If One thing of yours was made Canon
I would want all my MA arcs to be canon - indeed I try to write them so they could be dumped straight into the real game. Out of the arcs I've written I guess my latest VEAT arc, "The Warburg Connection" would make a good canon arc.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
When MA first came out I made a arc about going back in time and helping Mako defeat Scrapyard.This was brought about by someone meddling in the timestream named "Temporal Virus",who was an agent of a larger conspiracy to change things in time to bring about an unknown event into play.
In this different timestream Mako had been stopped and it was up to you and your team to travel back and correct this event.
I liked that idea of the Tempral Virus so much I eventually made him he is now lvl 35 grav/nrg dom.I wouldn't mind seeing him included in Obororous mythology as an enemy of the menders who tries to subvert time for an unknown purpose.
Side note I deleted the arc after a period of time.
Let's go for the hat trick...my MA arcs.
I love the Time Bandits, and their arc is a love letter to the backstory of the game. Making Your Name is the first arc I've made as a replacement to the frankly abysmal dev-made VEAT arcs. The Arcanous Librium is the least important of the three, but I think it's a cute arc.
I'm also tempted to throw in the Godby Organization, which starred in a previously-published arc of mine, but I'm not afraid to admit that they're essentially a European combination of Crey and Malta.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Add another one for AE arcs. I generally write them to be "insertable" into the game, though, of course, my interpretations of the characters are my own.
If I had to choose just one of my five published arcs, I'd choose "The Key and the Chain" (#193451), which gives the Legacy Chain some, in my opinion, much-needed heroside presence. It also explains why Virgil Tarikoss ended up recruiting villains in the Rogue Isles and features a chance to fight Mr. Bocor, a character I've always felt would make an interesting in-game opponent.
My Croatoa arc, "The Love Talker" (#30242), adds a bit of backstory to the Tuatha and even gives them a leader (as well as explaining, sort of, why you never see him elsewhere in the game). If I had to explain how this one would improve game canon, I'd say that it's because it expands nicely on the fairy-lore of Croatoa, creating some unique menaces to liven up the "generic" Red Caps, Tuatha, and others.
My (serious) Nemesis arc, "Urban Renewal" (#255713), is actually an extensive reworking of the "Stop Nemesis Macro Assembler" mission from i0, an interesting concept that I've always felt cried out for its own map (it's about a machine that eats buildings) and better implementation (the original mission requires clicking three glowies simultaneously). While I consider the arc well-written, it's a fairly unsubtle, straightforward story about a standup fight with the Nemesis Army. I actually consider this a strength. I wanted to create a story to suggest that Nemesis has the muscle to back up all that plotting. It is, after all, the Nemesis Army, not the Nemesis "Gang with Strange Pseudo-Victorian Technology." Finally, I just enjoyed creating uniforms and powers for a few additional kinds of Nemesis troops (the Freakshow who switched allegiance to Nemesis work for "boiler-grade coke and racy engravings of Ada Lovelace" are my favorites ).
My Warriors arc, "The Heart of Talos" (#175660), might make a good addition to canon, since it provides at least a partial explanation for the Warriors' artifact trade, a plot thread that simply vanishes in the mid-20's. It also provides what I consider a natural connection between the Warriors and Cimerora, as well as some background on the hero, Talos. That said, there really wasn't space within four missions to develop all those threads and have an action-packed, task force-like series of challenges, which is the feel I wanted (I wrote it after watching a Ray Harryhausen movie). If I were making this into a dev-made arc as opposed to an AE one, I'd break it up into a few more missions, to develop things a bit more thoroughly and less frenetically.
Finally, to close with what I'd consider another great addition, not so much to the canon but as an event, there's "The Wentworth's Thanksgiving Day Parade" (#347683). I'd joked for years about a "Thanksgiving Event," so last November, I decided to create my own. This is a Nemesis arc as well, and while it's serious enough to take place within the context of the rest of the game, it's also got a lot of intentional silliness in it. My major regret is that I couldn't find a good way to create the balloons for the parade, so the characters just talk about them. But imagine if this arc became canonical! Heroes could be awarded the "Grand Marshal" and "Baster" badges!
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
I'm pretty proud of my villain Molm Reindar, who started out as a joke and kind of turned into a very serious character.
One of these days I'll get around to actually putting in the story arc that I scripted about him.
Global name: @k26dp
I enjoy my main character's story. It wouldn't even be very hard to implement, because it's mostly just in his head.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
I have always thought there should be an ENORMOUS statue of PP in Grandville... Right at the beginning part of the zone... with lots of odd particle effects to cause people mass lag...
Muah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha *cough* Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...
An ad Campaign between CoH/V and Hostess Fruit Pies. Seriously, why has this not been done?!
I like to come up with some fairly wacky characters and bios, but I know exactly who I'd like to make canon:
Captain Blakstar (DP/Ice Blaster, to be formally made when DP is available).
Here's his bio:
He's a robot, he's a pirate, and he's a ghost. How that came to be is a complete mystery. Don't think about it too hard, you'll just make your head hurt.
Blakstar is the captain of the Paradox, a mechanical ghost ship crewed by Robotic Pirate Ghosts. It is unknown just how long Blakstar has sailed the seven seas, but he has sailed along side greats like Blackbeard, Calico Jack, and even Captain Mako. Some say that the Paradox sails through time itself.
When Blakstar received word that Captain Mako was now working with Arachnos, Blakstar set out to the Rogue isles to defeat him, because in Blakstar's eyes turning your back on the sea is a cardinal sin that no real captain would commit. After leaving the Paradox in the capable hands of his trusted first mate Stan, Blakstar infiltrated the world of superheroes and villains to challenge Mako and strip him of the title of Captain in single combat.
One of these days I'm going to have to get around to finishing my Arc about Blakstar's campaign against Mako.
Let's face it... if anything of mine were made canon the entire development team would likely be in need of psychological counselling.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Well, this isn't so much something of mine, but rather something of my friend's which I am a part of.
His main, and one of my alts, are both Human/Snake Hybrids made by a Mad Scientist in an attempt to make Incarnate Super Soldiers. (Fun Fact: Stheno was an Incarnate. Play Operative Grillo's arc if you don't believe me.)
Anyway, my friend is a HUGE lore buff, so he expanded the lore given in the game a bit further. In his version of the lore, Snakes can actually tap into a sort of pool of Incarnate power formed from the combined Incarnate energy of every Snake in existence. This tends to manifest itself as Ghostly Blue Snakes (Which makes it -perfect- for the Leviathan Mastery Powerset.)
It also creates some issues when said characters happen to piss Stheno off for a variety of reasons (mostly by not being violent enough), which results in said power actually -turning- on them. And it also leaves them open to ever so subtle manipulation...
So within the dynamics of those two toons, it works really well.
But... Yeah. Everyone else says MA Arcs, I say RP Plot... Go Virtue.
Hmmmm, I'm not sure. I like most of my things being non-canon personally...If pressed I would probably say that my Praetorian that doesn't exist yet, Zachariah Kurran. I think he would generally make a good Loyalist signature character. He's a very strong Loyalist, he dresses like one and he exemplifies most of their values, but what makes him interesting is the fact that he doesn't actually believe in Tyrant's system, and he could be argued as a heroic character.
EDIT: ALSO there should be a full-blown rebellion on Mercy Island!

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
I'll echo the people who have said "my MA arcs". My two arcs try to flesh out Croatoa lore a bit more, trying in real-world mythos and bringing the Unseelie Court (who currently only appear during the Halloween event) to a more prominent role, along with their counterparts in the Seelie Court. My arcs also segregate the existing fey in Croatoa into the two faerie courts.
my MA arc villain, Fathom. we need a computer villain! plus, he has a lot of comeback value.
(Circuit Breaker, by @White Arrow. play it, and you'll see why it is he can just keep coming back for more, no matter how much you beat the guy up)
I'd like my namesake to be a TF/ mission helper, casting bubbles and Mind Control to help out.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Cyberninja Kitsune, an illusion/TA Controller would be a perfect addition to the canon as a more levelheaded equivalent to Fusionette.
Her bio reads: How did I become a superhero? It's a loooong story involving dimension-hopping aliens who pretend to be nature spirits, a thermos of coffee, two rubberbands, a Victorian tea set and a misaligned particle accelerator. Really not all that interesting anyway.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Ooooh, that's actually a tough one! Hmmm, my first thought is my troller, a grav/rad named Unstar, who I think would be a pretty cool NPC ally on some kind of mission. His story is that he's a black hole - specifically, Cygnus X-3 - who gained sentience when he (or, at that point, it) devoured a Kheldian. Of course, the Kheldian's host body was torn to sub-atoms and integrated into Cygnus X-3's mass, but since Kheldians are made of energy, things worked a bit differently. The Kheldian did die, but within the curved space of Cygnus X-3' event horizon, its energy also became part of the black hole, and the source of Unstar's consciousness. He does not know any of this; he knows that at some point he became self-aware, but not why. I RP him as being extroverted, curious, and largely peaceful, fascinated by both sentient beings and magic, deliberately keeping his gravity reverse-polarized so as not to destroy the interesting planet he found.
If he were actually a canon character, he'd have a darkmap all over his character model, so he would look like a humanoid hole in reality.
EDIT: Eep, sorry about the wall-of-text!
It would be the height of unlikeliness, but I'd love to see Dr. Sorina Tavarisch, my grav/kin Tech scientist and the female lead from my story THE COURSE OF SUPERHERO ROMANCE, become canon. Even leaving out the storyline of her relationship with Positron, to have her become a new storyline contact for Vanguard would be an absolute thrill.
Second best would be seeing my MA arc "Dyne of the Times" become canon as it deals with the trials and tribulations of an older Back Alley Brawler.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I'd actually vote for something that isn't mine, but I'm involved with, the Unity Vigil, Zortel's SG. They have several large buildings in Skyway and are well known for causing trouble at a geo-political level; Zorielle Rollando was called before the President at some point to justify her actions.
On a much more subtle level, I'd love to see some acknowledgement of the various RP meeting areas in various areas. Just some civilian chatter, perhaps: someone mentioning that they're going over to Galaxy Girl or Atlas' Statue to see if they can get some autographs because the heroes often gather there. I'm not sure where the gathering point is on Virtue (if there is one), but the same sort of thing for there. Having been involved in the Galaxy Girl meetings since the very first one, I think that would be a nice touch. (It would be amazingly cool to hear someone remembering when The Prize gathered heroes together at GG so that they could take the fight to the Council on Striga, but that's sort of getting too specific.)
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
MA Arc series mostly. That is, my MA Arc series when I get to place my AVs and select chunks of diferent zones.
and I want one of my characters battle cry "Pizza Cake" made a battle cry for some comic relief hero or villain. When ever they get asked to do something they yell Pizza Cake
I'm tempted to go with one of my goofier characters just for the sake of drawing a mustache on this Mona Lisa of a game, but I have to answer that two of MA arcs would be good choices. DayJob Hell makes a good non-Snake starter story for villains and Against The WickerWork Khan! is an interesting take (according to the reviews so far) on some already-canon material.
If that second arc made it in, I'd like to shoe-horn in my character Princess YinYin who's in that arc as well. I made a stalker with the same character model and I also intend to make a Dual Pistols blaster with her once GR comes out. In the bio for the stalker I dropped something in about "there are number of panda-based alrternate Earths and no one's sure why. Also, every panda-based universe has a Princess YinYin, no one's exactly sure why that is either," so it could be fun to have all sorts of different versions of her around. Pretty narcissistic I know...
If one of your characters, mission arcs, or custom groups was made canon in the game which would it be and why? What have you done that would make an awesome addition to the game?
I would like to see some of my stranger character Bios make it in. I always thought robbing a bank was not good enough for a character Bio so my characters always had odd first adventures like stopping Renegade Belgian Biochemists or "some made up but could be in the game character" like Coronel Zurnig (Colonel Madness) of the 5th Column. These would go into the minor heroes from various factions in the mission architect.