City Urban Legend, or fact?




Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You are correct. When you entered an event, you were teleported into this room to wait for the event to start. Ultimately, we decided it was an unnecessary step, which, unfortunately, obviated the use of this rather cool room.
Or even just link the doors up so we can enter and exit the room from the arena interior doors that look like they should lead to it anyway. Sure it'll serve no real function, but it'll look cool anyway, much like many other places in Paragon City.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Or even just link the doors up so we can enter and exit the room from the arena interior doors that look like they should lead to it anyway. Sure it'll serve no real function, but it'll look cool anyway, much like many other places in Paragon City.
It could perhaps be used for catgirl storage when Pocket D is unavailable?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SinnerSaint View Post
I was actually shown how to get there another, more complicated way which involved flying to the corner of the map. On a side note, once you went "off the map" in the corner, you are able to fly to the edge of the world and if you looked around the horizon you could see a group of buildings. If you flew to them, they were just a group of buildings, some just floating in the some sort of ghost town.
I think those buildings are supposed to be Talos. If you hit the south wall, you actually get transported to Talos.

No, it doesn't really make sense because Talos is surrounded by War Walls.

As for the hole itself, I know which one you're talking about (you had to hug the south wall and swim close to it until you got "stuck", then you could jump through to the other side) but I haven't tried to use that for years, since the door trick is easier. I've /bugged both the south wall hole and the buried door a bunch of times, because it can be used to grief very very easily (just go under the map, aggro some monsters on you, they can't attack back; drag them to some lowbies on Portal Corp.) and also you could go under the map and attack mobs and they wouldn't be able to attack you back. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Thanks to Dark_Respite and Hyperstrike for showing exactly where this is.

I had no idea it actually existed.

It's now my newest pick for "Coolest Room in Paragon City" (the picture
doesn't do it justice). This replaces my previous choice (the room in the
Shard where you find Faathim, and the Giant Mechman room gets honorable

I'm not sure how long it will be before they cut off access to this room (it
would be awesome if they'd integrate it into the game somehow), but I'm
glad I got to visit it at least once.


PS> I've been "under the world" numerous times (BB had several holes way
back when CoV released), but this is definitely a much more fascinating

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.




Just visited there myself and it was awesome and everything, but...

I'm stood there, looking around and this bloke with a white beard in a white suit appears next to me, starts talking about choice and a load of TV's appeared behind him! Was soooo surreal!

True story.....

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post

Just visited there myself and it was awesome and everything, but...

I'm stood there, looking around and this bloke with a white beard in a white suit appears next to me, starts talking about choice and a load of TV's appeared behind him! Was soooo surreal!

True story.....

( actually was the first word I said when I entered the room last night. )




I love stuff like this - anything that makes even veteran players pause and look at the game with fresh eyes going, "We have THAT in here?!"

And yes, add my voice to the chorus of "make this room available somehow" - arena map, AE map, whatever.


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So Arenas were added in what, Issue 1 or 2? Pretty early on in the game from my understanding, in the first year for sure.

This room was built to be a part of the Arena, decided that the step was unnecessary and they basically cut it out of the loop so that people didn't have to go to this room.

Then, even though players never saw this room and no direct access to it was ever pushed to live servers (Unless I'm missing part of the story.)

So this room has sat, unused, from the time of it's development through 14 or 15 issues over the space of 5 years or so, and the Devs never bothered to simply Ctrl Delete the room? This sounds a little fishy. I know some things get left in dark corners of games because they were over looked or were too troublesome to pull out, but the Dev team have certainly added and removed things from the zones over the yeas, I can't imagine this room couldn't just be removed.

Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic room and I'm glad it's their, I hope they make further use of it. But I really wonder why it's been there unused all this time. Honestly I smell something fishy.

And not just because I live in a van down by the river.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Why would they delete ANYTHING when they can just keep it "hidden" and possibly use it again someday somewhere else?



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Pssst, my picture there

The image doesn't really do it justice, since all the white lines are constantly moving. It actually starts to make you feel a bit ill after a while, since the ground is "moving" but you aren't. You also can't get out, well you probably can now, what with Ouro portals and lots of different types of teleporters but when I went there, you couldn't get out unless a friend TPed you out.
I think I may have been the one who tp'd you out! I remember when you and ?slash? first got under the arena.

Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention.



Woo! found it. very very cool. They totally need to use it somewhere. perhaps at the end of a TF or something ? if not for the AE

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Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
This would be an excellent room to use via AE or Arena for implementation of branching storyline tech. Choose your exit, pick a path.
I think it'd be great for a TF in that case. Hey you got to this room with cool stuff and several un marked doors. Several of these doors lead to traps, only one leads to the goal\boss\way out etc. If a team successful defeats the traps, they get teleported back to that room and have to pick again. Could be fun.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I want this room for a base room! How badass would that be?!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
So this room has sat, unused, from the time of it's development through 14 or 15 issues over the space of 5 years or so, and the Devs never bothered to simply Ctrl Delete the room?
1: Why delete something that doesn't impact your gameplay?
2: Why delete something that MIGHT have a new use found for it later?
3: Why delete something that might be sharing resources with something else that IS being used in the game?
4: Why take the time to delete something, kill all the possible references, decouple it from anything else it might affect, etc when you can just hide it and spend all that time bringing something NEW into the game instead?

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Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
I want this room for a base room! How badass would that be?!
Use it as the entrance to the base, and then have only one other undecorated room as the rest of the base

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
So Arenas were added in what, Issue 1 or 2? Pretty early on in the game from my understanding, in the first year for sure.
Arenas were added in Issue 4 on May 4, 2005. That is just a few days past the one year anniversary of the game's release date.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I think it'd be great for a TF in that case. Hey you got to this room with cool stuff and several un marked doors. Several of these doors lead to traps, only one leads to the goal\boss\way out etc. If a team successful defeats the traps, they get teleported back to that room and have to pick again. Could be fun.
Sure could! The possibilities are endless.

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So weird. I have an incredibly dim memory of when I first tried the game out and some max level Hero tped me to this room. I recall thinking "wowww this place is cool" but then I must have forgotten about it pretty soon after.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
1: Why delete something that doesn't impact your gameplay?
Because it is not at all being used at the moment and it could potentially impact things like loading time and zone geometry since it's one more thing, albeit a small thing, the server and the player's comp have to deal with.

2: Why delete something that MIGHT have a new use found for it later?
They can keep the data from the object and still not have it be in the game. They can save all that data on another disk or off server without having it in the live game, and still pull it up to be used later.

3: Why delete something that might be sharing resources with something else that IS being used in the game?
Assuming it is sharing resources with something else in the game at all. It was meant to be used with the Arena but the Arena system was built to bypass it completely. If it is sharing resources with something else in the game, all the more reason to pull it out so those resources are more dedicated to what ever else is using them.


4: Why take the time to delete something, kill all the possible references, decouple it from anything else it might affect, etc when you can just hide it and spend all that time bringing something NEW into the game instead?
Valid point except they did kill all the possible references and decouple it from anything else in the game it might affect. The room is sitting below the map, the doors don't work, no way to access it and it is so completely removed from the game that many people didn't know, and still don't know it's their. It was viewed as an urban legend by the OP, so it's obviously not something easily stumbled upon. They've decoupled it from the game already, what's the point in having it sit their?

I want to mention, I'm not advocating it be removed, far from. I'd advocate they let it stay and put it to use. I think it's a great room and I love little things like this in games. I've scoured many games I enjoyed looking for little things that the DEV team never fully used but left behind in the code for some reason or other.

I was simply stating I was very curious as to why something like this, so completely un-used in the game has been left to float below Peregrine Island for years through countless updates and issues and never was fully removed. In fact I'm still curious about it. The points you made above are valid, but they aren't the reason.

Also, thank you for setting me straight on when the Arena came out. So it's not been their 5 years yet, but it's getting close.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Because it is not at all being used at the moment and it could potentially impact things like loading time and zone geometry since it's one more thing, albeit a small thing, the server and the player's comp have to deal with.
Your system, even on highest settings, doesn't render the whole zone. Ever. It'd grind to a halt if it did.

You're only rendering what's in your FOV.

As for zone loads, if you don't have to unpack the resources for the Matrix room from the PIGG files, it's not affecting your load time in any reasonable manner. Even if it did, you're talking the difference between a 2 second load time and a 2.01 second load time.

They can keep the data from the object and still not have it be in the game. They can save all that data on another disk or off server without having it in the live game, and still pull it up to be used later.
That's just what they've done. The data from the object is kept and not seen in the game. You have to utilize a geometry hole to ever be aware of it.

As to "saving it off to another disk", the game doesn't work that way. The client software you have on your machine has a bunch of PIGG files with all the graphics, geometry data, etc necessary to render everything in the game. The server is not handling rendering of anything. It's merely handling all the positional data and communicating it back to the client.

Assuming it is sharing resources with something else in the game at all. It was meant to be used with the Arena but the Arena system was built to bypass it completely. If it is sharing resources with something else in the game, all the more reason to pull it out so those resources are more dedicated to what ever else is using them.
Again, the game doesn't work like that. When I say "sharing resources", I'm talking artwork, graphical effects, etc. Not system resources like RAM, disk space, etc.

Valid point except they did kill all the possible references and decouple it from anything else in the game it might affect.
Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. By decoupling it, I don't mean making it physically inaccessible. I'm talking about all the basic art, rendering, effects, etc resources that the area utilizes. Additionally, any particular "hooks" in the arena system that may still be referenced to or through this room are preserved. There could be programatic "pointers" buried in the Arena program architecture that would break (possibly badly) if you remove this. Rather than fiddling with a completed system, they hide the stuff that isn't used.

The room is sitting below the map, the doors don't work, no way to access it and it is so completely removed from the game that many people didn't know, and still don't know it's their.
Again, you're simply mistaking "physical access" for how the program code that makes it part of the game ties back into everything else. If it were as simple as removing one area seamlessly, it probably would have been removed before the Arena was released, rather than leaving it in 10+ issues along.

They've decoupled it from the game already, what's the point in having it sit their?
Again, simply because it's normally physically inaccessible doesn't mean that it's decoupled from the game. You're thinking spatially. I'm talking about programmatic issues.

I was simply stating I was very curious as to why something like this, so completely un-used in the game has been left to float below Peregrine Island for years through countless updates and issues and never was fully removed. In fact I'm still curious about it. The points you made above are valid, but they aren't the reason.
And you know this HOW? Have you seen the code for the game? If you're unpacking the PIGGs and hacking the servers, the devs want to have a talk LONG with you.

In closing, simply because something is not being used in the game doesn't mean that you can simply rip it out willy-nilly.

Case in point, old storage containers with multiple hundreds of pieces of salvage in them. Were the programming necessary for them to simply "go away", people would lose a lot of salvage items.

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Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Because it is not at all being used at the moment and it could potentially impact things like loading time and zone geometry since it's one more thing, albeit a small thing, the server and the player's comp have to deal with.
Rule #1 of code optimization: Don't do it. Even if you think something is non-optimal, it is far better to leave it well enough alone than to 'fix' the 'problem', unless you are experiencing a noticable drop in performance.

(Rule #2 is "Profile, don't guess", since what you think is causing a bottleneck in your program is rarely the actual source of the problem)



Originally Posted by Coin View Post

Just visited there myself and it was awesome and everything, but...

I'm stood there, looking around and this bloke with a white beard in a white suit appears next to me, starts talking about choice and a load of TV's appeared behind him! Was soooo surreal!

True story.....
did he let you call him "Larry"?



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
So Arenas were added in what, Issue 1 or 2? Pretty early on in the game from my understanding, in the first year for sure.
Issue 4, if I'm not mistaken.

Thanks TJ for the confirmation.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



I've actually tried this a couple of times now and when I log back in at the door I end up just stuck in the ground instead of falling. Am I potentially doing something wrong? Do you need to be standing in a certain spot beforehand or closer to one of the doors than another?

EDIT - Gah, nevermind, I was at the wrong door. There is one that looks suspiciously like the area you're supposed to be at, I saw another person trying to use the same one in fact, and I was trying to use it. Just got the right one. As everyone else has said, this room is AWESOME and I'd love to be able to use it in AE for a mission. Would make an awesome map for a straight up showdown with a virtual villain or something.