Share your favorite concept character




Here's mine:

I've wanted to make a new scrapper for a very long time but couldn't decide what I wanted to make. I've heard of players singing the praises of electric/shield but I already had an electric/shield brute and I didn't want to replicate power sets. So I decided on a fire/shield scrapper.

However, fire melee and shield defense is sort of hard to wrap around a concept, so I thought of someone who could not only wield fire but manipulate it enough to form weapons and perhaps a shield, a character that literally fences with flame. Once I got the concept and the name, all the rest of it came together quickly. I threw in the bit about alchemy because it seemed to make the concept more cohesive, giving the character a reason on why she can yield fire. The costume is a very stylized version of how I envision an alchemist warrior would dress herself - part witch, part knight.

Anyways, a nice concept always makes a character more fun IMO. Please feel free to share your favorite. Looking at character design/concepts is one of things I enjoy most about this game.



My favourite concept character, for the time being, is my MA/Fire scrapper Sunrazer:

Martial arts being my favourite scrapper primary and Fire just being cool, it took me awhile to get a concept I liked. Eventually I came up with the above bio/concept, which originated as an idea for praetorian hellions (ie ultra devout monks with access to a Green Lantern style power source). Martial artists hook up with a secretive cult of Ra worshipers, and after thousands of years we get butt-kicking warrior monks worshiping the sun god.

Sunrazer is currently 49 and is a lot of fun to play, even though MA/Fire has been described as the worst scrapper combo one could make.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




One of my all-time faves in trying to shoe-horn a character concept into CoH was Rugged Boy.

He's a 37th Century child of space miners, whose craft crashed on a seemingly uninhabited planet when he was a baby, leaving him an orphan. He was raised by native energy beings called Zetans that can bond to human DNA and spontaneously mutate it, giving him a wide array of one-at-a-time superpowers - he has to become "clear" in between upgrades.

Part Tarzan, part Ultra-Boy, partly a poke at Scientology mythology.
I'm at work, so no pictures, but he looked like a cross between Tarzan and Anthony Keidis

I ended up making him Earth Control/Kinetics, with a close up melee style incorporating Jump Kick, Air Superiority and Sands of Mu for Rugged Strength, and the Ethereal Shift temp power thrown in for Rugged Invulnerability, since its very much a one at a time power.
Dual Builds with Ice Mastery and Fire Mastery rounded out the feel that he could switch between a lot of possible powers, and could terraform environments just like a child on a strange planet might.

I would have happily paid real money to have a vet combat pet so he could pop out different semi-visible Zetans to follow him around.

He had seven Zetans permanently attached, whose names were different electromagnetic frequencies, Red Zetan, Ornage Zetan etc for short.
Unfortunately, I got him to 50 (and hence stopped playing him, for that is my custom) just as Power Customisation was introduced. Missed out!



December of 2004:

I was sick of playing my first character, a darkity dark defender, born June 30th. I needed something fiesty and elegant but bold. Tough but smooth. Alas, spines (uncustomizable back then) was ugly. But the action isn't. A combination of melee and range to pivot gracefully and strike out at runners and cowards. My Spines SR began her life as Aranita. She now carries on as Una.

The concept was simple. Aranita was a warrior, an angel and more specifically, a seraphim. Seraphim have six wings gracing their bodies head to toe.


"... I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and His train filled the Hekhal (sanctuary). Above Him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew."
In her case, with super reflexes, her wings beat furiously at speeds imperceivable to most. These wings, in battle, would fracture and shard. The bones would splinter into the bodies of her enemies and burn out their sins. This also possible as spines has toxic secondary effects.

Wikipedia - Seraphim literally means "burning ones" in the Hebrew (Sarap, 'to burn'). The word is sometimes used for venomous snakes (e.g. Isaiah 30v6), possibly due to the burning sensation of the poison. It is often used alongside, or interchangeably with "nachash," (heb. "נחש") a more common and generic term for serpents (e.g. Numbers 21:6-7.)

As for her original name, it's Spanish for "little spider". The wicked only saw her true form when mortally pierced but innocents would sometimes see her shadowed silhouette, that of six boney stripped down wings, and mistake her for a spectral black widow.

This is my favorite costume and her biography:

Wikipedia: Seraphim appear in the Gnostic text On the Origin of the World. Here they are described as "dragon-shaped angels".

I was working on a longer biography in hopes I'd get the time to post her properly in VirtueVerse but lost focus everytime a group project came along.

The origin of her first name:

Before she was Una, she was called Aranita - the little spider. To awestruck onlookers that's how she first appeared, at twilight, cast as a spoked shadow which flickered furiously against the earth's floor and cliff walls. Not physically visible to the innocent in those days, only ever to the wicked once pierced, Aranita was a tale patched together from the mouths of children. Such a story, with evidence found in morning light, frightened even the most cynical adults in their village. Their collective stories echoed the vision of an ever-changing woman's silhouette; "she had a six, eight, no.. perhaps it was ten and two legs". Some regarded the strange formations as arms. Long, twisting spindles that arched from behind her torso and reached out in every direction. "Legs don't have hands..." said one observant child. "Though. she carried with her not one weapon." Terrifying more that the appendages broke off at times, piercing deep the other shadows, rendering lifeless the invading armies to their homeland. And so it was, the angel with broken wings set six pair as Seraphim's are, was first named by the children along the Mediterranean coast of Hispania.



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
I was sick of playing my first character, a darkity dark defender
You broke my heart!



My favorite concept character was conceived over ten issues ago, when the game was quite different, and is now unlikely to ever exist as I imagined him.

He was a good cop, young and earnest, set up and shot down by bad ones. But his soul could not rest, and so he returned - first to deal with his murderers, then to fight other injustices.

He would have been a Dual Pistols scrapper (yes, yes, I know) with Invulnerability, defined as ghostly intangibility. I was going to take the Concealment pool all the way up to Phase Shift... but then the Devs went and nerfed that power into uselessness to accommodate PvP, and never bothered to go back and fix it.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I have a slew of concept characters in my sig that (I think) are worth looking at. But one of my newest and my new informal "main" is Rose Veldt.



Mag: I didn't delete her until you suggested it..

Jophiel: That costume is awesome. Love that.



Most of my specific concepts end up deleted because they're, at the risk of sounding redundant, very specific or precise and thus not suited to the very broad rp that this game encourages. They aren't the types you can drop in a crowd of whoever and expect anything good to come of it. Because of that, they usually aren't a very good use of my time.

But some have survived, at least in that I haven't deleted them. My favorite of them is Queensguard, an elec/nin stalker. I have plenty of characters I like more, but she's a character I felt was perfect as far as my original vision and its execution. It's a rare thing for me to not have to sacrifice anything in order to get a character from my head into the game, and that alone insures she'll never get deleted. Still, due to some drama, she is all but completely inactive.

Teiris Palemoon, the character mentioned there in the bio, was actually a very real character of mine, though the name was borrowed from elsewhere (points to ye who knows it!). She was a robotics/FF mastermind, and I really did have her degenerate and eventually die. Months after deleting that character was when I had the idea for Queensguard, here.

"I do what I want." -- Raine Heartfall
Hellgirl. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.




im loving seeing folks concept characters , keep em coming



Someone define the intent of "Concept character" for me here? I think all of mine, to a degree, have concepts behind them, but im guessing that Im missing some secret meaning.



The costume itself I don't find to original but I've always been fond of my villain Epigraph. Patience Mosely Aka Epigraph is a British blond who earned her villainous name by engraving morbid Epigraphs into her victims chests with her blade.

It's always reminded me of a morbid and somewhat realistic bad guy, even if what she does is utterly f**ked up.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Someone define the intent of "Concept character" for me here? I think all of mine, to a degree, have concepts behind them, but im guessing that Im missing some secret meaning.
There's no intent to cause drama here. Also, I mean "concept character" within the loosest sense of the term. My character, for example, started with a power set I wanted to play and then went from there. The other folks in this thread started at different points.

I just like seeing what people do to match powers with an idea they have for a character. A lot of people have several characters in which they do this. It's why I limited it to your "favorite", but that can be loosely interpreted as well. It could be current favorite, all time favorite, past favorite, etc. Generally, just post something you think is neat and wouldn't mind sharing. I've honestly enjoyed all the ones posted so far.



When City of Villains was announced, I immediately knew I wanted at least one Evil Counterpart, because, well, *comic books*. My main is a Defender, and the Corruptor class has always been described as the Defender's "dark counterpart", so score!

...just one problem. My main was Storm/Elec. At CoV's launch, villains didn't have either of those in any form.

So I looked through the available powersets, and I saw Cold Domination - "the ******* child of Storm and FF", as someone in my SG described it. And why not Dark Blast for a "dark side"?

So now I had to write the character around the powers. How exactly does "evil counterpart of Storm/Elec" translate into "Dark/Cold"?

I hit on the idea of the evil character being a *literal* Dark Side - an accidentally-created magical construct made of feelings the heroic character wanted to get rid of - anger and hate, but also fear and helplessness. The villain's powers are thus not actual blasts of darkness or cold, but a representation of them manipulating those feelings.

This worked extremely well. For every power the Corruptor picked up, I could find a perfect explanation that fit into the concept. I even got Recall Ally, which IC worked by plunging the other character into a "nightmare realm" for a brief moment.

Well, RP happened and stories developed, and eventually the villain was redeemed and rerolled on blueside as a Dark/Fire Scrapper (and this time the powers ended up fitting the story so perfectly I didn't need to do a single bit of recoloring when I16 came out). The Corruptor was something like level 39 at this point and I didn't have the heart to delete her, so I used a rename and costume change to make her some sort of demon instead. But every time I play the demon, it just feels like a fill-in for the character this was supposed to be all along.

Character index



Liora Kate

She started out just sort of as a joke--I kept wanting to make a character who could just have any power I felt like for comedy purposes. So, I made Liora, and she ran around the D eating people's trash, asking for samples of their DNA, and offering to replace their reproductive organs with missile launchers. (And she also invented the world's first heat-seeking peanut.) At some point, I actually played her, though, and found out that Earth/Fire Dom was actually pretty fun. Fun enough that when she hit 50, I spent a few months marketing to get her to permadom.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



My only real concept character came long after I actually created him. Radubadu is a name I've had for every MMO toon since it was randomly generated for me when I started playing FFXI, given that he was primarily a black mage and my biggest joy in that game was herding tons of baddies and AOEing them down with fire it was only natural that he be a fire/fire blaster when I started CoH. It wasn't until after he was in the mid 20s that I actually kinda came up with a story for him.

Dabbling in magic for years as a young man the one now known as Radubadu (who's real name is unknown) came upon incantations that led him to inadvertantly summon a fire demon who now possesses him giving him the power to manipulate fire and use it against his enemies. While not one to shy away from power it is a constant struggle to keep the demon at bay that he occasionally loses at which point he blacks out and displays his power so wrecklessly that he is left drained and usually unconscious.

I'm actually not an RPer at all but this came to me in anticipation for Inferno and ways that I could make it cooler looking. So the idea was that I would have him in his normal costume (no pics as I'm at work) and prior to using inferno I would hit a bind that would change him into a demon looking toon in the same costume with the evil laugh emote causing him to burst into flames for the change I even bought the science booster pack just so I could make the demon bigger and more menacing as Radu is rather short. Sadly it doesn't work very well because after hitting the bind to change the costume he stands there stupidly for 5-10 seconds after the change so it's not as seemless as I'd like so I don't really do that.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



My all-time favorite concept I've come up with is Drug's:

He's a Necro/Poison MM. He was my first villain 50... and I think what really sets him apart from my others is that he is one of the only characters I have that I thought of a concept for before I thought of powersets. Usually I base my concept off of powersets I want to play.

Loooove this guy.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



Being a heavy roleplayer, all my characters are "concept" characters. However, only one took two tries to get right, so she probably has to rank somewhere near "favourite" - Stacy Wu, the lady Tsoo.

The idea started simple - a female Tsoo. Based on the fact that none of the Tsoo in game have female avatars, I concluded that the Tsoo were sexist, and then developed a character based off that idea. Stacy comes from a family of Tsoo - her father is Tsoo, her brothers are Tsoo, all her male relatives are Tsoo. Surrounded by Tsoo influence and having no real female role models, Stacy always assumed that she would be Tsoo too. So when she was denied access to Tsoo teaching based on her gender, she stole what power she could and fled to the Rogue Isles to develop it on her own.

I originally created her with a Tsoo Boss-like name, "Gulf Stream", as a Fire/Cold Corruptor. But Cold didn't click with me, and neither did the name Gulf Stream. I later remade her as Fire/Dark and went with just her name for a more independent feel (plus Fire/Dark is just cool). Since Tsoo Bosses have such a wide variety of power sets (including both Fire Blast and Dark Miasma), she still works perfectly as a renegade woman with stolen Tsoo powers.



Ok. Since I was a kid, I've always been that dumb little boy who wanted to grow up to be a ninja. I had ninja turtles, I played ninja gaiden (Its one of my earliest memories of gaming, actually. That and Super Mario but... Mario doesn't make so good a hero), I watched bad kung fu films (Zombies vs. Ninjas anyone?)... some good kung fu films, I had the coolest playset of throwing stars and plastic sowrds of any kid I knew, too.

So, when i came back to playing CoH after a loooong hiatus and they'd finally introduced Dual blades as a powerset... I couldn't resist my childhood dream of being the ninja with a sword in each hand, leaping down from the rooftops, untouchable by enemy hands or weapons. Thus, Ghost Wake was born, Last son of the Ghostwalker ninja clan sent on a mission of vengeance to avenge the death of his brother. In all honesty, it was an exercise in seeing how many cliches I could pile into one character while retaining a logical coherent story.

Overtime he's sorta evolved from a very traditional almost Ninja Gaiden type character who had nothing but two swords and mad ninja skillz to something closer to A Snake Eyes/Dark Knight Detective type character who's got everything plus the kitchen sink at his disposal.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Being a heavy roleplayer, all my characters are "concept" characters. However, only one took two tries to get right, so she probably has to rank somewhere near "favourite" - Stacy Wu, the lady Tsoo.

The idea started simple - a female Tsoo. Based on the fact that none of the Tsoo in game have female avatars, I concluded that the Tsoo were sexist, and then developed a character based off that idea. Stacy comes from a family of Tsoo - her father is Tsoo, her brothers are Tsoo, all her male relatives are Tsoo. Surrounded by Tsoo influence and having no real female role models, Stacy always assumed that she would be Tsoo too. So when she was denied access to Tsoo teaching based on her gender, she stole what power she could and fled to the Rogue Isles to develop it on her own.

I originally created her with a Tsoo Boss-like name, "Gulf Stream", as a Fire/Cold Corruptor. But Cold didn't click with me, and neither did the name Gulf Stream. I later remade her as Fire/Dark and went with just her name for a more independent feel (plus Fire/Dark is just cool). Since Tsoo Bosses have such a wide variety of power sets (including both Fire Blast and Dark Miasma), she still works perfectly as a renegade woman with stolen Tsoo powers.
'Course you mean Stan Wu.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Bombshell Girl. (No pics yet, sorry.)

After accidentally receiving some pieces of power armor as a gift, Michelle Tetherson decided to pursue her "lifelong" dream of competing on her favorite reality TV show, Paragon's Next: SUPERModel. However, only established superheroes can compete on the show, so Michelle adopted the codename name Bombshell Girl and made her way to Paragon City. Now she's desperately trying to get some experience as a hero, so that she can eventually become the world's greatest supermodel superhero.

'Course the character ends up collecting dust more often than not because I'd rather play a capes/tights silver age style hero, I'm just having a hell of a time coming up with a concept for that, that I'm happy with.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
'Course you mean Stan Wu.
Remind me to kill Stevie.



My favorite concept character so far has been my Plant/Storm/Earth controller. He goes by the name of Ryan Stone because he's not really a superhero so much as a superhippy. He belongs to a fairly wealthy family, Paragon socialites really, but he never cared for it much, being a nature-loving wild-child pretty much. He doesn't dress up all fancy as his family would like, doesn't attend social functions unless they're some sort of environmental awareness fundraiser, and spends most of his time just hiking around outdoors and camping. He went for a camping trip on the Vernal Equinox and just happened to fall asleep in front of a particularly ancient oak tree that held the spirit of Grandfather Oak, who saw fit to bless him with the powers of nature and become his new avatar.

You can't tell but his shirt has a tree on it, and his alternate costumes are basically different variants on jeans and a t-shirt with the recycle symbol and the earth symbol. Plus a snazzy suit for when he DOES need to make a social appearance and sneaker just aren't appropriate.

I always wanted to make a plant/storm but couldn't ever pin down a concept I liked for a hero, then it just occured to me one day that someone with such nature oriented powers would probably be a bit less flashy than a costumed vigilante, and BAM, the superhippy was born (and his epic pool was decided from the get-go due to thematic appropriateness).



My 'concept' character is Hidden Hero. I had a problem with altism and wanted to make a character I could stick with. The way I did it? I decided to make a character who was a huge Naruto fan. (Just like me.) Basically she had the powers of Kimmimaro (osteokinesis) and a costume that was a fmeale amalgam of different characters attributes. I don't have that costume anymore(thanks heavens) but that concept has made me stick with her so far.