Devs and CoV:Discuss




SO as people joke, rumors fly...Devs hate Villains...As a sadisitic villain i have to ask..(While not looking for dev love)...Why!?!?!

What is so wrong with villains that it has to be hated so much??
Its the greatest place in game.

Anyone can be a hero, it takes pure awesomeness to be a villain

we have cookies as well



You might as well ask why monorail cat is leaving the station.



I'm sure the devs would love to show villain love, and I hope that the current team will include some new villain only features in the future, but personally I always felt that upon releasing CoV and saying that it was a stand-alone game was the worst mistake that the CoH/V dev, markeeting, or whatever team that made that decision ever did.

I think at the time their resources ($$$, staff, and time) was limited and stretched. Honestly it wouldn't make much sense business wise to support 2 individual games that uses the same game engine, graphics, and was about the same in just about every way except for in-game lore. It would have been better if it was released as an expansion pack that required CoH to play from the get go.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
As a sadisitic villain
What is so wrong with villains that it has to be hated so much??
You're kinda answering your own question there before you even asked it

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're kinda answering your own question there before you even asked it
But there's a difference between playing a virtual villain vs. being an actual real life villain. So are you saying that part of the reason why there hasn't been much villain exclusive content is because of real life morality issues.

"Hey these players are playing villains. Lets punish 'em for choosing to side with evil."

Sounds a bit off to me.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
But there's a difference between playing a virtual villain vs. being an actual real life villain. So are you saying that part of the reason why there hasn't been much villain exclusive content is because of real life morality issues.

"Hey these players are playing villains. Lets punish 'em for choosing to side with evil."

Sounds a bit off to me.
Well, it could be related - like not as many people like being a Villain, so fewer Villain players would mean the devs would give less attention to the red side.
So if the split is like 60-40 in favor of nice over naughty, then focusing on mostly blue or co-op content will get he best results as far as pleasing as many of the players as possible.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



for a perhaps more realistic answer,cov was supposed to have gotten more people in, it didnt, so the developer staff was cut badly(the freem 15) and content was much tighter. villains supposedly had a far lower population, so priorities had to be made. one comprimise was to add mroe co-op content, but that really meant the content couldnt be too nasty or it would have been tough to justify heroes doing it(in comics, villains are a bit more compliant to do good-ish things if it suits their needs). now i play both, and the populations are lower on every server i have been on relative to the hero side, so can you reasonably make the case for a team to commit their limited resources to exclusively benefit a side that has fewer people? if so, then you have an argument.

also, it is a dumb meme based around some very vocal and very annoying posters. there were soem devs ahte heroes stuff going around during issue 7'ish too, and it was dumb there too, the devs do what they can with limited resources, but they are only human, and nothing is going to satisfy anyone. a reasonable mindset is just play both and quit larping a moral dimension. some developers have goofed on it themselves, babs usually.



An interesting point, and I kind of see where your logic is coming from. If there's less player activity on one side, but more on the other. Then there would be less development for exclusive content on the less active side, and at best shared content would be the only thing present.

However this does kind of lead me to think of some kind of weird "chicken or the egg" scenario. "We need more villain exclusive content, there's not enough players to justify villain exclusive content, villain exclusive content will bring in more players" rinse and repeat.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post

However this does kind of lead me to think of some kind of weird "chicken or the egg" scenario. "We need more villain exclusive content, there's not enough players to justify villain exclusive content, villain exclusive content will bring in more players" rinse and repeat.
I have wondered about that, but issue 7 didnt spike populations, and it introduced one of the best excuses for playing a villain ever, the mayhem missions, one of the few elements that really feel unique to the hero/villain theme. so how long do we add only content to an under-preforming market before you realize the cavalry isnt coming? Really it was tough from the start, villains in classic comic themes are instigators of action, mmo's are based on a quest giver-quest setup, the genre itsself is a hard fit(outside of the very fun mayhems, i love exploding a parking lot)



another point to consider when considering the disparity in content is that the game was heroes only for 5 issues, the quality of that content, particularly for the first 2 issue was very uneven, but it is often brought up as a problem. the question is, do villain exclusive players feel that they deserve 5 issues of exclusive content or they are hated. some have made this argument, and its bat-@#$% insane to expect this, but it is also a reason people feel villains are hated. generally villain content is tighter paced, better written, involves less @#$%ing zoning and in the case of strike forces, has a far more reasonable time allowance than early hero content. so there is more content, no question, blueside, a good amount of it is underutilized or horribly implemented.

in a roundabout way, gr may help dedicated villain players, as the devs will be able to craft content that has villainous elements for the morality meter without having to make it exclusive. everyone gets content, and you get content that vibes better with your character..maybe a win-win?



Now, this only applies to me, but even if they made a ton of villain only content, I probably wouldn't bother with it. I like a lot of the power sets available red side, but for some reason I dislike the look of the zones. It's nothing I can really put my finger on. They all have their own unique flavor, but I always start feeling depressed after playing red side for a while. Also, for some reason, my frame rate tends to be lower in red side zones than in blue side - might be because villain zones look more "cluttered" <shrug>.

In any case, once GR goes live, ALL of my villains will be moving blue side.



Originally Posted by HellsPixie View Post
Now, this only applies to me, but even if they made a ton of villain only content, I probably wouldn't bother with it. I like a lot of the power sets available red side, but for some reason I dislike the look of the zones. It's nothing I can really put my finger on. They all have their own unique flavor, but I always start feeling depressed after playing red side for a while. Also, for some reason, my frame rate tends to be lower in red side zones than in blue side - might be because villain zones look more "cluttered" <shrug>.

In any case, once GR goes live, ALL of my villains will be moving blue side.
Mostly ditto.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



The zones are generally very dreary looking in CoV, and if that isn't your thing, CoV isn't really going to appeal to you. In CoH every zone takes on a very unique character, and despite the fact that many of them don't see as much traffic, they all leave some sort of impression. CoV is constructed much more engagingly, with many unique constructs all over the island, but it's hard to care when, generally, the entire island consists of the same dreary sky hanging overhead a town half littered in trash and fire where Lord Recluse hasn't erected a garish tower to show off his purple fetish.

Furthermore, all the really 'unique' aspects of CoV were eventually transferred over to CoH, which really cut into the appeal of playing that part of the game. If you were going to get all the features of CoV in CoH, why really play it unless you specifically wanted to be a villain?

the Archetypes were also hard to figure out. While I genuinly like most of the villain AT's over the Hero AT's, I'll be the first to admit that I had no idea how to play them, and I still don't really understand how their roles are supposed to mesh together in a team situation, and pretty much conclude that they don't.

Finally, the Market thing is really killing the villain population. Given that the population was already lower to begin with, in part because heroes had more time to establish, in part because I think people just like being heroes more, they aren't helped on top of all their other problems by not being able to find the items they want to build their characters. A market merge would probably help this tremendously, but the devs don't seem to like the idea of momentarily disrupting the market for this to happen.

(and no, I'm not going to get into a market merging discussion with you.)

With the lower population it makes sense that the Devs would spend less time developing the Rogue Islands. Less people play there, due to how it's set up, and it's probably more effective to concentrate on the portion of the game their players are actually playing, than to pull up the section of the game fewer of their players care about.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
You might as well ask why monorail cat is leaving the station.
If Monorail Cat is leaving the station at 9pm going 45 MPH, and Longcat hits the track at around 4:30pm going 15 MPH, how long will it take for the Mem to form?



My opinion? I think CoV was a mistake on several levels.

I don't think it's a good idea to divide your own playerbase into two opposing factions if you don't have as many players as that other MMO. By making 30-50% of the playerbase „invisible“ to each other you lessen the chance of finding other players to team with and you make it appear as if you have a much smaller playerbase than you actually have, which is bad PR.

Having two exclusive sides means you have to develop for each side. Anything you'll add to just one side of the game can only be experienced by a fraction of the playerbase. Thus you increase development costs and risk alienating the fraction of the playerbase that thinks it got less - „Devs hate Villains.“

The design of CoV is inherently flawed. The promise is, that you may play a villain. But the truth is, that it's only CoH painted red. The fundamental problem is in the basic motivation of heroes and villains. A villain is striving for change. The villain wants to accumulate power and ultimately wants to rule the world or something along these lines. Whereas the hero is fighting to preserve. Stability works well for a MMO, change doesn't. Actually I don't think it's possible for a teen rated PvE MMO like CoX to really have true villains. Even the villain NPCs in CoX are quite benign.

There is more. Problems with the ingame economy, artificial limits in co-op play (actually co-op play was a first step to bring the sides back together, GR seems to be the next step), balancing issues and maybe some other things.

Sure, CoV added some nice stuff. But I believe it would have been better to add it as an open expansion to CoH instead of treating it almost like a separate game.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
If Monorail Cat is leaving the station at 9pm going 45 MPH, and Longcat hits the track at around 4:30pm going 15 MPH, how long will it take for the Mem to form?
Oh, ... I know this, ... I know this.
Lets see, Monorail Cat leaves at 9pm and is going 45 mph, which is very fast, so she might get tired soon probably taking a catnap ... and hungry of course ... I think some tuna would be nice now ... and considering the attention span of cats ... wait, ... ... look, a pretty butterfly ...



We're villains!!! Who cares!!! YAY VILLAINS!



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
My opinion? I think CoV was a mistake on several levels.

I don't think it's a good idea to divide your own playerbase into two opposing factions if you don't have as many players as that other MMO. By making 30-50% of the playerbase „invisible“ to each other you lessen the chance of finding other players to team with and you make it appear as if you have a much smaller playerbase than you actually have, which is bad PR.

Having two exclusive sides means you have to develop for each side. Anything you'll add to just one side of the game can only be experienced by a fraction of the playerbase. Thus you increase development costs and risk alienating the fraction of the playerbase that thinks it got less - „Devs hate Villains.“

The design of CoV is inherently flawed. The promise is, that you may play a villain. But the truth is, that it's only CoH painted red. The fundamental problem is in the basic motivation of heroes and villains. A villain is striving for change. The villain wants to accumulate power and ultimately wants to rule the world or something along these lines. Whereas the hero is fighting to preserve. Stability works well for a MMO, change doesn't. Actually I don't think it's possible for a teen rated PvE MMO like CoX to really have true villains. Even the villain NPCs in CoX are quite benign.

There is more. Problems with the ingame economy, artificial limits in co-op play (actually co-op play was a first step to bring the sides back together, GR seems to be the next step), balancing issues and maybe some other things.

Sure, CoV added some nice stuff. But I believe it would have been better to add it as an open expansion to CoH instead of treating it almost like a separate game.
Son, you are SO sued for plagiarism.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Biggest things I hear, (which WAH to to them)

Its to dark & bleak(ORLY? Its an oppressed area, its not suppose to be sunshine & happy puppys). Lord Recluse doesnt go out of his way to polish this up, like Tyrant does, its the whole Survival of the Fittest rule on the Isles.

Its to Hard(Go back to blue stop whining you sissies or hang out with my crew & we'll teach how to actually play Redside! )

The Market(Well cuz you sissies wont actually play over here)

The Dev's Hate Redside(Could be, but man up, stop being a sissy)

In my opinion, biggest thing G.R. will do, allow the sissy Bluesiders to take our classes & still play on "yawn" blueside. Which then could reduce population more on redside & of course worsen the market even more.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Biggest things I hear, (which WAH to to them)

Its to dark & bleak(ORLY? Its an oppressed area, its not suppose to be sunshine & happy puppys). Lord Recluse doesnt go out of his way to polish this up, like Tyrant does, its the whole Survival of the Fittest rule on the Isles.

Its to Hard(Go back to blue stop whining you sissies or hang out with my crew & we'll teach how to actually play Redside! )

The Market(Well cuz you sissies wont actually play over here)

The Dev's Hate Redside(Could be, but man up, stop being a sissy)

In my opinion, biggest thing G.R. will do, allow the sissy Bluesiders to take our classes & still play on "yawn" blueside. Which then could reduce population more on redside & of course worsen the market even more.

There you have it. One more reason not to play redside. Mind you, i know enough to realize JJ is not in fact typical of redside players, so i play redside anyway, but JJ is the sort of person some stereotype as being the sort of person who plays redside, not realizing that just like blueside only some players are petty, juvenile, narcissistic jackholes.

(i suppose i should say the attitude JJ affects in his post. He amused me, but his post did fit the stereotype of a redside jerkhacker.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



We can't really answer this...only the devs know why they hate villains!



Maybe the Devs hate City of Villains because that is the villainous thing to do and they're merely staying in character?

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



I am considering taking most of my villains blueside and invade Paragon. I am sure there are players who don't want to see the streets of Paragon full of Masterminds with all their pets lagging Ultra Mode.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster