What makes you want to auto-complete a mission?

Ad Astra



Missions to defeat an AV, when I'm on Triumph. I'm not very good at soloing most of them even when they're EBs. Virtue I'm okay with those because it's much easier to find help.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
If you don't touch the patrol, you're absolutely fine. The patrol will attack if they see you, but the point is that you're meant to stealth through the mission. And since I don't ever recall encountering Drones in the mission, that's not a problem either.
Oh, I've encountered plenty of drones. I've done that mission quite a few times. Still, it's easy enough to zip past the drones.

I love that mission, because it actually encourages you to do something besides fight. And even then, after you've completed the mission, you can go back and defeat everything before leaving if you want.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Any timed mission. I hate timed missions.
Oh, you can skip them now?
Nice, didn't notice that this was changed.



You've never been to the Rikti War Zone ? Kill 50 Malta , Kill 50 Rikiti . I don't take them when I have the luxury of another choice.



i usually drop mishs because i dont feel like doing it at the time

the most common mish i drop is the first instanced mish in the tutorial zone, i hate sitting through 2 loading screens (loading into the mish and loading back to breakout/outbreak) for a 2 min long mish that you get 0 xp in until you finish the mish, i just as rather save the time, skip it, and just load into the actual game



I drop:

- Missions that are in the middle of that damned Perez Park maze, especially if there are large spawns of +3s in the way (and bonus points if they're mez-heavy like Lost). I hate mazes anyway in any game.

- Most large hunts. There's no story-related reason to defeat 50 of anything ever. Doesn't have to be 50 though, if I think any hunt is stupid I'll drop it. "Confirm" the presence of something...hey contact, I'm ******* looking at one after hitting Tab, it's ******* confirmed. I confirm that you're wasting my damn time with worthless filler. Want to see why they call me an anti-hero?

- Missions that I've already half-done the last game. Occasionally I'll get something lengthy, like an Oranbega scavenger hunt or one of those multi-floor-multi-elevator MC Escher Industries Inc lab maps, get started, then whoops it's 1am, didn't I just sit down here? Fairly rare obviously, but when it happens and I didn't find the mission interesting the first time I don't feel the need to do it again just because.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I often auto-complete missions that I've accidentally significantly outleveled. Sometimes I just breeze through them since I can squish anythign in the mish, but other times I just don't feel like it. I also skip missions which I know from experience just suck.

Not quite true, actually. The mission has patrols in it which you're not supposed to attack. IIRC, there's one patrol, and killing it calls an ambush (and killing the ambush calls a second ambush); if you kill both of the ambushes, you fail. There's also a boss you're not supposed to kill, but that's easy since he's just in the middle of the final room.

If you don't touch the patrol, you're absolutely fine. The patrol will attack if they see you, but the point is that you're meant to stealth through the mission. And since I don't ever recall encountering Drones in the mission, that's not a problem either.
Yeah. There are a couple missions like this.
I stealth in, complete, then bust heads on the way out.
Very hard to fail a successfully completed mission.

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I auto-complete Coyote's mission in Outbreak every single time.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I auto-complete Coyote's mission in Outbreak every single time.
Whereas I always do this, since I want to see if I can get Flower Knight killed again...

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Any mission with an EB in it as my main hero is a Mind/Emp troller and my main vilalin is a Rad/Therm corr.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Roughly in order of priority/frequency:

Missions (or indeed arcs - oh I wish we could drop an entire arc in one go) that I've outleveled.

Certain courier missions (usually if it's a fairly long run there and back and I don't expect to need to drop anything else in the near future).

Certain hunt missions (I avoid taking these wherever possible; if it's part of an arc it depends how many I've to kill and how abundant that mob type is).

The rare missions that I'm really struggling with solo and don't expect to find help with.



I use the skip function quite regularly to spend a larger share of my time on stuff I find fun. I usually skip the following:

1. "Fed Ex" missions, especially for PvP contacts (I also dislike the badgering, just as another poster indicated)
2. Missions with lots of glowies or a lot of rescues to carry out
3. Find a single mob in huge outdoor maps
4. Missions that force you to team to successfully complete the objectives
5. Large scale hunt missions, especially when they take place in another zone
6. Arcs that I've out-leveled to the point where doing them no longer poses any challenge

I like the Fir Bolg portal mission and I never skip it. I've never failed it, solo or teamed, because I've worked out how to do it in a reasonably quick manner (go hunt spawns in between when fir bolg are headed for the portal; it shortens the duration of the mission).



Missions that I skip include, but are not limited to:

*PvP zone introductions
*Security Chief missions, especially in Hazard Zones
*Forcer-travel contact introductions
*Simu-click missions
*The "Stop 30 Fir Bolg" mission
*The "Stop Agent Crimson" mission

Basically, anything that either wastes my time, puts me in situations that the developers have outright TOLD me I shouldn't be facing or gives me a mission I cannot complete gets dropped, and I never look back. If Customer Support get a ticket to look at the mission, all the better. If enough people skip a mission enough times, someone might just do something.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



There's a Rikti misison out of RWZ (from Levantra, I think) where you have to rescue four people and disarm four Rikti bombs in one of those power station outdoor maps. I always drop it because looking for the last captive citizen on a huge outdoor map full of catwalks and towers is pure tedium.

I remember a large thread before talking about how much the other Rikti RWZ misison where you have to save the generators and rescue the newswoman sucks. There was a dev response in there but did they ever change the mission? I always drop that one as well.

The final Cimerora mission where you have to clear a bajillion Malta from the Rommy map is a perfect storm of things I hate: Malta, large outdoor maps and "kill all" objectives. Drop!



Any missions that I've actually tried to do but for one reason or another cannot find the final objective. I don't have time to be searching for that one last Clockwork patrol.

Any mission that has a boss that my character just cannot beat, which is rare, but I never said I was Superleetgamer who always be winning.

Any mission that is terribly outdated, as in outleveled, and for whatever reason is still on my mish list.

And sometimes, I just don't dammit to hell feel like doing a mission and want to get to the next one dammit.



Number of reasons



- If there's a boss I can't defeat. After 3 or 4 trips to the hospital, it's time to move on.

- Clicking multiple glowies at once, since I solo a lot of the time.

- Finding glowies or hostages in large Oranbega or outdoor maps.

- The "Stop 30 Fir Bolg from entering the gate" mish, and that other Croatoa one where you protect the stonehenge from the Red Caps. Standing around waiting for things to spawn is not my idea of a good time.

- Escorting suicidal idiots like Lady Jane or General Aarons.

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I remember a large thread before talking about how much the other Rikti RWZ misison where you have to save the generators and rescue the newswoman sucks. There was a dev response in there but did they ever change the mission? I always drop that one as well.
Oh, of course, that one! The mission that's faster to fail than it is to drop

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



- Talk to David Wincott
- Talk to Difficulty Dude/Girl
- Hunt X CoT's/Hellions/Skulls in Perez Park
- Talk to PVP dude/girl

Sadly these missions appear quite close after each other

Escorting suicidal idiots like Lady Jane or General Aarons.
Isn't it impossible to drop the Lady Jane one? I always do that one alone...with a team it's almost certain it will fail.

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-Finding more than three glowies or hostages in Oranbega
-Defeating more than 10 entities outside
-Speaking to the PvP zone contacts
-First patron arcs, autocomplete them to the last mission

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
There's a Rikti misison out of RWZ (from Levantra, I think) where you have to rescue four people and disarm four Rikti bombs in one of those power station outdoor maps. I always drop it because looking for the last captive citizen on a huge outdoor map full of catwalks and towers is pure tedium.
It is easy enough to make a macro or keybind to locate those hostages with target_custom_next, onec you know a part of their names. And that, you can find in the mission info on Paragon Wiki.

Isn't it impossible to drop the Lady Jane one? I always do that one alone...with a team it's almost certain it will fail.
Most teams I have been on in the Lady Jane mission have been quite successful at it. In fact, the last time I did it on a big team was with my Warshade. I first stealthed to the room the glowie was in, then found a safe spot and teleported the rest of the team one at a time.

We cleared a path back to Jane, then rescued her.

She only aggroed one side group, which we eradicated quickly, then we managed to lead her to the glowie. I think we even managed to miss the ambushes that time too.

Thankfully, the team was high enough level that there were no ghosts in the mission. That would have been a problem, since when they Ooooooooo away on you, she chases after them (often through several other groups of Thornies).



I almost never drop missions unless they are bugged. I like challenges, so I enjoy the occasional hard mission. If I am short on time, I will drop the Wincott mission or similar missions with a lot of travel time and no payoff. Other than that, I can go weeks without dropping a mission.



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
The Jewel of Hera - A lowbie (under level 6) mission guaranteed to be in the layer-cake cave.
Actually I just played that one tonight and it *wasn't* in the layer cake. It was in a really long tunnel map that was pretty interesting - it reminded me of some of the CoT tunnel maps redside where they twist and turn underneath themselves. I find that map interesting.
Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
- Hunting missions in hazard zones given by security guards. Each of these missions block access to door missions until I take it. So I take it, talk to the guard, and drop it.
Yeah, I drop those too. And any 'hunt 40 whatever' - 10 or 20 is usually OK, but 40 just takes forever...



One of the things that often gets me to drop a mission is unnecessary gratuitous amounts of traveling. Since I play on an aged laptop, my loading times are annoyingly long. I'm not going to zone 4 times to go talk to some PvP zone representative or a contact whose missions I'm never going to take. I'd actually rather do a 'hunt 50 whatever' in the zone I'm currently in than zone 4 or 5 times even for something as simple as a fedex.

Another one is missions that just take an annoyingly long period of time. Some of the croatoa ones are good examples - finding hostages whose names I can never remember on absolutely gigantic outdoor maps, the 'stop 30 fir bolg' mission (which is both long *and* annoying), etc. Also the 'find bombs and hostages on a giant rogue isles factory map' RWZ mission is a good candidate.

I don't usually drop missions for simple difficulty - I've yet to meet an EB I couldn't kill in some way or another (about the only time I might do that is if I had a hunt where I couldn't find anything that wasn't +6 to me). It's annoying missions more than difficult ones that get the drop. I get little enough playtime as it is to spend it doing something annoying instead of something fun.

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Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
Let's face it, some missions are more fun than others. But fun is relative.

For me, I auto-complete:

- any mission in a CoT cave. Almost every mission in this game has an element of hide-and-seek to it; find the glowies, find the boss, find the hostage(s), etc. These caves just have way too many hiding places for me to find them fun.

- bizarre objectives. There is a RWZ mission where there are mobs that attack you but you are not allowed to defeat them. Personally, I hate this concept. I never do that mission.

- zone restricted kill x missions. If I'm told to take out 50 of something in a specific zone, it's very unlikely I'm gonna actually do it. If no zone is mentioned, then at least I can do a paper/radio mission and kill two birds at once.

- some timed missions. Fortunately, with these, you can just ignore them and they time out to completion. I do most of them, but sometimes they just get sprung on you without warning, like when you cash in a quest and suddenly a timer is running on a new one. I'm looking at you Cimerora.

There used to be others (like most AV missions), but since we can now set our own difficulties, I don't feel the need to auto-complete very often.
Pretty much the same list...

I absoluetly will not take a 7 level character into Perex Park to try and dfeat 10 COT.. that's not a mission it's suicide. At higher levels if you think I'm running around trying to find 50 of anything to defeat you are nuts! One exception these days when I do my 20 level costume mission instead of running around Steel getting low XPO I will head to Talos and earn good XP taking out Tsoo.. between that and the Cape mission I usually find myself half way of better to level 21. At 40, unless I don't have the option for 2-3 days, I auto complete before running to Crey's Folly after Nemesis. 30 Crey in Brickstown isn't too bad depending on the character but if I am playing a fairly squishy Defender I am NOT going into serious debt to earn a costume when i can click Auto complete in the Tailor and start designing my new outfit!

I know exactly how you feel about that "FOREMAN" mission in the RWZ. Without a stalker or a good ILL/ on the team that thing is next to impossible... And don't foregt Rikti Drones can see through even Supoerior Invisibility and Hide so even that can be iffy. Add any mission that requires X number of team mates because you HAVE to click X number of glowies at the same time to complete. These can be annoying on a team but totally impossible if I happen to be soloing. Of course most of them are timed missions so you ca't even auto complete you have to let the time run out before getting the next mission from the contact.

Add some of the FED EX missions to the list at least the ones that don't automatically give you a defeat X number of villains in ___ zone.. Like Talk to the Perez Park Security Cheif mission in Atlas Park (that one then sends you into Peres to defeat 10 COT..at levels as low as 7). If I have an auto complete available i will TRY to skip missions like "Talk to the Field Rep in King's Row" After 51 months playing the game I think I know where the reps are and what they allow me to do so I don't Need to run back there just to have it explained to me again!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon