Share your favorite concept character




After the first time I fought the Kronos Titan, I was inspired to make a giant robot character of my own. I had also just finished reading a biography of Andrew Carnegie. The thoughts and inspirations sort of mixed together, and the result was The Titan of Industry (sorry about the image size):

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



my favorite concept character is AutoPulse
A paramedic turned superhero who uses specialized nanites to heal and increase the power of his allies.

he can shoot bursts of electricity that is basically just run off from his suit.
Story goes that later in life the nanite shave fully integrated with his body and give him regeneration as well as not needing the suit to heal people.

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



I'm on a Mac, which means my screenshots are hidden away inside a game file where I don't have the capability to access them. Yes the mac forum has step-by-step instructions, I did say "I" don't have the capability, not "mac users don't". Sigh.


A pathetic, lonely, 16-year-old looked out of his parent's window and realized there were a lot of catgirls and bunnygirls running around but very, very few catboys or bunnymen. He ordered up a home superpower kit from "Devouring Earth Ltd", and using the hair off his neighbor's cat, blood from a Cheetah (gained via his part-time job at the Zoo), and some glowing rocks his best friend swore he bought from a Banished Pantheon Shaman, "The Sexy Beastman" was born! Unfortunately, things didn't go as well as he'd hoped and every catgirl he hit on teased him, calling him the "Lonely Beastman". Fortunately, he learned his mistake and realized that catgirls, while sexy, are also fickle. Now he is working to transform himself into a bunnyman, because rabbits are sluts. At least, that's what his best friend assures him.

Lonely Beastman:
Spines/Ninjitsu Stalker because "ninja's are cool" and spines were the closest powerset I could think of to the Devouring Earth critters other than stone. A Cat statue just didn't do it for me, so spines it is.

The best part about this character is that very often the people I pug with actually can't tell if I the player am that clueless about women and telling true but sad stories, or if I'm in character.

@MouseDroid: Regarding those 5000 shares: it wasn't me it was some other dude named Gavin. I swear on your mother's grave.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by gavinruneblade View Post
i'm on a mac, which means my screenshots are hidden away inside a game file where i don't have the capability to access them. Yes the mac forum has step-by-step instructions, i did say "i" don't have the capability, not "mac users don't". Sigh.

i guess macs aren't so simple after all huh huh huh



I vote Mousedroid makes lil comics for all of us



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
I vote Mousedroid makes lil comics for all of us
I agree. I really enjoyed how Mousedroid presented the character.



He will always be my favorite.

Environmental Activist

Origin/AT: Science: MC/Kinetic Controller
Security Level: 50
Real Name
: Phineus Triton Orion
Known Aliases: Fishbreath, Fins, Shark-Bait
Species: Human/Dolphin Hybrid
Age: 6
Height/Weight: 7'9" / 250lbs
Eye/Hair Color: White / Fin
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Current Residence: Peregrine Island, Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Doctor Reginald Marcus (Biological Father Donor), Dovetail (Biological Mother Donor)

Dolphin was the first of Crey Industries Paragon Protector: Poseidon Project to merge man with aquatic mammals. His hero name is simply Dolphin due to his DNA splice with a bottlenose dolphin, plus the fact that the name stuck.

He has since severed his relations with Crey Industries. He won a public legal suit against them in 2006, claiming independence as a sentient being under the Civil Liberties Act of 2005. That act amended the Constitution to include beings not of human origin as citizens of the United States by way of birth. Also cited was the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

Crey Industries' failed defense was largely in part due to the benevolent nature of dolphins in the public eye, and the petitions of thousands of Americans. Petitions were submitted by many organizations, including many marine based foundations such as Sea World International, of which he is now a spokesman.

Crey Industries and The Countess were publicly humiliated from the televised proceedings. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Dolphin's favor, Congress began an investigation into Crey's Genetics Department. Those proceedings are currently stalled.



My favorite concept character, hmm...

Probably Patty-Sue Ivanova. Mostly, because her base concept (a genetically engineered individual who may or may not have been a pawn of some villain group) took a life of her own after I had completed "The Evil Countess Crey" arc. I was able to easily shoe-horn in her "relationship" with Countess Crey and make her not just another Crey project, but a clone body for the Countess ala Lex Luthor.

I also like JenericElectricChick, if only because I don't see nearly as many ex-Outcasts as one would expect. I love RPing her but i don't actually like PLAYING her, which leaves her getting stuck in the low levels.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I also like JenericElectricChick, if only because I don't see nearly as many ex-Outcasts as one would expect. I love RPing her but i don't actually like PLAYING her, which leaves her getting stuck in the low levels.
Just like the Outcasts!



Illusion/Kinetic controller, able to manipulate reality around him. He has three vital weaknesses: someone finding where he's sleeping and beating him up, psionic damage breaking his consciousness' link to the real world, or someone who has the power to control dreams negating his own.



Lucifer's Childe
Dark/DB tanker
His father is Lucifer and his mother is a succubus. He has come to Paragon city to help the innocent before their morals become corrupted and they end up destined to spend eternity in his fathers domain.

Grumpy (standing behind him) did not want to pose for the photo and it took three pics to get him to stand still !



As a kid I was tortured by a Goethe poem called "The ErlKing" - I won't give it away if you haven't read it. Since someone else was obviously affected as I was, the name was already taken. But "ErlKing" translates into English as "ElfKing." Hence the name.

ErlKing is a Mind/Cold Controller. I always wanted to make a character after this childhood demon, but couldn't find a suitable villain type I wanted to play. I made him, however, to take advantage of new Powerset Customization and eventually Going Rogue.

ErlKing was reportedly captured in a sweep of Perez Park, and after massive captor casualties, was physically shackled by PPD who subjected him to experimental "nano-shackling" to control him and use him as a crimefighter. But the experiment isn't holding. As he progresses through the levels, you'll see more red injecting itself into his mind control powers.

When ErlKing goes rogue to the villain side, his shackles will be gone and his powers returned to their former original, cruel brilliance.

I love this toon. But I love a lot of them. It was a hard choice.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Someone define the intent of "Concept character" for me here? I think all of mine, to a degree, have concepts behind them, but im guessing that Im missing some secret meaning.

I had always heard/thought that a "Concept Character" was a character who's powers were choosen to fit a specific concept/character idea, with many ending up not being very good or as good as they could be. (examples; a petless Thug MM, a Riffle/Devices blaster , a grav troller not choosing more of their primaries.)

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



The Green Scare is a super powered eco-terrorist, self proclaimed Anarcho-primitivist ; and founder of the ELA (Environmental Liberation Army) an eco-defense group that employs economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and ****** of the environment and its natural resources. Wanted on 15 counts of arson, conspiracy, and numerous violent acts in the name of animal rights and environmental causes; the Green Scare continues to elude capture by Paragon Police. Rumor has it after being forced out of Paragon City by Statesman's fascist regime, Green Scare has reconstituted her base of operation within the Rogue isles.



Originally Posted by Animorph View Post

I had always heard/thought that a "Concept Character" was a character who's powers were choosen to fit a specific concept/character idea, with many ending up not being very good or as good as they could be. (examples; a petless Thug MM, a Riffle/Devices blaster , a grav troller not choosing more of their primaries.)
I'd always figured that the concept character was one created to fit a particular idea or concept. Of course some power choices may be optimal for the concept, but not optimal for gameplay. For example; the crazy(clown) sniper with assault rifle and devices, or the vengeful spirit killer whose powers I can't recall as it wasn't one of mine; though it was a stalker.

Or my favourite concept character: The Dopplegang.

A scientist who was working on low energy teleportation (for public use) and ended up with a clone generator, hive mind and the best barbershop quartet since these guys.

They are still working on the low energy teleporter despite having turned towards 'creative financing' in order to fund their research.

Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)



Dolphin & Dopplegang are awesome!



I wish I could make him properly; he really should be wearing an extremely wrinkled business suit, but all the suits in the creator look too nice.

We'll always have Paragon.



Weapon One
Energy/Devices Blaster

Lt. David Farson was a genius. A member of the Weapon Project, a black ops weapon devolpment project, he had access to all sorts of interesting and important things and people. June 1993 An attack on the Weapon Project labs has sent the entire complex into chaos. In an attempt to help he donned the Weapon One Nanite Suit. He helped repel the intruders, but was trapped in the suit. Marked a fugitive for his actions he has come to Paragon City, where it's people watch out for they're heroes, and a man trapped in powerarmor is not neccasarialy alone. this cyborg is trying his hand at being a hero in Paragon City the one place where any hero is protected by both the public, and the law. This is the one place in the nation his abilities can net anything other then heartache. What began as a ploy to avoid a dark path has lead to the light, and he now serves the people of Paragon City as the Ultimate Armored Weapon One.

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Here is a favorite of mine the P E A C E M A K E R. Just a normal human being taking up the mantle of a superhero.

My favorite villain is S A N D S. A man with a vendetta against Arachnos. While he is more hero in nature his methods are what make him a villain.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Dolphin & Dopplegang are awesome!
*clears throat. Eyes her contribution.* ...



Originally Posted by HYBRID_Z View Post
blah blah blah awesome costumes blah blah blah sand person blah blah
I love your costumes.



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
I love your costumes.
Sorry, my back stories are kind of long. I meant to link to my virtueverse pages but it didn't work.

I will have to fix that tomorrow after I get home from work.



Corn On Macabre
A sentient stalk of genetically engineered corn turned eco-terrorist; he's a vehement carnivore who cheerfully describes the mass execution of "meatlings" as "pest control". He's (understandably) angry that human beings eat his fellow corn on a regular basis, but absolutely furious that every year, millions of his people are cut down, boiled/fried in oil/microwaved/etc, and eaten purely as a side dish that most humans cannot even effectively digest.

Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.



Doppelgang is awesome. Did something very similar with my Thugs MM 'Multi-Man', the power Gang War (I think it's called that) looks awesome.

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post

Most creative use of the reptile skin texture ever!