The January 2010 FArt Battle





*lights something or someone nearby on fire*

Since this is the beginning of a friendly competition, where participants are battling it out for glory and fame, rather than money and women, I thought the most fitting theme for January would be The Olympics!

This is why I used the random person/object for a torch. And maybe you'll get some women if you get glory and fame, too.

So what could encompass this theme? Will heroes be competing in the games, or will they be cheering/volunteering? Will they be rooting for America since they're in Paragon, or might they support their countries of origin? Are villains going to sabotage the games, or will even THEY want to compete? Would they cheat? Would the supers of Paragon and The Rogue Isles maybe have their own Olympics with their own versions of the games (maybe a Hellion in place of a discus)? There's a LOT of different ways you can take this theme and run with it.

All types of art are acceptable for this month's theme. Are you more of a graphic designer? Throw in a banner, maybe an ad for the games that would be found around the city, or perhaps a mock website. Don't feel left out just because your area of expertise isn't in the fun character pin-ups! Just remember to bring your creative A-game, because the competition will be tight!

Our 2009 FArt Champion has graciously provided a sample image!


1. The Hot Chicks Rule- All entries must include a hot chick. She might be way off in the background, but she's gotta be there somehow, somewhere. Wassy wants to see some hot chicks!!!!!!

2. Use City of Heroes/Villains Characters- This is, afterall, a CoX Fan Art competition, so I expect you guys to keep that in mind. If there's nothing relating to City of Heroes/Villains in your entry, you will be disqualified.

3. Keep It PG-13- All entries this month must be postable to these boards without a 2 click. Don't worry, perverts... R-Rated month is in the works and I'll be using my website to showcase the awesome bewbage, with some auto 2-clicking right in the programming.

4. Deadlines- All entries MUST be submitted by Friday, January 22nd by Midnight Eastern US time. Anyone participating who DOES NOT have an active account on these boards may email their submission to me at or note me via dA at lilwassu. I will take Saturday, January 23rd (which is also my birthday, so just remember who loves you) to screen all entries for adherence to the theme and rules. Voting will begin on Sunday, January 24th, held here on the CoH boards. The pieces that I put up for a vote have been personally verified by me, so if you disagree with their qualifications, please give me the lashings rather than the artists.

Other Items of Note
We won't be having an elimination this month. The winner of the voting will have immunity for NEXT month's battle, which will have an elimination. To start off January, we pretty much just want to get a head count and see who's gonna be in this thing. If you do submit, try to keep in mind this is year-long and we want it going strong!

Let me know if there are any questions, and if I think of anything I forgot to add in this post I'll uh... add it.

Good luck, and more importantly, HAVE FUN!!!!


You can also now check the action via my website!

I think Frost did a very nice job whipping that up =)



Ooooh... now I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on.



I think I have a steady idea



i have a wonderful idea *snickers*

sadly i cant win due to the fact nothing i submit will be finished =P

oh well, you will have to make do with my WiP sculpts.



Originally Posted by DrainBamage View Post
i have a wonderful idea *snickers*

sadly i cant win due to the fact nothing i submit will be finished =P

oh well, you will have to make do with my WiP sculpts.
hey now, if you go into it planning to fail? You might just succeed.

Think positive - you can do it!



Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
hey now, if you go into it planning to fail? You might just succeed.

Think positive - you can do it!
AHH...but if you go in planing to FAIL and THEN you succeed... isnt that better??

its win, win either way..

ALWAYS aim for the high "C+" but expect ta get the "C-", and know either way that you passed..

squeaking bye with the lowest possible score, will always let you know that you coulda done better... but at least your half-*** attempt is still passable to scrape bye in the long run..,,

*waves little flag*... 3rd place is the place ta be!! first place is to much pressure to always do your best.. and 2nd place is always trying to get to first place... ahh, but third place.. the mighty bronze medal, they are the ones that have it made, they know they could do better.. but still by half way trying.. they succeed by partially failing to do there best... its the ultimate Peter Principle of life...

..and umm... ok.. I lost my train of thought...



***wonders why he was just lit on fire by Wassy*** Ooch! Ow! Ow! Hey what gives?!

Ya but seriously IB do you really want to tell people you were a FArt runner up?
It will sound more like a mishap you had during a marathon than a prestigious art award.

"Well you see I would've been the FArt Champion but then this other contestant just "blew" right past me and really pulled it out in the end..."
(the above may or may not have been something Shia allegedly said possibly in a round-about way regarding the Foo... or it may be something I just made up a second ago to amuse myself)

Speaking of which since this is a new year and a new contest with new rules
(I'm liking the hot chick rule ) and a new host (thx Wassy for signing on)
will there be a 2nd and 3rd place or runners up? or even honorable mention?

I'm happy either way just a thought.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Yep, we can figure something out. We'll see how many people we still have in the game in the last few months, because that'll be a big factor in that.



the new Fart champion can be awarded the golden "Cat-***-Trophy".. ((* a golden bust of Sapphic Neko's backside *)) ..when rubbed the trophy will play "beans beans the musical fruit" song translated into Klingon..



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
the new Fart champion can be awarded the golden "Cat-***-Trophy".. ((* a golden bust of Sapphic Neko's backside *)) ..when rubbed the trophy will play "beans beans the musical fruit" song translated into Klingon..

Your mind is a scary place.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



"Catastrophy" I see what you did there... bonus points for the Piers Anthony pun.

Seeing as there is at least one forumite who does sculpture a trophy may actually be a possibility...
don't know if that is getting too far away from what the contest is about or not though?

P.S. Don't know about the bean song in Klingon (that far exceeds my geek quotient heh)
but a bust of Neko's backside might actually inspire me to try harder.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



ZOMG, I mother-loving ADORE Xanth!!!!!



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
ZOMG, I mother-loving ADORE Xanth!!!!!
Seems somebody has found a way into the good graces of the competition organizer.



Never read Xanth but I loved the Adept series



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
ZOMG, I mother-loving ADORE Xanth!!!!!
YAY.. finally.. someone with taste

* runs off to find someone that knows the "Hedge hog song" and why wizards staffs have a
knob at the end..*



I see my backside is mentioned... carry on! :3



Awwww, thanks Pyro! Unfortunately, I've been whipping Frost into making a page on my site for the competition, and he's about to finish up today. He made up some custom graphics for it, and his poor little heart might explode if I asked for it all to be done over again ^.^;;



Hopefully today. Work might intervene...But it *should* be done tomorrow if I end up having to get called in from my vacation...

"I'm not even supposed to be here today..."



Looking forward to some great art!

Don't disappoint me.



Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
...Don't disappoint me.




FIRST! After Tigerztale! RAWR!

May you each have a happy and safe New Year's Eve!

Please feel free to use me as a model in your artz, since Miss Wassy wants a "hot chick" in every submission! RAWR ... double RAWR!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Feel free to use this graphic Wassy...however you wish. Let me know if you need a different size.
Cool graphic Pyro. Got all your graphic apps and stuff loaded over to the new rig yet or are you still using the old one?

Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
ZOMG, I mother-loving ADORE Xanth!!!!!
Nice! I knew there were at least 2 things I loved about ya Wassy (ummm your art and being a browncoat of course... what else were you thinking? ahem )... seems there are a few more,

and before the rumors start flying, no this is not me buttering up the contest official... that comes later.

Originally Posted by Larissa_Rasputin View Post
Never read Xanth but I loved the Adept series
The Adept series was great too as was the Incarnations of Immortality, Xanth and pretty much everything else he has written. Piers has written over 140 books and he is still going strong... I have and/or have read almost 100 of them... even his little known thriller/porn novels were pretty awesome (one of them funnily enough was called Firefly)... but you never hear about those much.

P.S. @Larissa only read Xanth if you love puns... seriously there are hundreds of puns per book in that series... you will be thoroughly punnished by them heh.

Originally Posted by Frost View Post
Seems somebody has found a way into the good graces of the competition organizer.
Who me? I have not the faintest idea what you mean...

Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
FIRST! After Tigerztale! RAWR!

May you each have a happy and safe New Year's Eve!

Please feel free to use me as a model in your artz, since Miss Wassy wants a "hot chick" in every submission! RAWR ... double RAWR!
Lol I thought you said you were an actual cat... not a catgirl or chick?
But don't worry you may turn up in some art anyways... I thought I saw Foo drawing angry bees earlier

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Olympic theme, huH? Yeah, I can work around that like a track team!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Everything is on the new computer...and thx for the external hard drive. I can fill it (actually I can't even come close to filling that bad boy) without bogging down the internal program hard drive...right?
You can try and fill it if you choose to (good luck lol)... or you can use it for backups of everything.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris