The Longest Wait




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I don't think that phrase means what you think it means. I like this game. GR will get here when it gets here. More or less information in the interim won't change when it gets here, nor will it cause me to cancel my subscription.

Okay, now let's see if that results in brainless fools calling me a fanboi.
This. In a way, LESS information I find is better. Because it doesn't have me salivating like a rabid dog and facepalming my monitor singing to the refrain of 'Want:Now!'.

Like the Mods Riktification. Is that just goofing around? Or is it a large hint as to what a new playable AT may be, or simply new content? I don't know, but my brain goes into overtime with that sort of thing.

With less GR info, I can sort of let it simmer, although I still look at things in game at the moment and think; "Ultra mode is gonna make this look AWESOME."

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I really think PP is right in one respect, the marketing dept could do more. This is a great game, with loyal customers, of which I am one, but I have a deep dislike for teh marketing dept of this game. I know that is rather sad as I have never met any of them, but that is the way of things.

I want more info. I look at the GR page daily to see if it has changed at all, and it hasn't. Tyrant's bio still says coming soon, crap they didn't even add the Hero con info to the page.

A little info every week is not too much to ask, shoot, this community would be happy with just screen shots of new costume items. No need for major system details, I know I could be sustained on that.

If the marketing debt dosen't read these boards, that is really sad. They should know what we are looking for, because we are the vocal members of this community. The VOCAL players of this game. We are free advertising, because it has been proven we are more than willing to talk about this game.

I just don't get it, and I have felt that way about the CoX marketing dept for years. It seems the new people want to stick to Cryptic's same old "soon" standard. I am a CoX fanboi, and I feel this way. So how does this lack of info affect thos who are not as loyal as many of us are?

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I really think PP is right in one respect, the marketing dept could do more.
Yes, I never disagreed with that part. I think the marketing/publicity for this game is appalling.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Yes, I never disagreed with that part. I think the marketing/publicity for this game is appalling.
I do concur most heartily.
Well...Sparkily. Since I dont have a heart.
But they do suck epic phail...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Might I respectfully suggest, then, that you contact our Riktified mods via PM and ask if either a) there's an email address to which you can submit suggestions to the Marketing Department, or b) ask if they might be willing to FORWARD an email on your behalf to the Marketing Department? For that matter, ask if c) submitting a ticket to the GMs might be acceptable?

(BTW, I mention that latter because of my time working technical support when people would use the online troubleshooting submission forms to air their grievances about us, our products, or our services - it was part of my job to either address them myself or direct them to the higher-ups that handled said matters.)

I think we have, as CLEARLY demonstrated through direct observation, proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Marketing Department does not read these forums. Standing here howling like rabid wolves high on angel dust, demanding information and pretty much threatening to leave if we don't get it, is having about as much effect as me persuading the Mississippi to detour through Nebraska.

I am not denying anyone's right to an opinion - I'm not denying anyone's right to air it here (so long as it abides by forum rules, otherwise said Riktified mods will come and smack it down). I am hoping people will realize that these forums are NOT the means to get Marketing to listen.

BTW, Arcanaville, I tried to rep you again and got told to spread it around first.


Sadly I don't think "marketing" in this game even has a pair of ears.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I really think PP is right in one respect, the marketing dept could do more. This is a great game, with loyal customers, of which I am one, but I have a deep dislike for teh marketing dept of this game. I know that is rather sad as I have never met any of them, but that is the way of things.
I agree, but I look around at other MMOs, and I see the same thing. If anything, CoH gives out a lot more information than other MMOs I've seen, which isn't saying much. The whole industry breeds evil marketing fiends who seem to be out to turn away customers rather than attract them.

Although Going Rogue doesn't fill me with anticipation, I certainly agree that some occasional (weekly) releases of news tidbits would be good and healthy for the game. And if I got more of those tidbits, I might become more interested in the expansion.



the fact is..i heard more about this game when it was jacks then i have as posi's

infact the amount of info since jacks departure is horribly low.sure jack ruined and killed off half the population.but since then i dont think they have done enough to fix it.

nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf..all i can say concerned cause as of the 17th im back outta here.i only upped to use the free transfer things and that was it.

and as it stands now..i have not one plan to get goin rogue and i dont think it will help nor fix this game.also i wont be buying a new computer for the "super snazzy" look either. the amount of ghost servers on this game does not warrant my pocket to give out enough money for a upgrade to a half dead and half empty game.

i think the devs and mr clayton should have thought of that first.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
You joke. I know people who really feel this way. In truth, some days I do.
THe proiblem with my posts is that it's often hard to tell when I am joking or serious. Although the tone of my post was light-hearted, I am actually serious in my displeasure of Marketing.

Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
the fact is..i heard more about this game when it was jacks then i have as posi's

infact the amount of info since jacks departure is horribly low.sure jack ruined and killed off half the population.but since then i dont think they have done enough to fix it.

nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf..all i can say concerned cause as of the 17th im back outta here.i only upped to use the free transfer things and that was it.

and as it stands now..i have not one plan to get goin rogue and i dont think it will help nor fix this game.also i wont be buying a new computer for the "super snazzy" look either. the amount of ghost servers on this game does not warrant my pocket to give out enough money for a upgrade to a half dead and half empty game.

i think the devs and mr clayton should have thought of that first.
The problem is that, when Jack was on-board, developer verbal diarrhea was the norm. Jack would tell the forums about all these cool concepts being hashed out or considered - but not actively being developed. Over time, many players considered these subject gospel, only to be sorely disappointed when Issue X contained none of what they were teased about by Jack.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
See also:
"SSOCS" - aka Skills system. Which was chucked and replaced wholesale with Inventions... leaving the Universities sitting for quite some time with no purpose behind them.
Nictus EAT.
... along with BotBS, Coralax, etc. Of course, newer players or those with long term memory recollection problems may not know or remember these issues

Which brings us to present day, with a Marketing team so tight-lipped about anything that's not in the final beta build that nothing escapes the Marketing Black Hole. Although I understand the history about why this is, I don't agree completely with its severity. I also didn't like how Marketing did almost nothing media-wise with Hero-Con; it's great to share info with your and pander to the current fanbase, but why not make several press releases to increase interest from the general gaming public? That was one PR opportunity that, IMPO, they let slip right through their fingers.

On the other hand, as I stated in another thread, this is not the longest wait we players have had to endure between Issues (although I'm not sure about a wait for new news). For the record, the current record holder for time between issues is between the release of Issue 6 and Issue 7, which was 222 days (source). It has been 115 days since the release of Issue 16 and today. So we are far from breaking that record.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
It has been 115 days since the release of Issue 16 and today. So we are far from breaking that record.
Since Going Rogue beta testing is still in the "someday in the future" category, it looks like it will beat the record pretty easily.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post

Why do you care? You've made it clear that "You don't play anymore", leading me to believe you pay $15 a month to come here on the boards to complain and that you consider MMO's a "borefest". This game has a steady playerbase and even after the rest of the competition comes online, will still be a steady source of income to NCsoft. This is an accomplishment that most MMO's strive for.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Update: it appears that the Rikti'fication of the mods is related to some news announcement next week. As they say in the military, "Hurry up and wait."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Why do you care? You've made it clear that "You don't play anymore", leading me to believe you pay $15 a month to come here on the boards to complain and that you consider MMO's a "borefest". This game has a steady playerbase and even after the rest of the competition comes online, will still be a steady source of income to NCsoft. This is an accomplishment that most MMO's strive for.
I find this responce to be laughable. I mean really LAUGH OUTLOUD.

I do not play because I have done EVERYTHING that there is to do more than 10 times each. I have more maxed characters that have done ALL the badge contacts.

I pay because of VET REWARDS... and thats about it. Dont you understand I am just WAITING for new stuff to do... and apparently I can afford to just pay 15 bucks a month x's 2 for something we dont even use. Something we are hoping will be usable in the future.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
That's cool. I hope it is a good one, and not "we re tooled the V-day event."
Heh. QFT.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
You're telling that to Perfect Pain? Perfect Pain was in the Champions Online beta testing. She received a lifetime subscription to the game as a gift. She left CoH to play Champions. She was quite active in the Champions forums. Then she eventually got too annoyed with Champions, got a refund on the lifetime subscription, and came back to CoH.

How could you not have noticed all her posts about that??

(Okay, most of those posts were in another forum area that you probably don't visit.)
Could you please quote the post where she said she cancelled her lifetime sub and got her money back? Because judging from the CO forums that doesn't seem to be the case since she's still posting there as of 2 days ago.

Maybe you misremembered what she actually said.

Of course there's always the possibility that she only keeps her subs active because she likes posting on the forums. It may be the only social contact she has. But thats just far fetched wild speculation.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
the fact is..i heard more about this game when it was jacks then i have as posi's
sadly, due to jack's lack of technical expertise, a lot of it was inaccurate. i liked the guy, but i sense that posi speaks when he knows that he can deliver(the base thing from issue 13 notwithstanding) you may not recall, but around issue 2, jack had suggested that we would get power customization around issue 4. we got it in 4 squared.
infact the amount of info since jacks departure is horribly low.sure jack ruined and killed off half the population.but since then i dont think they have done enough to fix it.
subjective, and as i said, the info now is actually reliable, rather than floating off in peter molyneux land. also, can we have some rationality on the killed off half the population nonsense, attrition is the norm in mmos, in age of conan and warhammer it has been far worse, but generally numbers go down after launch, outside of the 2 anomalous mmos, wow and that horrid space one who'se name escapes me.
nerf after nerf after nerf after nerf..all i can say concerned cause as of the 17th im back outta here.i only upped to use the free transfer things and that was it.
inaccurate and wrong, doms were buffed, badges got useful counters, martial arts got buffed, stalkers got buffed, teaming was made easier, and that is just off the top of my head. Do you even check when you say inaccurate garbage like this? oh and you re-upped to transfer characters in a game you don't plan on playing? the mind would boggle if it had attributed rational behavior in the first place.

and as it stands now..i have not one plan to get goin rogue and i dont think it will help nor fix this game.also i wont be buying a new computer for the "super snazzy" look either. the amount of ghost servers on this game does not warrant my pocket to give out enough money for a upgrade to a half dead and half empty game.

i think the devs and mr clayton should have thought of that first.
i if you are inaccurate enough to say that there are "ghost servers" rather than lower population ones that a small amount of social skill will still allow you to find full teams with, especially with the new sidekicking system, then its on you. you offer no real constructive comments in this post, so there is nothing for the devs to actually consider, but hey, hopefully you find an mmo to fit your nebulously defined criteria, and we can all appreciate the benefits to the coh community that it will offer.



you lost face when you think this game is low on population...sorry dude

for everyone one that says this game isnt dying or isnt a ghost town your only kidding yourselves.

when you dont think every year is a nerf in some way shape or form..your again kidding yourselves.

e.d. was the start of 3 different power "fixes"..this game is too far gone to even start to think it can be balanced or fixed.

oh and at least states didnt tell us things like "base love" then fire the dev that said it and watch posi lie and tell people to their faces that it was never said and didnt know where we got that information from.

thats right didnt come from states! are they more acurate?...doubtful!

hows are skills doing now btw? know the skills we didnt get after posi announced it? i suppose he was accurate there too.....acurate indeed!

and btw..if the info they give us in more acurate ( which i never said it wasnt so you fail to see my point) is that at least they talked to us as the consumer which now doesnt happen at all.

your "wah you cant say the truth about my game" attitude doesnt work on me sorry



I had every intention of cancelling my lifetime subscription, however I ran into a snag... which sucked so I just said screw it and didnt want to deal with it.
After using the Gift card my gramms gave me for the LT sub, I tossed it in the trash can... figured I wouldnt need it again.

So when I tried to cancel, Cryptic would have just put the money back on the Gift card I used. However I did not have it anymore. So I contacted CHASE which is where the GC came from... and they couldnt help much because I didn't register the GC on their website.

They said it would take up to 8 weeks to get it settled. So I just said puck it.

I am sure I said I was cancelling somewhere, because I was gonna. But, then it was a bigger PITA than I wanted to deal with at the time. Now I get a whole second forum to haunt... Lucky me.


Social interaction? WTF? you people take me too seriously. What on earth would make you think I dont go outside? LOL.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
you lost face when you think this game is low on population...sorry dude

for everyone one that says this game isnt dying or isnt a ghost town your only kidding yourselves.

when you dont think every year is a nerf in some way shape or form..your again kidding yourselves.

e.d. was the start of 3 different power "fixes"..this game is too far gone to even start to think it can be balanced or fixed.

oh and at least states didnt tell us things like "base love" then fire the dev that said it and watch posi lie and tell people to their faces that it was never said and didnt know where we got that information from.

thats right didnt come from states! are they more acurate?...doubtful!

hows are skills doing now btw? know the skills we didnt get after posi announced it? i suppose he was accurate there too.....acurate indeed!

and btw..if the info they give us in more acurate ( which i never said it wasnt so you fail to see my point) is that at least they talked to us as the consumer which now doesnt happen at all.

your "wah you cant say the truth about my game" attitude doesnt work on me sorry
The EGO Reply:

There are several fallacies in this post - fallacy of composition (logical induction), fallacy of entitlement, ad honimem, etc. Trying to bring people to your opinion through the use of hyperbole, unsubstantiated claims, and personal attacks are the least effective arguments in a debate.

Besides, when did Positron announce skills? Is there a reference for such a claim? I remember the SSOCS system spoken of by Jack, but most players by now know that that concept was scrapped for the Invention system.

Your argument lacks references and is flawed from the perspective of someone who started posting well after the events in question were over. It's little more than a rant with some claims disguised as facts and some name-calling thrown in as a red herring, scarecrow tactic.

On an aside, and to use an ad hominem of my own admittedly, if you ever want to get out of a dead-end retail job, proper punctuation, grammar, spelling, and (most importantly) capitalization would better serve a resumé, or any sort of correspondence in general. Your post, IMPO, looks like it was typed on a cell phone thumb pad. Sure, the forums are hardly a resumé, but people might actually take your points with a grain of salt if they actually looked like something written in proper English, or even attempted to be so (such as our English as a Second Language players).



The ID Reply:

Oh the atrocities! Oh the times we've been wronged! Oh the humanity! Whate're shall we do? Positron is the father of all lies! We must break down the gates and steal the developers from their ivory towers and hold them accountable for all of their misdeeds! The will of the public demands it!

We must avenge all those players who /ragequit over the state of the game, all of those whose dreams were crushed upon the rocks of ED, all of those who were cast down when the "promised" Skill system was cast aside!

We shall avenge the nerfs and "fixes" cast unto us as the devs lazily laugh at us from their high perches and berate our folly and toil. We shall make them pay for all of their failed "promises" and face our scorn!

I say unto you devs, come down and have the courage to look us in our faces and say "We lied." Then, perhaps ye shall be spared from the bonfires and be granted a quick release from our ire!

When we have the truth, then we shall be vindicated! And when all the marketing people and devs look up and yell, "Save us!," we can look back down...

... too much?


" know, it's just easier to call you stupid." - Brian Griffin, Family Guy



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post

Social interaction? WTF? you people take me too seriously. What on earth would make you think I dont go outside? LOL.

I'm glad you got a laugh out of that PP because it was intended as a ludicrous statement. That's why I made sure to state it was far fetched wild speculation.

It's hard to do dry straight face humor in a written context. Too many people are quick to assume the worst. (I myself fall prey to that problem.)



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
you lost face when you think this game is low on population...sorry dude

for everyone one that says this game isnt dying or isnt a ghost town your only kidding yourselves.

when you dont think every year is a nerf in some way shape or form..your again kidding yourselves.

e.d. was the start of 3 different power "fixes"..this game is too far gone to even start to think it can be balanced or fixed.

oh and at least states didnt tell us things like "base love" then fire the dev that said it and watch posi lie and tell people to their faces that it was never said and didnt know where we got that information from.

thats right didnt come from states! are they more acurate?...doubtful!

hows are skills doing now btw? know the skills we didnt get after posi announced it? i suppose he was accurate there too.....acurate indeed!

and btw..if the info they give us in more acurate ( which i never said it wasnt so you fail to see my point) is that at least they talked to us as the consumer which now doesnt happen at all.

your "wah you cant say the truth about my game" attitude doesnt work on me sorry
Translate this into human and get back to me. i can see proto-thoughts popping out that i can happily debunk(the ssocs was Jack's idea, and i mentioned bases) but the other stuff, i want to make sure you actually meant the idiocy of what you said, because I would hate to presume you are intending to be as wrong as you are without letting you clarify.

oh, and what about my kidding myself? the contraction is you're.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I'm glad you got a laugh out of that PP because it was intended as a ludicrous statement. That's why I made sure to state it was far fetched wild speculation.

It's hard to do dry straight face humor in a written context. Too many people are quick to assume the worst. (I myself fall prey to that problem.)
you know some people took you seriously



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
you know some people took you seriously
Yeah, I know. But that's life, some people will get a joke and some won't. Sometimes it seems the more ridiculous the statement the more likely someone will take it seriously.