Why isn't fly faster than Ninja Run?




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Example: SR scrapper trying to softcap without spending a fortune. Power pools chosen to do that are: Fitness, Fighting, Leadership, and Medicine (to make up for SR's lack of a self heal) That leaves no room to take a slottable travel power. Slotting BotZ would be a logical way to gain some defense to 2 positions, but they can't because Ninja Run can't be slotted, and they have no other travel power.
Drop Medicine (and then team with Defenders and Controllers or carry some greens) and take Combat Jumping (+Def all and excellent mobility in combat) and Super Jump for two of those picks, leaving you with a slot.

Not that you need either of those for actual *travel*, of course, with Ninja Run and Hurdle (60mph+ jump speed and 40ft+ jump height is more than enough in most places, as is the 53mph+ run speed with Sprint & Swift, if you take the latter).

Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
NR allows me to put off travel powers forever, though I pick up Raptor Pack before level 10 and have that Jump Pack that came with, I think GvE. It has great synchronicity [if that's the right word] with NR. Though I never see anyone but myself Ninja Jumping through the sky.
Come to Freedom, then. My characters do it all the time.



I'm really not saying Ninja Run is too fast. I think its about right.

Fly on the other hand feels less impressive. I know it has all that manueverability, but manuervability doesn't help you in a fight PvE. It might avoid one, but most players won't aggro with Super Jump. I wonder if the balance reasons for making fly slower may be gone? Have IO's and computer processing power made the slower fly speed unnecessary?



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Fly on the other hand feels less impressive. I know it has all that manueverability, but manuervability doesn't help you in a fight PvE.
Travel powers are not meant to be used in combat which is why they have travel suppression.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Ninja Run costs you ten bucks, Fly doesn't cost you anything.

i'm not sure why a number of people seem so eager to go this route

is buying advantages ok now? i am so not in the loop



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
i'm not sure why a number of people seem so eager to go this route

is buying advantages ok now? i am so not in the loop
You don't have an Xbox, do you.


At least we aren't to the point we can buy a LotG set for $4 [or 624 Hero Points]



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Travel powers are not meant to be used in combat which is why they have travel suppression.
Fly actually is very useful in combat, hover is better. Just get altitude and many mobs can't hit you with melee attacks. It both allows you to not to need any melee defense.



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
i'm not sure why a number of people seem so eager to go this route

is buying advantages ok now? i am so not in the loop
welcome to every free MMORPG out there.

And Xbox Live, and PS3's online.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



Fly is needlessly slow. It could be buffed up to 75 mph(after slotting) no problem. Never happen for fear that everyone would choose fly and never anything else. The devs completely ignore the fact that the other power pools have ....OTHER powers in them!!!OMG rolfcopter!!!.
Balance can be achieved there by improving some of the other pools non travel power powers to encourage people to take them over fly.

Also note - even at 75 mph fly would be slower than SJ and SS when all three are slotted.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
I'm really not saying Ninja Run is too fast. I think its about right.

Fly on the other hand feels less impressive.
Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
This thread has nothing to do with Ninja Run. Its just another fly whine thread.

Originally Posted by Lohenien View Post
Fly is needlessly slow. It could be buffed up to 75 mph(after slotting) no problem.
Actually, I believe Castle has previously mentioned that allowing Fly to go very much faster would cause issues with server performance. I could be misremembering, but if my memory is correct then no, they could not allow Fly to go 75 mph, and letting it get that fast would make the servers crash and burn.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post

Actually, I believe Castle has previously mentioned that allowing Fly to go very much faster would cause issues with server performance. I could be misremembering, but if my memory is correct then no, they could not allow Fly to go 75 mph, and letting it get that fast would make the servers crash and burn.
I may be wrong, but i believe you are thinking of Super Speed, which has been said to be near the server processing cap.



I'm still happy they increased hover speed.

I would like a little extra flight speed myself but *shrug* its great when recruiting for more PUG members as you can type and move at same time.

Another disadvantage of Ninja Run is that it's a temp power, so no good for Master runs.

A advanatage is the stacking siphon speed/inertial barrier with it

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
If Fly had SS type speed or even SJ type speed why would you take any other travel power? Other than RP, that is.

The ability to go anywhere at 90+mph in perfect safety,.....YES PLEASE ON ALL MY TOONS!

We would have much fewer numbers of people who take the other travel powers and it would(IMO) make things more bleh without the occasional mid-travel "what the heck just hit me?".

A minor boost maybe, but not near SJ or SS in speed.
Because of limited power pools maybe?

I want Hasten, Tough/Weave, Manuevers, and Fitness! How do I fit fly in now?!

Upping Fly's speed wouldn't have people taking Fly any more than they do now.

People will still want their other power pools, inwhich Fly won't always fit.

Look at the min/max builds you see all over. Hasten/CJ/Fitness/CJ or Weave or Maneuvers.

I love Fly. Use it on almost EVERY toon. There's a reason you see fly in little use inthe min/max builds.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Fly is faster that Ninja run but Ninjas are trained in the art of deception and they make it appear they are moving faster. LOL

Okay... Stand alone with no additions like Swift, prestige sprints, ect it's about even actually.. Based on a buddy and I playing together me using fly and him NR we usually arrived about the same time at any mission door from the last. NOW I have prestige runs as a Vet power and when I click on NR with QUICK... Ummm I have a 17 level Rad/DP defender that used exactly 8 seconds of time on the raptor pack she earned saving the bank in Atlas and because I wanted Suppressive Fire SOOOO bad she actually didn't take Fly until level 16 and I still use Ninja Run in a lot of situations.

Fly is slow and this is not the first time this question, in other forms, has come up. Fly is the lazy man or woman's travel power which is why I love it. teleport is faster and can be just as safe but you have to practice to get good at it. SS and SJ are fast but you are more vulnerable and depending on the zone you need to practice with those too to avoid constantly running into things, like buildings, at super speed. I like Fly because once I reach my desired altitude I can point my chracter in the right direction hit "R" for auto run and cruise to the mission far above anything that may wish it COULD do me harm.

Would it upset me if they increased the speed? No Will it upset me if they don't? No Hey if I am soloing I can go at my own pace anyway and if I am on a team and they want me there for my Buffs,Debuffs, Aggro control, Damage or whatever (based on which AT I am playing) they will either offer me teleport or WAIT for me to arrive.

Besides I enjoy the In-Flight movie and those little bags of peanuts I get from the Flight Attendant.. not to mention the frequent flyer miles I earned allowed me to take vacation in the Jamaca this winter.... no cost for the flight and the hotel room was half priced... try getting that with Super Speed LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
If Fly had SS type speed or even SJ type speed why would you take any other travel power? Other than RP, that is.
Combat Jumping



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Fly actually is very useful in combat, hover is better. Just get altitude and many mobs can't hit you with melee attacks. It both allows you to not to need any melee defense.
That's not what I said, and you are only confirming the benefits of fly and reinforcing the idea it should be slower than other travel powers that do not offer the same vertical movement.

Not to mention, Hover is made for combat and is much more useful since it was sped up and does not suffer from travel suppression when attacking or being attacked.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Fly and teleport are the only powers that will get you from the Talos gate to the Portal Corp building in Peregrine in perfect safety.
Swim is an awesome superpower that works and you only have to worry about the edge right by Portal.

"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"

ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I have Fly on every toon myself... in the form of a bought Raptor Pack whose speed is boosted to the cap for 30 seconds by the GvE rocket pack.
This for me too. I used to love Fly. I still have it on a few characters that I haven't gotten around to respeccing yet. But now that every character above level four has a Raptor Pack, Ninja Run, and a GvE Rocket Booster, I have no need for Fly. Maybe if I were going to build a ranged squishy who uses Hover, but as yet I do not have one of those. Even my dragon-themed character (with wings!) uses Ninja Run -- I adapted her concept to say she lost the power of flight when she took humanoid form, although the wings give her some lift.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
I may be wrong, but i believe you are thinking of Super Speed, which has been said to be near the server processing cap.
I remember when that was said, but I refuse to (fully) believe it when there are videos like this.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Well Super Speed does have stealth. Super Speed is probably the weakest even though it is technically the fastest since yah you trip on a lot, can't run up walls (which they should totally do).

But I think because of "balancing" they have made flight too slow. Getting to and from missions isn't the fun playing is.

But some characters get around by theme and need to fly.
At what point did someone deem it "a must" that characters that have super speed should be able to run up walls, how does the ability to be able to move your legs faster than anyone else make you able to defy gravity?



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
I remember when that was said, but I refuse to (fully) believe it when there are videos like this.
Did you clock the speed of those critters? Do you know for a fact they are faster then the speed cap?

I'm honestly asking because I doubt the same mechanic is involved.



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
I remember when that was said, but I refuse to (fully) believe it when there are videos like this.
I have always heard how much fun that was but I'd never tried it before. Dear god I was laughing so hard! I really need to do that some day.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Did you clock the speed of those critters? Do you know for a fact they are faster then the speed cap?
Would it matter if they had? The speed limit mentioned was for players not mobs and was due to the fact that the zone couldn't be generated fast enough.



Fly can be made faster now - the rendering limitation hasn't been around for a few years.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
Would it matter if they had? The speed limit mentioned was for players not mobs and was due to the fact that the zone couldn't be generated fast enough.
Did you bother to read the next sentence in my post?

Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I'm honestly asking because I doubt the same mechanic is involved.
Like I suggested...a different mechanic is involved.