Devs and CoV:Discuss




Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
I am considering taking most of my villains blueside and invade Paragon. I am sure there are players who don't want to see the streets of Paragon full of Masterminds with all their pets lagging Ultra Mode.
Make sure they're all robots to take advantage of the reflection engine. We're gonna make the streets LAGGERRIFIC.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not the devs, that's for sure
LOL smart-alec Bluesider



Self Cannibalization. It's what's for dinner



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
I am considering taking most of my villains blueside and invade Paragon. I am sure there are players who don't want to see the streets of Paragon full of Masterminds with all their pets lagging Ultra Mode.
I shall be organising an event on Union when Going Rogue comes out.

8 Thugs/* Masterminds taking on Lusca and they have to use gang war all at the same time

*gives off an evil chuckle*

Edit: If I can get more than eight that'll be even more awesome...



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
i did mention the larping aspect redside exclusive players tend towards, it really gets pretty surreal at times.

...Doesn't Larping imply "Live Action" Roleplay?



it's nothing personal against villains, but resources will mostly flow to where the population is, and that's blue side.

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Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Biggest things I hear, (which WAH to to them)

Its to dark & bleak(ORLY? Its an oppressed area, its not suppose to be sunshine & happy puppys). Lord Recluse doesnt go out of his way to polish this up, like Tyrant does, its the whole Survival of the Fittest rule on the Isles.

Its to Hard(Go back to blue stop whining you sissies or hang out with my crew & we'll teach how to actually play Redside! )

The Market(Well cuz you sissies wont actually play over here)

The Dev's Hate Redside(Could be, but man up, stop being a sissy)

In my opinion, biggest thing G.R. will do, allow the sissy Bluesiders to take our classes & still play on "yawn" blueside. Which then could reduce population more on redside & of course worsen the market even more.

Interesting personality aside, 'suck it up' is hardly the shining 'fix' I think anyone is looking for. People aren't going to just deal with the problem, they're going to go play something that doesn't have the problem.

Like City of Heroes.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Biggest things I hear, (which WAH to to them)

Its to dark & bleak(ORLY? Its an oppressed area, its not suppose to be sunshine & happy puppys). Lord Recluse doesnt go out of his way to polish this up, like Tyrant does, its the whole Survival of the Fittest rule on the Isles.

Its to Hard(Go back to blue stop whining you sissies or hang out with my crew & we'll teach how to actually play Redside! )

The Market(Well cuz you sissies wont actually play over here)

The Dev's Hate Redside(Could be, but man up, stop being a sissy)

In my opinion, biggest thing G.R. will do, allow the sissy Bluesiders to take our classes & still play on "yawn" blueside. Which then could reduce population more on redside & of course worsen the market even more.

You know, that's not really helping to sell the red side experience at all

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's nothing personal against villains, but resources will mostly flow to where the population is, and that's blue side.
Well, co-op is actually the best option time and effort wise - co-op content can be played by everyone.
Next comes blue content, which can be played by the majority of the players, and last comes red content, which can be played by a minority of players.
So the best use of development resources is to make co-op content, followed by blue content, with red content the least useful option.
Of coruse, they still make red stuff, but I really don't think they're ever going to spend as much time on that as blue and co-op stuff.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, co-op is actually the best option time and effort wise - co-op content can be played by everyone.
Next comes blue content, which can be played by the majority of the players, and last comes red content, which can be played by a minority of players.
So the best use of development resources is to make co-op content, followed by blue content, with red content the least useful option.
Of coruse, they still make red stuff, but I really don't think they're ever going to spend as much time on that as blue and co-op stuff.
This is the main reason that Red side rarely(if ever) gets any new content. Everytime the conversation about it comes up the blueside only crowds starts crying about Co-Op this and Co-op that with lots of arguements that boil down to "well, if they are going to get stuff redside we HAVE to get stuff blueside too".

Maybe if Heroes were not so selfish we wouldn't have a problem.



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
This is the main reason that Red side rarely(if ever) gets any new content. Everytime the conversation about it comes up the blueside only crowds starts crying about Co-Op this and Co-op that with lots of arguements that boil down to "well, if they are going to get stuff redside we HAVE to get stuff blueside too".

Maybe if Heroes were not so selfish we wouldn't have a problem.
It's the Villains being selfish, wanting exclusive stuff instead of helping Heroes for the common good

EDIT: Don't forget that there are new arcs coming in I17 for both sides, so you will be getting some more exclusive evil stuff to play through

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Blue side - it's the smart choice
So will you be taking a trip to the RI, GG, when GR comes? It would be like exploring two brand new sides for you, wouldn't it?



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
So will you be taking a trip to the RI, GG, when GR comes? It would be like exploring two brand new sides for you, wouldn't it?
I can visit it via the AE, and some blue missions - I think I've seen most of the quaint tourist attractions there, and taken plenty of pictures - so there's no need to actually go live there

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's the Villains being selfish, wanting exclusive stuff instead of helping Heroes for the common good
You have at least looked up the word Villain to see what it means right?

...and I will be very happy when we get new arcs on both sides in I17. Heroes were my first but Villains are my true love.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post

...Doesn't Larping imply "Live Action" Roleplay?
yes, unless you have a very strange personality or are playing forum games, your forum persona is the "live" you, so if you post as though you really are a villain, rather than a stable, well adjusted person playing a video game in which some of your characters are villains..then thats larping, this thread has 3 good examples thus far.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You know, that's not really helping to sell the red side experience at all
funny thing is, ingame everyone i have teamed with who played redside was quite fun and not a evil-larper, it is just on the really do need to try redside, it is fun. plus you can whomp new demons, heroes dont get succubi, hellfrosts and lashers,(outside of ae, and thats just a superhero arcade) think of the variety!!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
funny thing is, ingame everyone i have teamed with who played redside was quite fun and not a evil-larper, it is just on the really do need to try redside, it is fun. plus you can whomp new demons, heroes dont get succubi, hellfrosts and lashers,(outside of ae, and thats just a superhero arcade) think of the variety!!
You've seen one demon, you've seen them all

Plus, we get some of the CoV ones in the Vallentines event

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
my dating history is not relevant here.
The only dates Villains ever end up with are court appearances and parole hearings

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
My opinion? I think CoV was a mistake on several levels.

I don't think it's a good idea to divide your own playerbase into two opposing factions if you don't have as many players as that other MMO. By making 30-50% of the playerbase „invisible“ to each other you lessen the chance of finding other players to team with and you make it appear as if you have a much smaller playerbase than you actually have, which is bad PR.

Having two exclusive sides means you have to develop for each side. Anything you'll add to just one side of the game can only be experienced by a fraction of the playerbase. Thus you increase development costs and risk alienating the fraction of the playerbase that thinks it got less - „Devs hate Villains.“

The design of CoV is inherently flawed. The promise is, that you may play a villain. But the truth is, that it's only CoH painted red. The fundamental problem is in the basic motivation of heroes and villains. A villain is striving for change. The villain wants to accumulate power and ultimately wants to rule the world or something along these lines. Whereas the hero is fighting to preserve. Stability works well for a MMO, change doesn't. Actually I don't think it's possible for a teen rated PvE MMO like CoX to really have true villains. Even the villain NPCs in CoX are quite benign.

There is more. Problems with the ingame economy, artificial limits in co-op play (actually co-op play was a first step to bring the sides back together, GR seems to be the next step), balancing issues and maybe some other things.

Sure, CoV added some nice stuff. But I believe it would have been better to add it as an open expansion to CoH instead of treating it almost like a separate game.
I have to agree that the implementation of CoV made some mistakes but I'm glad that they were added thematically. The big issue for me is the area separation. GR addresses that to a degree but only by making your hero or villain be a little bit bad or a little bit good to visit the other side. It's a game convention that just hits me too hard to make the experience immersible.

It probably wouldn't have worked but I would have liked to have seen a lot of the villain areas and hero areas existing in the same zones. There could have opt out PvP choices added and safe areas protected by drones where the other side couldn't hope to tread. It would have been more interesting to me, personally.

It also would have been too big a change to an existing game and a lot of folks would have hated it. I know why they were the way they did but it just didn't work as well. And its a shame because there is some pretty decent content redside. Good luck finding a team to check it out.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, co-op is actually the best option time and effort wise - co-op content can be played by everyone.
Next comes blue content, which can be played by the majority of the players, and last comes red content, which can be played by a minority of players.
So the best use of development resources is to make co-op content, followed by blue content, with red content the least useful option.
Of coruse, they still make red stuff, but I really don't think they're ever going to spend as much time on that as blue and co-op stuff.
It's a very viscous cycle isn't it? The good gets better because it's better, and the less gets worser (it's a word when I use it) because it's worse.



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
Actually I don't think it's possible for a teen rated PvE MMO like CoX to really have true villains. Even the villain NPCs in CoX are quite benign.
Yeah, chopping up civilians to make fleshbots is benign. And that's just the level 1 NPCs!



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Yeah, chopping up civilians to make fleshbots is benign. And that's just the level 1 NPCs!
Hell, I consider CoV and CoH's villains possibly more evil because of all the *implied* atrocities they commit.

"Did you really blow up a school bus of children"

*turns away, grinning*




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I can visit it via the AE, and some blue missions - I think I've seen most of the quaint tourist attractions there, and taken plenty of pictures - so there's no need to actually go live there
AE doesn't count and neither does sheltered blue-walled missions.

You don't have to live there, but at least beat up a snake or two....