Why isn't fly faster than Ninja Run?




Its a real power. I used a power slot to get fly. WHy can't it be faster than ninja run.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Its a real power. I used a power slot to get fly. WHy can't it be faster than ninja run.
Speed wise, it's slower, but time how long it takes to get across skyway.

Fly is much faster.

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Originally Posted by DoktorMechaniker View Post
Speed wise, it's slower, but time how long it takes to get across skyway.

Fly is much faster.
I have. Its not. For most mishes. They beat me. That's how I noticed.



Because, unless you decide to skim the ground, you get to go straight to where ever it is you need to be without worrying (for the most part) about getting slaughtered along the way. Even with a 60mph+ jump speed, 40ft+ jump height, and 50mph+ run speed (depending on your Hurdle & Swift slotting), you're quite vulnerable with Ninja Run. Can't go high enough or jump far enough in one leap to bypass most nasties' aggro like Super Jump can, and no stealth like Super Speed (though that can be cured with a very expensive IO for Sprint or an actual stealth power, depending on your AT and power set choices).



Fly and teleport are the only powers that will get you from the Talos gate to the Portal Corp building in Peregrine in perfect safety. If you don't believe me, try it with any of the other ones at level 14. Super Speed's stealth component isn't even that reliable when the mobs in the zone are +36 to you, especially since there are snipers all over the rooftops in PI that can see right through it.

Teleport costs a metric butt-ton of end to use, and fly is slow.

The reason for that is they are the safest possible travel powers to use.

It wouldn't be fair if Fly was faster than a travel power that puts you in way more danger.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Ninja Run is free. It isn't a power. I bought it as an extra and it gets me to most my mishes faster than fly. That's wrong.

WHy did I take fly? It looks good for this toon.

Fly should be much faster.



Ninja Run on its own isn't faster than fly, but when you start stacking heavily-slotted Swift/Sprint/Quickness etc and movement IO set bonuses on top of it, it can outrun fly due to the higher runspeed cap.



While I wish that fly was the fastest and we could just screw balance I know that's a very egotistical way of thinking and that fly being the slowest is only fair.

Although for me as a player I play characters for concept reasons and choose powers that fit that concept.(which is why I suck at this whole purple enhancement business and I don't even have a clue how Mid's power thingy works) so if I make a character where flying fits his character the best I'll take it anyway.

Looking at other travel powers for comparison seems...getting yourself disappointed for something they won't change aside that I think that most(if not all) travel powers are not much practical in combat anyway(where I would care for numbers if I would understand them )

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I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




If Fly had SS type speed or even SJ type speed why would you take any other travel power? Other than RP, that is.

The ability to go anywhere at 90+mph in perfect safety,.....YES PLEASE ON ALL MY TOONS!

We would have much fewer numbers of people who take the other travel powers and it would(IMO) make things more bleh without the occasional mid-travel "what the heck just hit me?".

A minor boost maybe, but not near SJ or SS in speed.



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
If Fly had SS type speed or even SJ type speed why would you take any other travel power? Other than RP, that is.

The ability to go anywhere at 90+mph in perfect safety,.....YES PLEASE ON ALL MY TOONS!

We would have much fewer numbers of people who take the other travel powers and it would(IMO) make things more bleh without the occasional mid-travel "what the heck just hit me?".

A minor boost maybe, but not near SJ or SS in speed.
I'm just saying that there is little reason for fly now. The getting places safely. Do you have a problem getting places with Super Jump? I feel sorry for you. Super Jump is an easy travel power to use. There are few places in the game you can't get with Super Jump. I used to take SJ on most toons, because I wanted Combat Jumping more than Hover or Air Superiority as a pre-requisite.

Ninja run is actually good enough at getting most places, but it does take creativity to get some places.

The value of fly is really overrated in the game. Jump is a better powerset, or it was before IO's gave a lot of toons less reason to take Acrobatics.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Do you have a problem getting places with Super Jump? I feel sorry for you. Super Jump is an easy travel power to use.
Then you haven't jumped around Grandville in your low 40s and jumped into a level 50 Bane Spider or Super Arachnoid spawn that seem to lurk whenever you stop paying attention.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
Then you haven't jumped around Grandville in your low 40s and jumped into a level 50 Bane Spider or Super Arachnoid spawn that seem to lurk whenever you stop paying attention.
I agree that jump is a better "powerset" but the problem with Super jump is pointed out in Lord Thanatos' post. Gravity. What goes up, must come down. That down has a nasty habit of being in a spawn in places like Grandville. Fly has the capability of removing 99.95% of the danger in traveling. As long as there is no spawn at the zone entry point or your mission door you are golden.

Don't get me wrong. I love all the travel powers(except TP without a mouse click bind and lots of end reduc) but fly has the capability to negate travel dangers almost 100%. SS and SJ severly reduce those dangers but still leave you open to them a greater percentage of the time. I would guess the Devs feel(pure speculation here) that the difference in risk warrants the difference in speed. If this is the case I have to agree with them.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
I'm just saying that there is little reason for fly now.

That has always been true.

This thread has nothing to do with Ninja Run. Its just another fly whine thread. Move along now, nothing to see here.



I still find Fly much more convenient than any alternative.

If I'm mission leader, I can recruit and chat to the team on the way to a mission. I cant do that very well with Superjump or Ninja Run (even with a macro to set run and jump to auto) and I definitely cant with superspeed or teleport.

If I'm not team leader I can chat with coalition people on the way to a mission when I'm flying.

Having said that, my latest batch of characters all just use Day Job Market Teleporters and Raptor Packs to get around.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
That has always been true.

This thread has nothing to do with Ninja Run. Its just another fly whine thread. Move along now, nothing to see here.
I don't do this often but...QFT.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.



Fly is faster than ninja run unless you have run speed setbonuses or swift and sprint.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



If Fly had SS type speed or even SJ type speed why would you take any other travel power? Other than RP, that is.
That happened in the competition's game, I noticed. You were kinda dumb not to be a flying character when fly was not only faster, but also safer.

Say Fly sucks when you're trying to get around the Shadow Shard, though. If there were more floating islands in the sky and dumb jump pads things would be different around here!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Fly and teleport are the only powers that will get you from the Talos gate to the Portal Corp building in Peregrine in perfect safety. If you don't believe me, try it with any of the other ones at level 14. Super Speed's stealth component isn't even that reliable when the mobs in the zone are +36 to you, especially since there are snipers all over the rooftops in PI that can see right through it.

Teleport costs a metric butt-ton of end to use, and fly is slow.

The reason for that is they are the safest possible travel powers to use.

It wouldn't be fair if Fly was faster than a travel power that puts you in way more danger.
I can take a 1 to portal safely. Swim in the water on the left side of the zone all the way to the portal area then run up and over the mountain by the base portal. Maybe a couple DE to avoid but no biggie.



Balance was thrown out of the window many years ago.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Its a real power. I used a power slot to get fly. WHy can't it be faster than ninja run.
use both, ninja fly > ninja run or fly



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Ninja Run costs you ten bucks, Fly doesn't cost you anything.




I love the idea of flying, but rarely ever take it, because the fact is, it's pitifully slow, and underperforms against the other travel powers (except for the unique teleport).

I'd love to see a 3rd tier power added to fly, either in addition to group fly or replacing it, that allows a faster flight speed. You could obviously add a higher end drain to it, or only allow it to be used in bursts. But imo, it's sad to see the iconic super powered travel ability relegated to second class citizen next to powers like super jump and super speed.



Interesting how different people think different things.

When I think travel powers in CoX, I think fly. By far my favorite power.



They are balanced to me... lets look:

Ninja Run: costs $, average speed, average vertical movement, cant be slotted.
Super Jump: costs a power selection, very good speed, good vertical movement, can be slotted.
Super Speed: costs a power selection, Premium speed, terrible vertical movement, can be slotted.
Fly: costs a power selection, good speed, Premium vertical movement, can be slotted.
Teleport: costs a power selection, Premium speed, good vertical movement (with hover it goes Premium), can be slotted.

They all have their strenght...

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Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.