Free Form Archetypes

Adeon Hawkwood



Has there been any discussion on the topic of opening up archetypes so you could choose powers over all the power sets of that archetype as long as you were limited to the maximum number of holds/AE damage/Defense/Resistance the archetype should have? With CO offering such an abundance of choices for any one character, and realizing that such a system wouldn't work for CoH/V, there is still a middle ground that could be explored by keeping things within the archetypes though more open than it is now. Granted it would be a huge undertaking to make sure that the system wasn't exploited but that should be able to be worked out in the long run and would open up themed characters to such new aspects as to make the proposal attractive in many ways. Just a thought I hadn't seen expressed here yet, though admittedly I could have missed it.



It's been bought up a few times. I would be VERY surprised if the devs decided to do something like that at this point in the game's lifecycle. It would be a fundamental change to how characters work which is the sort of thing you put in a sequel rather than trying to shoehorn it into the existing game.



Originally Posted by MindGame1 View Post
Granted it would be a huge undertaking to make sure that the system wasn't exploited
This is the big one. There are so many ways to break things: for example, combine the three toggle defenses from Quick Reflexes with the toggle resistances from Electric Armor and some of the heals from Regeneration to get a scrapper that can match a Granite tank for survivability, without sacrificing speed or damage. Or take the nukes from the blaster primaries and team with an Empathy defender for an AoE powerhouse. Or combine the Kinetics secondary with the pets from the controller primaries for a one-person team that can out-mastermind a mastermind.



I don't think i would like total freedom to choose from all the archetypes, cause the now-clear roles of every toon (and i mean each toon, not archetype) in the team will dissapear, and along with it, will dissapear the way good teaming that we have.

what i would like to see is a freedom to take whatever power within each archetype, but on the same tier (example : a blaster could choose any tier 9/nova, but only one.)

defiant only

my public list :



Originally Posted by MindGame1 View Post
Has there been any discussion on the topic of opening up archetypes so you could choose powers over all the power sets of that archetype as long as you were limited to the maximum number of holds/AE damage/Defense/Resistance the archetype should have? With CO offering such an abundance of choices for any one character, and realizing that such a system wouldn't work for CoH/V, there is still a middle ground that could be explored by keeping things within the archetypes though more open than it is now. Granted it would be a huge undertaking to make sure that the system wasn't exploited but that should be able to be worked out in the long run and would open up themed characters to such new aspects as to make the proposal attractive in many ways. Just a thought I hadn't seen expressed here yet, though admittedly I could have missed it.
Yes. There has been a lot of discussion. Back in 2002, 2003, and 2004, when the game launched. There was a time during the original game's beta in which the developers allowed a free-form power selection, and it was deemed to be a BAD IDEA. The abject failure of a free-form type system is why we have the structured power sets.

There's little surprise then that the Jack Emmert helmed Champions Online tried a free-form system again... with predictable results. I think the sales results of Champions Online demonstrate just how seriously our Developers should take any of Cryptic's game mechanics.

Which is to say that what-ever ideas Champions Online implemented probably are not a good ideas for our Developers to look at.



Free Form Archetypes would be a very bad thing because you either make it so everyone can be increadibly broken (the possibilities I could come up with would be mind shattering), or make it so that every power functions exactly the same but simply has different graphics (Champions Online). Either way the gameplay suffers, and when the gameplay suffers everything else becomes secondary in a hurry.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
There's little surprise then that the Jack Emmert helmed Champions Online tried a free-form system again... with predictable results. I think the sales results of Champions Online demonstrate just how seriously our Developers should take any of Cryptic's game mechanics.

Which is to say that what-ever ideas Champions Online implemented probably are not a good ideas for our Developers to look at.
I hope that if they are looking at what Champions has done they're a little more objective than you are here. There's nothing wrong with analyzing a competitor and seeing what they did right and what they did wrong (No GG, that's not prompt for you to pop up with some hilarious quote-out-of-context one liner) and if it could be applied in some way in your own game.

For example some of the Public Quests from Warhammer Online have popped up in both Champions and here recently (the Monster Banners for example) and there are other aspects of other games which could work well in CoH too.

But yep, Freeform Archetypes is not one of them really.

what i would like to see is a freedom to take whatever power within each archetype, but on the same tier (example : a blaster could choose any tier 9/nova, but only one.)
Even that wouldn't work. For example if I was using that system to make a controller :

Ring of Fire (quickest animating, higher damage than other Immobs)
Char (quickest animating)
Seeds of Confusion
Ice Slick
Phantom Army
Carrion Creepers
Fire Imps

And that'd probably be close enough to a lot of peoples choices, certainly past the first 3 powers. Certainly PAs, Seeds and Creepers would feature anyway.



It never works. Not because of mechanics. Not because of the devs.

Because of the players.

Even in a game as diverse as this one already is, the game suffers substantially by players that attempt to pigeonhole all of the great diversity into 3 roles.

Players are the death of innovation.



I think what would happen if that went through, is that eventually the UBER BUILD would be found, and then we would see everyone using that and only that because it would simply be the best mix to use. It would potentially hurt the status quo. Not to mention that once the best set to use has been found, teaming would be pointless because the super awesomesauce nevahdie build would be soloing with no need for a team. All predictions, yes, but also very likely. that's what I hear went on in CO.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
I think what would happen if that went through, is that eventually the UBER BUILD would be found, and then we would see everyone using that and only that because it would simply be the best mix to use. It would potentially hurt the status quo. Not to mention that once the best set to use has been found, teaming would be pointless because the super awesomesauce nevahdie build would be soloing with no need for a team. All predictions, yes, but also very likely. that's what I hear went on in CO.

I submit, for your perusal of overpoweredness.

A Blaster:

Lightning Bolt
Ice Storm

Charged Brawl
Build Up
Targeting Drone
Conserve Power
Drain Psyche
Power Boost
Power Sink
Psychic Shockwave, that wouldn't be brokenly overpowered at all. I built that using the power choices at each level, which is the most logical way to do something like that.

A Scrapper

Storm Kick
Build Up
Thunder Strike
Confront (every scrapper set has this at level 12)
Fire Sword Circle
Dragon's Tail
Lightning Rod

High Pain Tolerance
Quick Recovery
Indomitable Will
Against All Odds
Lightning Reflexes
Shield Charge

Can you imagine the farmer this would be?

Just an illustration of the problems inherent free form power selection.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I submit, for your perusal of overpoweredness.

A Blaster:

Lightning Bolt
Ice Storm

Charged Brawl
Build Up
Targeting Drone
Conserve Power
Drain Psyche
Power Boost
Power Sink
Psychic Shockwave, that wouldn't be brokenly overpowered at all. I built that using the power choices at each level, which is the most logical way to do something like that.

A Scrapper

Storm Kick
Build Up
Thunder Strike
Confront (every scrapper set has this at level 12)
Fire Sword Circle
Dragon's Tail
Lightning Rod

High Pain Tolerance
Quick Recovery
Indomitable Will
Against All Odds
Lightning Reflexes
Shield Charge

Can you imagine the farmer this would be?

Just an illustration of the problems inherent free form power selection.
Looking at this makes me want to go to the bathroom for 30sec. lolololol



Obviously the real reason people would want this is to complete their roleplaying concept.

It would never occur to them the power combinations they chose would allow them to decimate all enemies in the game without any inherent risk to themselves.

No really, it's just that I have a rp concept in mind.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Or combine the Kinetics secondary with the pets from the controller primaries for a one-person team that can out-mastermind a mastermind.
Uhmm isn't that a /kin controller ?



I think she meant ALL the pets.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Yes. There has been a lot of discussion. Back in 2002, 2003, and 2004, when the game launched. There was a time during the original game's beta in which the developers allowed a free-form power selection, and it was deemed to be a BAD IDEA. The abject failure of a free-form type system is why we have the structured power sets.

There's little surprise then that the Jack Emmert helmed Champions Online tried a free-form system again... with predictable results. I think the sales results of Champions Online demonstrate just how seriously our Developers should take any of Cryptic's game mechanics.

Which is to say that what-ever ideas Champions Online implemented probably are not a good ideas for our Developers to look at.
Thats just bad logic. Champions online is based off the Champions Paper and Pencil game which had a very good very good free form system. What you are doing is the equivalent of condemning all restaurants as a bad idea because there is one guy out there who can't make the concept work.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Thats just bad logic. Champions online is based off the Champions Paper and Pencil game which had a very good very good free form system. What you are doing is the equivalent of condemning all restaurants as a bad idea because there is one guy out there who can't make the concept work.
Je Saist was talking about the Champions MMO and how that is set up, though. I wouldn't outright nix anything CO did, because it sounds like they did some things right. But a freeform system is not one that worked well there. CoX's AT system actually works quite well, and there are different specialties and roles available from the different powersets. There is no real need to be freeform, given that.

If anyone needs a reminder of why freeform balancing is tricky, look at Kheldians. They're supposed to be generalists that can do a good job in a variety of roles, making them difficult for the developers to balance: more so than other specialized ATs, I would say. Any buffs to Dwarf form has to be thought of in terms of how it affects the Kheldian AT, but also make sure that it doesn't get better than Tankers, etc.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I was thinking about a variation of this idea just yesterday... dunno why, maybe I ate some bad pizza before bed or something... but it went kind of like this:

You keep the power sets in tact, ie Super Strength, Invulnerability, etc. And you keep the AT Hit Points and Innate power based on the primary powerset you choose. However, you can then choose any secondary powerset that does not conflict with your primary.

So, you could choose to be a tanker and take Invulnerability. This would give you the tanker health and innate taunt. Then, as a secondary you could choose a tanker secondary(EM, SS, SM, etc) as normal, or you could choose from any of the other secondary attack based power sets, such as the defender or dominator attack powers(since a character would have to have some form of attack) barring any conflict(much like the limitations on Shield Defense with certain attack powers).

Obviously, some combinations would be better than others, but it would allow for a great deal of creativity.

Say you want to make an "Iron Man" style character, so, you take Blaster "Energy Blast", giving you blaster health and the "Defiance" innate ability, but then you take Scrapper "Invulnerability" secondary for the defenses/resists, thus making you a bit less offensive, but more rugged blaster.

Of course the way some of the AT sets are currently an imbalance could occur and would have to be worked out... such as blaster primary with corruptor secondaries... but the concept would be fun. Personally, I would love for my Energy/Thermal armored corruptor to be an Energy/Invuln(brute style), to fit the concept better and even while sacrificing heals/buffs/debuffs, allow me a bit more soloability.

Mainly I think it would add a lot of diversity into characters and concepts. Granted, I am sure there would be some "min/max" optimum builds that some would come up with for PvP/Farming/AV killing, it would still be fun.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I wonder how broken every character getting a signature power at say 35 would be. The signature power could be anyone one power from any powerset. This would allow your character to do something different from every other character in your Archetype. Maybe you could even keep certain powers like Fulcrem Shift off the table. But I think a broader single choice would create a lot of lot of stylization for toons.

I'm sure this could result in some level of brokenness, but not the absurd brokenness that some of the other suggestions would do.

I think we all have noticed that AE has a ton of good and bad associated with it. But overall its been a good choice for the game and doesn't have to ruin peoples experience. So too would a signature power not ruin people experiences.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Thats just bad logic. Champions online is based off the Champions Paper and Pencil game which had a very good very good free form system. What you are doing is the equivalent of condemning all restaurants as a bad idea because there is one guy out there who can't make the concept work.
Champions Online's STORY is based on the Champions tabletop game.
Champions Online has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Hero system used by the Champions tabletop game.

This is fact. The "Champions" IP and the "Hero System" used by the tabletop games are separate properties. Cryptic purchased the Champions IP from HERO Games. This allowed Cryptic to create a game set in the Champions universe. CRYPTIC DID NOT BUY ANY RIGHTS TO THE HERO SYSTEM WHATSOEVER



The only conceivable way I could see this implemented is this new "AT" would have the following limits on them:

1. Obligate solo'ist - absolutely no teaming at all in the game and no PVP
2. Confined to AE for teaming- no badges, accolades, temps, nothing!!

Here you wanna be all powerful? Go do that in an alternate place and leave the game proper.

Would I like the option of unbridled creativite to min/max anything (damage/defence/recharge)- sure, but without some constraint the challenge and replayablility of a GAME is lost. Might as well load up a big, open space to your computer that says: Here, create! (course that wouldnt be "open" because of those 2 words, but...u know...)

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



It's far too late to make such a drastic change - but I think you could probably make something like this work, from a balance perspective, if you set it up properly. For instance - every ranged attack you take lowers your max hp. Every defense power you take reduces your ranged damage modifier. Set ceilings and floors for all numbers so you couldn't complete gimp your character. I think you'd still have the issue of creating a game where support toons/powers were unnecessary, and thus unplayed. (Which in turn effectively limits the content options for the developers.)



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
I wonder how broken every character getting a signature power at say 35 would be. The signature power could be anyone one power from any powerset. This would allow your character to do something different from every other character in your Archetype. Maybe you could even keep certain powers like Fulcrem Shift off the table. But I think a broader single choice would create a lot of lot of stylization for toons.
I generally like it, but it'd need some heavy inspection to keep things from getting unbalanced. If you think soft-capping is crazy now, just imagine if anybody who wanted to could grab any +defense toggle in the game at 35...

(Me, I'd just have Defenders with Shield Charge.)

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Thats just bad logic. Champions online is based off the Champions Paper and Pencil game which had a very good very good free form system.
I GMed the Champions Paper and Pencil game for ten years, and I can tell you the Hero System works ONLY if a GM moderates it closely, firmly and objectively. Heck, a large number of the game rules specifically say "GM determines the frequency of this in his campaign," and hence the point value. Without a GM's consistent guidance, there's inherent pressure on the players to bend the intent and even the letter of the rules, and the characters become distorted beyond the designed power level of the campaign.

MMO's don't have a true game master making consistent decisions, and I firmly believe such a system won't work well in the unmoderated wild, wild West of an online MMO.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
I was thinking about a variation of this idea just yesterday... dunno why, maybe I ate some bad pizza before bed or something... but it went kind of like this:

You keep the power sets in tact, ie Super Strength, Invulnerability, etc. And you keep the AT Hit Points and Innate power based on the primary powerset you choose. However, you can then choose any secondary powerset that does not conflict with your primary.

So, you could choose to be a tanker and take Invulnerability. This would give you the tanker health and innate taunt. Then, as a secondary you could choose a tanker secondary(EM, SS, SM, etc) as normal, or you could choose from any of the other secondary attack based power sets, such as the defender or dominator attack powers(since a character would have to have some form of attack) barring any conflict(much like the limitations on Shield Defense with certain attack powers).

Obviously, some combinations would be better than others, but it would allow for a great deal of creativity.

Say you want to make an "Iron Man" style character, so, you take Blaster "Energy Blast", giving you blaster health and the "Defiance" innate ability, but then you take Scrapper "Invulnerability" secondary for the defenses/resists, thus making you a bit less offensive, but more rugged blaster.

Of course the way some of the AT sets are currently an imbalance could occur and would have to be worked out... such as blaster primary with corruptor secondaries... but the concept would be fun. Personally, I would love for my Energy/Thermal armored corruptor to be an Energy/Invuln(brute style), to fit the concept better and even while sacrificing heals/buffs/debuffs, allow me a bit more soloability.

Mainly I think it would add a lot of diversity into characters and concepts. Granted, I am sure there would be some "min/max" optimum builds that some would come up with for PvP/Farming/AV killing, it would still be fun.

Can you say "tankmage"?

Tanker Ice Armor and blaster Fire Manipulation? AoE monster, that can kill by just standing in a mob.

Brute Electric Melee or Super Strength and Kinetics? Load up with recharge and hit the damage cap by yourself. You wouldn't need defenses because nothng would live long enough to hurt you.

Katana and Corruptor/Controller Radiation Emission? With IOs you can get reasonable levels of defense, and with those debuffs and a heal up every 10 seconds you'd be an AV soloing machine. And don't forget about the hold aura that comes later in the set. Throw a Lockdown Chance for +2 Hold Mag in there and be a scraptroller. (actually this one sounds like fun)

The problem with it is: 95% of the playerbase would immediately use this ability to make a tankmage character. Sure, some would use it for concept, but they would be a vast minority.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.