What makes you want to auto-complete a mission?

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Let's face it, some missions are more fun than others. But fun is relative.

For me, I auto-complete:

- any mission in a CoT cave. Almost every mission in this game has an element of hide-and-seek to it; find the glowies, find the boss, find the hostage(s), etc. These caves just have way too many hiding places for me to find them fun.

- bizarre objectives. There is a RWZ mission where there are mobs that attack you but you are not allowed to defeat them. Personally, I hate this concept. I never do that mission.

- zone restricted kill x missions. If I'm told to take out 50 of something in a specific zone, it's very unlikely I'm gonna actually do it. If no zone is mentioned, then at least I can do a paper/radio mission and kill two birds at once.

- some timed missions. Fortunately, with these, you can just ignore them and they time out to completion. I do most of them, but sometimes they just get sprung on you without warning, like when you cash in a quest and suddenly a timer is running on a new one. I'm looking at you Cimerora.

There used to be others (like most AV missions), but since we can now set our own difficulties, I don't feel the need to auto-complete very often.



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
Let's face it, some missions are more fun than others. But fun is relative.

For me, I auto-complete:

- any mission in a CoT cave. Almost every mission in this game has an element of hide-and-seek to it; find the glowies, find the boss, find the hostage(s), etc. These caves just have way too many hiding places for me to find them fun.

- bizarre objectives. There is a RWZ mission where there are mobs that attack you but you are not allowed to defeat them. Personally, I hate this concept. I never do that mission.

- zone restricted kill x missions. If I'm told to take out 50 of something in a specific zone, it's very unlikely I'm gonna actually do it. If no zone is mentioned, then at least I can do a paper/radio mission and kill two birds at once.

- some timed missions. Fortunately, with these, you can just ignore them and they time out to completion. I do most of them, but sometimes they just get sprung on you without warning, like when you cash in a quest and suddenly a timer is running on a new one. I'm looking at you Cimerora.

There used to be others (like most AV missions), but since we can now set our own difficulties, I don't feel the need to auto-complete very often.
The Jewel of Hera - A lowbie (under level 6) mission guaranteed to be in the layer-cake cave.

Eliminate the Infected - The lowbie villain mission that takes you all the way across Mercy Island at level 3 or 4.

In a similar vein, I almost always try to gain a level or three before I actually go take down the Sea Witch (since it can't be auto-completed) since that one is tough for a lot of the villain ATs in the low 20s when it comes up. That's why I will always oppose any suggestion to auto-exemp to mission level when it comes up.

Those are the ones I always skip, and as an altoholic, I see them rather frequently.

Layer cake caves aren't so bad once I can hover up and down between layers.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



There are only two missions that I usually skip and auto-complete. The mission that gives you the contact in The Hollows (usually the first mission you get in Kings Row) and the last mission of the second arc in Croatoa (where you have to prevent that a certain number of Firbolg enter a stone gate or so).



- Hunting missions in hazard zones given by security guards. Each of these missions block access to door missions until I take it. So I take it, talk to the guard, and drop it. Among other things, this notably includes the dreaded mission to hunt the Rikti in the Abandoned Sewer Network.

- Elite boss fights for certain characters against certain EBs. Sometimes things just don't match up well. I might be using smashing damage against an EB who who has very high smashing resistance, for example. Some of my characters can handle most if not all EBs I run into, while some of my characters just aren't cut out to fight EBs at all.

- Multiple simultaneous glowie click missions. There are just two or three of those that aren't timed that I have to worry about, all on the hero side, but they do sometimes get in the way. (I let the timed ones fail.)



I'm more apt to up-level myself to defeat any tough foes than use the skip feature. I'll usually use it if i don't have a travel power and i have to cross mroe than 2 zones. That's a pain.

However, it shold be noted that, if i recall correctly, every time you "skip" a misison, it sends a bug report to the GM team. The skip function wasn't meant to let us just avoid minor annoyances, but to not deal with seriously BUGGED missions (like a minion or glowie stuck in a wall). Simu-glowies, the 30 fir blog, stealth missions, defeat X, and yes, far-off missions... these are not buggy missions, and we're just wasting QA's time doing these things. if you know these things are coming up then you shouldn't do the arc, period.

ps: the "don't attack" ritki misison is one of my faves... then again, I'm an avid Thief fan, so i love sneaking around.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
- Hunting missions in hazard zones given by security guards. Each of these missions block access to door missions until I take it. So I take it, talk to the guard, and drop it. Among other things, this notably includes the dreaded mission to hunt the Rikti in the Abandoned Sewer Network.
This is about the only thing I use the auto-complete for.

And if it makes you feel better Emp, as far as I'm concerned not giving us any more missions till it's done is bugged. Even if it's intended

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



"Unfindable" mission doors in Primeva.



Cot caves , Fed Ex missions to other zones.Kill 50 of something .



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
Cot caves , Fed Ex missions to other zones.Kill 50 of something .
You must be a lolhero player with those kill 50s. I feel no pity :<



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
The skip function wasn't meant to let us just avoid minor annoyances, but to not deal with seriously BUGGED missions (like a minion or glowie stuck in a wall). Simu-glowies, the 30 fir blog, stealth missions, defeat X, and yes, far-off missions... these are not buggy missions, and we're just wasting QA's time doing these things. if you know these things are coming up then you shouldn't do the arc, period.

ps: the "don't attack" ritki misison is one of my faves... then again, I'm an avid Thief fan, so i love sneaking around.
I kind of doubt that's still what happens, considering they allow us to skip missions more frequently now and I don't recall being told that it's used for that purpose anymore.

That said, I consider annoying missions "bugged", in a sense, and they should definitely be looked at by someone, so I doubt I'm going to stop doing it.

I usually avoid missions I find annoying to do at the time. For instance, just a few days ago I was doing some Portal Corps missions where the guy wanted me to go to some ruined map sector of boomtown and find 20+ glowies. No sir, I do not accept your Easter Egg Hunt, and you may kindly shove it somewhere I can no longer find it.

I almost always skip the 'Introduction to the Hollows' mission. Hell, I usually just street hunt or do paper missions until about level 10 anyway as I find the beginning missions on heroes and villains very droll and uninspired regardless.

I'll also usually skip the "Go talk to this guy way the hell in another zone" missions. I was especially annoyed during the Indigo/Crimson arc how often Crimson sends you to Indigo, who is the person who introduced you to Crimson. Logically you'd think,"Hey, I have Indigo's number, I'll just call her an-" NOPE. You apparently got Alzheimer and forgot all about Indigo, and so did she, as she addresses you like she'd never seen you before.



Kill all mission with a stalker

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
That said, I consider annoying missions "bugged", in a sense, and they should definitely be looked at by someone, so I doubt I'm going to stop doing it.
This! And some of the other things that were said. But mainly this.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I was especially annoyed during the Indigo/Crimson arc how often Crimson sends you to Indigo, who is the person who introduced you to Crimson. Logically you'd think,"Hey, I have Indigo's number, I'll just call her an-" NOPE. You apparently got Alzheimer and forgot all about Indigo, and so did she, as she addresses you like she'd never seen you before.

Seems like this could be fixed.



Any mission that sends me to Mercy Island from any zone except Mercy Island

90% of the VEAT arc (especially the one that sends me from Cap to Mercy right after it sent me to Port from Cap, which is the FIRST mission you get in Cap after leaving Port...ugh)

Basically anything that requires me to switch zones for no good reason.



Eliminate the Infected - The lowbie villain mission that takes you all the way across Mercy Island at level 3 or 4.
Not Doctor Creed's arc! I do this every single time on a new villain, just for the joy of making Infected explode. Sure I lose XP, but it's totally worth it. Whenever I finish the mission I spend the next 8 or so minutes circling the building, using the temp power as much as I can before it wears out.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I usually tend to drop missions out of laziness more than anything else. Hunt missions tend to get dropped. Sometimes I'll skip the last mission of an arc if I just want to get it done and there's nothing especially interesting in the last mission (although I've had this backfire a few times when ParagonWiki turns out to have missions listed in the wrong order). And like others have said, obnoxious maps will also do it, like sprawling tiny caves.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
Let's face it, some missions are more fun than others. But fun is relative.

For me, I auto-complete:
anything that annoys me.

I have so little play time these days that I pretty much always have an auto-complete in my pocket. When I run up against a mission that experience tells me will bring more annoyance than entertainment (kill-alls on big outdoor maps, 'click the glowies' on giant Oranbega maps, any 'escort rescue' mission on my stalker) BAM, I junk that sucker and move on to the next one.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




But slightly more seriously, I usually only use the skip feature if I'm short of time for some reason - otherwise, I'll just play through as normal.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I use the auto-complete feature for arcs that are lower level than my character. I team a lot so I wind up out-leveling contacts.

It's better now with the new difficulty settings, but they don't help when you're 10-20 levels higher than the contacts.



I generally skip:

  • Kill X enemies in location missions, though typically only if it's more than 20 or so.
  • Hunt 10 CoT in Perez. Especially when I'm a level 7 and solo. I can do it, just like I can spend the day using my feet in place of my hands. That doesn't mean I have any desire to.
  • Talk to PvP zone representative. Thanks, but I know about the zones. Stop ****ing badgering me.
  • Missions I have outleveled beyond the point where I can increase my rep and still be fighting white-cons at least.
  • The "Rescue Captives from the Nemesis Army" mission given by Serpent Drummer
  • The "Kidnap Aeon's Workers during the Clockwork attack" mission given by Marshal Brass.
There's also a few others which I can't think of, at the moment, but those are probably my worst offenders.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



I often auto-complete missions that I've accidentally significantly outleveled. Sometimes I just breeze through them since I can squish anythign in the mish, but other times I just don't feel like it. I also skip missions which I know from experience just suck.

Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
There is a RWZ mission where there are mobs that attack you but you are not allowed to defeat them. Personally, I hate this concept. I never do that mission.
Not quite true, actually. The mission has patrols in it which you're not supposed to attack. IIRC, there's one patrol, and killing it calls an ambush (and killing the ambush calls a second ambush); if you kill both of the ambushes, you fail. There's also a boss you're not supposed to kill, but that's easy since he's just in the middle of the final room.

If you don't touch the patrol, you're absolutely fine. The patrol will attack if they see you, but the point is that you're meant to stealth through the mission. And since I don't ever recall encountering Drones in the mission, that's not a problem either.

In fact, that's the arc I used to get the Ouroboros Mender badge (run 50 Flashback arcs). The arc is "The Strange Case of Benjamin A. Decker". A rescue on a small warehouse map (Arachnos, with a Warhulk that spawns near the entrance when you have Arnold Decker), a rescue in an instanced RWZ (Rikti, with allied Vanguard; B'Nadek is almost always near the mission entrance, and the turrets will often kill his captors before you find him), and a glowie hunt (4 glowies, all in the final room and far away from Rikti). The arc is really simple to finish quickly:




Some hunt missions; specifically, those with something of a level mismatch or large numbers. The lowbie kill 10 CoT in Perez; defeat Council assets in the Pit in Sharkhead; like that. I often use it to skip EBs with low damage/flimsy characters. I almost always skip Silver Mantis in Crash Cage's arc; she's just too brutal at that level. Calystix is another, with squishies at least. I typically skip one or more missions from Stephanie "Kill-All" Peebles in Striga; especially the kill all on a ship.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Any timed mission. I hate timed missions.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
Any timed mission. I hate timed missions.
Even Safeguard side missions, when there's actually a danger of failing the clock?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork