Why isn't fly faster than Ninja Run?




Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Did you bother to read the next sentence in my post?
I swear I did but apparently it didn't stick. Though I do think I was going more as a building off your skepticism of his post, but things get muddled sometimes.
Like I suggested...a different mechanic is involved.
Not exactly a different mechanic as much as another system getting in the way of it being faster. If I recall right the server wouldn't be able to tell your computer what's ahead of you and you'd just run out into nothingness and possibly fall through the map.



Originally Posted by Hott_Head View Post
At what point did someone deem it "a must" that characters that have super speed should be able to run up walls, how does the ability to be able to move your legs faster than anyone else make you able to defy gravity?
Depends on why they can move their legs faster. The Flash can vibrate his atoms and go through solid object (and people) because of this. So, potentially, super speed could allow people to run through walls.

Hell, Shadowcat moves through solid objects, and she can walk on air.



To be fair, Ninja Run trivialized ALL the travel powers. I can very easily just take swift+hurdle, which I was usually going to take anyway in order to get Stamina, combine it with ninja run, and have a very valid form of transportation without ever needing to take a travel power.

That said, Fly is a really crappy power worthy of only concept. I wrote some 4 page essay on why if anyone is seriously interested. That being said, I do have about 5 characters that fly, including my main.



Fly, is the redheaded step child of the travel powers. It's pretty hard to think otherwise.

It's the slowest, most end expensive, and has some of the least useful "other" powers for it's pool powers. Not to mention every gets basic fly for FREE (or darn close to it.) all over the place. (raptor pack, jet pack vender, DJ power..)

That was all still before Ninja run. Now it's even slower then a perk power.

And the only reason people can come up with for it being that slow is "it's the safest". Yeah.. maybe true technaly. But i'll be frank, if your getting killed alot using other travel powers to get around,..... ..... I won't say it, it's not nice. Lets just say you need to work on that... I can "Stealth" missions, full of mobs, with superjump, or even now ninja run, and no stealth. And i can't REMEMBER the last time i died out of a mission going some place to a random mob. Now an ambush maybe, but not a random spawing mob...

That "safty" is a joke of a reason to keep it as slow as it is. (all of this is IMO of course.) You want to keep it the slowest travel power, FINE, but make it faster then a beefed up ninja run. You got like, almost 20 MPH to work with between fly and superjump. Split the different and give us like 10 more on our cap or something. That way were at the very least as FAST as Ninja run.

Tell me, in all honesty, how THAT would unbalance the game... I really want to know.

But alas, i'm not holding my breath here. doubtful it'll ever happen...

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
It's the slowest, most end expensive
Since when does Fly cost more than Teleport? The only time I've run out of endurance using Fly was when I coupled it with Superior Invisibility (total endurance drain of 2.04 EPS unslotted, compared to base recovery of 1.67 EPS). Teleport at its maximum speed is 6.5 EPS, or 3.25 EPS if you go the minimum speed without falling.

Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
Now it's even slower then a perk power.
Fly is not slower than Ninja Run. Fly is 45.2 mph unslotted; Ninja Run is 34.4 mph running and 33.9 mph jumping.

Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
make it faster then a beefed up ninja run.
Comparing Fly to Ninja Run paired with other powers (Swift, Hurdle, Sprint, etc.) is like comparing Fly to Fly+Swift. It's stupid.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Comparing Fly to Ninja Run paired with other powers (Swift, Hurdle, Sprint, etc.) is like comparing Fly to Fly+Swift. It's stupid.
Comparing Fly + Swift to Ninja Run + Hurdle seems reasonable to me, given how many character builds have Stamina and don't have any reason to care which entry power to use other than which one dovetails with their choice of travel power.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Since when does Fly cost more than Teleport? The only time I've run out of endurance using Fly was when I coupled it with Superior Invisibility (total endurance drain of 2.04 EPS unslotted, compared to base recovery of 1.67 EPS). Teleport at its maximum speed is 6.5 EPS, or 3.25 EPS if you go the minimum speed without falling.

Fly is not slower than Ninja Run. Fly is 45.2 mph unslotted; Ninja Run is 34.4 mph running and 33.9 mph jumping.

Comparing Fly to Ninja Run paired with other powers (Swift, Hurdle, Sprint, etc.) is like comparing Fly to Fly+Swift. It's stupid.
Ok, fine, but why again is giving fly 10 more MPH game braking? Got anything for that argument? Or the free fly hand outs? Any reason why they SHOULDN'T? I've given reason why i think they should. You may think some of my compearsions are stupid, but they bug ME, and apperently others too, so what's the damage? Give people who accually spend 2 powers and maybe even a slot or two, to fly, something that's going to be defentivly something better then you can get for free (as in, no power cost, i know you pay for it) and don't slot. It gets faster, ALOT faster when you get swift/Hurdle (esspecially hurdle), when, i'd wager a vast majority of people would take them 2 powers anyways.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
Got anything for that argument?
Nope. I don't really care.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Nope. I don't really care.


Ok then. *shrug*

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post

Ok then. *shrug*
In general, I make only a few types of posts:
  • Snappy one-liners/silly/post count padding (whatever you want to call it)
  • Opinions (which I try to make obviously so)
  • Facts, so that the people fighting can use real ammunition instead of rubber bullets (like in this thread)
  • Devil's advocate (because with reasonable people it encourages putting more thought into an idea)

Unless I'm expressing my opinion on the subject, it's unlikely that I have a stake in the matter, or care about the outcome. In that case, I'm more interested in seeing a reasonable debate between participants than I am in the result of the debate.

When it seems the participants are lacking information, I try to provide it.
When it seems one (or both!) sides are not well thought out, I poke holes in their argument until they figure out what they want and board those holes up.
When everything is going well, I amuse myself.

If I do have a stake in the argument, I try to use the facts and think through my arguments before presenting them; but of course if I've got strong feelings about it, my feelings may overcome my logic. I'm also a fallible human (or a really good AI!). I make mistakes. My facts aren't 100% correct 100% of the time, my arguments aren't always perfect, and I'm rarely funny once the joke leaves my head

I don't really care if Fly is made faster. But Fly is not the most expensive travel power, Fly is not slower than Ninja Run, and comparing NR and two extra powers to Fly alone is not a fair comparison.

Note Ben's point of comparing Fly+Swift to NR+Hurdle; this is much more fair than Fly vs. NR+Swift+Sprint, and puts NR a few mph ahead of Fly. I would say that's still not quite fair, since Hurdle has always been a bigger speed boost than Swift. Fly+Swift is faster than NR+Swift; since Swift adds 1.9mph to fly speed and 5mph to run speed, all that comparison really says is that the difference between Fly and NR's flight speed and running speed is larger than the difference between Swift's flight boost and its run boost. Usefulness or fairness, comparing Fly and NR comboed with other powers doesn't help in the analysis of their relative speeds.

On the other hand, rather than comparing the speed of the two powers, you could compare the ease/cost of reaching a higher speed using Fly vs. NR as the base.
Fly, 1 enhancement slot, and 1 power selection can reach the flight speed cap (58.6mph)
Ninja Run cannot easily pass that mark on run speed (NR+Swift w/3 run+Sprint w/3 run = 58.1mph). However, it can easily pass that mark with jump speed: Ninja Run, 1 enhancement slot, and 1 power selection can reach 63.6 jump speed (NR+Hurdle w/2 jump)

This can also be compared to speeds with Super Jump; SJ alone, no slotes is 50mph. The default slot can bring it up to 61.8mph. Adding unslotted Hurdle will cap it at 78mph.




I don't agree with the complaining about ninja runs vertical movement drawback. If you know how to actually hurdle with ninja run you can out fasten most travel powers.

What I use to do when running to another mission is that I make use of tilted buildings. Ninja run +sprint +tilted buildings +holding down space; make you trigger a glitch that makes you float over a building at a very high speed. When you reach the top, hurdle kicks in. With the already built up speed from the float your toon makes an extremely high jump which make you fly for a while in the air at a fast speed until you land on another building, bouncing from one to the other. If you've picked hurdle also (I usually don't though) you can pull of an insanely high jump after the float

When you've done it sometimes you know exactly which buildings in every zone to make use of to build up your speed. It's easy comparing the pros with the awesome possibilities of ninja run to the slow movement that I have when I make a toon with flying. Using the float glitch I use to beat most team members to the mission and I don't even have to be concentrated to make the correct jumps



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I don't really care if Fly is made faster. But Fly is not the most expensive travel power, Fly is not slower than Ninja Run, and comparing NR and two extra powers to Fly alone is not a fair comparison.

Note Ben's point of comparing Fly+Swift to NR+Hurdle; this is much more fair than Fly vs. NR+Swift+Sprint, and puts NR a few mph ahead of Fly. I would say that's still not quite fair, since Hurdle has always been a bigger speed boost than Swift. Fly+Swift is faster than NR+Swift; since Swift adds 1.9mph to fly speed and 5mph to run speed, all that comparison really says is that the difference between Fly and NR's flight speed and running speed is larger than the difference between Swift's flight boost and its run boost. Usefulness or fairness, comparing Fly and NR comboed with other powers doesn't help in the analysis of their relative speeds.
First and formost, yeah, your right, teleport IS the most expensive of the TP. I was wrong. (It also happnes to be the fastest by a long shot.)

Second, I don't see why comparing the end results you can acheive with each power as the bases of this arguement. We do it all the time. How many times have people been told, don't compare 2 powers together in a vacume, you have to take the whole set into consideration. So, out of the box, Ninja run is slower. But, with a few simple power choice people will prolly make anyways, it gets faster, ALOT faster. With some builds and set bonus ninja runs speed is increadible. But with fly, once you hit the cap your DONE. Nothing, NOTHING you can do can make you faster. And I don't really think that's right. (IMO) You spend power choices to get fly. You spend slots. You also may, just like ninja run, get powers to aid in incressing it's speed like swift, but nothing you can do will overcome your cap, and ninja run will always be faster with alittle work.

IMO it shouldn't be. And IMO, i can't for the life of me figure out what 10 MPH, mainly at the very end of the game thanks to how travel powers scale in speed, would unbalance ANYTHING. It's be a QOL improvement, that's make flyer more happy with there travel power while leaving everyone else who had gotten other pool travel power still faster. And heck, even some crasy people who go hog wild with ninja run may still be faster then a flyer, but it'd be a much much harder thing to pull off.

That's my take on the situation.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



In a lot of ways, I think the biggest problems are that the ground simply isn't dangerous enough, enemies are slow (and dumb...), and everyone is handed out temp jetpacks. In other words, different zone and map design would make Fly more useful without needing to speed it up. However, I don't see it happening. It's a catch-22 of sorts. Can't make ground spawns more dangerous because it would "punish" other travel powers but as they are now Fly seems to have a false advantage.

Something else of interest is that it's usually the defensive advantages that are mentioned but it's interesting that outside of Hover-blasting (which is viable and may technically stop some arguments on its own, yet it's still defensive) there don't seem to be offensive advantages. Only so many flying enemies and with the exception of Cabal witches, Longbow Eagles, and Diabolique they're too dumb to live. It's nice to have when fighting Rikti ships but that's not common.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
In a lot of ways, I think the biggest problems are that the ground simply isn't dangerous enough, enemies are slow (and dumb...), and everyone is handed out temp jetpacks. In other words, different zone and map design would make Fly more useful without needing to speed it up. However, I don't see it happening. It's a catch-22 of sorts. Can't make ground spawns more dangerous because it would "punish" other travel powers but as they are now Fly seems to have a false advantage.
Agreed. Super-jumping is theoretically the most dangerous (since it lacks the consistent distance of Fly or Teleport and doesn't have stealth like Super-Speed) but even then I've only ever felt remotely endangered while Super-Jumping if I am either traveling through severely purple zones, lagging massively so that my jump commands don't actually get there, or in certain spots of Grandville where you may get web-grenaded. Other than those situations, the worst that happens is that a few minions get to throw something at you that hits you while you're hundreds of feet away.

Something else worth mentioning: in Founder's Falls and other sniper-heavy areas, flying high is actually potentially more dangerous than speed or jumping, since the buildings that normally block off their lines of fire won't when you're at roof-height or higher.



They should make Fly faster by about 15mph and then give you like 2 times negative stealth and slightly increase its endurance usage. Thus you can be seen from farther away. That would "balance" it, but it would make it more fun to get to places.

The thing is that none of the travel powers are hard to use safely for anyone that has played for awhile and is paying attention. The one exception might be Super Speed since it has no verticle movement, but even then people make it work for particular builds. I think many like it in PvP.

I think the logic behind balancing fly is no longer necessary. Don't confuse Fly with Hover either. Hover provides defense and allows positioning for fights. Flight is a separate choice that is really the travel power. Flight generally uses too much endurance to be used during fights, if it doesn't you could increase it to do so, forcing people to take Hover if they want to use it to put distance between enemies.

I like Ninja Run. I bought Ninja Run and think its a great thing for the game. Now you don't need to take a travel power. But I think creating a gap in travel speed between Ninja Run and Flight is important.



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
2 times negative stealth and slightly increase its endurance usage. Thus you can be seen from farther away.
While there is a "Negative Stealth" power which is applied to you when you rescue/kidnap an NPC, stealth cannot go below 0ft. You can't make yourself seen from further away than the default distance.

The only thing negative stealth would do is make people who use a stealth power easier to see. It would do nothing to people not using a stealth power.




I've always looked at Travel Powers in terms of Speed Vs. Versatility.

Super Speed is OMG FAST but if you don't combine it with a jump power, FENCES WILL BE YOUR BANE.

Super Jump is balanced in terms of speed vs. vertical movement, but you have to hop anywhere unless you combine it with super speed.

Fly and Teleport offer total three dimensional movement, but Fly is Slow and teleport isn't the most intuitive power. (Though it is unsuppressed)

Ninja Run is an oddball, especially when combined with buffs from Sprint, Fitness, Quickness, Lightning Reflexes, Kinetics, Etc. etc... It offers balanced horizontal and vertical movement. It's slower than super speed and less bouncy than super jump. With buffs, it is faster than fly, but it lacks it's versatility. There's a reason why Raptor Packs are so popular.



Would raising the fly speed cap to 60-65 be imbalanced?



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Would raising the fly speed cap to 60-65 be imbalanced?
That would mean a 2%-11% speed boost to the current Fly speed cap (currently at 58.6mph). While a 2% boost would be pretty meaningless, a 11% boost would actually be noticeable. At least when going long distances.

Also, 65mph cap would mean that Fly and SJ would be the same in relation to how SS and SJ are right now. So it would always rise around 20% when going "up" in the speed tier, that is, Fly -> SJ -> SS. SJ would be ~20% faster than Flight, and SS is already ~20% faster than SJ already.

Fly would still be slowest travel power, but would at least not be as tedious as it currently is.



Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
Fly would still be slowest travel power, but would at least not be as tedious as it currently is.
But, I don't find Fly tedious.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



There's also a tech limitation. The Fly Cap isn't just an arbitrary limit. It's "If you go faster than this THE GAME WILL BREAK".

It's like going faster than 66 miles an hour in a DeLorean. You go back to Pre Issue 1 beta.

Or something.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
There's also a tech limitation. The Fly Cap isn't just an arbitrary limit. It's "If you go faster than this THE GAME WILL BREAK".

It's like going faster than 66 miles an hour in a DeLorean. You go back to Pre Issue 1 beta.

Or something.

The cap on a Delorean is 88mph.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Hott_Head View Post
At what point did someone deem it "a must" that characters that have super speed should be able to run up walls, how does the ability to be able to move your legs faster than anyone else make you able to defy gravity?
I'm normal, and not the most amazing athlete ever, and I can get about four steps on a wall to the side, and maybe two going straight up. Better Tracuers can get more, up to maybe six or so to the side.

Being able to run at near-sonic speeds will increase this to near-sonic levels.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I'm going to go ahead an regurgitate a saved argument I had against fly. The wording is wonky, and it's not accounting for ninja run, but it covers most of the basic arguments that come up during a discussion about Fly. One day I shall fine tune it, but until, enjoy the jumbled mass of thoughts~

*Edit* - Screw you Warkupo of the past, Air Sup is a great power.

Originally Posted by Warkupo

The argument that Fly has an advantage over other travel powers in that you can take short breaks while your character auto-flies to the mission is invalid due to the fact that with any other travel power I can simply *be* at the mission, use the bathroom, and return before any of the fliers on my team have arrived. I still operate under the same rules of time as the fliers do, after all. In doing this I also avoid embarrassingly returning to see my character has spent the last 2 minutes of his free-will trying desperately to move through a solid object.

The argument that Fly has the advantage of going in a straight line, thus arriving faster has yet to be true during my game-play experience. Save for perhaps Grandville or Terra Volta on a Super Speed character, I have never been beaten to a mission by a flier when we both started from the same point at the same time. I have often beaten the flier even when they had a head start. It is often not even the case for me that fliers can even travel in a straight line. Often a building gets in the way before I can reach a high enough altitude to avoid it, meaning I either have to stop going forward and travel straight up, increasing my travel time, or go around the building at a much slower speed than the others would have gone, and risk hitting another building I will have to go around as well, also increasing my travel time.

Assuming I *did* take the time to go all the way up to the ceiling, I now have to descend as well. If the area is particularly crowded I may not be able to simply descend down to the door. If I decide to just drop down by turning of flight so I can get to the ground quicker I risk taking damage, though I'll admit I do like to suicide drop and turn on hover at the last moment as a thrill so maybe you enjoy this sort of thing. I also risk hitting a spawn I might not have seen from so high up in the clouds when doing this, which, if I just plummeted to the earth like a rock, could wind up in a very embarrassing death.

The argument that Fly has superiority in certain maps is inaccurate as well. The Shard becomes far faster to navigate if you learn and use the jump points located all over the map. It does require that you map the area out a bit, but once done it is far quicker to use SS, SJ, or TP to quickly move to a jump pad and reach your destination in far less time. The only real advantage Fly has in the Shard is that it can be useful if the jump pad decides to be cute and throw you into the abyss, in which case you can activate Fly and correct your course. However, you can also just activate your temporary Fly power, which you can have indefinitely, so it's a moot point. The only zones where Fly has an advantage is Terra Volta, and Grandville, and only against Super Speeders. Teleporting and Super Jumping work just as well they normally do.

The argument that Fly is safer is due to being out of the sight of anything that could harm it is also in accurate. There are enemies in the sky, but they still travel fairly low to the ground, so I will not include them as a threat. Snipers, however, have proven deadly at times for the slower fliers who can take 2-3 shots before getting out of their range, only to clunk their way into the range of another. This is especially hazardous for squishier characters. Conversely, my Super Speeder is typically unnoticed and out of a sniper's range before the shot even goes off, assuming I am even seen at all. He also has the advantage of slotting the (admittedly expensive) stealth IO for perma-invisibility, thus escaping the attention of nearly every enemy in the game. I have also never died from landing in a bad spot with Super Jump, but then, I have adapted the amazing ability to adjust my camera downward so I can see where I am going before getting there. While on this note, every other travel power has the advantage in that it can move the camera without having to worry that it will ruin its’ path. This is not true for Fly (and teleport to some degree). Teleport has the same vertical advantage Fly does, except that it is also the fastest travel power available, so the snipers are a virtual non-issue. Additionally, a Teleporter can keep moving if it gets immobilized, and can be useful for escaping such a situation in a combat scenario.

Fly has a disadvantage in that you have to slot it to get it to an acceptable level which is, unfortunately, still very low compared to all others. Often I will leave Super Jump and Super Speed with only the initial slot until very late levels, if I slot them at all. Fly, on the other hand, forces you to devote slots to it early so that you can even comprehend getting to a mission in a realistic time, and even then, you will still probably just get teleported by someone faster than you. This problem is alleviated somewhat with IO’s such as Blessing of the Zephyr in that they add benefits from slotting a travel power, however, it isn’t as though the much faster Super Speed and Super Jump can’t also take advantage of these IO bonuses and be made even better than Fly by utilizing them, thus negating any real advantage this might have given Fly.

Fly has a disadvantage in its perquisite powers. Combat Jumping and Hasten often make it into my character builds for their min/maxing potential. Combat Jumping costs nothing, can be slotted for defense and travel, both of which offer very good set bonuses for very few slots, offers the same defense as hover, grants immobilization resistance, and does not disrupt the flow of combat. Hasten makes everything faster, thus allowing me to do everything faster, such as attacking, healing, controlling, whatever, at the cost of a moderate amount of endurance which is typically very easy to get around. It is also essential for perma-Hasten, obviously. Builds which achieve perma-hasten are typically the kinds of creatures that are running around soloing enemies designed to be a challenge for groups of eight and more. Recall Friend is useful for getting the flier to your door, and Teleport Foe is useful for dividing a dangerous spawn, after you've slotted it with some range enhancements to beat the aggro radius of the spawn, of course.

Air Superiority offers limited control for melee characters, but lacks enough power to typically stay on my builds, and becomes less useful as my defenses rise and my need for such gimmicks decreases. Hover is much better after the latest speed boost, and can be slotted similarly to Combat Jumping, however, it's endurance cost is much higher, lacks any res protection of any kind, and leads to Fly, which is still the worst travel power available. Unless your build somehow required both powers, for the interests of reaching the soft cap or fitting in another Luck of the Gambler, or concept, there's no real reason to take Hover over Combat Jumping.

Finally, everyone can Fly now with temporary powers, thus negating any vertical penalties the other travel powers may have had. Not only are they handed out like candy, but you can buy them if you do manage to run out of all the free ones somehow for next to nothing. Actual game play experience has also proven to me that despite the reduced speed of these temp powers compared to Fly, I am still capable of arriving to the mission faster than a flier even if I do have to utilize them. In fact, they made me *faster* than I was before, as I no longer have to go around, thus pretty much *ensuring* that I arrive faster than a flier, where before it might have been close. Additionally, if an enemy flies out of my range, I can just activate my temp power and attack them, thusly negating any advantage Fly or Hover had in a combat scenario as well.

I often feel that arguments against flight getting any sort of buff are based on purely on a conceptual basis, and lack any actual practical analysis. After having practically applied flight in various situations for the better part of three years, I can do nothing but conclude that Flight is the very worst travel power in the game with few, if any, redeeming qualities over other selections which are just as easily available, save, of course, for conceptual reasons.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Being able to run at near-sonic speeds will increase this to near-sonic levels.
The speed of sound in dry air is 768 mph.

The hard cap on Super Speed is 92.5 mph.

I'm not sure I'd call 12.04% "near".
