Discussion: CoH Developer Q&A Friday, April 23rd!




Originally Posted by OneAboveAll View Post
How appropriate that no pvp questions get answered.
To be honest and I'm not typing this to protect the devs or earn any Hero Creds but the Developers HAVE stated that there won't be any new PvP changes down the pipe for a while.

So PvP questions are a bit of a waste.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
To be honest and I'm not typing this to protect the devs or earn any Hero Creds but the Developers HAVE stated that there won't be any new PvP changes down the pipe for a while.

So PvP questions are a bit of a waste.



Originally Posted by OneAboveAll View Post
Do you type standing up?

I kinda roll bug fixes and pvp changes into the same "PvP is on the back burner for now" line Castle made in a previous post. So answering questions pertaining to any changes (including bug fixes) probably isn't one of their highest priorities unfortunately.

However, I wouldn't mind if they pushed PvP bugs up their priority list as well.



Yea. Only took 6 years to fix the ATI bugs, give 'em time.

/kinda joking

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Yea. Only took 6 years to fix the ATI bugs, give 'em time.

/kinda joking
I would REALLY like to know how they plan on dealing with the mass migration from red market to blue market that will inevitably happen with side-switching.

I know it's been stated that the database wouldn't be able to handle the load of a market merger, but I'd like to know how they plan to deal with it.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
I would REALLY like to know how they plan on dealing with the mass migration from red market to blue market that will inevitably happen with side-switching.

I know it's been stated that the database wouldn't be able to handle the load of a market merger, but I'd like to know how they plan to deal with it.
They avoided all market questions as well.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
To be fair to Castle, he did come on vent and chat with a bunch of PVP regulars last time there were major PVP changes. You've got to give the guy a lot of respect for doing that. It takes cajones.

The best people for Castle to speak to (from the playerbase) about what needs to be done with PVP would be macskull, ConFlict, and black barrier.

You should also talk to Vince and Silit. (IMO two of the best players still left in the game.) I'd also recommend any players from the PVP group Used to be Good.

Please do get in touch.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Do you type standing up?

I kinda roll bug fixes and pvp changes into the same "PvP is on the back burner for now" line Castle made in a previous post. So answering questions pertaining to any changes (including bug fixes) probably isn't one of their highest priorities unfortunately.

However, I wouldn't mind if they pushed PvP bugs up their priority list as well.
Do you read with a chip on your shoulder? The caps are for emphasis not yelling.

I say forget about any new changes or enhancements to pvp...just make it work like it says it supposed to in the in game descriptions when they rolled this mess out 4 issues ago. Some bugs arent even just pvp specific some of the bugs are included in pve. If not, take the shortcut devs and just change the power descriptions to match what is currently existing the game. Then retcon the whole thing 4 years later and say It's not working as intended. do something.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Is the new GM mentioned a Giant Tapeworm that lives in the Sewers?
Given that mysterious slide shown at hero con, I would guess it would be a giant Praetorian Clockwork or PPD thing.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
They avoided all market questions as well.
Color me surprised...



Perhaps they avoided questions that have nothing to do with Going Rogue content for a reason. If they didn't answer any questions about base raids (which there was one question that got answered. Look at the list again), or PvP, or <insert supposed begged for content> it's safe to assume that you won't be seeing anything in those areas for a while, and you'll get nothing but the answer you don't want to hear ("it's being discussed" or "on the back burner" or "not at this time").

Keep whining about the Devs ducking questions though. Your 15 bucks a month is money well spent.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Perhaps they avoided questions that have nothing to do with Going Rogue content for a reason. If they didn't answer any questions about base raids (which there was one question that got answered. Look at the list again), or PvP, or <insert supposed begged for content> it's safe to assume that you won't be seeing anything in those areas for a while, and you'll get nothing but the answer you don't want to hear ("it's being discussed" or "on the back burner" or "not at this time").

Keep whining about the Devs ducking questions though. Your 15 bucks a month is money well spent.
Regardless, I've always thought that the purpose of Q&A's was to get actual, useful information.

Oh and I've been playing for over 63 months now, I know that my money is well spent.

Heh, I keep getting less Rep, whee.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Nothing in Going Rogue or the follow up issue. We do have some plans, however, and "Curious Observer" and I discuss things frequently.
Any idea how PvP zones will work with Rogues and Vigilantes? Will Rogues be unable to enter RV through the Atlas portal or will they be able to fight for either side depending on if they entered the PvP zone from Rogue Isles or Paragon City?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Any idea how PvP zones will work with Rogues and Vigilantes? Will Rogues be unable to enter RV through the Atlas portal or will they be able to fight for either side depending on if they entered the PvP zone from Rogue Isles or Paragon City?
I believe this came up before. For PvP purposes, Vigilantes are Heroes and Rogues are Villains. As for whether or not the Rogues would be able to enter through Atlas.. I doubt it.



Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Heh, I keep getting less Rep, whee.
Congrats Robo, you have your horns!

Now all you need are your wings and a tail.

The questions the Devs chose were... safe. Frustatingly safe.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Are new APPs being generated for those that swap sides? Meaning, will a hero brute have access to it's own hero-brute APP rather than use scrapper or tank pools?
I wonder which one it'll be closer to. I'd assume Scrapper APPs, just due to their primary being damage.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Not true.

Frequently, there are things asked that we didn't prep for or that aren't on the 'bullet list' of things to cover that we are happy to answer. Things that were small, easy fixes or changes for us, but can have a big impact on gameplay for you, might be forgotten to talk about unless asked.
ah well, at least im finally on facebook

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



OK so did they talk about IoP's?



This thing was a crock to me imo...

As an on and off player, and a gamer on many types of platforms, I cannot believe you'd shift though 1000 questions, and answer the ones we know already, things like "do you drink vodka" and other BS, I mean, get real here if you want players to stay and have new ones come in and stay as well...

I want answers, not codes, prefixes, or secret hand shakes, I want to know what I pre-BOUGHT, cause frankly, this game looks dead to me, the fanboi's can data-mine otherwise, but when I played this game 3-4 years ago, I had FUN, and now I see less and less things I used to do and have FUN in, because there are fewer people now than 4 years ago...

Did the whole base raid thing do this? cause I don't see why we are given so little when keeping us informed and wanting more is what should be on the top priority, not "lets blame marketing for not giving out too much information". You guys promised Items of Power, Cathedral of Pain, and Base Raids on the box of your retail CoV, and where is it? and where is it now? why after 3-4 years we still have none of these that you'd said and marketed as a feature to this product?

My last bit will be about a fricken week to switch sides...

I play on many platforms, right now, there are so many good games out this one is becoming a chore, and as a person that works the afternoons, gets on and see the servers die slowly in population for me to do much anymore, making me grind a WEEK to switch sides so I can have a healthier market and have an easier time to gain xp and drops is plainly stupid and makes me not want to subscribe yet again, cause frankly I get that who-ever supplies the devs with information is a complete nitwit, I mean how else can you guys just sit there and listen to thousands of threads with complaints and simply not listen to any one of them? (maybe not "any" but get my point)


Please Devs, Please let me know more info bout the game I've bought, and what's in your "vision" for it to be, don't blanket yourself in your marketing.

You make me grind a week's worth of gametime just so I can participate in my servers SF/TF's, and use a healthier market, then you can see me gone yet again for another 2-3 years till you figure out something right to pull me back into this game again.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I don't honestly know.
Castle, you see us here, you see how passionate we are about bases. I can understand if you or anyone isn't allowed to disclose information. I also appreciate you interacting with us on this level, it shows you really care. That's what we need most right now is someone that cares.

I beseech you to approach your fellow team members. Even if they cant talk about anything base related, Let them know we exist!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Nothing in Going Rogue or the follow up issue. We do have some plans, however, and "Curious Observer" and I discuss things frequently.
Three reasons why this 65 month vet finally choose to let his subscription lapse.

Its one thing to not give PvP much attention, but no attention for several issues (17 this week???, going rogue and the issue after that...). Thats basically giving up on it. There are so many ways you could spice up PvP without much effort; Adding new (existing) maps to the arena; increasing PvP IO drop rate (substantially); making zone mini games attractive (ie SO's for bounty?, why win hot spots or take control of pills in RV?).

Combine that with the "economy" and time sink required to build up a toon... And thats comming from someone with access to more resources than 99% of the playerbase. I still could really only afford to deck out one or two toons, and only one build each. After 65 months. 1 toon completely PvP/Purp/Uniqued out. If I stripped every other toon, and sold or reused... I might get one more specd perfect.

Finally combine that with respecs. I dread em. Such a pita. Topped with I loose enhancements everytime. Which I cant afford to loose. Not to excited about the whole incarnate thing either. Make 50s better screams to me another time sink I gotta participate in to PvP. Respecs, enhancements new levels.

I play this game to experiment with builds and characters Ive taken years to build up. When it takes 6 months to plan out, purchase and respec.... 1 build... Most of which I couldnt afford to make anyways... Kinda takes the fun out of it.



Why do people make it sound like the developers are trying to hide some sort of conspiracy or something?

Q&A was a marketing maneuver to promote what is coming up, and spill out some new info to tease the players with. That's how Q&A for upcoming products works. That's the entire purpose of them.

Given the amount of snark in the comments posted by some of the people here, I wonder why they're still playing this game if the developers are soooo dumb and soooo stupid and are trying to hide some sort of a biiiiig conspiracy! And oh dear gawd, they have no idea what they're doing, and only the few snarky people do! They should be the developers! *eyeroll*

It's a video game, people.

As for the questions answered, yes, I was expecting more teasers. But oh well! We'll find out all about it in a few months!



Originally Posted by DaemonicVisions View Post
Originally Posted by GuessWhosBack View Post
-Snip -
Sheesh. I think I nearly drowned in entitlement there...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Sheesh. I think I nearly drowned in entitlement there...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I don't know Techbot Alpha, I went back and read the posts by those two and while they were a little over the top, they have some good points. I wasted an hour on-line that day, my fault I admit. I was amazed by the fact that they were answering questions that had already been officially posted and by the lame "Who would win in a race?" or "Do you like Vodka?" questions they decided to answer. Actually, amazed is a little lacking in color but I am trying to be polite here.

I counted about 64 questions and was only impressed by the answers to about 5. I will admit that the dodge they gave for the drop date of Issue 19 was funny, but I think they could have chosen better questions to answer.

Honestly, I think most of us would be happy if we had a little more detail on what or when things are planned to come about in the game. If they had said “PvP is in the works, but not until at least Issue 20”, I think most would have been happy with that kind of answer. While some would have complained, most would say “Ok, we have a guess-timate at least”. And if later on they had to move it back for reasons of complexity or other game content again, the grumbles would happen, but I believe overall people could accept it.

I will tell you a lesson I learned in my 13 years in the U. S. Marines. Any information was better than nothing or vague ways of the hand, and changes are expected. Either Marketing or the Devs (maybe both) seem to have not learned that lesson yet or forgotten about it.