The Longest Wait




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's planned for Q2 - my guess is sometime around the 6th anniversary
Q2? Really I thought it was supposed to be late Q1.. Am I remembering that wrong, or did something change?

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



I remember saying when Going Rogue was first announced that my prediction for release was mid-June 2010, based on how long recent issues were taking, the year lead time between announcement and release of City of Villains, the opinion that they weren't really that far into its development, and the industry's tendency to barely meet or push back releases.

I got called some names and told that there was no way that they would wait that long before release. Some people were even predicting November 2009. Most people were predicting January - February 2010, and I knew that was shooting way too soon.

Am I still sticking with June 2010? Yeah, I really think that sounds about right to me. If it comes earlier, great; that's one thing I wouldn't mind being wrong about. If it comes later, I doubt that my level of discontent will compare to the yelling and screaming going on otherwise around here.

So pegging June 2010 for release, I suspect that the beta will either start very late in the first quarter (like the dwindling days of March) or be pushed back to first part or middle of Q2. Yes, I know that's long for a beta, but I also know that this is bigger than an issue release (ten to twelve weeks instead of four to six weeks), and the beta for City of Villains was quite long. As for news about it, that will start trickling out a la the letters and posts from Ghost Widow pre-CoV late next month or beginning of March.

To be honest, I wouldn't hold my breath for any news until next month. Like everything else, though, I guess we'll see when we see.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Q2? Really I thought it was supposed to be late Q1.. Am I remembering that wrong, or did something change?
You're probably thinking of the beta

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



i think its too late anyways..people already leaving ( yes again) waiting for nothing iterally to come out?..why stay and play the old tired content?

there is none...posi hasnt posted in god knows how long about anything of importance.(hero con was 4 months ago..nothing since then)

oh and leave states and issue 7 out of the was one time in like 6 years..get over that point there was 1000000000 people still playing and people still teaming.

id wait again for it if people were still on this game and half the servers werent dead.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
i think its too late anyways..people already leaving ( yes again) waiting for nothing iterally to come out?..why stay and play the old tired content?

there is none...posi hasnt posted in god knows how long about anything of importance.(hero con was 4 months ago..nothing since then)

oh and leave states and issue 7 out of the was one time in like 6 years..get over that point there was 1000000000 people still playing and people still teaming.

id wait again for it if people were still on this game and half the servers werent dead.

You are so full of it your eyes are brown.

1. This game has never had 1 billion people playing let alone 1 billion subscribers in the entire 5 years it's been around.

2. Seasonal players that only show up for new releases is nothing unusual for any MMO. There will always be people with short attention spans that jump from game to game.

3. There will always be people that look for any excuse to whine, moan, and complain.



I personally don't really care about the wait, its just the lack of information that is annoying. Damn marketing

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
(hero con was 4 months ago..nothing since then)
Ah, time dilation. I really need to let my boss know that he owes me three extra paychecks, being that October 24-January 7 is 4 months now.

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I remember saying when Going Rogue was first announced that my prediction for release was mid-June 2010, based on how long recent issues were taking, the year lead time between announcement and release of City of Villains, the opinion that they weren't really that far into its development, and the industry's tendency to barely meet or push back releases.
CoV was announced officially right when CoH launched, so it was a year and a half lead time for that.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



I know I posted this before, but I'll do it again!

(Lookie here!)


Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I remember saying when Going Rogue was first announced that my prediction for release was mid-June 2010, based on how long recent issues were taking, the year lead time between announcement and release of City of Villains, the opinion that they weren't really that far into its development, and the industry's tendency to barely meet or push back releases.

I got called some names and told that there was no way that they would wait that long before release. Some people were even predicting November 2009. Most people were predicting January - February 2010, and I knew that was shooting way too soon.

Am I still sticking with June 2010? Yeah, I really think that sounds about right to me. If it comes earlier, great; that's one thing I wouldn't mind being wrong about. If it comes later, I doubt that my level of discontent will compare to the yelling and screaming going on otherwise around here.

So pegging June 2010 for release, I suspect that the beta will either start very late in the first quarter (like the dwindling days of March) or be pushed back to first part or middle of Q2. Yes, I know that's long for a beta, but I also know that this is bigger than an issue release (ten to twelve weeks instead of four to six weeks), and the beta for City of Villains was quite long. As for news about it, that will start trickling out a la the letters and posts from Ghost Widow pre-CoV late next month or beginning of March.

To be honest, I wouldn't hold my breath for any news until next month. Like everything else, though, I guess we'll see when we see.
Sadly I think you're right and if you are, I fear for the game. It's hemorrhaging quite badly now - and 6 months from now - given we've waited over a quarter already, is too long. It could well be GR is a bridge too far - it'll be like CO... attract a flurry of attention then poof, the servers will evaporate once the few returners have raced through the content.

Which will be very very sad.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.

Welcome. Enjoy your ivory tower

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
It's hemorrhaging quite badly now
We've been hemorrhaging badly for years. At the rate we keep hemorrhaging players, by 2014 everyone on Earth will have quit City of Heroes in disgust at least once.

Fortunately, six million people are born every month, and only half of them subscribe to WoW by age 2.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
We've been hemorrhaging badly for years. At the rate we keep hemorrhaging players, by 2014 everyone on Earth will have quit City of Heroes in disgust at least once.

Fortunately, six million people are born every month, and only half of them subscribe to WoW by age 2.
The end of the world is in 2012, glad we won't be around to see CoH close its doors.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
We've been hemorrhaging badly for years. At the rate we keep hemorrhaging players, by 2014 everyone on Earth will have quit City of Heroes in disgust at least once.

Fortunately, six million people are born every month, and only half of them subscribe to WoW by age 2.
Has anyone ever told you how awesome you are?



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Sadly I think you're right and if you are, I fear for the game. It's hemorrhaging quite badly now - and 6 months from now - given we've waited over a quarter already, is too long.
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.

Zombie always has facts on his side, unlike the posters who reply with their emotional attachment to Co* in tow.

Shame he has none here.

Since the last quarterly report, before NCSoft removed the long included subscriber numbers from it, showed a drop of ten thousand subs if I recall, bringing the game to the lowest numbers it's had.

That was over a year ago, since then do you think the subscriber numbers have rebounded?

Personally based on the slow forum traffic and what I see on the four servers we have characters on, the active subscriber base is below ninety thousand, maybe around seventy or eighty.

But there are no actual current subscriber numbers to prove or disprove that.

So the doooooom criers are equipped with the same accurate information to support their conclusion as the diligent Co* defenders. lol



Maybe if they stopped *screwing around and listened to people...
I do not log into play. No one I know logs into PLAY... ?
Why? We are all waiting on news of GR...
Why not release information?

I do not think they understand that silence encourages nothing. Silence means nothing. Silence doesn't encourage people. It's in fact closer to ignoring people. Ignored people don't log in to play... they find other things to do with their time.



I know Zombie doesn't put things the nicest way... well, pretty much ever... but I generally always agree with what he's saying, if not how he says it. This is no exception. The game is not "hemmorhaging" players.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I do not log into play. No one I know logs into PLAY... ?
Well, I'm still playing. I still enjoy the game because of what it is, not what it will be. If an expansion comes along someday and improves things, so much the better.

My anticipation of new content is always balanced by my concerns over trends in new content. More team content that I won't be doing? Meh. Graphic updates to slow the game down? Meh. I never know how much I'll be able to use the new content, so I don't look to new content to keep me interested. If the current content wasn't worth my time, I'd quit and find another game. But that's not likely to happen any time soon.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I do not log into play. No one I know logs into PLAY... ?
Well, I only log in to play. I see plenty of people playing.

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Why? We are all waiting on news of GR...
Why not release information?
Do not try to understand the thinking of Marketing; it leads to brain cell death. That's where They come from you know; once the brain cells all die you'll be one of Them too.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Oddly through time I have collected up quite a few people on my global list... and none of them log on anymore. Some were regular forum people and others were die harders from ingame that think forums are full of childish brats always trying to epeen each other to death...

They arent logging in. They tell me on Twitter or facebook... They are waiting to resub for Going Rogue... or some say they wouldnt have let their subscriptions LAPSE if they gave out more information reguraly.

I understand it is marketings job to try and keep secrets, but when their secrets come at the cost of game subscriptions... I really think they need to rethink their position.

Its been weeks since any information came out.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Thanks for proving you don't know what you're talking about.
I thought she/he was talking about Champions, cuz that's the only super hero MMO I know of that's hemorrhaging subscribers.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
We've been hemorrhaging badly for years. At the rate we keep hemorrhaging players, by 2014 everyone on Earth will have quit City of Heroes in disgust at least once.
At this rate of hemorrhage, I'm expecting the game to hit a negative number of subscribers any month now.

Don't ask me how; it's just the way the math works with the current number of subs minus the increasing amount of "hemorrhaging". I'm sure you'll come to the same conclusion once you crunch the numbers as well Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Maybe if they stopped *screwing around and listened to people...
I do not log into play. No one I know logs into PLAY... ?
Then you must know the wrong people. A sizable chunk of my Friends list are still on the game on a regular basis, getting characters ready to go for GR, or catching up on badges, and generally still enjoying themselves. I can still field an 8-man PuG without much effort.

Those that are hanging in the holding pattern til GR comes out, go right ahead and enjoy yourselves. I know a lot of folks are happily plowing through all the games they got off Steam during the holiday sale while waiting for GR's closed beta to start and they get in through whatever Tier gets them in. But please don't insist that I should be bored or outraged just because the Marketing Department are a tightlipped bunch.

Yes, we've lost players in various-sized droves over the years - whether over ED, PvP, the MA, That Other Game, or whatever. When GR comes out, I'm willing to be we'll get a lot of people back. Will they STAY? No idea. But they'll be back.


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