Discussion: CoH Developer Q&A Friday, April 23rd!




Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
How to play? Just have fun.

To avoid the "nerf nerf nerf syndrome", spend less time trying to exploit every point out of AE.

*I'm neither for nor against farming in general. I believe players should be able to play however they want to without having other players telling them what they should do... but if the activity you do is constantly getting nerfed, then you are obviously doing something the Devs don't intend, so try something else.
Which goes back to, Dear devs can you tell us how to play? It'll avoid the nerf nerf nerf syndrome and hard feelings.

Do you want us to not use the black market? Then please by all means dont 'fix it' the way you fixed pvp

Do you want us to PvP? Then you got some serious work to do.

Do you want time vs reward or risk vs reward?

Do you want us to use Ae? What is the appropriate amount of xp/min that were allowed to have?



Surprised by some of the real bitter posts here. I have to ask, "Why do you play this game if it (or the developers) seems to piss you off so much?" I tried WoW. Couldn't get into it, but I didn't keep paying Blizzard or hanging around their message board. That seems pretty odd to me.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
Do you want us to use Ae? What is the appropriate amount of xp/min that were allowed to have?
That's just the whole point.. AE is not supposed to be about xp/tickets per minute. If that's what you are interested in, do it somewhere else. Then you wont have to worry about constantly being nerfed. That's just common sense.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
i just wanna know why castle has a bug up his *** for fire tanks....that will never get answered.

was something else changed recently??

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Asking stupid questions is gonna get you stupid answers........jus sayin. If its a question thats been answered a little too many times in the past im sure its most likely gonna get the same answer.I myself, like a lot others are looking forward to the future and what it has to bring us. Maybe they'll even have an issue where bugs are a thing of the past . I want base raids as much as the next guy but at PAX didnt they say they are working on something new for that situation?Tbh i think we should ask questions we know we'd be able to get the answers to, not something thats gonna get us the ol',"we cannot discuss that at this time."Sorry for the run on sentences its early still :P.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
If im not mistaken, wasnt the latest change to fire tanks actualy a buff? (-slow resist on temp.protection).
yes and a buff to healing flames...and this why?..because of the 14 nerfs before that...and they were small buffs...i dont even use temp protection so big deal.



What's with all of the trolling in this thread?

Anyways, will I need an account to view the answers as they come in? I really don't want to create one, but I will if I have to.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



The formspring thing is pretty simple. sign up then submit your questions after you are following the CoHTeam.



Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
The formspring thing is pretty simple. sign up then submit your questions after you are following the CoHTeam.
I don't think you even need to register.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
I don't think you even need to register.
You don't, I just submitted one, and I'm not registered there.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
I don't think you even need to register.
You can submit questions annonionomeooem... without registering

You can register to follow the Q&A and recieve updates when they reply (so far none).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



*patiently waits in the corner for questions to start being answered*

is it time yet...

no its not....

*waits patiently*

*starts bouncing*

is it time yet?



Here's a question for the devs:

Do you find it amusing that there are people paying a $15 per month subscription fees for a game they obviously hate just so that they can come to the forums and whine like two year olds day in and day out?

Certainly amuses me.

Be well, people of CoH.



Every time I click on the Forum Spring Me Page, it takes me to a normal page, nothing with a hint of COH/COV on it.

Any ideas? -_-;

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
Every time I click on the Forum Spring Me Page, it takes me to a normal page, nothing with a hint of COH/COV on it.

Any ideas? -_-;
*psst* try this link http://www.formspring.me/askcohteam



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
Ok, I admit my brain is a bit addled as of late but was that just a WKRP reference???
...The station with more news and Les Nessman!

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Here's a question for the devs:

Do you find it amusing that there are people paying a $15 per month subscription fees for a game they obviously hate just so that they can come to the forums and whine like two year olds day in and day out?

Certainly amuses me.
ditto. better when they have been here as long as me, who enjoys the game. they are in hell's pizza hut.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ditto. better when they have been here as long as me, who enjoys the game. they are in hell's pizza hut.

Always thought hell would have a starbucks rather than a pizza hut to be honest

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Who wins in 100m dash? Posi or Castle? by Zohar127
[Castle] Positron...he's 3 slotted for Flight Speed.
1 minute Ago
Any plans for Diminishing Returns in PvE?
[Castle] There are no plans to add Diminishing Returns to player powers in PvE.
1 minute Ago
Are you working on any new powers?
[Castle] As mentioned at PAX East, we announced Kinetic Melee and Electric Control as two more additional Power Sets. We are always exploring more (post Going Rogue).
2 minutes ago

Is issue 18 going to be released with Going Rogue? As of now this has been the consensus but we have had no evidence to support it.
[Ghost Falcon] Please stay tuned for more details of what is the 'free' content will be for players who do not upgrade their CoH Game Account with the Going Rogue expansion.
1 minute Ago
With Going Rogue, do you have to choose a side? Or is it possible to play a neutral Praetorian up to level 50?
War Witch: You will always be a Praetorian first, but you DO have to pick a side. The good news is, you can always change your mind later.
1 minute Ago
What is a typical day at the office like for the employees and you developers at Paragon Studios? by SmashZone
[David Nakayama] With GOING ROGUE in full production mode, I think it's safe to say that a typical day is BUSY. For me, a typical day is a mix of reviewing the current state of all the art in Praetoria, working with all the various artists, and some painting.
1 minute Ago

Is the removal of the war walls still going ahead since it was hinted at?
[Ghost Falcon] This was misinterpreted at PAX East. There are no war walls in Praetoria.
1 minute Ago
Will the INF to Prestige conversion rate ever be revisited (and improved?)
Posi - Quite possibly. This is a good thing to look into again. Thanks for the question
2 minutes ago

The coming of Ultra mode leads me to ask, is there any possibility for "Ultra" level textures in the future?
[David Nakayama] GOING ROGUE will let you explore modern cityscapes built with Ultramode in mind. The window textures alone are pretty sweet.
28 seconds ago
Did you ever consider creating a power that would instantly swap your toon with another one from your account? E.g., you could exchange your blaster with a healer without logging off, remaining in your team/task force (similar to a kheldian form shift).
Posi- We considered it a few years back, but the tech hurdle was insurmountable without a complete overhaul of several systems
47 seconds ago

Can you give us some more detail on how morality arcs will work, and approximately how much time it will take to switch from Hero to Vigilante, and then from Vigilante to Rogue? by mentalgiant
Posi- There is a cooldown timer that will slow the process. We are still working on the exact numbers, but we're eyeballing a week's worth of work to switch one degree.
2 minutes ago
Does Praetoria have radio missions?
[Ghost Falcon] No.
2 minutes ago

Any plans to put a nurse in the hospital with inspirations? The hospital is the best place to recharge after a defeat by residentx10
War Witch: Funny you should ask this. It just so happens that I put them in hospitals in Praetoria. None yet in Paragon City/Rogue Isles, but I'll get one of my World guys to get to it at some point.
14 seconds ago

How will the epic power pools/villain patron pools work for toons that change sides and/or stay in the gray area? by Cybernaut1
[Castle] A character who switches sides completely will retain their current Ancillary / Patron Powers until they respec. At which point, they will be forced to select from their "current" alignment. Heroes and Vigilantes count toward "Heroes". Villains and Rogue count toward "Villains".
10 seconds ago
Will brutes ever get broadsword?
[Castle] Post Going Rogue, we'll be looking into more passes on Power Set Proliferation. Stay TunedTM.
2 minutes ago
Any plans on releasing any cool new hairstyles in the coming months?
[David Nakayama] Yes. As part of GOING ROGUE.
2 minutes ago

Base Raids, I know its been said they ARE returning now, so how will this effect the current lack of raid pathing issues in the bases?
Posi- We have not committed to their return, but we love them as much as you do, so we want to make them happen sooner or later.
17 seconds ago
CoH has had a great history of Dev interaction with the players. And just recently, Black Pebble from Marketing has stepped up for interaction. Will we see others from production also step into the limelight for player interaction? by ZombieManHero
[Ghost Falcon] We have myself and Doc Delilah representing the Production team presently. If you count QA (i.e. the 'Arbiters') on the forums, Production is well presented.
35 seconds ago
Hi, my name is Isaac. I asked this question at your forum when I was at last year's San Diego Comic-Con and was laughed off the stage. I'm here to ask it again. Is there any way to speed up the waves on the respec missions?
War Witch: Hey, Isaac! I promise not to laugh you off the stage (you could break a hip) for asking this question. Speeding up the waves for the respec missions is something we could look into.

Have you considered any extra travel powers with-in the game?
[Castle] As a matter of fact, we always discuss new travel powers and had a meeting this morning to discuss this. (NOTE: To clarify, there are no new travel powers planned for Going Rogue!)
17 seconds ago
Do you like vodka?
Not so much. You?
21 seconds ago
Tell us more about the incarnate system!
Posi - More about the Incarnate System will be revealed after I17 has been released and we get closer to the release of GR
45 seconds ago
Will there be any cool GM to fight? by mentalgiant
There is indeed a new giant enemy coming your way. Stay tuned...
1 minute Ago
The Going Rogue page states that we will be getting extra character slots, can you clarify for us if this means that we'll be able to have more than 36 slots on one server or is this just free character tokens that we'll have to use on other servers? by CounterAgent
[Ghost Falcon] Players will receive two (2) "Character Slot" tokens which they can use to unlock any "locked" character slots. If a player has unlocked all available slots already on a server, the player will only be able to redeem those "character slot" unlocks on another server. There are no plans at the moment to expand the available Character Slots beyond 36 slots per server.
1 minute Ago
Will players that pre-ordered Going Rogue be able to upgrade their accounts to the Going Rogue Collectors Edition, much like how CoH and CoV allowed CE upgrades? (Asking now since I'll be in the hospital on Friday)
Posi - There will be a Complete Collection item pack released the same day that GR is released to retail. More details as we get closer to that date.
8 seconds ago
Will you be introducing more booster packs after the origin series is completed, and if yes, what are some of the themes we can expect to see?
War Witch: Absolutely. In fact, Positron and I have been working on some cool ideas. Now that we're done with Origins, options are almost limitless for future themes. In fact, if you have ideas for future booster packs, put them in a dedicated thread. We'd like to see them!
38 seconds ago
when is the release date of issue 17 dark mirror
Posi - As we announced, April 28th, 2010
1 minute Ago
Can EATs and VEATs use the Incarnate system?
[Castle] Yes. All characters will be able to use the Incarnate system.

In Going Rogue, is the process to change sides something one can solo?
[Ghost Falcon] Absolutely. Players will be able to switch alignments when solo.
1 minute Ago
Aside from the exceedingly shiny new graphic interface, what other graphics are getting a facelift or a redesign? Are we getting new objects? New landscaping? New architecture? by MistyLackey
[David Nakayama] You can expect a shiny new hospital in Praetoria: Cole Memorial. And actually, we've just posted the concept art for it on the GOING ROGUE site expecially for this occasion. Check it out.
1 minute Ago

What is the next booster pack and when is it going to be released?
War Witch: The next booster pack, as you have already asked about, is the Mutant Pack! We're working to get it to you before we release the Expansion. I can't give specifics, but you'll dig it!

When will we get new dance emotes? by bAssackwards
Posi - There are new ones in GR.
16 seconds ago
Any plans for Spears as a melee set? by RussRoach
Castle - IF we do staffs, spears would be a custom weapon. BIG IF.
2 minutes ago
Will villains on the red side ever get full access to the shadow shard or will it continue to be limited access through certain missions?
[Ghost Falcon] With the Going Rogue expansion, Villains who change their alignment to "Rogue" will be able to get access the Shadow Shard.
2 minutes ago
I know you may get alot of this but I've written down a few ideas for content for later issues would you guys mind taking a look at?
Posi- Paragon, like most studios, does not accept unsolicited work. This is due to the legal nature of the fact that we might be working on the exact same idea.
3 minutes ago
War Witch: Hey, everyone! This is War Witch and I'm surrounded by Positron, David Nakayama, EMPulse, Castle, Avatea, and TheOcho. Welcome to our Q&A!!!

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Always thought hell would have a starbucks rather than a pizza hut to be honest
Dude... we're mean in Hell, but we aren't THAT mean.

Be well, people of CoH.



Can you give us some more detail on how morality arcs will work, and approximately how much time it will take to switch from Hero to Vigilante, and then from Vigilante to Rogue? by mentalgiant

Posi- There is a cooldown timer that will slow the process. We are still working on the exact numbers, but we're eyeballing a week's worth of work to switch one degree.
No, sir, I don't like the sound of that.

Be well, people of CoH.



Is that it? No new answers for 5 minutes now.

Edit Nevermind. I just had to be patient.

And does anyone know if they are answering questions that were asked earlier today or just now? I asked a few questions earlier today but I haven't seen a response. Should I repost?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I wouldn't bother, Flea. They probably have a bunch of questions and are picking the ones they want to answer.

Be well, people of CoH.



If Sister Psyche, Ghost Widow, and Desdemona got into a fight, who would win? by ZombieManHero
War Witch: LAST QUESTION BEFORE I GO - War Witch! Double teaming, dead and undead versions make for awesome combatants.

See you guys!!
just now
One of the original balance design goals was that a character should be roughly equivalent to 3 minions or a lieutenant and one minion. That no longer seems to be the goal. What is the design goal today with regard to balance in both PvE and PvP?
[Castle] / [Ghost Falcon] - The design goal is "Is it fun?"
2 minutes ago
Can we see some screenshots of the new GR zones?
[David Nakayama] Yes. Soon...
2 minutes ago
MMORPG: Do you ever see the game getting an upgrade in design and interface?
[David Nakayama] We're always looking to improve the design. The Consignment House UI will be upgraded, and we will introduce Ultra Mode with Issue 17.
2 minutes ago
MMORPG: Do you ever see the game getting an upgrade in design and interface?
[David Nakayama] We're always looking to improve the design. The Consignment House UI will be upgraded, and we will introduce Ultra Mode with Issue 17.
2 minutes ago
Will we be getting a video of electric control before Going Rogue goes live?
[David Nakayama] Definitely.
TTH: Will the Architect Edition system get any special live with Going Rogue?
[Ghost Falcon] We're continuing to add more options for MA.
29 seconds ago
War Witch, off topic. What training would you suggest for someone wanting to participate in charity runs, such as the ones you do? by ArbiterFabulous
War Witch: Send me a PM and I'll answer you more in depth on this, AF. BTW, if you're serious about this, you are not only fabulous, you are AWESOME. Helping those in need is a noble thing indeed. Good for you!
46 seconds ago
About how many new powersets will be available in Going Rogue? Or will they just be Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning? by DaSzab
[Castle] In addition to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning, there will be Kinetic Melee and Electric Control.
57 seconds ago
The Incarnate system mentioned at the PAX East conference appears to be just raising the level cap to level 60. Is there any info you can give concerning this speculation? by SmashZone
Posi - There is no level cap raise (sorry if that was implied), but your 50 WILL become more powerful through the system.
56 seconds ago
MASSIVELY: My space themed meteor defense hero, and my aquatic underwater gill-enabled fishman want to know... what's coming first, space zones or underwater zones? Must... Know!!!
[Positron] Extra Dimension Zones!
1 minute Ago
MMORPG: What was your most difficult choice when developing Going Rogue?
[Ghost Falcon] It's not something marketing will let us talk about.
Do any of the devs have a favorite superhero from an established comic book publisher (DC,Marvel,etc)?
[David Nakayama] Wolverine at Marvel; Green Lantern at DC.
Since Praetoria was designed with Ultramode in mind how will that affect those of us with low end graphics cards?
[David Nakayama] Ultramode is completely opt-in. So things'll look consistent for low-end machines, and quickly ramp up to 'spectacular' with high end cards.
Are there any new missions beyond lvl 20 to be included in Going Rogue? by jbadd007
[Ghost Falcon] Yes.
MASSIVELY: Will the guys in Port Oakes and the north end of Steel Canyon ever finish building whatever it is they're building? We need a rocket pad somewhere to get to the Moon zone everyone theorises.
[War Withc] No. If you go to Steel Canyon, you'll see the guys are just hanging out there.
Will you ever change or update the Loading Pictures when you enter a zone?? by Magma09
[David Nakayama] Yes, this is in the works!
As time goes by, the Dev interaction on live servers has come nearly to a halt, is there any reason for this?
[Ghost Falcon] ...we've been working on a little side project called "Going Rogue".
Is there any way to make our toons smaller? there is smaller things in game I really want to make a tiny fairy,
[David Nakayama] Wouldn't work too well in the current engine. PM Castle for details if you're interested.
Are there any plans for adding any more Archetypes or Epic Archetypes in the near future?
[Castle] Near future-No. Future...maybe. :P
why is this game so awesome?
Posi - Two words: Brian Clayton
At PAX east you gave us a glimpse of another new enemy group, a large man with tribal tattoos.. any more info you can give us on Awesomeface McThunderarms.. ((you wouldn't name him, so I did XD )) by ArbiterFabulous
War Witch: I'd tell you about that new villain group, but then I'd have to destroy you.
Any chance of there being a hugh female? by Luminous13013
[David Nakayama] Sorry, no.
With the new Ultra Mode will we be seeing any water based powers?
Posi - That would require making Ultra-mode required for everyone (who gets to see your powers), so not in the foreseeable future.
When will issue 19 be out? by SkitchNM
War Witch: Issue 19 is definitely coming out after Issue 18 and before Issue 20. I promise.
What is the chance of having a "wipe clean" respec for a toon to repick powers or Archtype. I have been told the reason is no heroes ever change their powers. I have to disagree on that. Superman Red/Blue or Guy Gardner and their are a lot more. A vetpwr?
Posi - The reason isn't that those characters don't, it's more that a complete overhaul invalidates a ton of work we've put into making the game alt-friendly.
Aside from the 1-20 content, morality arcs, and the first level of the Incarnate system, is there any other unannounced content in Going Rogue? by mentalgiant
War Witch: Yep!
1 minute Ago
Valve recently began accepting submissions for community-created content such as hats and weapons. Do you have any plans to allow something similar (e.g. community-made costume pieces/textures)?
[David Nakayama] As announced on Wednesday, we're having an anniversary contest in which players can submit their own Loyalist propaganda or Resistance graffiti for possible use in the game. I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
2 minutes ago
It seems to me that these days we see less new traditional contact missions. With that in mind, will we see a large number of new mission arcs with the Going Rogue expansion? Can you give numbers? Also, will we see any new mechanics for missions? Thanks!
Posi - There is a TON of new content in Praetoria, and the GR system has a slew of content that relates to making moral choices.
2 minutes ago

Always remember, we were Heroes.