So to make up for the markets being down Devs, how about......




Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Dear lord who the hell let this person post on the fourms
Everyone has the right to post

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Everyone has the right to post
No. They don't.
It's a privilege, not a right.
i'd think you of all people would remember that, all things considered.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Are you familiar with the fable of the self-fulfilling prophecy?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Are you familiar with the fable of the self-fulfilling prophecy?
I'm familiar with the fable of the Crow and the pitcher. Is it anything like that?



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Any bets on Issue 18's title? I'm thinking:

"City of Day Traders"
"The Paragon Stock Exchange"
"Greed is Good"
"Market Value"
"Free Enterprise"
"Black Tuesday"

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
No. They don't.
It's a privilege, not a right.
i'd think you of all people would remember that, all things considered.
No, it is a right - everyone's entitled to an opinion - but what isn't a right is to have your opinion taken seriously

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
I feel sorry for the devs. They are great devs and this Issue's launch has been very rough. I suspect marketing forced the "must release on anniversary" thing. That's speculation, of course, but I wouldn't be surprised. In future, best to avoid that kind of thing and go the Blizzard route of "when it's ready".

Once the kinks are out, I17 will be one of the strongest Issues in the game's history. Bugs aside, it's a fantastic Issue.
I agree. Once the bugs(major bugs IMO) are worked out this will be a fantastic issue. Seeing as how the bugs mess with my playstyle, I consider them major issues. People that don't care about the markets and some other stuff like I do may see them as little things.

Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
tsk, tsk. No need for pre-emptive namecalling.
The person that used the fanboi comment was correct.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
read more like pre-emptive trolling.
You're wrong.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Sorry if that wasn't worded quite clearly enough. It wasn't really pointed at you. More at the general mass of "This isn't perfect! You owe me/I'm quitting!" sorts. If anything, it was more in agreement with much of what you said that I quoted vs the reactions we're getting from several people.

I can understand being frustrated, and feel for the people having problems - in most cases. But I can also understand production, development, and deadlines, and know from history that not only will there be bugs (caught and uncaught) in release, and that they're not there because "the devs aren't doing their jobs/don't care/hate me," but that they will still have people working on getting them fixed before, during, and after release.

Patience is sorely lacking at times. If people expect every issue to come out bug free and perfect, they'd better be able to point out that every single thing they've ever done has also been 100% perfect, on time, and what everyone expected. Otherwise, don't expect the same of anyone else.
I get your point, I really do. But that isn't, and never will be reality. Much like your point about people expecting perfect issue releases. Personally I think all the ******** and moaning is a good thing. It pushes the devs to do a better job. Don't get me wrong, I truly feel they do an amazing job now. But the constant pressure to do better is essential when selling a product. So while it is annoying to hear/read, it is important. Therefore I encourage people to voice every displeasure they have.

This is coming from somebody in the restaurant industry(12 years), so I know what it is like to hear complaining all the time.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Would you like me and my friends to get off your damn plaza?
Ok, that's funny.

Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
Of course, and i expect that's what will happen. And i don't feel we need anything in compasion, but when a bussiness cause their customers an inconvience, it is IMO normally smart to try and placate them in some way. A small token, to say sorry. Doing so IMO builds a stronger repure with there customers. Like a restraunt that screws up your order may take an app off your bill, or give you an extra side on the house. Sure crap happens, but when your lively hood is making and keeping people happy, knowing how to handle situation when they aren't happy is key.
I agree with this.

I don't think Paragon Studios must do anything to make it up to us, but I do think if they gave us something that worst case it would have zero effect. More than likely it would make a small positive impact.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No, it is a right - everyone's entitled to an opinion - but what isn't a right is to have your opinion taken seriously
I think what the person was saying is that posting on private forums(like the CoH forums) isn't a right. Which it's not because they can kick any one of us out at anytime for literally any reason they want.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Agreed...hmm this on a per character basis, like one selected character gets 3000 merits or all characters get it?

I mean I could use those merits for so many random rolls and help the market.

((incase you can't tell the above post is made in jest and not actually considering the 3000 merits idea a serious consideration))
I wasn't considering it either. I just wouldn't get upset if the devs decided to do it

I really haven't been bothered by the glitches. It happens. I keep playing and move on Though I havent checked to see if I lost any of the things I had in storage in the auction houses either.

I figure wait and see, and hope.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Post Deleted
But you don't need to be mean to them - if you disagree with them, either don't reply, or reply in a non-hostile way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But you don't need to be mean to them - if you disagree with them, either don't reply, or reply in a non-hostile way.
Yeah . . . I'm . . . confused at the hostility being shown.

The OP is not something worth getting THAT upset about.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've got 3000+ unused ones - the merit system came after I'd gotten my IOs, so they've just kinda been building up
2nd build?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

(To the tune of the Merchandisers' song in CHESS)

"Whether RP or PvP
Or are on the fence
We are here to tell you
We need you to fix our Went's!
Not a chance of you letting this go too long
Not when the server's gone all wrong
We've got salvage that needs selling
And we will -- yes we will!
Coz if this don't get fixed soon then
We will kill!

Come on, get up --
Come on, get up, you don't need sleep
Til this thing is fixed
You must get the server running
Lest our sales get nixed
Let us list enhancements
Sometimes inf's worth more than XPs
Try kicking the ******* server
Hey, who knows
Coz not having our black market
really blows!

Coz not selling really blows!"

*puts Chess CD on repeat again*




i want my kb ios forgot to pick them up before it went down.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
2nd build?
My second build is filled with travel powers and anything that increases speed and movement - it's what got me the gold medal badge for the advanced ski run
Apart from that, I can't really think of anything to do with a second build - I think my first build is fine for the stuff I do the most

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Trade them for rare salvage and sell that on the market. You could make several billion with 3000 merits that way.

And then mail me the influence.



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
Trade them for rare salvage and sell that on the market. You could make several billion with 3000 merits that way.
I might do that when GR goes live, to help fund the new players

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No, it is a right - everyone's entitled to an opinion - but what isn't a right is to have your opinion taken seriously
One day, you'll admit when you're wrong, and do it without the use of an emoticon, and the world will end.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
One day, you'll admit when you're wrong, and do it without the use of an emoticon, and the world will end.
I've been brought up to admit mistakes when I make them, and to apologize if they're serious ones, and to avoid telling lies, even little white ones, because they can still lead to big black ones

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



With any issue of this type, there will be people that will be unhappy with the results.
I am sure the dev’s are working to correct this as fast as possible and are aware that there are many unhappy players at the moment.

6 years some of us have been playing this game, we have seen worse issue launches with different problems but time makes them fuzzy and not so important.

If they “salvage” the market and my billion influence and 700mil Infamy’s worth of products and bids are still there when it comes up I will be ecstatic. If not well I have to play my favorite GAME some more, oh darn…

I am a casual player and do not have a lot of time. But like it was stated, the game was played before the market and globals. I think we will be ok.

PS. I thank the dev’s for busting their collective A$$’es for producing and maintain such a great game.

And Yea a badge would be nice LOL.

�Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.� -Nikola Tesla

Global @Kozzma -Virtue WWW.TDoP.ORG



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've been brought up to admit mistakes when I make them, and to apologize if they're serious ones, and to avoid telling lies, even little white ones, because they can still lead to big black ones
Thanks for the validation. I rest my case.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



I'd be fine if the market never came back. Although, expanded (or even unlimited) Salvage and Recipe inventory space would be a VERY nice thing to have right about now. Well, a very nice thing to have /at .



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've been brought up to admit mistakes when I make them, and to apologize if they're serious ones, and to avoid telling lies, even little white ones, because they can still lead to big black ones
Oh, so your saying that somehow the *BLACK* lies are worse then then *WHITE* lies? Like the White lies are *SUPERIOR*?




If they compensate people for the market being down, then all the glee provided by my shadenfreude will have been for naught.

Oh, wait, no it won't.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
If they compensate people for the market being down, then all the glee provided by my shadenfreude will have been for naught.

Oh, wait, no it won't.

He's not your Schadenfreude - he belongs to the 5th Column.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork