags to death gets you accused of leeching, not-participating or letting the team fail....and it AGGRAVATES me

I HATE being useless because of a bloody TECHNICAL issue

I also hate the damn "Hardened Brainwashed Resistance" people....I tend to feel it is damn ham-handed when I can OVERPOWER three holds in a row and the bloody thing keeps going.....

No controls

not hold, slow, knockback or ANYTHING works

that, however, is my only real issue with the BAF (aside from the whole fact that BAF is pretty much a boring dog-pile with minimal attention needed)

please, SOLO or regular team content for Incarnate XP

Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I used to crash during mothership raids a lot, until I lowered my graphics settings. Drop them to performance, or minimum if necessary.
I've lowered just about every setting I can think of

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hi there IantheM1,

We haven't been receiving large amounts of reports of the issues you're experiencing. We'll definitely keep an eye out, however I would most certainly recommend checking into the above referenced solutions if you haven't already. If you've got any specific details or other information which might be helpful, feel free to PM me with it and I can forward it along to dev.


Sent (and then sent again, for I am woefully incapable of getting everything into one message).

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I also hate the damn "Hardened Brainwashed Resistance" people....I tend to feel it is damn ham-handed when I can OVERPOWER three holds in a row and the bloody thing keeps going.....

No controls

not hold, slow, knockback or ANYTHING works

that, however, is my only real issue with the BAF (aside from the whole fact that BAF is pretty much a boring dog-pile with minimal attention needed)
The lieutenants are immune to all control by design. The minions are not.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I do realize that the rejoin from crash thing was broken with today's patch but if you're crashing every trial, when others aren't, shouldn't you be looking to your own rig for a resolution?
What's broken for who now? I crashed out of Keyes today (at the very start) and was able to rejoin just fine.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



What does the prompt say when you crash?



I just hate the waiting, sure some I can get in on straight away, others.. takes 3 times longer to form one than to do it. I will usually tab out and play something else while im waiting >.<

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Lots of crashing and unable to rejoin and the raid is in fact in progress I'm told. Thing is broken me thinks. Strange no one is reporitng this on a large scale.

I bugged it.




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I have to ask what have you done to your system so far in an effort to correct the crashes? I believe that in all the trials I've run, I crashed once.
Just because you don't crash doesn't mean that there's not a bug in the game. You may have a graphics card with a different set of features, and the bug may be related to how the game deals with a different feature set. Or you could have more memory. Or the bug might be in one of the powers that the OP has on his character that you don't use. Or any of a thousand other possibilities that are completely beyond the control of a user.

I've updated to the lastest drivers and I get crashes regularly. They appear to be due to memory leaks. The last one was actually reported as such: the game said it ran out of memory reading a pigg file when I tried to exit the Keyes trial. I've got 4GB of memory, which should be more than enough. The NCsoft system requirements page says the game runs in 512MB, and recommends 2GB, and 4GB or more for Ultra Mode.

It seems pretty obvious that this crash is a bug in the game. I can run fine before the trial, I can run fine during the trial, but when I exit the trial I get an out of memory error. It looks like a clear-cut case of memory allocated during the trial not getting freed.

As a programmer I know how hard memory leaks can be to track down, so I groan and bear it. But laying into a user for not doing enough to "correct" crashes that are almost certainly due to a bug in the game is not reasonable.



You layed harder into Bill more than what he was implying. Hell, I know Bill runs a better rig than me and I've never crashed from a raid, including the fun message the game keeps saying I'm running old drivers when I'm sure I'm not.



Before I20 I only very occasionally got the sound loop crash. Sometimes I'd also get a loading screen crash. Neither of these were much trouble.

Since Issue 20, I've been getting new types of crashes. Others have mentioned them on the forums.

The first is the "out of memory crash" where a pigg file can't be assigned a place in memory. I get this in about 1 in 5 Lambda runs. Never in BAF. Very rarely anywhere else. The game freezes, I get sent to desktop and there is no error window for submitting a report.

The second is the deadly "FATAL ERROR" crash. I'm in a trial, suddenly everything freezes. I get dumped to desktop (with CoH still running in the background) and all I have is a black empty prompt window with "fatal error" as the title. The only way to recover is to go into task manager and end the CoH process, then restart the launcher. It takes a while for the game to reload.

These two errors have cost me roughly 10 salvage drops, since the first one tends to happen right near the end of a trial (when you are chasing Marauder around the four corners of Lambda). Last night, the second error happened right at the very end of my first ever Keyes attempt, which ruined my whole evening since the run was otherwise perfect and Anti-Matter was almost dead.

I then completed Keyes by moving my main to Virtue and putting together my own PuG league and leading it to a victory at 3am :P

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



I did get a crash playing on a Keyes trial today actually, and thats a first in like... a year? the game is very reliable to me , anyway, I put it down to my network card (i have moved and am on a 2nd hand wireless lan card! horrid i know), because I also dc'ed once while on the trial.

However, both times, I loaded back in , hit the re-join button and both times it worked. So im not willing to spill any DOOOM about it yet

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
The first is the "out of memory crash" where a pigg file can't be assigned a place in memory. I get this in about 1 in 5 Lambda runs. Never in BAF. Very rarely anywhere else. The game freezes, I get sent to desktop and there is no error window for submitting a report.
I got one of those a few days ago while running regular missions with a full team. Had never seen it before and (knock wood) haven't seen it since.



As a programmer I know how hard memory leaks can be to track down, so I groan and bear it. But laying into a user for not doing enough to "correct" crashes that are almost certainly due to a bug in the game is not reasonable.
For one, I wasn't "laying into" the OP, I was asking what he had done on his end. Far too often people tend to point blame in directions that it shouldn't go. My own brother was recently complaining of a memory leak in the game that went away when he updated his video card driver.

As a programmer, you should know even 4GB of RAM doesn't mean much if you're also slamming your system with ventrillo, itunes and alt-tabbing to (NO, I am not saying anyone here is doing all of this.)

The point of the post, and it seems the OP understood this, was to ask "have you covered your side of it?"

I understand that this game HAS had issues in the code before, I've helped pinpoint some of them. Considering how sloppy some of the patches has been lately, I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear the they actually had introduced new memory leaks.

This doesn't free us from being diligent with out own system maintenance.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
This doesn't free us from being diligent with out own system maintenance.
Indeed. I try to maintain a fresh supply of water for my hamster.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Indeed. I try to maintain a fresh supply of water for my hamster.
You're lucky. The demons powering mine demand blood.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hi there IantheM1,

We haven't been receiving large amounts of reports of the issues you're experiencing. We'll definitely keep an eye out, however I would most certainly recommend checking into the above referenced solutions if you haven't already. If you've got any specific details or other information which might be helpful, feel free to PM me with it and I can forward it along to dev.


I didn't have much time for trials yesterday, but I was 0 for two in success getting them to work. I had basically the same experience as the OP. I would get in, done some stuff, and poof crashed. My attempt at Keyes made it past the first reactor till we started on the second. My BAF of the day didn't last past the first time I get into combat. I was unable to rejoin the Keyes, and didn't have time to try to rejoin the BAF.

I will likely try to adjust settings tonight to see if I can get the crashing to stop.

Too many alts to list.