Takin' A Break




I've actually taken a break too.Been playing Fallout 3 and have going through as a "good guy" got to Zeta so far.For a lark I went back through and have been playing it as a "bad guy" and have found out I like this more.

Hence maybe that is my attraction to CoV,since I am a ******* in rl.One thing that sorta bugs me about Fallout is that I have "Clover" as a follower,now she has been killin like crazy and wants to "get it on" but,cthuludammit I have yet to find the command for that().



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
You say "I'm bored with the entirety of the game, someone should change all the zones to something completely new", and when people tell you "that's not going to happen, why don't you play another game with completely new zones and characters to level?" you hold it up as some sort of failing with the game's development team?
It actually IS a failing. Not of the development team...but of the resource allocation 'expert' who decided that 15 people was more than adequate to support this game after COV launched.

GR has new zones, in case you missed it. And people constantly ask for new zones and revamping of the old ones. It isn't a matter of simply switching to another game. However, you'd have to have your head buried in the sand to not realize how comparatively little COX has grown since COV in terms of new areas, zones and map environments.

It's a resource problem stemming from the fact that there just weren't enough people to get more of that sort of stuff done. Now they have corrected that problem and I'm looking forward to some NEW stuff. Not simply QoL features...but actual gobs of new content that doesn't rehash game resources we have seen a million times before(sorry MA...you just don't cut it right now).

So yeah, I can understand Perfect Pain's perspective quite well, because I share his frustration.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
However, you'd have to have your head buried in the sand to not realize how comparatively little COX has grown since COV in terms of new areas, zones and map environments.
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 9
Issue 10
Issue 11
Issue 12

...and that's NOT including all of the new "map environments" that came with EACH and EVERY new Task Force introduced... nor is it counting the gazillion maps added to the Mission Architect and Ouroboros that players rarely had access to before without specifically looking for them.

That's at least 8 new or revamped zones and DOZENS of new maps.

So... "comparatively little COX has grown since COV in terms of new areas, zones and map environments"? What is your definition of "comparatively ALOT"? The equivalent of a new game added every year like CoV???

Now who has their head in the sand?



Yeah, I'm just about at the point as well. Even moving most of my toons to Justice from Pinnacle didn't really help. I thought that beta testing Star Trek Online would hold me over until the GR closed beta, but Cryptic's server setup absolutely blows for people living in the UK and parts of Europe who try to play any later than around 4PM GMT. So depending on whether or not I can actually do any testing, I might just get my kat/regen Scrapper to 40 then call it quits on MMOs until I get the beta invite from NCSoft. I'm paid up through April, so it'll be no skin off my teeth.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Issue 7

Grandville HAD to come out. Villains needed to get to level 50 and they needed high level contacts with which to do so. So counting Grandville is silly unless you expected that villains wouldn't get a PI equivalent.

Recluse's Victory, is a nice looking Atlas Park. Except, oh wait, practically no one really does PVP in this game. So that was a wasted effort.

Mayhem missions are great. I will give you that. But you can't just do a mayhem without doing 3 - 5 regular paper missions and you usually end up doing less of them as increase in level unless you specifically go an do newspapers to get them(which I find annoying to have to grind through...especially in Sharkhead Isle).

Issue 8

Safeguards. Pretty much the same reeasoning behind mayhems. Except I find safeguards to be pretty boring versus mayhems. But that's a taste thing.

Faultline. A great zone revamp and one I actually find myself using often with new heroes I create. Honestly though. Even Faultline get's old after a while. Static, linear content does not engage one forever.

Issue 9

The Abyss. Well villains need Hami-Os too. So why not. How many regular players do Hami raids Redside?

Issue 10

The Rikti Warzone is right up there with Faultline in terms of value. A viable alternative for 35+ heroes and villains. I think I enjoy the missions here more than Faultline.

Issue 11

The primary purpose of Ouroboros is to let you replay arcs that are already in the game. There are some new arcs and stuff in it but really...it's about repeating what you've done before or might have missed doing with your current toon. It's really not that much about new stuff.

Issue 12

The Hollows revamp was mostly mob rearranging and one repeatable mission contact. I'm not even sure I'd call it a revamp...since the missions that are present now are the same ones that have always been present since the zone went live.

Cimerora And the Midnight Club. Indeed, new stuff...but the amount of content there isn't that vast.

Originally Posted by Westley View Post

...and that's NOT including all of the new "map environments" that came with EACH and EVERY new Task Force introduced... nor is it counting the gazillion maps added to the Mission Architect and Ouroboros that players rarely had access to before without specifically looking for them.

That's at least 8 new or revamped zones and DOZENS of new maps.

So... "comparatively little COX has grown since COV in terms of new areas, zones and map environments"? What is your definition of "comparatively ALOT"? The equivalent of a new game added every year like CoV???

Now who has their head in the sand?
That all looks wonderful if you ignore the timeline of it all. How many months passed between each of those additions? How many years did it take for all of that to arrive? Even VEATs have a fraction of the story arcs that Kheldians got when they arrived.

You can keep kidding yourself that the rate at which we got content wasn't hampered at all by the size of the dev team, and I suppose that's your right. I absolutely salute the dev team for giving us what they did with the resources they had, but in no way am I convinced that this game is as far along as it should be in terms of content and content variety.

If, in fact, that same 15 man dev team was found to be sufficient to continue to deliver content to us as they had been, then staffing up and hiring more than twice their number would be a completely useless expense for NCSoft to incur.

And how many times have these same devs posted and told us over and over about things they would like to do but can't because they simply didn't have the manpower? You think we would have gotten power customization with that same team? What kind of time would it have taken for them to deliver it to us? Even Architect...you think the same 15 guys could have gotten that done and delivered in the same time frame?



Oh great now it's going to turn into one of those threads... *rolls eyes*



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Oh great now it's going to turn into one of those threads... *rolls eyes*
*grabs eyes as they're rolling and pockets them*

Mine! Muahahahahaha~!

*runs out of thread*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
*grabs eyes as they're rolling and pockets them*

Mine! Muahahahahaha~!

*runs out of thread*
*fumbles around tripping over puppy*

Dammit Schis!Just give 'em back when GR comes out I need to see the ULTRA!



I never said that they didn't do more with less Slashman, I'm merely debating that the game "is failing". All evidence points to the contrary.



Yes, I do think what they should have been working on all this time is CoX 2.0

Why? Because we have all been playing this same game for 5 years, its nice they add tidbits here and there... but your big woopty doo is go play something else?

Has it ever occured to you in your infinite wisdom, that maybe I DO NOT ENJOY other games? I have TRIED lots and lots of games. I DO NOT LIKE those games.... or I would be playing them instead of trying to explain to you why I want this game to improve.


New zones. Are needed. Thats why GR has them... if they were not needed... they wouldnt be coming in the PAID expansion.

The old zones? I dont want them to get a facelift, I want them to just go away into the "Old Paragon"... It is time for New New New. I have been saying that for a long time. Some people listen, other people are so set in their ways that they can not grasp how awesome that would really be.


I never said the game is failing...



But CoH2 would be an "other game" compared to CoH1....



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I never said the game is failing...
No, Slash did.



So, basically, they never added any zones, except they did, except they had to, so it doesn't count. Which means that new zones only count when we don't need them? What, I'm not following.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I dont see why everything needs to be drawn out with little numbers next to everything... Dot 1, This game, atleast for me, is the only fun MMO. Dot 2, I think that all the old zones are pretty boring, because I have played them countless times doing all they have to offer. Dot 3, I think they should do away with half of them, have them get swallowed up in some ultimate natural disaster of some kind, or just have them beemed off the planet, I don't really care which one. Dot 4, They should make all new zones with NEW things to do in them... Dot 5, Then we would all have tons of new things to do that could keep us busy for the next 5 years.



So then all the new players that come in that haven't seen all this content get screwed over and miss all the "old" content just because you're tired of it? That's very diplomatic of you PP.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
So then all the new players that come in that haven't seen all this content get screwed over and miss all the "old" content just because you're tired of it? That's very diplomatic of you PP.
Well, all the new players would see all the awesome new content... and could read about the old lore from plaques



Hey PP, the point is over here ------------------------------------------------> . <--------------

you missed it! WHY would the devs simply throw away content that took months and years of their time and effort to create?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Hey PP, the point is over here ------------------------------------------------> . <--------------

you missed it! WHY would the devs simply throw away content that took months and years of their time and effort to create?
because its old.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
because its old.
So's the continent of North America. Shall we beam that out of existence, too?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So's the continent of North America. Shall we beam that out of existence, too?
Sure, give me a little notice so I can relocate my rig and still be able to play. Nothing wrong with population downsizing. And if that does happen we can maybe have Columbus actually reach India.

I take breaks from this game often now. About 5 days out of every week. That's because of work and my old butt going back to school though. Now I kind of look forward to playing, Monday nights for sure.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
No, Slash did.
Where and when did I make that statement?

I even reread what I wrote to make sure I didn't accidentally write that somewhere.

People have a habit of turning any negative criticism of this game(even criticism that's carefully explained) into doomsaying.

For the record I don't agree with Perfect Pain on removing all old zones. I can much more get behind zone revamps and making old content better and more in line with the newer stuff we have been getting.

In fact, if the Faultline/Rikti Warzone treatment were to be given to more zones over the past few years, I doubt most of us would have as much to complain about in terms of new content.

Well actually, there would probably still be complaining because there still wouldn't be a moon zone...



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
I hear you, but what I'm asking for is slightly different.

For years now, I've been asking for someone to do continual monthly releases of new content. I've also been asking for changes to old content, like the elimination of the odious errands and hunts.

If the devs had started this policy back in 2005, the current content situation would be fantastic. If they would start it now, eventually the content situation would improve.

The problem is that we ALWAYS have to wait SEVERAL MONTHS for new content, and even then it is usually like only five or six arcs. And everyone plays those few arcs over and over, because it is so preferable to playing the older arcs, and then in about a month or two they get sick of the new stuff too.

I'd like to see the devs hire someone, or a few someones, to create new official content for monthly release. They could revamp old content, including the Cavern Trial, and they could create alternate TFs, like one or two new Posi TFs.

It would be great. And it is years late in getting started.

This would be in addition to the new development the devs are always working on, so not only would there be new content each month, but there would be big, new features released approximately twice yearly.

The monthly content would help keep players entertained while they wait for the next game update. And there's a lot of things you could do. You could have situations where a story begins in one month, and concludes in content released the next month. You could introduce new bosses and new foe groups. You could reveal some of the game's hidden backstory. That sort of thing.

Compare that to the present (and eternal) situation where players know that nothing much is going to happen for the next several months. They have nothing to look forward to doing in the intervening time, and people lose interest in stories like the "Coming Storm" because they take FOREVER to tell.

It seems to me that if you were releasing new content each month, you might retain a lot of these people and hear less grumbling.
thats all nice to say, but i think you really underestimate the manpower commitment needed to do what youa re claiming. as per the recent massively dev interview, we know that mission generation tools were a significant bottleneck and that was one of the reasons that ma came about, coupling that with the until recent stupidly low staffing levels, and do you really think this is feaseable? One developer cant just redo content, it involves a lot of different developers specialties, and would have impacted a number of great things we did get. Now after gr hits, i am hoping for the exact thing you are, that a pass is made on old content, because a lot of fluff could be cut to streamline old taskforces, underused zones, and especially the security chief nonsense, but I am reasonable that if they do that, its going to take more than hiring one new developer. hopefully the accelerated creation tools, plus the increased staffing will allow for a rejuvenated game.



I've been playing this game for 42 months without really taking a break (I went throug a slow period last october-november though) and this game still hasn't gotten stale to me.

Maybe it helps that I'm not so hung up on this one game that I MUST play, like some people here seem to be. Inbetween CoX sessions I fill my game time with EVE Online and online matches of FEAR and single player games. The past months these have been Fallout 3, Dragon Age: Origins, a replay of Mass Effect to set up a nice safe game to start Mass Effect 2 of and now I'm going for some more Dragon Age, FEAR2 and Dead Space.

Relax, it's just a game. It's supposed to be fun.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd like so see most of the war walls be taken down, leaving one huge city zone.
This is the primary thing on my 'wishfull thinking list' atm.
After GR that is

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.