And *this* is why I hate the Incarnate Trials.




Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
Before I20 I only very occasionally got the sound loop crash. Sometimes I'd also get a loading screen crash. Neither of these were much trouble.

Since Issue 20, I've been getting new types of crashes. Others have mentioned them on the forums.

The first is the "out of memory crash" where a pigg file can't be assigned a place in memory. I get this in about 1 in 5 Lambda runs. Never in BAF. Very rarely anywhere else. The game freezes, I get sent to desktop and there is no error window for submitting a report.

The second is the deadly "FATAL ERROR" crash. I'm in a trial, suddenly everything freezes. I get dumped to desktop (with CoH still running in the background) and all I have is a black empty prompt window with "fatal error" as the title. The only way to recover is to go into task manager and end the CoH process, then restart the launcher. It takes a while for the game to reload.
i got the same thing, fine before i20, now i get mostly "its stopped working" which with the new bug of unable to rejoin, is frustrating

ive heard but untested, that you can rejoin a closed league

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ATO Felix - Gamma Anne - Fire me Boy!
Kit the Kat - Black Felix - Gremlet
Shadow Sorceress - Dr Doom and Gloom - Rob Rubble
Mitzy White - Wanda Smith - Henry Remo



Yep, crashed and unable to rejoin yesterday as well.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by kangaroo120y View Post
I just hate the waiting, sure some I can get in on straight away, others.. takes 3 times longer to form one than to do it. I will usually tab out and play something else while im waiting >.<
My feelings exactly. I haven't crashed yet but the WAITING. Hate it hate it hate it.

This is why I came to CoH from EQ way back 7 years ago and never got into WoW so I wouldn't have to raid. CoH raids are slightly better than theirs but I still don't have enough free time that I can waste half an hour getting ready to do something.

I like the missions themselves just don't like waiting.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
I then completed Keyes by moving my main to Virtue and putting together my own PuG league and leading it to a victory at 3am :P
Your raid was the second one I crashed out of. :/

Originally Posted by Maxwell View Post
What does the prompt say when you crash?
I think I've gotten nearly every CoH crash prompt from doing the Trials, with the sole exception of the "out of memory" one. And I could just be forgetting that one. One's I know for a fact that I've gotten:

- The classic Cryptic Crash Reporter

- "File x.pigg is corrupt" which was followed by me verifying my install, going back in and crashing again with "File y.pigg is corrupt"

- A sound loop followed by "Good news! CoH was about to crash...but didn't. It's probably still going to, though." (And it did.)

- The standard Windows "This program has stopped working..." box.

- The newest one came yesterday during the first Keyes: A blank box with no text of any kind and two equally blank buttons. Seemed like it could've been the corrupted file or "it didn't crash!" ones (though no sound loop, so maybe not the latter), but I couldn't tell, obviously.

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I didn't experience any problems with the 20.5 update, specifically.

However, a bit of advice for ATI users out there. I've found the Catalyst 11.6 drivers to be very unstable with this game. Crashed five times in three trials when I upgraded a week ago. If you happen to have updated with these drivers, try rolling them back.



Interesting. I just managed to complete Keyes without any crash at all.

Things I changed:

- Lowered Reflection and Shader Detail sliders to High, down from Highest.

- Lowered Shadow Detail to Lowest, as I had mistakenly turned it all the way up at some point last night, but didn't notice due to the Vanguard base not actually having dynamic shadows.

- Kept the League window shut.

Edit: Notably, after zoning over to Ouroboros to finally buy the aura I needed, I hit the Go To Character Select button and crashed once the countdown finished. This time I got the Windows "City of Heroes is not responding, what do you want to do?" window and upon checking the Task Manager, City of Heroes was once again ballooned out in memory, another familiar sight. I'm beginning to think at the very least there's some kind of memory leak going around, regardless of other issues.

Never surrender! Never give up!
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We haven't been receiving large amounts of reports of the issues you're experiencing. We'll definitely keep an eye out, however I would most certainly recommend checking into the above referenced solutions if you haven't already. If you've got any specific details or other information which might be helpful, feel free to PM me with it and I can forward it along to dev.
Z, ever since Issue 20 launched, the game has been repeatedly running out of memory. There have been a lot of threads in the technical issues and bugs section about them. I can, without fail, cause a game crash on my system after around 3 hours of play just by using a single specific power *.

* I'll gather my system information and PM you with the details.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hi there IantheM1,

We haven't been receiving large amounts of reports of the issues you're experiencing. We'll definitely keep an eye out, however I would most certainly recommend checking into the above referenced solutions if you haven't already. If you've got any specific details or other information which might be helpful, feel free to PM me with it and I can forward it along to dev.


One more thing that Z failed to mention.... REPORT IT! REPORT IT! REPORT IT! They can not fix a problem if you don't tell them there is one and it's always best if you can report it when it happens. Because if the problem is not you, then they will need to have a Time frame to check out events when it happened.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Heroes/Villains and everyone else, be cafeful about updating video drivers if you are an ATI/AMD user. The newer drivers 11.5 and 11.6 are not good for game stability.

Some of the older ATI drivers are not good as well. 10.10 and 10.11. Anyways, just giving a heads up before you do something and blame CoX. Its all those Nemesis people working at ATI....

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
One more thing that Z failed to mention.... REPORT IT! REPORT IT! REPORT IT! They can not fix a problem if you don't tell them there is one and it's always best if you can report it when it happens.
They could make a small book with the amount of bug reports I've made in the last 6 years.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
One more thing that Z failed to mention.... REPORT IT! REPORT IT! REPORT IT! They can not fix a problem if you don't tell them there is one and it's always best if you can report it when it happens. Because if the problem is not you, then they will need to have a Time frame to check out events when it happened.
While I agree that this is the appropriate thing to do...

Thing is, in order to "report it", you need to collect the documentation (pics/files), then log back into the game and make a report and include your documentation (or send documentation via e-mail). OR start up a ticket with support via e-mail (which may or may not get to the right folks)...

Basically, the mechanisms for reporting this kind of thing are rather convoluted. So, instead of going through all that rigamarole, a lot of folks post it here in the Tech/Bugs forums.

I bet more folks would use the proper channels, if the proper channels were easier to use. But that doesn't mean it hasn't been brought up in a very visible medium (here on the forums)... so, one would expect that somebody should have taken notice by now.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
While I agree that this is the appropriate thing to do...

Thing is, in order to "report it", you need to collect the documentation (pics/files), then log back into the game and make a report and include your documentation (or send documentation via e-mail). OR start up a ticket with support via e-mail (which may or may not get to the right folks)...

Basically, the mechanisms for reporting this kind of thing are rather convoluted. So, instead of going through all that rigamarole, a lot of folks post it here in the Tech/Bugs forums.

I bet more folks would use the proper channels, if the proper channels were easier to use. But that doesn't mean it hasn't been brought up in a very visible medium (here on the forums)... so, one would expect that somebody should have taken notice by now.

This, to an extent. Unless I get the Crash Reporter, I'm not going to attempt to explain what crashed me, usually since I have no idea what did, in the tiny little bug report box.

And I rather dislike that tiny little bug report box. It steals away all attention, making it impossible to pause mid-report to answer a tell or such. And the room allotted is rarely enough to coherently explain an issue as big as, well, I crash nearly every Incarnate Trial.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
You're lucky. The demons powering mine demand blood.
they're picky little blood suckers aren't they?



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post

I will likely try to adjust settings tonight to see if I can get the crashing to stop.

OK, I tried again last night. I cranked my graphics down to medium across the board. I made it through a run each of Lambda, BAF, and Keyes without any glitches.

Too many alts to list.



Turning down graphical settings will help tremendously with framerate and crash issues the majority of the time. Big offenders in trials are particle count and ultra mode settings, but turning down other things will yield significantly better performance and stability as well.

Remember: this game is more graphically demanding than Crysis.