Takin' A Break
I'm nearly at the same point SG. No harm in taking a break. See you when GR goes beta or live
Ive done so twice now and havent regretted it.
I stopped for LotRO when it came out. I played for a bit and came back....I stopped when CO came out and came back.
The key is to never burn your bridges so you dont want to come back. For me that would mean dont jettison my 300 or so IOs I have stored or give away all my influence or delete my 50s....
When I come back its always with fresh eyes and a fresh zeal for the game.
I've tried this a few times, but the problem is that basically every other MMO I've tried makes me want to punch babies.
Single player games are still good, though!
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Go find an MMO you haven't played and try it out. There has to be one. Or one you played over a year ago and hated then. You don't have to pay anything, free trials are common, but once you find a game you like, I suggest paying for one or two months and just making that your default game for a while.
Steam selling 5 billion games for 10 bucks or under makes it easy to take a break.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption
It is a good idea. Really it is so much common sense that it seems strange that it has to be reiterated so often, but if you aren't having fun, don't pay 15 dollars a month to not do so, it just makes a person bitter and hostile, give it a wait and see if things get better, rather than becoming a bitter twerp that just annoys everyone else.
'Tis good advice.

When I get burned out of CoH, I'll be getting Team Fortress 2.
I don't see it happening for a while though, but hey, it could happen.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Ive done so twice now and havent regretted it.
The key is to never burn your bridges so you dont want to come back. For me that would mean dont jettison my 300 or so IOs I have stored or give away all my influence or delete my 50s.... |
Now when I take breaks, I just sleep upon my horde of gold like a dragon, resting before I return to eat more villagers.
Now when I take breaks, I just sleep upon my horde of gold like a dragon, resting before I return to eat more villagers.
If I ever take a break, that is

I do advocate Single player games as a good side order/break. Making you and you alone the boss of what goes on is refreshing. Fallout 3 for the save ^^
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
*I don't break from the forums*
But, I have already been taking a break from the actual game for months and months and months and months... I am tired of taking a break from the best MMO.
But - listen to her but - it's really hard to actually play.
Just wish they would stop disappointing me and actually let us have new news, for me to be excited about for a few weeks... by then the beta should be closer >.<
Hate you marketing *shakes fists*.
Dragon Age Origins will be occupying my time when I don't feel like logging in. Right now though, ITF!
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

give it a wait and see if things get better, rather than becoming a bitter twerp that just annoys everyone else.

I'mma keeping my sub in case I get the urge to squeeze into my tights for an evening, but I, too, have been on a semi-hiatus since getting Dragon Age: Origins last week.
Which isn't to say it's such an awesome game...it's not teh suxzorz but personally I prefer the KOTR/Mass Effect subject matter (sci-fi vs. fantasy). Bioware knows how to do single-player right, though, without a doubt.

*I don't break from the forums*
But, I have already been taking a break from the actual game for months and months and months and months... I am tired of taking a break from the best MMO. But - listen to her but - it's really hard to actually play. Just wish they would stop disappointing me and actually let us have new news, for me to be excited about for a few weeks... by then the beta should be closer >.< Hate you marketing *shakes fists*. |
I was hoping to hear some news before Final Fantasy XIII releases in March. And that gap is getting smaller.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
No thanks.
My shelf here is full of every MMO that comes out..I buy and try them all. The most I have played another for besides CoH is a couple months. Aion - 2 days... WoW, 2 times for a total of about 1 hour.. Fallen Earth is nice though.
None even come close.. NONE!
I've been here since day one and still enjoy it. Since AE came along it keeps me with new content if I want any.
69 months and going strong!
But, I have already been taking a break from the actual game for months and months and months and months... I am tired of taking a break from the best MMO.
But - listen to her but - it's really hard to actually play. |
Just wish they would stop disappointing me and actually let us have new news, for me to be excited about for a few weeks... by then the beta should be closer >.<
Hate you marketing *shakes fists*. |
There. A little bit more info on GR that you can look forward to checking out once it goes live. Guaranteed completely legit 100% true.

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I think I'm with Silver Gale. After some barbs in the Mothership thread, I realized that it's probably time to take a break until GR beta so I can chill out. Heck, I might actually get some work done in the interim
I'll see you all then
I always feel as tho I am letting someone down when I think about taking a break, but that's just me tho. But after so long and no new news about GR I am really bummed and burned out by the lack of info or truly new.

Way ahead of you, by about four months.

I'm just playing it a lot less.
Got a lot of great games on my plate(TF2, Defense Grid: The Awakening, Fallout 3 GOTY, Dragon Age) so I guess that counts as a break. Also ME 2 coming at the end of the month. The Steam sales are really spoiling me...
The only downside I see is that if GR really doesn't deliver the goods then I'm not going to be very interested in returning full time.
This game is long overdue for a huge kick in the awesome regions and no amount of QoL features masquerading as full issues(nice as power customization was), are going to cut it for me.
My enthusiasm over GR is actually starting to wane because we still don't know jack squat about what the meat of it is really going to bring. Way to go marketing guys...
Bored of playing alts through the same old content you've already played a hundred times? Always the same maps and the same enemy placements and the same attack chain?
Bored of redoing the same old TFs on your level 50 over and over and over?
Most of your SG/Coalition/Global is never in game? Game seems so empty?
Can't wait to get your hands on Going Rogue? Refreshing the forums every five minutes in the hopes of getting another new tidbit on the expansion? Disappointed every time?
Do what I'm doing. Take a break from the game.
Seriously. Don't try to think of ways of completely changing the game so it's new for you again. Don't post on the forums lamenting that if only the Devs would implement that one (dozen) feature(s) you want, everything would magically fix itself.
Go find an MMO you haven't played and try it out. There has to be one. Or one you played over a year ago and hated then. You don't have to pay anything, free trials are common, but once you find a game you like, I suggest paying for one or two months and just making that your default game for a while.
Or immerse yourself in a single player game. Dragon Age: Origins, or Torchlight, or even something from Popcap.
Play something new. Something that is not CoH. Make yourself miss it again. Learn a new appreciation for the costume creator and travel powers. When you come back, there will be new things, and there will be old things that seem new again.
Give yourself a break. And CoH, as well.
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