Discussion - Ultra Mode, Issue 17: Dark Mirror and Going Rogue!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
For the MA additons, what stuff in the non-MA missions is currently missing from the MA?
Several maps they removed. There's also presently player only stuff, like power customization and Earth Assault for Dominators.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Mystic_Cross View Post

I'm so excited.... SQUEEEEEEEE EEE EEEEE EE *head explodes*

Ok now that I got that out of my system, I'm sooo dissapointed because I have to go out of town tonight until thursday and I don't want to miss anything
I don't think you'll miss too much - nothing offical, anyway

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Epics now available at 20? can we clarify this? it sounds like those of us who killed ourselves to get to 50 wasted our time doing so. are we going to be getting some new epic that opens at 50 to replace the current ones?

Also what the heck are Alpha- and Omega themed auras and costumes? I'm guessing it has something to do with Omega team

Lord Raptor lvl 50 Thugs/traps MM Le Guerrier lvl 50 Broadsword/invuln scrapper
Lola the Chain lvl 50 electric/energy brute Kage Ryu lvl 50 ninja/dark MM
Billy. Bones lvl 50 zombie/trick arrow MM Jet Stream lvl 50 Super Strength/invuln tank



Originally Posted by TheRook View Post
Epics now available at 20? can we clarify this? it sounds like those of us who killed ourselves to get to 50 wasted our time doing so. are we going to be getting some new epic that opens at 50 to replace the current ones?
No, but War Witch will be available in Pocket D between 17:00 and 18:00 EST each day for the week following the launch of I17 do use the /e slap emote on any players who feel they're been treated unfairly.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yeah, thanks for breaking the news just as I was about to go to bed (11pm here). Just try go to sleep with all these bits of info flying around in your brain. Sheesh, some people

Just one thing - I hope those pre-orders and box sets come to the European market at the same time as US, so we can get our pre-order perks and goodies too.

So please, don't forget that there's players on the right side of the Pond too!



Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
I'll be throwing my shoes at you!

Just say NO! To cut-scenes!
In general I like cut scenes, they add a level of emersion. But the penchant for funny cut scenes they've added I don't particularly care for (frost fire, dr aeon). I like the ITF and STF cutscenes.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
How I read it so far;

Going Rogue in any shape or form = Two new powersets
No GR, no powers

Pre-order = Unlocked when you get it. (Unsure if that means test or live...I'm..god help me, tempted to say Live.

Answer is definitely 'you need to purcahse' though. Afaik, and as its been made out.
I very much doubt that you will need to purchase GR to get the new powersets, but since there's no precedent we can't really say for sure without dev confirmation (I5, I7, I11, and I13 had new powersets but that was a free issue, I6 had a few new powersets but that was part of a paid expansion and the powersets in question were only available on ATs added in that expansion).

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Originally Posted by EarthFury View Post
In general I like cut scenes, they add a level of emersion. But the penchant for funny cut scenes they've added I don't particularly care for (frost fire, dr aeon). I like the ITF and STF cutscenes.
But they get annoying after the 100th time x_x

@Naa - Liberty Server




Originally Posted by TheRook View Post
Those of us who killed ourselves to get to 50 wasted our time doing so. are we going to be getting some new epic that opens at 50 to replace the current ones?
Eh.. wasted your time? You got a level fifty out of it, and you got your epic up to years before this change goes into effect.

It seems like offering a new Epic at level 50 would kill the point of a change in the first place, plus they've stated they weren't going to use level 50 as a requirement to unlock Epics in the future..

It does seem a bit low to me, but I am missing how it invalidates your actions and rewards in the past.

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
But they get annoying after the 100th time x_x
Some get annoying much faster than others. The worst offender is the lissssping sssssnake egg monologue. Being as it's so low level, the only way to avoid it is not do contact missions until you can get contacts via the newspaper.

Then again, that one barely is ssssaying anything at all. (Also, it totally ssssteriotypessss ssssnakesssssss.


Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



All i want to know is when and where can we pre order it?



Will we be getting new minimum and recommended requirements to enjoy Ultra Mode in all of it's beautifulness?

I know it's not a required option but I want to know what I'll need to run it, or maybe I already have a computer capable of doing it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What about something like the start phase of an Arena match? Like you enter a room that has a "info NPC" in it, so you can't move or fire off powers for a few seconds while the text bubbles appear?
Well, I still would want timed chat (so the character does not say the next line until a predefined amount of time goes by.) And I'm no dev but it sounds as it would be easier to make an entity an ally and have the chat timers also be able to trigger a betrayal so you can't attack him.

Would also be nice to make betrayals triggered on another unit's betrayal (would be easy to sinc betrayals of full groups.)



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I very much doubt that you will need to purchase GR to get the new powersets, but since there's no precedent we can't really say for sure without dev confirmation (I5, I7, I11, and I13 had new powersets but that was a free issue, I6 had a few new powersets but that was part of a paid expansion and the powersets in question were only available on ATs added in that expansion).
Everything so far has tied Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning to Going Rogue. Otherwise, why bother revealing them? Why hype them as part of Going Rogue? They'd simply be in the next Issue.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Hey all,

Just to clarify before speculation runs toooooo rampant, we're not doing a Nemesis-type system for Issue 17.

War Witch
This is a brilliant post. Far too many times the devs have stood by silently while speculation went wildly out of hand. When they finally stepped in, the resulting disappointment swamped the excitement of the original announcement. I know marketing stops them from saying what *is* in the future releases, but I'm glad to see them stepping up and saying what is *not* before people get their hopes too high about the wrong stuff.

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Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
This is a brilliant post. Far too many times the devs have stood by silently while speculation went wildly out of hand. When they finally stepped in, the resulting disappointment swamped the excitement of the original announcement.
In the dark, mirrior universe of CO, that works the other way around

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
Will we be getting new minimum and recommended requirements to enjoy Ultra Mode in all of it's beautifulness?

I know it's not a required option but I want to know what I'll need to run it, or maybe I already have a computer capable of doing it.
Posi's Ultra Mode shopping guide is here -> http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=200245

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[url="http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/214#list"]City Info Tracker[/url]



*just woke up and read the announcement*


Yessss! I was a 60 month vet during the loyalty program. Wewt wewt! Bring on the closed beta goodness! XD

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Originally Posted by joshdex View Post
Some get annoying much faster than others. The worst offender is the lissssping sssssnake egg monologue. Being as it's so low level, the only way to avoid it is not do contact missions until you can get contacts via the newspaper.
Ever since they first added cutscenes to Co*, I've been hoping they'd add a "skip" option like the one in Guild Wars: basically, everyone on the team has a "skip" button, and if everyone votes to skip a cutscene, it's skipped, but if anyone doesn't press it, it's not, so people that haven't seen it before don't miss out. (Also, though you can see how many have voted to skip it, you can't see who has or hasn't.)

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Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
  • Epic Archetypes now available at level 20
This is the one detail I'm not crazy about. Right now, the (V)EATs are badges of honor -- we worked hard to earn them and it seems like they'll be cheapened somewhat if anyone capable of getting Stamina can unlock them.

I can't help but remember the Star Wars: Galaxies MMO whose Epic Archetype, Jedi, took a dedicated player a year or more of grinding to unlock. There was a certain amount of displeasure when the Jedi class was opened up as a starting profession with no prerequisites.

Be that as it may, I'm looking forward to Issue 17 and hope my computer is up to the task of running Ultra Mode in all of its pixelly goodness.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Where can I pre order regardless of statue, it's what 70 bucks altogether? o.o



Originally Posted by EarthFury View Post
In general I like cut scenes, they add a level of emersion.
I actually find most of them (the notable exception being Dr. Aeon in the STF) completely immersion-breaking, since they provide information the characters would never have access to. I'm all for the addition of the ability to create these to the MA, though, provided the MA interface is updated to warn players that the arc may contain cutscenes. As long as people who don't like them can avoid them, adding them becomes a win-win.

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Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
This is the one detail I'm not crazy about. Right now, the (V)EATs are badges of honor -- we worked hard to earn them and it seems like they'll be cheapened somewhat if anyone capable of getting Stamina can unlock them.

I can't help but remember the Star Wars: Galaxies MMO whose Epic Archetype, Jedi, took a dedicated player a year or more of grinding to unlock. There was a certain amount of displeasure when the Jedi class was opened up as a starting profession with no prerequisites.

Be that as it may, I'm looking forward to Issue 17 and hope my computer is up to the task of running Ultra Mode in all of its pixelly goodness.

Might be a misunderstanding...Thought maybe they meant a new epic archetype o.@



my thoughts so far

* New badges, new missions and new player emotes:

new badges: plz plz plz no more defeat 5000 times badges other than that im good

new missions: always a + for me as long as it is not 1 mission and that it. (ie chimeria comes to mind or SS both witch have some missions but not a lot) still looking forward too it

* Epic Archetypes now available at level 20:

not sure how i feel about this but hey whatever

* Improvements and additions to Mission Architect:


* Enhancements to UI and game systems:

i guess im not sure what they could do to improve it

* And more

of course

* Alpha- and Omega-themed auras

sounds like part of the end game system im just saying

* Alpha and Omega themed costumed sets

same which would be cool if you unlocked them because of doing X

* Four stance emotes


* The Shadowy Presence invisibility power

not sure more details will help

well that about it over all not bad of course more pictures/some video/etc would help but i can wait oh yea and beta testing how could i forget that

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
For the MA additons, what stuff in the non-MA missions is currently missing from the MA?
There are a good number of Maps still not available...there is an entire thread listing them in one of the MA forum sections. There are still issues with certain mobs not being available (Zig prisoners comes to mind) so I would imagine there is more than a few things that can still be added.

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