The January 2010 FArt Battle




Now the competition begins to heat up!



Also, I will share with you the strategies that allowed me to become your 2009 champion: I posted my pieces when my lazy, procrastinating *** finally managed to get them finished.



Foo is truly a person to emulate in all aspects of life.



I guess it was indeed worth the wait. Very nice both of you, and thank you for not making us suffer any longer in anticipation. I especially liked your change in focus on the last two frames, Juggertha.

And scooter, I'm curious what the continuous line in the lower right hand corner is.

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
And scooter, I'm curious what the continuous line in the lower right hand corner is.
I believe you are talking about his watermark...



Ooooh, I wonder what Manticore's Wifey is going to have to say about that shot...



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I believe you are talking about his watermark...
Ah, indeed, you are right. That's how I know it's genuine! I was trying to figure out if it was an abstract Olympic Rings of some sort. **looks foolish**

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



Indeed Caem is right.



*has large rock fall on head*...

YAY!! .. I have an idea now



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Ooooh, I wonder what Manticore's Wifey is going to have to say about that shot...
Yeah, everyone seems to be commenting on that.



She's down with visitors in their bedroom.



Foo just made Sister Psyche skyrocket in my estimation.



Hey all. Here's my submission for January!

A larger version is on my dA and the FArt section of the City of' Groups dA page.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



tough race

looks cool



Great to see the first few entrants posting already.

@ Scooter: That is a great first piece man and it's easily one of the best I've seen from you.
Good choice of pose and some nice little details with the snowflakes and the sparkle on the blades. The only things I might suggest would be:
1. Her face could use a little bit of contrast, it's a little bit too ghosted
2. The fingers on her left hand... the pointer finger is fine as it could be folded in and so not visible beyond the proximal phalanges (first digit) but the way the middle finger is up we should see at least the proximal and middle and possibly even part of the distal (3rd digit) phalanges from the side, their absence makes it look like she is missing parts of her fingers.
These are both little things though and overall I like this piece a lot. Nice work.

@Juggertha: It looks like you were going for a medal yourself man. Great piece and it works on several levels. Lots of good stuff from how you snuck in a hot chick at the end to the variety of signage you have going on. Ya got the Olympic symbol three times, Coke, City of Heroes and MMO site, and even worked in some of your previous art into the background (I really like when artists works stuff like that in) cuz unless I am mistaken that is the banner for the Justice Girls you did hanging right next to CocaCola?
Heck you even plugged the Gap (ok that sounded dirty )

There really isn't much to say on the flip side here it's a great piece and nothing major is lacking... that said there are a few minor things I would point out.

1. The arrow is a flat "3 point" style bolt in panels 1,2,4, and 5 but is a rounded "minaret" style bolt in panel 3.

2. The head of the arrow is completely buried in the target in panels 6 and 7 but there appears to be almost no damage to it... like the target swallowed the whole head (this is sounding dirty even more dirty ) and not just the tip and then somehow closed it's self over it. If it's a minaret style there should be a large puncture hole and if its a flat head there should be a noticeable sold line extending in opposite directions to show where it punched through or if it wasn't that hard of an impact then the tips of the 2 "back points" should be protruding slightly.

3. The bow's cable guard (the metal rod that goes across the strings) is above the knocking point in panel 1 but then is suddenly below the knocking point in panel 2

4. Any sign of the note is missing in the THWOOK panel. If the arrow was blurred I could see it be missing but since the arrow is in focus and the dip of the W is not big enough to cover it we should see it or if it's wrapped around the shaft (is there any way to talk about archery without sounding dirty lol) there should be two vertical lines on the shaft at the leading and trailing edge of the note... it would be subtle but that would be more consistent with the other panels.

5. The phone digits are backwards (hey I said this was nitpicking lol) it should be xxx-xxx-xxxx (3- 3- 4) instead of xxx-xxxx-xxx (3- 4- 3-)

6. I thought it was Synapse that was the super non-stop lady chaser and Manticore had been in love with and married Chalice/Sister Psyche and was totally a one woman man... he even turned down a potential 3-way with two hot sisters (Borea and Levantera) in the comic no less. Umm maybe he is luring out a potential witness to a crime or something? Yeah that'll work to expla... oh wait she's a psychic... never mind he's totally hosed.

Like I said though... a few small details (and one personality stretch), otherwise a very solid piece and bonus points for tackling a subject that is challenging for you. Great job man.

P.S. I totally lol'd at the dude in the green shirt who raised an eyebrow as he noticed the note... wait you don't suppose it's for him do you???? The cameras perspective puts the note right on his chest... oh man that would make for an interesting read next time she is in his head.

P.P.S. It occurs to me that my critiquing may bite me in the a$$ this year as I plan to compete as well.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Honestly, people, it's blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Juggy's picture takes place at the 1998 Olympics, well before he was a married man.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Honestly, people, it's blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Juggy's picture takes place at the 1998 Olympics, well before he was a married man.

I, unfortunately, only have a full brain, and therefore didn't make the connection.

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Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Honestly, people, it's blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Juggy's picture takes place at the 1998 Olympics, well before he was a married man.

Wouldn't it be the 1996 or the 2000 ones? 1998 was the Winter Olympics and I am pretty sure archery is/would be a summer event...



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Wouldn't it be the 1996 or the 2000 ones? 1998 was the Winter Olympics and I am pretty sure archery is/would be a summer event...
1998 was the Winter Olympics, yes. Did Caemgen just foo the Foo?



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Great to see the first few entrants posting already.


There really isn't much to say on the flip side here it's a great piece and nothing major is lacking... that said there are a few minor things I would point out.

1. The arrow is a flat "3 point" style bolt in panels 1,2,4, and 5 but is a rounded "minaret" style bolt in panel 3.

2. The head of the arrow is completely buried in the target in panels 6 and 7 but there appears to be almost no damage to it... like the target swallowed the whole head (this is sounding dirty even more dirty ) and not just the tip and then somehow closed it's self over it. If it's a minaret style there should be a large puncture hole and if its a flat head there should be a noticeable sold line extending in opposite directions to show where it punched through or if it wasn't that hard of an impact then the tips of the 2 "back points" should be protruding slightly.

3. The bow's cable guard (the metal rod that goes across the strings) is above the knocking point in panel 1 but then is suddenly below the knocking point in panel 2

4. Any sign of the note is missing in the THWOOK panel. If the arrow was blurred I could see it be missing but since the arrow is in focus and the dip of the W is not big enough to cover it we should see it or if it's wrapped around the shaft (is there any way to talk about archery without sounding dirty lol) there should be two vertical lines on the shaft at the leading and trailing edge of the note... it would be subtle but that would be more consistent with the other panels.

5. The phone digits are backwards (hey I said this was nitpicking lol) it should be xxx-xxx-xxxx (3- 3- 4) instead of xxx-xxxx-xxx (3- 4- 3-)

6. I thought it was Synapse that was the super non-stop lady chaser and Manticore had been in love with and married Chalice/Sister Psyche and was totally a one woman man... he even turned down a potential 3-way with two hot sisters (Borea and Levantera) in the comic no less. Umm maybe he is luring out a potential witness to a crime or something? Yeah that'll work to expla... oh wait she's a psychic... never mind he's totally hosed.

Like I said though... a few small details (and one personality stretch), otherwise a very solid piece and bonus points for tackling a subject that is challenging for you. Great job man.

P.S. I totally lol'd at the dude in the green shirt who raised an eyebrow as he noticed the note... wait you don't suppose it's for him do you???? The cameras perspective puts the note right on his chest... oh man that would make for an interesting read next time she is in his head.

P.P.S. It occurs to me that my critiquing may bite me in the a$$ this year as I plan to compete as well.
CR...just wow man lols. While I might notice a different arrow head style (MAYBE), but to know the differences between the two and how they leave a mark on the target is um, just very impressive...analytical...or as some might say anal (I figured you might like that "dirty" word more).

I liked Juggy's composition and layout quite abit...regardless of the mechanics of archery. I believe the term in comics is "suspension of disbelief"...therefore, if it looks cool then the science behind it takes a backseat.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



Originally Posted by Johnnykat View Post
CR...just wow man lols. While I might notice a different arrow head style (MAYBE), but to know the differences between the two and how they leave a mark on the target is um, just very impressive...analytical...or as some might say anal (I figured you might like that "dirty" word more).

I liked Juggy's composition and layout quite abit...regardless of the mechanics of archery. I believe the term in comics is "suspension of disbelief"...therefore, if it looks cool then the science behind it takes a backseat.
You are right Jk and it's no secret that I am a "details matter" kind of guy. I have no illusions about my own art being perfect/great... far from it (I make plenty of mistakes and omissions too and it's often harder to see them in my own pieces than in others) and I go into this knowing there are several here more talented/skilled/practiced than I am but a few things to consider.

1. Even though you removed that part of my text in your quoting of me I always start and end with what I liked most/what worked well in the piece... it's never just a wall of criticism
2. I try to always be positive and encouraging especially to those just starting out.
3. I do tend to point things out more on the more experienced artists... it's because I think of Juggertha as a "pro" that I say as much as I do. Like it or not people hold Pro's to a higher standard.
4. I believe strongly in Con/Crit i.e. Be constructive in your criticism... don't just say something like "that arrow sux dude" which doesn't help at all... instead say "hey that arrow doesn't match the one in the other panel" which tells the artist how it can be corrected/improved.
5. I take it as well. It's not just a one way street, I welcome critiques of my work and any comments I just ask that you keep it positive and be constructive. Suichiro gave me one of the longest critiques I have ever seen (complete with red-lining over the top of my work) and I've thanked him repeatedly and often refer back to it... I feel I have improved as a result.
6. If you don't see it and no one ever points it out to you... how will you ever improve?
7. If there are people that do not want me to do con/crit for their pieces just note or PM me and I will for the most part leave it alone (except to maybe say what I like about it).
8. I don't point out everything I see in posted works of art... seriously ask Caemgen sometime how many things I point out to him in PM's that I don't say in public.

In Juggertha's case specifically it does break my suspension of disbelief when a part of the bow that was on top in one frame is now on bottom in another frame... I don't think it's being anal so much as pointing out an overlooked detail.

Overall I think Juggertha is constantly making improvements and challenging himself as an artist and that is really the best praise I could give anyone.
He also, if what I recall people saying is right (before my time on the boards), is the one who started the FArt contest and hosted the first one, so if I never said it before,
Thanks Juggertha I appreciate it.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Don't let ChristopherRobin fool you, people.... he just enjoys maddening us with walls of his damnable orange text!!!!!!




>.>...... <.<....

OK, maybe its CLOSE.... but we all know I don't love anything better than Swanzy's accent!