Share your favorite concept character




Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
Pardon the noobyness, but how do you get a screen like that, can't seem to get the info box to pop up in them...
If you go to the Menu and select "Personal Info", it pops up the info box for your character like you can see for other characters.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
In Capcom VS Street Fighter, one of MM's supers was to turn into this huge Gundam-esque version of himself and uncork a million missles. Might be a fun costume right before you Nova.

Or-- I have no idea if MM ever did this, but it's an old anime/video game standard-- an all-gold powered up version of your normal costume. Save it just for when you level up, and only wear it for as long as the buffs last.
Ooooh I may have to try that... only problem is I've tried the costume change prior to nuke thing on my fire/fire blaster and it seems to cause a delay... but that may be because I set the bind up with one of the emotes...

I'll give those ideas a go, thanks!

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Those of you interested in Mega Man should really check out The Protomen. They've turned the little bit of story there was from the Mega Man games and turned it into a rock opera. Their second album, The Father of Death is outstanding.

On topic, my favorite concept character of mine is La Lloronita, based on the legend of La Llorona. She's a Thugs/Dark mastermind.

Her mother was widow who wanted to remarry, but the man did not want to care for her children, so she wrapped them all in chains and threw them in the sea. In desperation, the girl called out to la llorona to care for her and her brothers.

La llorona brought her back in the only way she knew how, as a vengeful wraith. Now she enraptures hapless young men to help her as she searches for her true brothers.

Folklore and mythology are one of my big passions, and this character lets me be a part of that, in a way. Plus, hooray for creepy undead girls.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Here's one I did just for the sheer "Mess with people's heads" aspect.

Can't... breath... laughing... too hard!

You, sir, win one whole internetz. I'm just jealous I never thought of it myself. Please tell me you still play with him - meeting him in-game would be the funniest RP ever.

Lady Valentyna Penderghast, Archmage
"Love her not, lovely though she be/
Watch warily: there lies/
A glint of ghoulish ancestry/
Deep in her green bright eyes..."



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
Ah I like threads like this. I have more than a few off-the-wall concepts rattling around my brain.


Here -

I was playing around with the costume creator as many of us do. And I came up with a pretty cool "mecha" character. Very much a tank. Even wound up looking vaguely like a Gundam. Couldn't think of a decent character concept for it at first. Except I knew that it was totally robotic and no human was actually in the suit personally driving it. I thought at first to make it a classic "combat robot escapes from corporation" thing, but that's been done to death.

Then a couple of bits of info collided in my brain and gave me an idea. I rushed to log on and write up the new bio on the character and it all kinda... rushed out of me at once. I love it when that happens.

I present MACSS-01 - a "giant robot" (well about 9 feet tall qualifies, right? He's at the height slider max anyway.) designed and built by 5 genius teenagers. They take daily turns on a tele-presence rig piloting him around Paragon City righting crime and bashing evil!

A commenter on the CoH LJ noted:

"Virtue has Susie-Bot, but that's teleoperated by only one precocious genius. You've also got the classic sentai team dynamic, and a little bit of Code Lyoko... it works well together."
That is wicked cool !!!!



Lu-C4, My Bots/Dark:

Crey Corporation Research & Development Division
Project Lucid Phase C Mark 4
Nanobot Dispersion and Management Auton With Tactical Mech Support
Reason: AI Instability and Dementia
Prototype to be destroyed IMMEDIATELY

Her minions are D-Mon, D-vil, B-lial, D-Ablo, B-L-Z Bub, and Asmo-D-S. You get the point.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Hachi Ronin, my fat little bumblebee samurai:

I was once a knight to one of the Great Hives, loyal servant and concubine to the Glorious Queen herself. My illicit tryst with a peasant worker destroyed all of that, and I was cast out, my honey spoiled and my offspring slaughtered.

A knight without master is a low thing. A pitiable thing. All that I can do- and hope for- is that some gesture of heroism, some epic deed might win back the favor of my Queen and the respect of my Hive. I haven't found it yet. I might never.

Fear and despair are not yokes my people have ever labored under, and I am no different. With the tip of my sword as my compass, I will find my way back into Grace.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by Silas_Gray View Post
Pardon the noobyness, but how do you get a screen like that, can't seem to get the info box to pop up in them...
Is it that the boxes don't appear on your screenshots? Make sure you've got the UI turned on when taking them. There's an option under Keybinds in the Options menu to toggle UI. I always take a screenshot, toggle it, and take another so I know I get what I want.

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
Is it that the boxes don't appear on your screenshots? Make sure you've got the UI turned on when taking them. There's an option under Keybinds in the Options menu to toggle UI. I always take a screenshot, toggle it, and take another so I know I get what I want.
I use the slash command then press PrtScn:

/screenshotui 1 - shows user interface / chat windows
/screenshotui 0 - screenshot w/o interface or windows



I don't have screenies, but both of the odd concept characters I have are not visual ones. Since I RP, all of my characters have a power concept and backstory. What follows are two of my "Are you insane?" power concepts.

Dasher: Rad/Dark defender, but I took NONE of the toggles. Out of radiation, all I have are the radiation aura, Accelerated Metabolism and Mutation (rez). I took Dark Blast, Gloom and the sniper shot from the dark set. Then, I picked all 4 travel pools, taking not only the pre-requisite travel powers and the main travel powers, but the attacks also. Flurry, Air Superiority, Whirlwind.. even Jump Kick. And I use those in combat. With Hasten and AM and IO sets, I wind up with nearly perma-AM, which is the only reason this fun little concept can exist. She actually does feel very speedster-like.

Gizmodeus: He is a Martial Arts/Devices scrapper.
(But, Ellis, there is no devices secondary for scrappers!)
There is if you are a longtime vet and get the Nem staff and other things to start with. From there, you can buy and get Temp Powers! His real secondary is Super Reflexes, but I have compiled about 25 temp powers on him, many of them renewable. It's not uber, but it's kind of fun.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit





Doos dis reelee needs wun dem dere answer tingees?



Wonder Hawk has been an off & on again character for a long time. Her costume has been changed and changed again, her powers have been changed, her AT has been changed and then changed back but now. Now I am very happy with how she is.

The Goddess like costume on the left is her original 'High Priestess' Get up while the other is her general SUPERHERO costume.



I've got two stand out concepts, but I'll just share one for the moment. Ray Gunn (energy/energy blaster) has received a lot of positive feedback for both story and costumes. You've probably seen him before over on the costume thread:

Gordon Rodgers, a dedicated fan of old-time serial movie sci-fi, is living his dream. Calling in several markers, he was able to obtain a powered undersuit, the latest in retro-engineered Ritki technology. In addition, he spent a sizable chunk of his modest wealth to purchase the rights to Ray Gunn, a nearly forgotten "space ranger" serial movie hero. Combining these, he has rebooted the Ray Gunn franchise, becoming the living embodiment of the character. He deliberately targets villain groups that draw parallels to his character's adventures. Clockwork, Pumicites, and Sky Raiders he has referred to as "killer robots", "alien monsters", and "space pirates". He's probably pushing it by calling Trolls "green men from Mars" and is definitely wacko for calling the Banished Pantheon "space zombies". Still, his exploits are gaining fans, and his small franchise of products is taking off. In truth, he cares little for the money, He just wants a new generation to appreciate the great old heroes.
(Another part of his concept that I dropped from the latest retelling of his backstory, because it wouldn't fit, was the idea that he was testing various retro-futuristic costumes over his powered undersuit, including a reproduction of the original serial costume, with the intent of adding these variations to future collectable action figures).