Devs and CoV:Discuss




Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
My opinion? I think CoV was a mistake on several levels.

I don't think it's a good idea to divide your own playerbase into two opposing factions if you don't have as many players as that other MMO.
"that other MMO"?
If you're referring to WoW, there are COUNTRIES with smaller populations. Comparing ANY other MMO to WoW is absurd.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Let me get a little silly here

My idea of a Super Hero vs Super Villain game would go like this

When you created a Hero, you would get NPC friends and family to act as contacts. Giving you missions either PvE or Rescue Missions, which would lead to PvP

When you created a Villain, you would get a chance to select a Hero to become the nemesis of. Your contacts would either give you PvE missions or Kidnap Missions, which would lead into the PvP scenarios. You'd kidnap your nemeses friend or family member, after a friendly attack on the Hero to make your intentions clear, and try to make their Heroic life miserable. If you don't want a nemesis, you just flag yourself 'No PvP' and consign yourself to the PvE game

This way you would have 1 city with 2 factions and consensual only PvP. It might frustrate the 'Gankster' crowd, but it might be more enjoyable than what Villains have now

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Redside is a bit dreary, but it didn't have to be. Here's a pic from Tron Legacy that shows how something sleek and sexy can still look very dark:

Something like this would have been much cooler than all the brick, rust, and litter. (I have seen later zones, but they're still not much better).

I'm not keen on the villain powersets either. I've only had two villains - a level 30 rad/rad corruptor, and a level 15 necro/dark mastermind. I got bored of the mastermind because I wanted to do my killing personally - letting something else do it seems wrong. :P

I was only training the corruptor to try out the epics, but with issue 17 lowering the level requirement, I won't have to bother with with more levelling if I don't want to.

I'm looking forward to Going Rogue a lot, and I don't see myself using redside much after it comes out. I like the idea of playing a villain, but if I want to roleplay a "baddie" I think I'll just make Praetoria my home. Rogues would be easier to play as I can send them blueside with the rest of my characters.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
There you have it. One more reason not to play redside. Mind you, i know enough to realize JJ is not in fact typical of redside players, so i play redside anyway, but JJ is the sort of person some stereotype as being the sort of person who plays redside, not realizing that just like blueside only some players are petty, juvenile, narcissistic jackholes.

(i suppose i should say the attitude JJ affects in his post. He amused me, but his post did fit the stereotype of a redside jerkhacker.)
JJ's cool, he's just passionate. No need to generalize from one dude is there? On the other hand, I notice there's this "stop being a pu**y and play redside!" attitude on the forums, but just take it as funny because it's not tougher or anything, which you probably already know.



so far the main topic looks abit dark.....but its enviroment is impressive compared to heroes...its all looks the same to mean..buildings there..buildings there...zomg..buildings there 2



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Hell, I consider CoV and CoH's villains possibly more evil because of all the *implied* atrocities they commit.
Yes. Even though you dont see them do it (err... fully...) they still do it and it's pretty evil.



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
Yes. Even though you dont see them do it (err... fully...) they still do it and it's pretty evil.
Well, that's to keep the T rating
Plus, it lets players imagine the things being doen are even worse, if they want to.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, co-op is actually the best option time and effort wise - co-op content can be played by everyone.
Alas, red side whiners don't count co-op content or content that everyone gets (like MA) as "real" villain content.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Alas, red side whiners don't count co-op content or content that everyone gets (like MA) as "real" villain content.
Maybe the RWZ missions where you help Longbow kinda put them off?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, co-op is actually the best option time and effort wise - co-op content can be played by everyone.
Next comes blue content, which can be played by the majority of the players, and last comes red content, which can be played by a minority of players.
So the best use of development resources is to make co-op content, followed by blue content, with red content the least useful option.
Of coruse, they still make red stuff, but I really don't think they're ever going to spend as much time on that as blue and co-op stuff.
That's incorrect. There is no content which cannot be played by any player. COV and COX are fully available to every player.

Blueside content isn't locked from a's locked from a character. Same with Redside content.

Co-op content may be lauded as the 'ultimate answer', but it really is just hero content. There isn't any question that you're doing something heroic nor even any hard choices to make which might be considered walking a fine line. Your villains are treated like long time pals by known hero characters, instead of being seen as unreliable, but necessary allies to the 'good' forces.

Co-op content isn't content for's good content that villains can happen to play. Otherwise you certainly wouldn't play it. Since you get weak in knees at the mere thought of skirting the law.

It makes me wonder why the devs would even think that would be perfectly satisfying to a player who took the time to create an evil-themed character.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, that's to keep the T rating

I'll e/pushup on any defeated longbow i want to, tyvm lol

even e/pushup'd recluse himself before after making him my ******

now THAT's villainous!



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
I'll e/pushup on any defeated longbow i want to, tyvm lol

even e/pushup'd recluse himself before after making him my ******

now THAT's villainous!
And slightly disturbing...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The only dates Villains ever end up with are court appearances and parole hearings
Oh ye hothouse flowers with little exposure to what's outside the walled garden... You've been so consistent with your "i know almost nothing about the larger outside world and am doing my best to stay that way" schtick in multiple forums and threads that i'm actually starting to believe you're serious.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
It's a very viscous cycle isn't it? The good gets better because it's better, and the less gets worser (it's a word when I use it) because it's worse.
Viscous cycles are a bit too gooey for me.

Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
JJ's cool, he's just passionate. No need to generalize from one dude is there? On the other hand, I notice there's this "stop being a pu**y and play redside!" attitude on the forums, but just take it as funny because it's not tougher or anything, which you probably already know.
i wasn't taking him seriously. Just pointing out that some players actually view that as the stereotype of the average CoV player. Which is just silly. i encounter more arrogant, unpleasant jerks blueside than redside. And i mean that proportionally, not just in terms of numbers.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Oh ye hothouse flowers with little exposure to what's outside the walled garden... You've been so consistent with your "i know almost nothing about the larger outside world and am doing my best to stay that way" schtick in multiple forums and threads that i'm actually starting to believe you're serious.
Actually, I know lots about it - that's why I know there are some things that should be avoided

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, I know lots about it - that's why I know there are some things that should be avoided
Obvious question time: how do you know such things? Being an outside observer doesn't count.

In other words, don't knock amoral killing 'till you've tried it.

@Morac | Twitter
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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Obvious question time: how do you know such things? Being an outside observer doesn't count.

In other words, don't knock amoral killing 'till you've tried it.
Some things you just know are wrong

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



^ And the cycle begins anew. Oh, but YOU will be the one to convince her this time.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
^ And the cycle begins anew. Oh, but YOU will be the one to convince her this time.
Oog, you're right. I think I'm just going to go find a brick wall to slam my face into repeatedly instead. It will be a much more pleasant experience, I suspect.

@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Oog, you're right. I think I'm just going to go find a brick wall to slam my face into repeatedly instead. It will be a much more pleasant experience, I suspect.
Certainly more productive.

Remember kids, this is your brain.

And this is your brain after you try and have a rational conversation with Winky.

Just don't do it!

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



Mean thread tags are mean.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Yeah, chopping up civilians to make fleshbots is benign. And that's just the level 1 NPCs!
How about the fact that Facemaker chops people up to make costumes? Yup, your flashy villain is wearing sliced dead people. That's villainous!

Villain: "See this nice new leather outfit I've got?"

Hero: "Yeah?"

Villain: "Seen your Mom recently?"

Hero:" No..."

Villain: "Well, actually you have..."

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth

