The January 2010 FArt Battle




Originally Posted by Frost View Post
My entry, in the area of graphic design (because I can't draw worth crap)

It hit me in the shower on Monday what I could do for this month's competition. What if...the Rogue Isles got the 2012 olympics instead of London? Once I started with that...the content pretty much wrote itself.

(Click the image to get the full size page on dA...if I link it directly it'll busticate the forums)
That's a lot like my concept... only ten times better.



And that's it! *sounds the buzzer*

We officially have 17 entrants for this year's FArt Competition 2010!!!!!

I'll be getting the voting set up shortly.



'grats to everyone who made the effort and put somethin together for this month.

Good luck to you all!



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
hehehe, was hoping somebody would notice the copyright line
It was OCR.

Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Bwahaha, great way to beat the clock, Clutch!

Don't forget to get it in the January FArt Competition folder in the dA group!!!
You can pull down a copy from here and submit it for em cant ya Wassy?
In case Clutch went to sleep and forgot to put it up to DA... it still counts that he made it in right?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I can submit them myself if they're up in a dA account (I'd prefer to not put pieces up through my own account). But its a moot point, because he got it in there =)

I'll be getting everything that was entered into the special page on my website to hopefully get the artists and community some more exposure via my travels through the intertubes.



got alot of great entries and more then I thought we would see, I had assumed (yeah yeah, an a$$ out of you and me, no need to use the joke) we were going to have a short year.



Yep yep... We have enough entrants who really have a shot at making a run at this thing for the full year even without the "also rans" like me

Now if only everyone stays imn and doesn't let RL make them drop out, it'll be an amazing contest!



didn't Wassy say that today, the 23rd, was her birthday?

Happy Bday, Wassy!






So... where's the vote?

I'm curious to see how it's structured this year.



I'll be getting the vote up soon. Been away all day to road trip out to see Avatar at an IMAX 3D. It would have been a horrid waste of time, except I also located a good art store and got some Copic goodness.

EDIT: I have determined "soon" to be tomorrow (which was my original date for voting to go up anyway) because I'm pushing the boundaries of how long I can keep my eyes open, and I don't want to put up a half-***** vote.

Structure will be pretty much the same. We tossed around the idea of using the dA polling, but the community sentiment was to keep the voting to people with CoX accounts. That seems perfectly fair to me.




now, what's next month's challenge????



Should I get February's challenge up the same day as the vote, or give the vote a few days to get attention around the boards so as not to be confusing? I'm planned through I think June, so the contestants can let me know what works out best for them.



I'd say but the theme out ASAP to give people as much time to work on it as possible - More time means better arts, except in my case

Also don't think it would detract from the voting since there's not all that much chatting about the topic generally except to raise questions that all may be interested in seeing answered...



I'd prefer to know the next theme asap.




while I can see the possibility of distracting from the vote thread, I'm chomping at the bit to know what the next month's theme will be!



Ok, I'll get it up Soon(TM)

Just give me a little bit since I didn't plan on getting it up today ^.^



I think we should get the Chairman from Iron Chef to announce the monthly theme



HA hahahaha

The Fiance` watches that show.



Originally Posted by Johnnykat
My point, while I really like LD's and Swanzy's pieces, both fall into somewhat gray area in my mind. I mean, LD's had a nice explanation, but honestly nothing about it screams CoX. Yes it is a pasty white female character, but aside from a faint reference to dark eye patches I don't see it as Ghost Widow (and I wouldn't have had it was not for the written explanation).
Similar point could be made about your piece Jk.

To me Lousy Day's piece immediately read as Ghost Widow.
Her distinguishing characteristics are prominently displayed, from her long, wispy, pure white hair, to her pale skin and of course her trademark (there is nothing faint about them) dark eye circles.
She is not in uniform but her outfit is part of what is tying her to the Olympic event of figure skating so it keeps with the theme of the month and works well.

More important I don't see anything that immediately contradicts GW in her appearance...

Originally Posted by Johnnykat
And then there's Swanzy, which is very cool, but is it assumed that a superhero/heroine is instantly CoX specific? Aside from the costume being similar to what one could make with the CoH costume editor, there are no clear CoH references.
Hunh whaaa?
You recognize her costume is from the CC but there are no clear CoH references? You're contradicting yourself here.
And the levitating barbell doesn't say Gravity Controller to you?

If you are referring to the fact that he took some artistic license with her shoulders being bare (yes I noticed it) while the actual costume top (if memory serves it's called "Mod Sleeve") has shoulders that are partially covered but with holes in them you are really going to an extreme here and again you should look at your own piece (you take a lot of artistic license too) before pointing a finger at others.

(Sidenote: Eddy, Love the piece but seriously those balls at the end of the bar look like the conical nipple covers exotic dancers use (errr... so I'm told that is ). This is not in any way a complaint... carry on! )

Originally Posted by Johnnykat
And finally, there is CR's piece that makes me think of a game like Everquest or WoW which is more of a fantasy based game. Again, a nicely drawn piece, but the only reference to CoH is being a questionable fire imp (I think).
Never played either of those MMO's but I am very conversant with Fantasy settings and I have no idea what you mean by this?
If you're referring to her elven ears they are in Coh too and many other games as well.
Are you meaning her Greek garb perhaps? That, along with the background and torch ceremony,
is there to tie into the Olympic theme and is not indicative of a Fantasy setting.
If you mean something else please be specific?

Thank you for the "nicely drawn" compliment.

The imp is by no means the only reference to CoH... perhaps you missed the Victory Laurel on her head? Her distinctive hairstyle?
The Helenic Sandals (with the little wings on them)? All these are recognizable "City of" costume pieces.

And while on the subject of the imp I don't understand why it's "questionable"... you obviously recognize it or you wouldn't have named what it is.
You are of course entitled to your opinion but you seem to be implying it looks nothing like a Fire Imp?

Well what are a Fire Imps distinguishing characteristics, and does my pic convey any of them? Let's see...

Three ridiculously elongated and pointy fingers plus a short spike for a thumb? Check.
Elongated skull with an overly pointed chin? Yep.
Fiery body and head? Uh hunh.
Forearms, chest and face that read darker than the rest of the body? Betcha betcha.
Tiny glowing circular eyes? Roger that.
Awkward joints and legs that end in blocky stumps (read: no actual feet or toes)? Bingo!

Sidenote: Unless you are very skilled/practiced at it and have plenty of time to work, trying to draw a creature made of mostly light with a drawing utensil that only makes dark lines is a considerable challenge. I don't have the advantage of color in my pieces to convey "fire" nor can I "draw with light" like someone using photoshop can, I can put down only black and shades of gray.

Taking those two factors into account I think this...

looks pretty close to these...

This is just more of what you did with LD's piece calling GW's eye circles (which are black circles on a white surface lol) "faint."
I see what you're doing but I don't understand why you are doing it.

Originally Posted by Johnnykat
...if you want to reduce my opinion or thoughts to being "nitpicky" I am OK with that, but never the less...
Right cuz you never do that n stuffz...

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris