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  1. I think like Riversong told the truth in the last episodes said it best.

    The Doctor lies.

    Look at it this way, your past self goes in time and rewrites Dalek history, helps to be part of the death of Skaro, and creating a war with Daleks and Time Lords, had to make a time loop and barely got out of that alive, and to be the only supposed Time Lord in the galaxy, ya, I'd lie to others too..

    Now, you bring companions with you constantly, maybe he lies to lesser beings, cause you have to remember our brain cannot hold the brainpower of a Time Lord, plus, having a Tardis and regenerates, he's pretty much have to be careful who he brings along, so in order to make sure his sidekicks do not repeat what he did, the Doctor has to lie to them (his companions) in order to make sure they do not rewrite history like the Doctor did.

    "Time Lords only watch not interfere" is a lie in itself as well, as we all know the Doctor never lets "bygones be bygones" he tries to help others or save people, so in case of irony, he does interfere with his environment, thus, changing a possible different future, wither that be good, or bad.

    To me The Doctor is just a Madman with a time machine, thinking his actions cannot change time, only others can, and they (his companion) were either destined to change time, or had the will to do so.

    The show was good, too bad didn't have different Doctors as well, but showed the morale, "One must make sacrifice, in order to save a better common good."
  2. DaemonicVisions

    Wat is new farm


    Pick' a' Pale Yo.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by electric-knight View Post

    it's that some of us are respectable, intelligent beings.
    Kinda hypocritical statement there, no means mind you an attack on you per-say, But I yet to believe anything that goes on in this game forum is mildly, even possibly, remotely, intelligent. From forumer/gamer, to development, even mods.

    Even a possible chance of one even starting, it would be modded and deleted due to the fact it's better business to keep absent minded consumers than smart ones.


    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Okay, if you're going to be in 'my camp', we need to ditch the parts I highlighted in yellow. I have NO PROBLEM with the arc as originally designed. I do NOT think it needs an overhaul. I LIKE it.

    My only issue is with the change to Trapdoor as it sounds to me like the devs saying, "Play it OUR way. This is the RIGHT way to do it."
    This is what I pretty much posted in the patch notes.

    Reichsman was programed to stay put in his area, Trapdoor on the other hand was not and it seems like when players where using a pulling method on Trapdoor, they patched him into not being able to be out of the line of sight of his Biwhositwhatsits when they were intending to multiply more of those guys and was as making them spawn in more random places.

    Instead of closing the room off or making his Biwhatchamacallits follow him or spawn around him, they just made the lazy move to just make him stay put so you couldn't pull him.

    Why wasn't this explained before? you'd think this was discussed about sometime and a Red Name would at least tell us "Hey, Thanks for pointing that out, Trapdoor was intended to be left in the lava room, so next patch he shouldn't be able to be pulled away from his Biwhozitwhatzit."

    I wanted to go into why I feel the lack of professionalism with these arcs, but I will save the devs grace and not type out my opinion about traits in personal health, but rather state what they are doing, and what they have been since I've subbed back since last October, is that I feel they are rushing this too fast where they are half-[Censored]ing work, and placing out poorly designed products and features.

    I blame mostly on you forumers, always bored and wanting the devs to constantly give us instant gradification when it takes time and effort to to make a quality product (look at Blizzard rep, point is proven there) and also would aide in the devs so called health problems due to the mass of stress we place on them.

    To sum it all up, I'd say yes, the devs did a sloppy work in making the incarnate arc and making Trapdoors situation more difficult than what we are facing now, but I would have to blame the forumers and the dev's business partners into rushing this tripe in order to please the masses before NCSoft loses subscriptions and income from the players that expect the next "Eye Candy" till the next "thing" hits.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    If they didn't want us to be able to roast him, they would never of made that custom room for him.

    Again, being able to pull him out of range of his bifrications doesn't make sense in the game by his own lore.
    So..Let me get this straight..

    While designing the room, they just totally didn't figure out people wouldn't pull him away? Really?

    Look at Reichy, He never leaves his area, the devs didn't want him to leave his area, so therfore, they programed him to stay put.

    After weeks of having Trapdoor being able to be pulled by players, the devs turned around and programmed him to not leave his post...Really?

    Either somebody was space cruising while designing this scenario, or the devs just forcing gamers to play by their dictation.

    Tell me there isn't a comic out there where the hero that faces a similar enemy, where their villain can multiply, and the hero not try to pull the original villain away so he/she can beat it down one on one, and save the day?

    The best battle is the simplest one, but in the devs eyes, they want to have the player fight for 20+ minutes on 1 guy that has insane regen and now multiplies minions even more and at random places.

    What it all boils down to, is that the devs were foolish to not program Trapdoor 1st to stay put like Reichsman, and to let the players be allowed to pull Trapdoor into the other room, then later down the road take this creative tool away by force by telling the player "learn2playRway"

    Lore or not, it was a bad call to allow it and take it away when the player chose to think outside the box.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    [*]Trapdoor no longer stops Bifurcating.[*]Trapdoor will mix up the location of his bifurcations a little bit more.[*]Trapdoor can no longer be dragged out of range of his Bifurcations.
    Why not add[*]Trapdoor's area no longer allows pulling to lava, no Shivans, Nukes, Temps, Insps, Kiting or Flying, and can only use Brawl.

    Seriously, quit forcing your players into what you want them to play like, this is a game about custom-ability right? To think outside the box?

    Your actions show you the devs do not want the player to play creatively, but by force by your own hands and dictation.

    Good Luck trying to keep a playerbase if you continue that route.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Thank you for being first to figure out the intent of this thread in only one post; it took others several.
    I'm a Madman, what can I type/say?
  7. They are searching for "Planet X"

    The so called planet of Naberiu, where the Annanaki came from, and on this probe that they are sending out is followed by the message..

    "You Gene-Altering Mutha-@$%#&'ers!!!"

    True Story..
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    According to the test server patch notes, Trapdoor is now going to 'mix up' where his bifurcations spawn. He also cannot be dragged out of sight of them.

    I welcome this change. Tons of other posters have taken to whining and weeping about how hard it is for them to kill him even when they've been given instructions.

    I say, THANK YOU DEVS! I want harder things to do, more complex tasks! Smashing apart +1/x8 is fun for so long; make us think about what we have to do to get stronger.

    That said, let the whining, flaming, and ragequitting begin!

    Now only if the devs can make him stay put so we can't throw him in lava, kite him, fly around him, use Shivans, Nukes, or insps, we'd have the perfect scenario!

    You thank the devs for a "fix" to frustrate you more, but in turn, allow a dim-witted "fix" to a scenario where it's the devs own fault for placing a map and situation that allows you to pull Trapdoor into an area where his minions cannot heal him..


    The better idea would be to have Trapdoors minions follow him so they could continue to regen him, the better Idea would be to place a map area where you couldn't pull his minions to regen him, but yet, you thank the devs for making Trapdoor harder cause you can no longer use a tactics that is being used by anyone that most likely asked for help in the 1st place on taking that mutha down...

    My fellow species continue to boggle me, cause it seems so often, people thank one another for things they put little to no effort into, when the thanks wasn't deserved at all.

    I thank you OP for my amusement, and I thank you into knowing this whole thread was the intended idea to see others place down their frustrations about the situation, and expect "flamewars" to pursue.

  9. A wondrous gift I will not receive cause of my poor hand/eye coordination.

    All I read are the same regrets as mine and same gripe, these contests are just not fair and could be used better to up your playerbase and morale.

    Can see me not partaking in this as well.
  10. Increase the AoE size to 15-20 ft.

    This way they can help more on teams when everything is running every which way but still. I've noticed on SF/TF's that when I use Electric or Kinetic Melee, my AoE just barely misses some enemies, and could have had a better chance on defeating them if I had 5-10 more feet to work with.

    Instant Hide/AoE Placate after AS on Boss/AV.

    This way you've eliminated your target Boss/AV with precision without henchmen being alerted and all coming after you instead of the Tank/Brute if the Tank/Brute hasn't successfully taunted the crowd. This also leaves you a chance to escape or plan your next attack or critical AoE power.
  11. Jar-Jar in *3D*!!

    *head explodes*

    It's like pure redneck bleeding into your mind!

    *head explodes in 3D*
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

    Not gonna last but time to partay.

    Edit: Mac's post confirms my suspicions about him.

    Mac just has a special place to take you for a "good time"...

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    The green biscuit flourishes in the frozen desert!

    (ie : wut?)
    Do not misguide the Citizens!

    Popular belief is to witness actions, only by the hands of manipulation and illusions!

    The Cake is a Lie.

    That is All.
  14. Marcus Cole approved of this.

    Past week or so, Server maintainace was made, but it did not strengthen the servers, but to only weaken it, so that when GR came around, people thought the servers were gluttonous in people, but, infact were not.

    Resistance is Futile, but the Truth Speaks Out.

    (Assumtion: Server were reduced prier to marketing reasons, tried to gain an influx of players, failed to meet quota but remain opimistic that they'd stay till a fix was pre-emptive. thus will be the downfall of CoX, thus = DOOOM)
  15. I like Kinetic Melee, but I can't find a 2nd for this?

    When will this be a Scrapper set?

    I don't want a Brute or Tank when making this melee set...

    So I have Scrapper and Stalker.

    Only trick is, Scrapper secondaries are not what I like, but Stalkers I do..

    Scrappers have more HP, Stalkers don't..

    Now the big WHY is...

    Why when they thought of Kinetic Melee, they didn't give Energy Aura to all melee type classes??!!!??

    Discuss! you have 1 week before GR goes live!
  16. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by DaemonicVisions View Post
    I Haven't seen *anybody* "deep down south" or "far into the east" where their felt immature or under a certain "age limit of understanding"

    I meant different time zone people that might have kids that play on here, I haven't really seen a aussie or Asian kid being in said channels, but I could be wrong
  17. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    And I might add, all the new commers in here that were asleep and I saw no where of them being involved in this, being told of "people being bashed"

    No one was bashing on anyone, that's the whole point.

    Whose spreading more lies than I am? I mean shesh, it's not like the whole channel was picking on one piticular person, it was just randomness about different topics, it was dying down, and all was needed was a good ITF call.

    I'm narissitic and apathatic to the world around me, I am merely human after all, so my views on what is "Family" might differ to some, so my view on the "Drama" that happened, was when action was taken after the discussion were dying down and when silencing wasn't needed.

    Oh btw the Hercules on the world issue...

    Kratos showed Hercules what a pansy he was, or least I helped Kratos show Hercules what a pansy he was...anyhow..

    Some don't want the weight of the world on their shoulders, but they had to anyhow, cause it's a responibilty that's hard to understand why, but must be done, I do not wish for the burden, but since I've been "born again" all I feel is a great heavy burden cause the world around me is in pain and in sorrow.
  18. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
    I'm on a boat!!
    Don't rock the boat!
  19. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Um...not quite. Individualism tends towards anarchy. You could probably closest ascribe individualism to Freedom, which is a different server.

    Maybe the silent majority is silent because it is the sound of one hand clapping.

    In all seriousness, running a channel isn't as easy as throwing a bunch of people in a room. Otherwise everyone would be doing it. Which they aren't, as you yourself have pointed out.

    People *want* a degree of moderation and control, which is partly why JFA and JU are popular. The problem you have is that the moderation in those channels may be too tight for you, which is also understandable. Sorry, but I doubt any mod of those channels is going to change the way they operate because you are emotional about it here. Being rational and calm, and discussing things outside of any raw feeling incidents would be a better way of approaching things if you *truly* wanted to effect change.

    You are seeing few people agree with you here because most people here are moderators of (other) channels, know how much cat herding really goes on, and agree with Chrome, and thus disagree with you.

    Sorry, but this is like trying to beard the lion in his den.

    People also told me not to listen to Pumb, that it's all his fault.

    See wut i did there?

    <.< >.>
  20. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by toona View Post
    I miss Iggy--- that is all
    Me too, kept Justice Alive Iggy did..
  21. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Grown man cries that he cannot release his inner unkempt child.

    Pants were soiled and removed.

    Belt was tightened.

    Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach.

    Daemonic Visions of Randomness, peaceful and civil

    Big Brother Logging on to Justice, forgetting what Justice is about, cause it's late at night.

    People trying to die down the chatter, but was preemptive by swift unfair Justice.

    Daemonic Visions continues on, watching the world burn.

    The End.

  22. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice


    I'd like to point out that I seen JFA2010's Mods tell people to keep things "civil" as well, there are Mods that in both channels, I think maybe it's time to have one or the other cause some think that the 2 are the same...I won't give names, I won't tell you in a PM, I just viewed it...

    If JFA2010 is different then, I am sorry, I'll keep my randomness there.
  23. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post

    All player-created content, even private channels, are subject to the EULA and player Code of Conduct. If you want a channel where you can harrass and verbally assault people, the by all means create it. Just don't be surprised if it's not too popular, or if there are reprecussions.
    No one was harassed..

    There are only 2 people that were picked that shouldn't have been abused by the "Powers That Be"

    JFA2010 and JU are *BOTH* "Family" channels, try to tell me otherwise is plain foolish...

    I Haven't seen *anybody* "deep down south" or "far into the east" where their felt immature or under a certain "age limit of understanding"

    People tell me to "make my own channel" but how long did it take for Chome to gain the masses like JFA did?

    People fail to understand that channels, and this game are two thing wrapped in one, but people always tell me "I want to play the game, not mod the channel" that is the problem, even ask Tic-Toc, he's no longer around and was tired himself about "policing" the people his channels created...

    Nighttime after 9pm MT to me is rather dead, few ITF's but not not as much as during the day when I am mostly working, so if people want to <shoot the <@#$%&> until then should be ok as long as no one is reporting offenses to the mods, that so hard?

    Religion and Politics were not part of any of the discussions, so it was the "Powers That Be" that felt this should be a "game" and not a "chat service to be argumentative" when we weren't.

    They even woke poor Chrome and forced the poor person to voice out for those to cowardly to speak for themselves...(you male or female?, I didn't know, will correct myself in the future)

    It's very hard for somebody view the 2 main Justice Channels and find anything so late in the night, so if people are harmlessly just chatting shouldn't be "segregated" to make an example of, those 2 people are silenced and will PM you personally to unsilence them as my point, that's if you choose to, but then again you'll discipline them accordingly won't you?

    That main fact is that Justice is all about Drama and Randomness, don't kill Justice, don't make victims suffer cause you want to "Keep Order" learn and understand that certain time..NOTHING IS GOING ON! if it doesn't look like we suffer from tourettes syndrome, if there was no religion or politics involved, or anything of that matter, it should be OK, for awhile, till somebody that SERIOUSLY needs help or is forming something, that's when things should be modded, to keep the channel what it's focused on, and when it's not, "whatever goes, but keep it from angering everyone and not to offend"

    When people are PM'ing me as why they were silenced, I feel personally obligated to voice out their concerns, I not a Mod, do not have your public PM me about things to why they felt victim to unfair ruling, I multitask and chat and play at the same time, I do not want to be Sigmund Freud and try to rationize your Mods actions, so take them aside and govern them properly on trying to "Think Before You Act"

    I am Adult, 30+ years at that, I goof up in slips cause I'm free natured and passionate about the life I have even though I gave them up many years ago, but I understand the Prime time might not be best suited for "Adult Conversations" but when all is calm and people want to just keep alive until something comes up, they should, that really hard? that's what I'm really getting at, people pop in and have no clue whats going on and have powers and short judgments, they do irrational things, like what happened last night, and it's not something I wish these channels to turn into, a place where we are forced to be silent of our individualism, INDIVIDUALISM is JUSTICE!

    Why is only Candlestick the one on my side on this?
  24. DaemonicVisions

    For Justice

    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post
    Oh you mean the one I also Mod?

    Nerd Rage is awesome..

    What does KMFDM mean? Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid (which loosely translated means: no pity for the majority)
    You might know my apathy, but I assure you, I know the majority......