Discussion: CoH Developer Q&A Friday, April 23rd!




Did you ever wish we would lock the Dev Team up in a room so that you could ask them your questions? Well your wish is about to come true! Join us on Friday, April 23rd from 4pm -5pm (PST) for a Live Dev Q&A session on formspring.me with Melissa “War Witch” Bianco, Matt “Positron” Miller, Jesse “Ghost Falcon” Caceres and our artist extraordinaire, David Nakayama! There is no registration required or service to sign up for. Just think of a question and ask us!

You can start submitting questions the morning of at formspring, and then tune into the event-specific formspring page to see the answers posted live – or follow the highlights of the Q&A on the official City of Heroes Facebook Page!

So start thinking of those questions and be watching the morning of the 23rd when we’ll tell you where to go to submit them. We look forward to seeing what you’ll ask us!



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Will there be tea and crumpets served?

Dude. I'm from Chicago. BEER AND BRATS!

Oh, and some Coca Cola. I'm a teetotaller in a family of alcoholics...ain't genetics funny?

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Excellent! I'll definitely be there with bells on!

Sultry Siren - The Cape Radio
Infinity - Sultry Siren, Mrs. Wentworth & more (5th Element, The Wentworth Country Club)Virtue - Lydia Chapman, Mrs. Wentworth, Anguisette., DJ Sultry Siren



Ok, I am going to try to be there, but in case I can't make it, someone please ask about the Cathedral of Pain. Please! Please! Please! Please!



I'm hoping that one of the more important questions is posed in this Q&A:

"Will you ever fix the lag in the ITF?"



My question is Who is the Coming Storm that Ouroboros mention about. And why there were letters in their missions? Also who is the mystery writer that keeps on sending messages to the player? Is he someone we already knew in the past or something new that was never mention before?

Who said that i was that scary! ಠ_ಠ



Originally Posted by Erudin View Post
My question is Who is the Coming Storm that Ouroboros mention about. And why there were letters in their missions? Also who is the mystery writer that keeps on sending messages to the player? Is he someone we already knew in the past or something new that was never mention before?
I'm not sure that's something they're going to tell us right now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Ok, I am going to try to be there, but in case I can't make it, someone please ask about the Cathedral of Pain. Please! Please! Please! Please!
You can start submitting questions the morning of at formspring, and then tune into the event-specific formspring page to see the answers posted live – or follow the highlights of the Q&A on the official City of Heroes Facebook Page!
Set it up ahead of time.

Still... Facebook? Really? Is it too much to ask the questions and answers get posted here as well - or better yet, first?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
or follow the highlights of the Q&A on the official City of Heroes Facebook Page!
Still... Facebook? Really? Is it too much to ask the questions and answers get posted here as well - or better yet, first?
This. I do not HAVE a Facebook account - anymore. I deliberately deleted it. And I do not WANT a Facebook account - if I did, I wouldn't have deleted the darn thing.

You have forums. Use them.

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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
This. I do not HAVE a Facebook account - anymore. I deliberately deleted it. And I do not WANT a Facebook account - if I did, I wouldn't have deleted the darn thing.

You have forums. Use them.
This!! I really hate facebook! would be nice our forums would be the first to recieve the answers.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



The devs can't even answer good questions at their own con. Why should we think this event will be any different?

Q: I was wondering. When will you be able to fix what you broke with PvP?
Non-Answer: It's on the slate for changes. We have no time frame.

Q: What are the rewards for the Incarnate system going to be like?
Non-Answer: You will like them.

Q: Why aren't you answering my questions?
A: You haven't asked me about anything that we've already discussed. We're not really doing this to give information. We're trying to convince people that we actually care about what the players want instead of what corporate allows us to do.

P.S. I still <3 you Ocho.

P.P.S AceMace, Safari for Windows hates your signature. Don't crash me bro!



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Did you ever wish we would lock the Dev Team up in a room so that you could ask them your questions? Well your wish is about to come true! Join us on Friday, April 23rd from 4pm -5pm (PST) for a Live Dev Q&A session on formspring.me with Melissa “War Witch” Bianco, Matt “Positron” Miller, Jesse “Ghost Falcon” Caceres and our artist extraordinaire, David Nakayama! There is no registration required or service to sign up for. Just think of a question and ask us!

You can start submitting questions the morning of at formspring, and then tune into the event-specific formspring page to see the answers posted live – or follow the highlights of the Q&A on the official City of Heroes Facebook Page!

So start thinking of those questions and be watching the morning of the 23rd when we’ll tell you where to go to submit them. We look forward to seeing what you’ll ask us!
Facebook is obnoxious. can you please just post here on the forums? Heck, do an ingame questionaire on test since many of us are in open beta.

Some of us enjoy our privacy and see social networking sites as an invasion of that privacy.



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
The devs can't even answer good questions at their own con. Why should we think this event will be any different?

Q: I was wondering. When will you be able to fix what you broke with PvP?
Non-Answer: It's on the slate for changes. We have no time frame.

Q: What are the rewards for the Incarnate system going to be like?
Non-Answer: You will like them.

Q: Why aren't you answering my questions?
A: You haven't asked me about anything that we've already discussed. We're not really doing this to give information. We're trying to convince people that we actually care about what the players want instead of what corporate allows us to do.
Know what? I was thinking the exact same thing. There is some major "billing" here ("Did you ever wish we would lock the Dev Team up in a room so that you could ask them your questions? Well your wish is about to come true!") that doesn't jibe with the glib responses we've received elsewhere in the past. Guess it's not technically false advertising in that you can indeed "ask"... just don't expect too much back. I'll check this out just to see if some new tidbit of info somehow does leak out.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Why even promote this???

The devs don't answer questions and give fluff statements and turn to marketing for their closed lips.

If for once they can answer a legitimate PVP question or address bug fixes...perhaps it will not be a waste of time.

We already all know there's gonna be precanned answers for:

Incarnate system.
Side switching specifics.
New Powers on slate.
The next batch of proliferation.
PVP zones
PVP mini-games
PVP bug fixes
PVP drops

And who's idea is to hold it on a facebook page? Black Pebble? Why on facebook? Do you think everyone wants to be on facebook?

Like someone else said you have forums. USE THEM.



Originally Posted by OneAboveAll View Post
Why even promote this???

The devs don't answer questions and give fluff statements and turn to marketing for their closed lips.

If for once they can answer a legitimate PVP question or address bug fixes...perhaps it will not be a waste of time.

We already all know there's gonna be precanned answers for:

Incarnate system.
Side switching specifics.
New Powers on slate.
The next batch of proliferation.
PVP zones
PVP mini-games
PVP bug fixes
PVP drops

And who's idea is to hold it on a facebook page? Black Pebble? Why on facebook? Do you think everyone wants to be on facebook?

Like someone else said you have forums. USE THEM.
I would like for them to use the forums.

I would like to know something about bases.

I would like the answers to be clear. <its not like some other game is going to steal the idea for sg bases>

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Hopefully Formspring gets their act together before this Friday.

Currently, they're having "technical difficulties" that are preventing questions and the answers to them from showing up in timely fashion. Right now, it's taking anywhere between 24 and 48 hours for a question asked by friends to migrate into my inbox so that I can answer it.

Answers to my questions, once they finally show up in the inbox, are taking a similar time to migrate out to the "profile" page so others can read them.

The devs there just acknowledged today that they have a problem, after a couple days of complaints on the forums, but haven't provided any information as to when/if the problem might be corrected.

If things are still running in this fashion on Friday, and CoH isn't opening the account for questions until that morning, then, come the "session time" there won't be anything in the box for them to answer. And likely won't be anything until Saturday or Sunday. Answers provided wouldn't be viewable until sometime early in the next week.

Devs here might want to "ping" the Formspring crew and see if their service will be ready to handle this, come Friday.

We are not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams.



Originally Posted by OneAboveAll View Post

And who's idea is to hold it on a facebook page? Black Pebble? Why on facebook? Do you think everyone wants to be on facebook?

Like someone else said you have forums. USE THEM.
If they have it one facebook, then all your facebook friends can see your activity and possibly stumble into learning about city of heroes. +1UP



Oh, can I be snarky too?

Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
The devs can't even answer good questions at their own con. Why should we think this event will be any different?

Non Question: I was wondering. When will you be able to fix what you broke with PvP?
Actual Answer you don't like: It's on the slate for changes. We have no time frame.

Q: What are the rewards for the Incarnate system going to be like?
Non-Answer: You will like them.

Q: Why aren't you giving us new information at all?
A: We're giving loads of information on Going Rogue. We're simply not giving all of the information away.

Q: You suck.
A: That's not a question.. no wait, sorry. That's actually better than your first two questions.

Since the first one 'was answered.' Or does 'non answer' mean 'any answer I don't like in your book? Not to mention, the question is kinda trollish and unimportant.

The second was a non answer. Then again, unless they're hard to obtain rewards that allow you to exploit them, I doubt hard core old school pvp'ers will care for them. :P

Just kidding.. I hope.

Seriously, you're confusing "they don't give us any new information" with "they won't answer every single question to my satisfaction. Which actually I've seen a lot on these forums.

It's a shame this thing is so covered in marketing hype. I'm not expecting anything really significant, either to be honest. But your post was just.. disingenuous.

That said, I do agree if the answers are posted on facebook but not here, and by a dev, it's a critical fail. :P Why?

Facebook isn't even a gaming site to begin with. Unless they're providing an incentive, it's annoying to think they should get any information, ever, before we do.


Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



I don't get why they don't just SUB questions via the boards. Ah well.

I really don't see much point to these. DEVS tell us they can't tell us much cuz the morons in marketing put a disclosure ban on them. Then we are told things are coming SOON (TM) which seems to be about a year. Then we are told these things coming up are going to be big and they most certainly are not (Mission Architect).

I really don't think the DEVS add what the players want. Why don't the DEVS do their normal thing for each issue then leave one aspect of the next issue to a vote. Have a vote card appear once for each player logging on into the game and have them pick out of 3 options. Anyway, I digress, I hope this Q&A results in some actual A. It gets tiring hearing the same old replies.



*perks ears up*

*twitches tail*

*takes notice that thing is about to happen*

*Hides In the Burrow*

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



wow - a lot less enthusiasm and more cynicism than I expected ... though I echo 'why facebook?'

It will be copypasta'd here so not that big a deal if it does generate more interest from non City folk.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



My question: "What do you developers want us to know and what can you tell us about without being painfully Cryptic?"



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
My question: "What do you developers want us to know and what can you tell us about without being painfully Cryptic?"
Well Phrased!!! hopefully this question gets answered!!